Monday, 1 September 2014



The slogan Malai-Si : Death to the Malays, propagated by the chauvinists, racial extremists and religious bigotries has offended the Malay-Muslim that tainted the history of this peaceful nation with the bloody-day of May-13!
Salam 2 all.

The chauvinist, racial extremist and religious bigotries keep reminding the Malay-Muslim about the so called social contract - and demanding equal treatment and disputing the Malay-Bumiputra privileges and special position of Islam and the sovereignty of Malay Sultan.

I do not wish to say any further, but called upon those chauvinist, racial extremist and religious bigotries to remember what our own great forefathers' said at the time of the formation of the so called social contract prior to 1957!

Quote from the great forefather of the Chinese community, the late Tun Tan Siew Sin who, on 30 April 1969 said*:

The Malays, through UMNO, were generous enough to relax the citizenship laws of this country to such extent that within 12 months of independence, 90 percent of the non-Malays became citizens.
This was different to the situation before Merdeka whereas 90 percent of the non-Malays were still non-citizens after nearly 100 years of colonial rule in the Malay States.
In return for this major concession. the MCA and the MIC agreed to continue the policy of preserving the special position of the Malays while at the same time upholding the legitimate interest of other communities.
(Orang Melayu, melalui UMNO, sangat bermurah hati untuk mengendurkan undang-undang kewarganegaraan negara ini sehinggakan dalam tempoh 12 bulan selepas merdeka, 90% bukan-Melayu menjadi warganegara.
Suasana ini sangat berbeza sebelum merdeka dimana hampir 90% bukan Melayu adalah bukan warganegara setelah hampir 100 tahun penjajah menjajah Negeri-Negeri Melayu ini.
Mengambil kira konsesi ini, MCA dan MIC bersetuju untuk meneruskan pemeliharaan kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan diwaktu yang sama mempertahankan kepentingan sah masyarakat lain).

Quote from the great forefather of the Indian community, the late Tun VT Sambanthan, who on 01 June 1965 said*:

Now, in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do? They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship.

If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the Indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma. Look at my brother Chinese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indian have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it.

And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, “We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens.” And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinese, Ceylonese and others became citizens.

As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable, a more polite, a more decent race than Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you. These are the facts. Who are you to safeguards us? I am 10 percent minority race here. But I am happy here.”
(Kita telah memenangi pilihanraya 1955 dengan majoriti yang sangat besar. Kemudian kita memperolehi kebebasan dalam tempoh dua tahun. Dalam tempoh itu, kita perlu berbincang soal kewarganegaraan dan beberapa perkara lain. Dan apa yang orang Melayu lakukan - memandangkan kita bercakap mengenai soal perkauman - apakah yang dilakukan oleh kepimpinan orang Melayu? Mereka mendapat sokongan 88% pengundi. Apakah yang mereka lakukan mengenai soal kewarganegaraan?
Kalau kita melihat sekeliling Asia dan Asia Timur khususnya, kita akan melihat kaum saya bangsa India tidak diterima di Sri Lanka, tidak diterima di Myanmar. Lihat saudara saya kaum Cina, mereka tidak diterima di Thailand, di Vietnam, di Kampuchea, di merata tempat. Apa bantuan yang mereka dapat di negara-negara ini? Di Myanmar, seperti yang kita ketahui, kaum India dihalau keluar; di Sri Lanka mereka ditolak kewarganegaraan dan di Kampuchea sama sahaja. Saya tahu, dan kamu pun tahu apa yang berlaku.
Tetapi di Tanah Melayu apa yang terjadi? Disini kita dapati kepimpinan orang Melayu berkata, "kami akan menerima kamu sebagai saudara kami, dan kami akan beri kamu peluang sepenuhnya untuk tinggal di negara kami ini, dan kami akan beri peluang kepada kamu untuk menjadi warganegara". Jadi pada tahun 1957, untuk keseluruhan tahun, kita mengenepikan syarat bahasa (Melayu), dan puluhan ribu kaum India, Cina, Ceylon dan lain-lain menjadi warganegara.
Seperti yang saya katakan, saya sangat bernasib baik dilahirkan didalam negara ini. Dimana lagi yang boleh kamu temui bangsa Melayu yang begitu berkebajikan, sopan dan sangat bersusila? Dimana lagi kamu boleh menerima layanan politik yang sangat bermaruah untuk mana-mana kaum immigran? Dimana lagi didalam sejarah dunia ini? Saya bertanya kepada kamu. Ini adalah hakikat dan fakta! Siapa yang akan menjaga kepentingan kita? Saya hanyalah kaum minoriti 10% dalam negara ini. Tetapi saya sangat gembira disini).
Quote from the great forefather of the Malay-Muslim community, Almarhum YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman who, on 15 April 1969 said**:

"If DAP continues to question and challenge Article 153 (special privileges of the Malays & Bumiputras) then there will be chaos and the peace and harmony that we have achieved will be destroyed".

(Sekiranya DAP berterusan mempertikai dan mencabar Artikel 153 (berkaitan hak istimewa orang Melayu & bumiputera) maka kekacauan akan berlaku dan keamanan dan kemakmuran yang kita kecapi akan hancur).
So to you the chauvinist, racial extremist and religious bigotries, need I say any further?Res ipsa loquitur - I rest my case!!!
We should all be thankful and grateful. Because of the culture of the Malays which is based largely on Islam which taught us to be very accomodative to those in needs that our forefathers accepted you as our brethren and gives you full opportunities to explore your potentials so that we can develop this beloved nation called Malaysia!
And the Malay-Muslim has no problem in accepting that position now! In fact, I would go further and say that whoever questioned your citizenship now is, and will be considered the enemy of the Malay-Muslim!
And all the Malay-Muslim is asking for is please do not questioned, challenged and/or attacked the legality and legitimacy of privileges accorded to us by the Federal Constitution, the special position of Islam as the religion of the Federation and all the consequential provisions on Islam therein, and the sovereignty of our Sultan.
Apart from that, for all intent and purposes, we are all brothers and sisters, and are citizens of this great country called Malaysia!
Let us stand and work together towards nation-building effort to realize the dream of turning our beloved country Malaysia into a develop nation by 2020!
Adios amigos, grasias senor!
Zulkifli Bin Noordin
05 Zul-Qaedah 1435
31 Ogos 2014

The aforesaid quotations has been researched by Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Omar, Secretary General of the Muafakat Organisation and can be surfed at Congratulations to Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Omar for this excellent piece of work.
(Petikan ucapan-ucapan ini telah di kaji selidik oleh Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Bin Omar, Setiausaha Agong Pertubuhan Muafakat yang boleh dilayari di laman sesawang Tahniah kepada Tuan Haji Abdul Karim Omar atas kaji selidik yang hebat ini!

* see also

* I strongly believe the aforesaid quotations are true in substance but I stand corrected. Kindly notify me if there is any misquotation or wrong reference of the aforesaid statements by these two great leaders.

(Saya sangat yakin dengan kebenaran petikan diatas yang saya percayai benar tetapi saya bersedia diperbetulkan. Sila hubungi saya sekiranya ada apa-apa salah-petikan atau salah rujukan atas petikan kenyataan kedua-dua tokoh hebat ini).

** Please refer to Lapuran Mageran 06 Oct 1969.

*** Mungkin sudah tiba masanya Kementerian Pelajaran mengkaji semula syllabus pengajian sejarah negara dan menambah-baik matapelajaran Tata-Negara dengan memasukkan catatan-catatan sejarah dan petikan kenyataan pimpinan terdahulu serta mendedahkan para pelajar dengan kisah hitam 13 Mei 1969 supaya boleh menjadi pengajaran kepada generasi muda.

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