Sunday 26 July 2009

Must read: Anwar’s tactics in delaying his trial exposed.

Must read: Anwar’s tactics in delaying his trial exposed.

What would you do if you see him around your place? I can’t blame myself if I go and fist his face because a liar deserves to be treated in such a way. Anwar’s drama in delaying his case is expected, but reading his statement in which he accuses the Prosecution whom delayed was due caused is just another bullshit thing I had ever come across with. Whose part was on actually the reason why this case being postponed day after day?

In his recent post he accuses the prosecution who had purposely delay this case as not being coorperative in his demand to acquire sample evidence of the case subject. Anwar Ibrahim, the law was made is not meant to be twisted. If the prosecution hand over the evidence, you will fraud the evidence together with your medical team.

Reason no.1 why we should not hand you the sample;

  1. The DNA sample is crucial. Even DNA act was amended just to constrain any fraud from being committed. If the prosecution hands over the sample, the possibility of DNA duplicity cannot be avoided. Another evidence may arise later after Anwar acquire those sample. This “new evidence” will weakens the prosecution. Note that in criminal trial, proving beyond reasonable doubt is the burden of proof lies on the part of the prosecution. Its like pointing a needle to a gas occupied balloon. A slight doubt could end the prosecution’s line and Anwar escapes just like that.
  2. After CPC has been amended, the defense counsel now can acquire evidence from the prosecution. Long time ago it was not allowed by the law. Anwar is using this opportunity to gather all evidence from the prosecution to enable him to coordinate his next moves. He will then creates so many “stanger elements” which will grasp down prosecution’s aim to prove beyond reasonable doubt. One DPP told me that this section (newly amended) has allowed so many lawyers to do fraud in the court. The government needs to re-view this law.
  3. Anwar is using every hole he has to delay his trial by the appeal process, the request to transfer his case and etc. This will slow down momentum of the trial. Prosecution’s witnesses i.e the doctor, the police, the I.O ( Investigation Officer ) will finally upset because they come to the court everyday to give their testimony but after all of the sudden, the case is to be postponed again and again. As time goes by, many of these wittneses are no longer capable to go to the court because they also have their very own commitment. And finally the case will be set aside without judgment. Anwar escapes.

The question which Anwar might want to answer himself is whether he wants speed trial to prove that he is innocent or he is to afraid to go to jail again. If he believes that he is innocent, why afraid? Please stop this drama, Mr.Anwar Ibrahim. It is a crystal clear tactics that even a 6 year old boy could reads it.

  1. You did not swear in the name of Allah that you had never sodomised Saiful.
  2. Your “tulang belakang” thing was a pretty smart move. Yeah right you nearly got us with that.
  3. Azizah, you are a very brave personality and a patient wife, I salute your character.
  4. Sulaiman Abdullah the “religious lawyer” pulled himself out from your defense team, too much to say bout that, ha?

Don’t worry Anwar, sooner later the truth will reveal itself, just like the t4tbh reveal himself. You will be extinguished just like Lut’s people in Sodom city being washed out by Allah.

Brace for the hard times, Saiful. We are with you.

Filed under: Anwar Ibrahim, Law And Constitution

8 Responses

  1. Anti Anwar says:

    banyak sangat keraguan dalam setiap yang dikatakan.. namun akhirnya semua cakap kosong.. kenapa dia tak nak besumpah kalau itu yang kebenarannya.. selicik licik dia akhirnya takut gak dia nak sumpah, takut akan azabNya klu tak betul la..

  2. MFY says:

    he did really think that that he way was too cunning.. maybe he jus buy time to plan for the next lie

    Dr.Sid: sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga. wait and see..

  3. ilham says:

    As it is, even whithout the official document, he has already put the plaintiff on trial and the verdict of guilty is implanted into the minds of his fanatical followers.

    He has accused the prosecution of making a false statement ifn the prosecution affidavit.

    What more if he is given the official document, he will accused the plaintiff or the prosecution of conspiracy and political persecution etc…etc…

    Thanks god, the appeal judge has rule in favor of the prosecution.

    What ever his drama mama, I’m confident his days are numbered and he will be put away for a long long time.

    This liar deserved it.

    Dr.Sid: that is why we must prevent from the evidence being gave out to him. but afterall, he is using other way round including many nasty tactics which i ve mentioned above to delay the case process!

  4. rakyat-jelata says:

    totally agree…

  5. cikgu says:

    one thing for sure, anwar tidak pernah kelihatan beristhigfar atau berserah kepada Allah swt. Adalah amat baik baginya untuk berserah kepada Allah swt andainya dia telah difitnah. Setiap perkara di dunia ini adalah ketentuan Allah semata-mata.

    Beliau selalu mencerminkan diri beliau sebagai kuat imannya kepada islam. namun apabila di lambung masalah beliau tidak berserah. Saya pasti belaiu akan gagal dan akan dipenjara lagi. tetapi bukan kerana fitnah, tetapi kerana dosa yg telah dilakukan. harap kali ini beliau akan merasa insaf dan bertaubat, sekiranya beliau masih nenaruh harapan di dalam memimpin negara.

    mungkin beliau masih belum tersedar akan bala yg senantiasa menimpanya di sebabkan dosa-dosa yg dia tanggung. Insaf lah wahai anwar.

    Dr.Sid: cikgu, cuba lihat dan tenung gambar anwar betul2. bukan lah saya mahu memburukkan beliau tetapi ikhlas saya katakan saya tidak nampak nur di wajah beliau. yang saya nampak ialah muka tidak sabar jadi PM dan pemutar belit terhebat dalam sejarah. kita hanya boleh berdoa Allah akan tunjukkan kebenaran juga nanti.

  6. As-Salam Bro Sid,..heheh,..wat else can I say,..he is not given d title of ‘master of deception’ fer nuting,.. he is being advice by professional twisters frm d Illuminatis,.. deir movement will control SEA by 2012 wth or wthout bro AnWar,.. my take is he is gonna b a dead man soon b4 2012.. watch out fer Khairy next…heheh,..wat else can I say,..(,”)
    Bro, thr is a bigger conspiracy moving on & its a very dangerous trend.. May Allah protect us,,. UMNO shud take Chua Jui Meng joining PKR seriously,.. dats jst d indication…apo nak dikato,..(,”)

    Visit my blog & read an email bout d conspiracy theory on d murder of Haji Mikaeel Jackson aka Michael Jackson,.. while reading jst click on d song by Hj.Mikaeel called Give Thanks To Allah,..ciao bro

    Dr.Sid: yeah, lots of conspiracy today huh? I am shocked to know that Mikhael Jackson was killed?

  7. Ryzals says:

    Im feel fed up with what was happend. Poor Saiful..! Eerr….ada kenduri kesyukuran ka rumah brother anuar , cuba check tengok hehehheheh!

  8. shamshul anuar says:


    Sekiranya ada satu hadiah untuk pelakon terbaik, saya yakin Anwar Ibrahim paling layak memenanginya.

    Pada mulanya dulu saya agak tertarik pada Anwar Ibrahim. Dulu( sehingga 15 tahun dulu) saya mengkaguminya. Saya rasa beliaulah orang yang layak menggantikan Dr Mahathir.

    Saya pernah berbahas dengan aruah ayah saya bila aruah menyatakan yang dia rasa macam tak percaya Anwar.

    Bagaimanapun saya mula sedar siapa Anwar bila beliau menjatuhkan Tun Ghaffar. Cara yang digunakan sungguh kasar . Anwar sibuk melaungkan yang dia anggap Ghaffar seperti ayahnya. Esoknya dia menentang tun Ghaffar.

    Saya dapat rasakan yang Anwar gelojoh. Tak boleh sabar sikit ke. Bukan Tun Ghaffar yang terhegeh-hegeh nak jawatan TPM. Beliau dilantik.

    Beliu juga merampas kerusi Pengerusi UMNO Penang dari Tun Abdullah . Beliau sengaja lupa jasa Abdullah yang menasihatkan ahli UMNO untuk mentokongnya pada pilihanraya 1982. Ramai ahli UMNO tidak berkenan dengan Anwar. Orang Melayu bagaimanapun ada sikap malu alah. Tak suka Anwar tapi hormatkan Pak Lah sanggup menangkan Anwar.

    Anwar juga pakar dalam tikam menikam. Tak cukup menikam Tun Ghaffar, dia juga cuba menjatuhkan Tun Dr Mahathir. Isu kroni dan reasuah jadi alat.

    Dr Mahathir bertindak balas dan buat senarai siapa yang dapat projek kerajaan. Anwar termalu kerana orang yang rapat dengannya paling banyak dapat projek.

    Dan yang paling sedih ( juga lucu) dia membodohkan diri sendiri dengan janji Sept 16.

    SEbenarnya inilah Anwar. Dia seorang yang gelojoh. Dia naik melalui cara menikam dari belakang. Tuhan maha kaya. Bila Anwar jatuh, dia jatuh tersungkur.

    Masalah kita orang Melayu ialah kita memilih untuk mendengar apa yang kita mahu dengar. Kita tidak mahu kebenaran. Yang kita mahu ialah mendengar perkara yang selari dengan kepercayaan kita.

    Bersumpah dengan nama Allah adalah perkara serius. Ianya jarang dilakukan kerana kata orang tua-tua , eloklah cari penyelesaian cara lain. Bersumpah ialah cara terakhir untuk menunjukkan pendirian kita.

    Bersumpah beerti meminta Allahg swt menurunkan balasan jika kita menipu. Ini adalah perkara serius.

    Lalu timbul kenapa Anwar tidak mahu bersumpah. Kenapa? Apa yang ditakutkan kalau bercakap benar.

    Kenapa tidak mahu bersumpah? Kenapa.

    Jawapan sebenarnya ada didepan mata kita. Hanya kita enggan melihat. Itu juga satu malapetaka bagi orang Melayu.

    Dr.Sid: kegopohan anwar sudah ditonjolkan sejak di bangku universiti lagi. apabila beliau menjatuhkan Tun Ghaffar (Allahyarham), Tun M telah dapat menghidu rentak politik anwar dan inilah anwar ibrahim yang kita ada hari ini – seorang yang sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk jadi PM termasuk menjual bangsa dan agamanya sendiri. saya hairan. masih ramai yang tidak nampak semua ini. hinggakan adik saya pernah berseloroh mangatakan jika Nabi Muhammad hidup balik sekalipun mereka tetap kata “reformasi!”. begitulah taksubnya penyokong beliau.

source :

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