Thursday 28 May 2009

Talking Cock? Aminah and her two guests from PKR 2hr 38min. H e r e it is..the recording handed over to the Anti-Corruption officials by Aminah

Talking Cock? Aminah and her two guests from PKR

2hr 38min. H e r e it is, the recording handed over to the Anti-Corruption officials by Aminah Abdullah, the ex-PKR leader who created a storm with her accusation that Anwar Ibrahim's men had offered her bribes if she pulls out of the Penanti by-election.

According to the blog, the original recording lasts 3 hrs. Editing had to be made to omit private details, such as phone numbers, etc. but you can still hear a lot of cocks talking in the background, which suggests that Aminah's is a kampung house. Notice the plastic chairs, too.
"Di dalam perbualan yang mesra ini dapat kita dengar pujukan agar Aminah Abdullah menarik diri, dan di tawarkan kedudukan di dalam Majlis Perbandaran termasuk lah tawaran 2 Pakej sebagai imbuhan dari parti PKR sebagai ganti rugi. Aminah di desak berulang ulang kali supaya menarik diri. Satu lagi tawaran diberi,kak min bertanding, jika menang dia harus menyertai semula PKR dan bakal mendapat jawatan TKM 1". -
Listen to the recording and judge for yousrelf if they are just talking cock.

Or if Aminah is a "Minah Ronggeng" as Azmin Ali, the PKR VP, in a fit of anger, calls this lady.

The term is more derogatory than "Mat Rempit", according to Maimbyt.

source : rockybru

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