Wednesday 6 May 2009

Informer exposed by RPK himself!

Informer exposed by RPK himself!

Lt Kol Azmi Zainal Abidin. Remember the Statutory Declaration that RPK signed, the one that said he was "reliably informed" that Rosmah was present when Altantuya was bombed to her grisly death?

The informer turned out to be one Lt Kol Azmi Zainal Abidin (or so RPK claims in his latest article from exile), someone trusted not by RPK but by someone RPK knew.
I admit I don't know Lt Kol Azmi that well. But he is always in Ku Li’s office. He is very close to Ku Li. And Anwar Ibrahim also knows him very well.
I happen to know John Pang, one of the characters who starred in RPK's latest piece. Told him about the article and the role he was supposed to have played in making RPK believe this person.
I also asked John Pang, who also works for Ku Li, to check with Ku Li whether Lt Kol Azmi’s information is reliable. I told John what Lt Kol Azmi told us and asked him to inform Ku Li about it. John confirmed that Lt Kol Azmi told Ku Li the same thing and that the information is reliable.
John, who was abroad, said he was shocked. "The King of drama does it again", was the SMS that I received from John.

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