Monday, 16 December 2013


What People Are Saying

Saturday nite I met plenty of journos at a gathering. Talk went around about a lot of things. 

I was told the dunggu media team at the PM's office maintain a colour code of blog posts. Friendlies are tagged with a green dot. Unfriendlies are tagged with a red dot. (Wow they are so clever - must have been a brilliant con-sultan who told them how to do it.) I found out that my Blog has often been tagged with a red dot. This post will certainly be tagged red. 

Other pro-BN Blogs like Jebat Must Die are also tagged red. JMD take note.

The issue here is relevance. Scream all you want (my Muslim readers) but are the Islamic countries relevant to the rest of the world

Some people got pretty pissed when I said before that if a space ship came out of the sky and sucked up all the Muslims, will the Japanese miss them? Will the Americans miss them? Will there be any negative impact on the rest of the world? I dont think so. For a certainty the world will be a more peaceful place. 

Similarly if a space ship came out of the sky and sucked up the PM and his entire team in the office tomorrow, will the country miss them? What is their relevance to the neighbour's cat if they sit there in Putrajaya and place red and green tags on Blog posts?  

It is sad but their only relevance is they do the 'agih-agih' thing. They dish out the money. Thats all. 

Did you know that someone holds the 'master AP' on the import of cows into the country? For every cow that is imported into Malaysia  (through regular channels) by anyone at all, this APholder gets his cut. This is the 'agih-agih' function that they perform. 

This is not relevant to the existence of the human race at all. And of the greatest importance to our nation building efforts, it is of least relevance to 'bangsa, agama and negara' issues as well. You are creating mama boys who live on easy money. Clever beggars. This is not building a nation at all. Sadder still plenty of party folks are captured in this group.

It seems that people all across the spectrum are getting pretty pissed at the PM. Almost the entire Media fraternity holds two views - the official mainstream media view and the real personal view. The personal personal view is simple, straight forward and forthright.

The unhappiness with the PM is getting more critical. There is a great buildup in the country and it is looking for a pressure valve to pop.  Something is going to crack. It may be 1MDB tapi dont know. 

The issue of the PM defending his wife's name at the UMNO Assembly has not gone away. One person said that even a family member walked out of the UMNO Assembly when the PM spoke of the wife. 

Another journo said that Rosmah being able to call Hosni Mobarak's wife is not something to be proud of. Hosni Mobarak and his wife were kicked out by the Egyptian people. Hosni Mobarak is now being tried in Court. So please dont be too proud to say that your wife knows Mrs Dracula or Norman Bates' mom. 

Norman Bates' mother

Another Dato called me and had this to ask the PM. 

  1. Other than calling Hosni Mobarak's wife can you list out all the other Heads of State or their wives that Rosmah calls from time to time? 
  2. Can you also list out the KSUs, Ministers and corporate heads that Rosmah calls on the phone?'  
  3. Dont say that she does not call them.  
  4. And enlighten us about what she talks about when she calls them? The weather? Rescuing more Malaysians? What? 
So can the PM answer?  These are legitimate questions. Your people are asking these questions. They want to know.

Hi red dot guys, can you forward the question to the PM? Kalau tak faham BI, here is BM : Pernah tak Rosmah membuat panggilan telefon kepada sebarang ketua kerajaan negara lain, selain daripada bini Hosni Mobarak atau puteri puteri di Qatar? Pernah tak Rosmah membuat panggilan telefon kepada KSU atau CEO GLC?  Apa kah agaknya tajuk perbualan Rosmah dalam banyak-banyak panggilan telefon ini? Takkan nak tanya harga kain ela di bazaar?

Then there are the most unthinkable thoughts popping into peoples' heads. Another person said that Slumberjack was a better PM than Najib Tun Razak. 

Crazy but that is what people are beginning to say. (In the meantime just who is running the country?) 

Then there is also a comparison with Anwar Ibrahim. Many, many people were angry with Anwar Ibrahim over his belit-belit and belut-belut behaviour over that 'salah laku' thing. People were also wary of his links to the Michelsons, Wolfensohns, Bill Cohens, Camdessus, Gores and other such bores.  Good for nothings really. 

But that is exactly what is happening now. The Americans dictate to us now. Otherwise why would we be in this TPPA nonsense? 

The country is being sold out to the foreigners.

And there are documents that have been filed in Court which claim that one of the PM's top aides is actually limp wristed. 

But the PM does not care. These are all very damaging facts and allegations. So apa beza sangat Najib dengan Anwar? 

And the money is going out the door in buckets. Our money. Has anyone heard of something called the CIIP? Communications Integrated Infrastructure Provider. This is going to be another multi billion Ringgit sinkhole which has very strange ramifications for freedom of speech, freedom of broadcast in this country. We are going backward. 

Here is the story : All TV stations are going fully digital soon. It is no big deal. They just go out, buy their equipment, upgrade their systems and broadcast their programs.

Some clever beggar came up with an idea. TV stations WILL NOT be allowed to upgrade their own equipment. Under the guise of economies of scale, saving costs for the industry etc there will be only ONE company which will be given the franchise to install this CIIP equipment. Then all other TV stations must broadcast all their digital programs through this ONE CIIP.  All TV stations without exception.

This will be another monopoly. The TV stations will have to pay this monopoly CIIP company. The company will make millions if not billions. Here is another catch. Since all digital broadcasts will go through one CIIP, the gomen can switch off any program they dont like. It will be easier to control ALL the tv stations in the country. Someone else told me this.

Who is involved? The usual culprits of course. I heard two names. But others say this guy is involved : 

They create monopolies. We pay. They can control what they want. We pay.

Here is the closing question : who is running the country?

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