Sunday, 30 November 2014

Jika Anwar Mampu Tawar Rasuah RM100juta,Berapa Billion Yang Dia Ada?

Jika Anwar Mampu Tawar Rasuah RM100juta,Berapa Billion Yang Dia Ada?

Jika Anwar Mampu Tawar Rasuah RM100juta,Berapa Billion Yang Dia Ada?

Pisau rasakan Ketum PKR  punyai stok wang berbillion ringgit, masakan tidak beliau mampu menghantar orang kanannya untuk tawar rasuah 100 juta kepada pemimpin BN.
Berapa billion wang rakyat di rompak beliau semasa menjadi menteri kewangan dan timbalan menteri agaknya..?
Pisau berharap rakan Ketum seperti PAS dan PKR mintaklah sedikit wang hasil rompakan Anwar semasa beliau didalam kerajaan. Tak perlu anjurkan makan malam dan lancarkan tabung buluh atau tin Milo.
Pisau kata “Anwar dah kaya raya..beliau susahkan rakyat seluruh Malaysia terutamanya penyokong dan penjilat sendiri dengan ideologi palsu.”
Source :



Peguam UMNO ini PERLU kemukakan BUKTI, bahawasanya ahli Parlimen Batu Tian Chua telah meminta maaf dan MENYATAKAN KEKESALAN kenyataan itu telah mengaitkan UMNO dengan insiden Lahad Datu melalui KeadilanDaily. MANA DIA ? ... 


Tindakan UMNO menarik balik saman fitnah terhadap Naib Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Tian Chua dan Setiausaha Agung Pas, Datuk Mustafa Ali bukan bermaksud parti itu tidak serius terhadap pandangan rakyat.

Penegasan itu dinyatakan Penasihat Undang-Undang UMNO, Datuk Mohd. Hafarizam Harun yang turut menolak dakwaan parti itu tidak bertegas dalam isu fitnah yang dibuat oleh pihak lawan.

Malah, jelasnya, tindakan sedemikian merupakan bukti keterbukaan UMNO yang tidak berdendam dan menerima pihak lawan dalam keadaan mereka mengakui kesalahan serta sanggup berubah.

Jelas beliau, dalam kes melibatkan Tian Chua, Ahli Parlimen Batu itu dan peguamnya telah meminta untuk menyelesaikannya di luar mahkamah dan sanggup untuk menarik balik kenyataan yang merujuk kepada UMNO iaitu:

l Insiden terancang di Lahad Datu bukan konspirasi UMNO, ini bukan sandiwara UMNO untuk tarik perhatian UMNO tentang isu Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI). Apa jua yang ada kena-mengena dengan UMNO;

Menyatakan kekesalan kenyataan itu telah mengaitkan UMNO;

3 Memohon untuk memastikan dia akan minta KeadilanDaily keluarkan keseluruhan artikel itu serta-merta;

Penjelasan yang diberikan oleh Datuk Mohd. Hafarizam Harun CUKUP TIDAK MEYAKINKAN. Amat TIDAK MEYAKINKAN. 


Kita mahu Datuk Mohd. Hafarizam Harun perjelaskan secara terperinci ...

Dibaris atau diperenggan manakah melalui penjelasan keseluruhan artikel yang dikeluarkan oleh KeadilanDaily menyebut TIAN CHUA MENYATAKAN KEKESALAN KENYATAAN YANG DIKELUARKAN BELIAU DENGAN MENGAITKAN UMNO ? 

Jelas melalui artikel keseluruhan yang dikleuarkan oleh KeadilanDaily, TIDAK LANGSUNG disebut KEKESALAN KENYATAAN YANG DIKELUARKAN BELIAU DENGAN MENGAITKAN UMNO. 

Jika tidak, apakah ahli Parlimen Batu ini menyatakan kekesalan kenyataan itu telah mengaitkan UMNO melalui tweeternya ? 

Tidak juga ... 


Malah ahli Parlimen batu ini secara EGOIS menyatakan hanya 'penarikan artikel yang telah dikeluarkan sebelum ini', 'tanpa permohonan maaf sekalipun', TIDAK LEBIH DARI ITU.

1) Apakah peguam UMNO ini faham maksud 'MARUAH' atau 'DIGNITY' ? Maruah bukanlah suatu barangan yang boleh dijual beli di pasaran mahupun di mahkamah dengan suatu harga yang ditetapkan. 

2) Tindakan penarikan saman HANYA AKAN MENDEDAHKAN UMNO KEPADA FITNAH YANG LEBIH TERUK pada masa hadapan kerana pembangkang menyedari, mereka hanya perlu membuat permohonan maaf untuk mengelak disaman.

3) Fahami sebenar erti KETERBUKAAN sebelum mengeluarkan sesuatu kenyataan. 

Malah, jelasnya, tindakan sedemikian merupakan bukti keterbukaan UMNO yang tidak berdendam dan menerima pihak lawan dalam keadaan mereka mengakui kesalahan serta sanggup berubah.

Jika benar UMNO mahu menunjukkan keterbukaan,sepatutnya DARI AWAL lagi JANGAN BERTINDAK mengambil tindakan undang-undang, BIARKAN SAHAJA APA JUGA BENTUK FITNAH TERHADAP UMNO selepas ini.

Barangkali UMNO perlu melakukan PERUBAHAN DRASTIK dan melihat semula BARISAN PEGUAM sedia ada, barisan peguam yang mampu memberikan padangan, nasihat, TINDAKAN DAN KEPUTUSAN YANG TEPAT kepada pucuk pimpinan. Ramai lagi barisan peguam MELAYU yang mampu memberikan khidmat guaman dan nasihat yang berkualiti kepada UMNO.

UMNO tidak boleh lagi mempunyai barisan peguam yang boleh memberikan MESEJ YANG SALAH kepada ahli parti dan rakyat.

HOUSE PK: Ini aku petik dari blog Gelombang Wangsa Maju. Sudah tiba masanya Hafarizam tidak lagi mewakili UMNO. Lebih baik hentikan dia dari UMNO punya maruah terus lunyai. Tang mana Tian Chua mintak maaf ni Hafarizam? Cukup-cukup la menipu ok... 

Dengan kebijaksanaan Hafarizam, kini rakyat Malaysia melihat insiden Lahad Datu dah jadi sandiwara. Apa inikah yang UMNO mahu? Banyak lagi lawyer lain ada. Tak perlu nak buang masa. Yang paling penting Maruah UMNO mesti diselamatkan. Ini belum kita cerita pasal Stopa Ali lagi ni...

Source : parpukari

Saturday, 29 November 2014

BONGKAR DAN PANASSS!!! ... Rakaman Audio Dedah Rahsia PasMa Disebar..

BONGKAR DAN PANASSS!!! ... Rakaman Audio Dedah Rahsia PasMa Disebar..

AIDCNews – 29/11/14 – Satu rakaman audio mendedahkan rahsia di sebalik tabir Persatuan Ummah Sejahtera Malaysia (PasMa) mula disebar.
Pendedahan itu dibuat oleh veteran PAS, Daeng Sanusi Daeng Mariok (Pak Daeng) dalam satu tazkirah lepas solat Maghrib
Bagi aktivis PasMa, Che Ibrahim Mohamed, pendedahan Pak Daeng itu seumpama PAS mahu melancarkan ‘perang’ terhadap NGO itu.
Pak Daeng menyebut tiga nama yang menjadi tunggak PasMa iaitu Dato’ Wan Abd Rahim Wan Abdullah (PAS Kota Bharu), Datuk Husam Musa (ADUN Salor, Kelantan) dan Datuk Phahrolrazi Mohd Zawawi (ADUN Pengkalan Kundor,Kedah).
Menurut Pak Daeng, beliau tidak akan menyokong PasMa kerana mengenali tokoh-tokoh di belakang NGO itu.
“Siapa dia Cikgu Rahim (Wan Abd Rahim)..orang bukan sikit-sikit perasaan dalam PAS. Walaupun dia ketua kawasan (PAS) Kota Bharu tetapi masa depannya tidak ada di dalam PAS.
“Saya tahu masalah dia. Memang masalah betul. Bukan sikit-sikit masalah
“Husam Musa juga terlibat dengan PasMa, walaupun dia nafikan bahawa PasMa ditubuhkan bukan di rumah dia. Tak apa lah, tapi saya faham begitu. Dia (Husam) macam penggerak belakang PasMa/ Husam juga terpinggir dalam PAS kerana nampaknya tak berapa ada masa depan dia dalam PAS kerana dia telah melakukan banyak kesilapan-kesilapan dalam PAS.
“Termasuk Phahrolrazi, Presiden PasMa. Siapa dia Phahrolrazi ? Yang merebut jawatan Menteri Besar dengan ustaz Azizan ketika Allahyarham sakit itu, siapa dia ? Bukan dia ke ?,” kenyataan Pak Daeng dipetik.
Pak Daeng merumuskan hampir keseluruhan yang terlibat dalam PasMa adalah mereka yang bermasalah dalam PAS.
“Pada saya, PasMa ini, Insya Allah tak panjang usianya dan pada saya orang yang menubuhkan dan mendokong PasMa ini (adalah) orang yang bermasalah dalam PAS dan dilihat mungkin tidak ada masa depan dalam PAS.
“Maka, dia nak juga jadi orang kuat, orang terkenal, maka ditubuhkan NGO lain, mudah-mudahan dia boleh jadi terkenal juga,”katanya lagi.

Source : aidc



I have been noticing that the quality of the topics presented for debate at the UMNO assembly are way below par. 

One fellow said it is UMNO which must determine the leadership of its component parties ie MCA, MIC and so on.  I dont know how this guy thinks UMNO (a society registered under the Societies Act) can even begin to undertake such a thing. 

The best UMNO can do is NOT support component party leaders who may be detrimental to its interests, the interests of the BN and the country. All parties do that to some extent. But direct intervention is not possible and it is not something the party should even be contemplating.

Another speaker said that the Minimum Wages should be raised. No facts or figures were given about the impact of the existing Minimum Wages on unemployment. For surely the Minimum Wage law has caused unemployment. It has also caused inflation.

Another guy has said that  Penang Chinese are strong due to illegal trade. What kind of statements are these?  Then this must mean that when Chinese get involved in legal trade, they become weak. So when UMNO/BN is in power and asks Chinese to be involved in legal trade, the purpose is to make Chinese weak? Thats how it comes across. Legal trade is to make Chinese people weak??

Perhaps as a saving grace, an UMNO Youth speaker from Malacca, one Hameed Mytheen Kunju Basheer (original mamak name and mamak spelling) has said that : 

Immature’ comments by Umno leaders make us laughing stock, says Youth delegate
  • leaders ignorant & immature responses make party laughing stock
  • Umno Youth Masjid Tanah chief Hameed Mytheen Kunju Basheer said 
  • even students were remarking on comments on Umno leaders 
  • party slow..& become the butt of jokes 
  • (leaders) emotional & sometimes show their ignorance
  • create issues that even school-going students are commenting on  
  • young able to evaluate these "immature" answers by leaders
  • leaders not be too hasty in making public statements
  • read up on the issues first
  • youths have a very negative impression of Umno & BN 
I am glad that the Youth delegate from Malacca has the guts to say this at the UMNO assembly. The immature statements will include the

i. 'jangan makan ayam'
ii.  'I will not go to Sabah'
iii. 'we will abolish the Sedition Act' (2012)
iv. which became 'We will not abolish the Sedition Act' (2014)  flip flop 

and other such unthinking statements by UMNO leaders that make the party look like idiots.

According to Bridget Welsh, UMNO has already become not relevant :
  • Najib making Umno less relevant, says Bridget Welsh 
  • Umno losing appeal among more Malaysians
  • Najib cause of pushing party out of political spotlight
  • "outsourcing" traditional role as defender of Malays to Perkasa
  • competing with PAS to be defender of Islam
  • use of government resources & machinery to dispense patronage
  • relegating party to sidelines in government policy.
  • Najib had made UMNO "less politically relevant".
  • Umno has long relied on "racial insecurity" of Malays to maintain power 
  • outsourcing its role "marked the start of Umno's slide to sidelines".
  • these groups taken over position to protect Malay interests.
  • "defender of Islam" moved Umno from "moderate roots"
  • perceived by public as more zealous and hardline 
  • Najib funding Islamic institutions, groups, religious schools & state apparatus
  • strengthened religious bureaucracy within govt
  • making it even more powerful and autonomous
  • Equally damaging to Umno was Najib's use of government handouts 
  •  "replaced the party as the vehicle for wooing voters".
    (BR1M) most visible and widely used during elections.
  • Umno's decline came from "within party leadership itself".
  • distinguishing feature of Najib : displace Umno as dominant political actor
  • Umno unable to respond to public's new political awareness
  • Najib had to tap from "scandal-ridden 1Malaysia Development Berhad fund"
  • Najib diminished Umno by policy-making using "hired consultants"
  • all these pushed Umno back from political front line
  • ironically contributing to own decline
Di sini saya nak tujukan soalan sikit kepada sahabat-sahabat seperjuangan di Utusan Malaysia. Najib memang dah "gone case".  Kalau ikut rentak sekarang, sudah tentu UMNO akan kalah dan BN akan tumbang pada 2018. Apa akan jadi kepada nasib orang Melayu? Apa yang akan jadi kepada nasib tuan-tuan di Utusan Malaysia? Can you survive? Tolong fikir baik-baik.

Kita tidak mempunyai masa yang banyak. Empat tahun lagi pilihanraya akan datang lagi. 

Hari ini ianya dilaporkan bahawa Petronas akan mengalami kemerosotan perniagaan sehingga 25% - 30% disebabkan harga minyak dunia yang merosot.  Sumbangan Petronas kepada hasil kerajaan akan berkurangan antara RM25 - RM40 billion.

Bajet 2015 berasas kepada harga minyak US$100 satu tong. Sekarang minyak sudah turun ke bawah US$80 satu tong. Tidak mustahil minyak akan jatuh ke bawah US$70 satu tong. 

Bukan saja Petronas akan tak cukup duit, tapi ianya akan jadi susah bagi Kerajaan nak bayar BR1M pun. Just wait and see.

Kita perlukan saf pimpinan dan pemimpin tertinggi yang dinamik, yang imaginative, yang creative untuk majukan ekonomi dengan seberapa cepat yang mungkin. 

Kita perlu untuk menjaga hak orang Melayu dan martabatkan kedudukan orang Melayu. Bukan dengan cara ugutan politik, menjerit-jeritkan ketuanan Melayu, mengangkat kain sepanduk (yang hanya memperkasakan si penjual kain sepanduk). 

Agenda yang pertama ialah menyusun semula sistem pendidikan negara. Jangan risau pasal sekolah China atau Tamil. Kita perlu mempertingkatkan sistem sekolah kerajaan. Kurikulum, bahasa pengantar, bahasa Inggeris, sistem melantik dan naikkan pangkat tenaga pengajar (guru, guru besar), mengurangkan pengaruh keagamaan yang ekstrim dan yang membuang masa dan yang memiskinkan (yes memiskinkan) orang Melayu. Ini agenda nombor satu.

Lepas itu kita perlu mengajar majoriti besar rakyat marhaen cara yang baik untuk berniaga. Apakah cara terbaik untuk menjadi salesman yang successful. Mungkin kita perlu ada kurikulum khsusus di sekolah untuk bekalkan anak-anak kita dengan business skills daripada awal. 

Apa itu 'manusia yang boleh dipercayai'? What is a person who can be relied upon? Relied upon to do what? 

Dan kita mesti wujudkan matapelajaran baru - khas untuk anak Melayu - apa itu masa ? What is time?  Kenapa masa itu adalah komoditi yang paling berharga dalam dunia dan dalam kehidupan manusia. Dan kenapa kita perlu senantiasa jaga daripada membazir masa. 

Bagaimana bangsa lain menggunakan "penggunaan masa" sebagai senjata  untuk mengatasi orang lain.

Ini adalah agenda yang sangat besar dan sangat penting bagi masa depan orang Melayu. 

Rasa Pee Em kita paham tak benda ni? Pee Dah.

Tapi sebelum itu, sambil kita terlalu khusyuk memikirkan rombakan semula kurikulum atau membisneskan rakyat marhaen,  macam mana pula jika UMNO/BN di tendang keluar? Tewas?  Apakah DAP akan berhenti rehat  untuk beri peluang kura-kura (tortoise) Melayu mengejar kemajuan kaum lain?  

So kekawan Utusan Malaysia, fikir baik-baik. UMNO sudah tidak relevan. Dan Najib yang tidak relevankan UMNO.

Najib's off-tone extended syllable

Najib's off-tone extended syllable

Video of Pak Maun played during Najib's opening speech

When Dato Najib speaks with his normal tone, he sounded dignified and confident.

He has a good tone of voice, clear and well paced. Have heard him speak off the cuff in both Malay and English and his flow of thought is clear. Things go downhill the moment Najib tries to speak in casual Malay on a political platform like the UMNO General Assembly and at political rallies.

He thinks that it is a crowd puller and the audience enjoy it when he goes into an unnatural off-tone manner of speaking to raise his tone and extend syllables ending with "a". It is like reading Quran syllables meant for one harakat as three harakat.

More embarassing, Najib would start to lead cheers at the most awkward of time. He is President and Prime Minister. He does not need to play cheerleader.


In his opening speech, he asked the audience to cheer "Hidup UMNO!" after hardly 5 minutes into his speech.

That style of speaking become unbearably squimish that we've stopped listening to his speeches on political podium.

Few minutes into his opening speech at the UMNO General Assembly the other day and we've had it. Better to switch off the TV and wait for the written text.

Najib need to entertain and warm up the crowd at political rallies but not in this awkward and unnatural way of speaking. He does not sound serious.

Hardly a minute into his speech, he already asked the crowd to cheer along Salam satuuuu .... Malaysia!!!! 

During the salutations, he was sounding like Anwar and came the part for Tun Dr Mahathir, he was pronouncing it like an Arab as Tun Dr Mahadhirrr MohammadTun Siti Hasmah Mohamad Aali came with the first round of extended "a".

... Yang Berbahagia Tun Abdullah Ahmad Ba-da-wi dan juga Yang Berbahagia Tun Sakaran Daandai.

After the off-tone opening, he was getting into his usual tone of speaking.

That was till 3:40 (on the You Tube video), when he started mentioning the theme of his speech, SO-LI-DA-RI-TI in the same manner Anwar Ibrahim cry out Re-for-ma-si.

Everytime an UMNO leader feel their position is under threat then the theme perpaduan or unity resurface. At the start of Reformasi, Dato Hishamuddin's immediate response as replacement Ketua Pemuda after Dato Zahid Hamidi resignation was the call for unity.

Maybe UMNO's political situation is quite threatening to call for unity. 

Then the build-up movement of hands and body for the dramatic phrase.

...Bahawa semangat perjuangan paaarti kebangsaan Meelaayu Bersatu atau UMNO akan terus marak, terus menjulang, terus menyala. Marilah kita laungkan bersama-saamaa sebanyak tiga kali. 

Hidup UMNO! Hidup UMNO! Hidup UMNO!

That was it.

We decide to switch the TV and leave the house for PWTC. We'll read and analyse the speech objectively from the text without the drama.

When Najib goes into that mode of speaking and this time around at the early part of the speech, we know there is not much substance in Prof Dato Seri Haji Khairul Anas written speech. Yes the same gay as written here.

Najib at fault 

Pity NST columnist, Azmi Anshar who had to find a positive light in that speech.

In yesterday's column, he had to bring readers attention to the euphorio to the announced cancellation of the repeal to the Sedition Act to make Najib look good. [Read NST here]

We are not mincing our words to bodek Najib. Juara Pembodek was already won by Azwan Bro for his bodek speech of Khairy.

Najib cannot be complimented for cancelling the Sedition Act. It was his mistake just like he single-handedly at the request of his Punahsihatcanceled instead of amended the ISA. That led to the chaotic to almost anarchic situation in the country.

It was his mistake to form the NUCC that Tan Sri Joseph Kurup lined up with left wing liberals and political opportunist.

Instead of making proposals to promote national unity in society, NUCC took it upon themselves to be lawmakers and push for a strangely structured and inconsistent set of proposed laws drafted by Bar Council.

Najib is still guilty of harbouring a hare-brained liberal from Temerloh as Chairman of Global Moderates.

He interpreted wassatiyah moderation as liberalism and unbridled openness. Recently, he almost broght over an Indonesian Jaringan Islam Liberal (similar to UMNO's new acronym JIL) conman-intellectual with hardly achieved a basic degree. 

The cancellation to repeal the Sedition Act cannot be complimented to Najib.

The compliment should go to Perkasa, ISMA, other "right wing" labelled NGOs, UMNO Division Chiefs that confronted IGP and AG in a close door meeting, 189 Divisions that demand to maintain the Sedition Act and Wanita UMNO.

Najib did it to save his politics.

Our previous posting here was in sync with Joceline Tan's analysis of Najib's opening speech here but held back that part.

The mistake is Najib over relied on his advisers that he failed to seek feedback from the ground first before making his decision. He is pursuing lofty ideals without convincing and hearing out the grounds.

It is a mistake he emulated from Tun Abdullah Badawi. 

The opening speech had no content worthy to analyse and write about other than the Sedition Act.

One pro-Najib blog here described it as the weakest speech in history and far from par excellon. The blog could not avoid being honest despite instigating war drum beating towards Tan Sri Muhyiddin in an earlier posting here.


Everyway we went yesterday at PWTC people were emulating Tun Dr Mahathir's cynical answer SO-LI-DA-RI-TI when asked why he attended the Assembly despite his poor health.

When asked: Lama tidak jumpa? The answer goes like, "Today I am here for SO-LI-DA-RI-TI".

The answer to everything asked was SO-LI-DA-RI-TI. Basically, all important issues that Najib did not address was better not raised for sake of SO-LI-DA-RI-TI.

Almost every other person is cynically emulating Najib's shrill of extended syllables.

Can Najib advisers tell him his off tone shrills is similar to pro-opposition, Pyan Habib reciting poems?

Pyan Habib speaks that way because he is deaf. Is that why he only listen to the Punahsihat?

And, if Najib extend his overdramatised high tones, he will sound like the really dramatic Prof Dr Kamaruddin Kachar.

By the way, Tun M did not say the speech was excellent as reported by Berita Harian. He was actually coughing.

Like Tun M, who engage first through the right channel, then criticise openly, we have done our part to express through the right channel. Now it is time to tell it openly.

Najib must stop making that kind of speech and get another more credible speechwriter. It is demeaning him. It is so Musa Hitam.

One member of the audience, probably a delegate confided that he was so impatient to wait for what Najib wanted to say that he uttered the words, "Cukuplak berdrama. Cakap sajalah!" to the person next to him.

For the sake of solidarity and the party, he is better off speaking in his normal ways.

Dr Mahathir never need dramatisation to express himself. All he need to do to get the audience riled up was with the quality and vision of his content. Dr Mahathir managed to do so by writing his own speeches.

Please do better for the winding-up this evening.

source : another brick in the wall

Umno syok sendiri while DAP sneaks ahead on young votes

Umno syok sendiri while DAP sneaks ahead on young votes

The new wave to rock the next general election will be the youths and the first-time voters – a whole horde of them. And it’s the DAP that is capturing the young market.
Below are the MPs from the evangelical party serving in the current Parliament. All these DAP politicians became first-time YBs when only in their twenties and thirties. Some are going into their second-term in office.
Look at how young their faces are. And they’re our honorable Members of Parliament.

DAP in Parliament

Young DAP MPs

In their 20s and 30s

The DAP women – Teo Nie Ching was 27 years old when she was elected the DAP Serdang MP. Alice Lau Kiong Yieng was 32 when she was elected Lanang MP last year. Kasthuriraani, daughter of DAP legend P. Patto (nepotism!), was 34 when she won the Batu Kawan Parliament seat.
The DAP men - Ramkarpal Singh – another case of DAP dynastic nepotism – who inherited his father’s Bukit Gelugor seat, is 38.
Party superstar Liew Chin Tong, who garnered the highest votes in the CEC re-election (beating Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng for top spot), was 31 years old in 2008 when he was parachuted into the Bukit Bendera seat in Penang.
In the 2013 election, Liew relocated back to his home state Johor and kicked Hou Kok Chung‘s ass in Kluang and put an end to the Cabinet career of the MCA deputy higher education minister.
Her Royal Roundness
High profile Tony Pua was a youthful 36 when he won the Petaling Jaya Utara Parliament seat back in 2008. Nonetheless, in the short intervening years (similar to Our FirstLady Speaker piling on the weight – above), Pua has greyed at super speed and his hair is now salt-and-pepper in colour.
Teo Kok Seong, presently the DAPSY chief, is now also MP for Rasah after taking over the seat from Anthony Loke who was 32 when he won Rasah in 2008. Coincidentally, Teo also won Rasah at the age of 32.
Tan Hong Pin sahur

What kind of YB is this new DAP breed?

Mengkibol Adun Tan Hong Pin (pix below) joined evangelista Ong Kian Ming in fasting and #sahur-ing during this year’s puasa month.
Tan goes to Malay houses for sleepover and poses for photos wearing sarung when bersahur. But not to worry, it’s still a long catch-up to Hannah Yeoh’s record-breaking feat of wearing tudung and trotting to the masjid dan surau untuk buka puasa.
Regardless, their chameleon antics signal to what length this species of young DAP politicians will go in order to woo the Malay vote.
Tan Hong Pin sahur1

The evangelical Christian kind

These DAP new breed politicians are clearly different from their predecessors. One of the most distinguishing factors is their evangelical Christianity.
Julian Tan Kok Ping, the DAP Stampin MP, got married in the City Harvest Church.
He is a Utar alumnus. The MCA university is mass producing DAP politicians.
(Side note: Chong Zhemin, who is DAP Perak economic development bureau chief, was formerly lecturing at Utar. We should be curious if he ever talked politics to his class.)
Twitter - hannahyeoh- At the wedding of DAP Member

They’re young and Christian

DAP Rahang Adun, Mary Josephine Pritam Singh – the odd one out here who is not young – is a Christian although Punjabis are most usually Sikh. DAP is full of Christians.
Notable DAP Christian women YBs, besides the ballooning presence of Hannah Yeoh everywhere, are Teresa Kok, Teo Nie Ching, Violet Yong and Yeo Bee Yin(pix, right), the Damansara Utama Adun who is 31 this year.
YeoBeeYinTudungMugThe other thing, aside from evangelical Christianity, is that many of the DAP wakil-wakil rakyat are really young.
Johor Jaya Adun Liow Cai Tung - see Buah Kurma poster below – looks like she could still be in school.
And below too are YB Liow’s equally young-looking fellow Johor Aduns – YB Senai, Wong Shu Qi and YB Tangkak, Ee Chin Li. There are really too many leng chai and leng lui among the DAP’s total of 95 Aduns for me to feature all their photos.
However it is not only for the state assemblies that the DAP is willing to wager young faces. The party put up Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, who is 27, to contest the Teluk Intan Parliament by-election earlier this year. Her opponent was Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong, who is almost twice her age.
YB Liow
Wong Shu Qi
YB Wong

Publicity hounds

The thing about DAP’s strategy to use young politicians is their savviness in exploiting modern mass communication such as the social media – the same element that helped Barack Obama to cross the finishing line first in the 2008 American presidential election.
Hannah Yeoh, for example, has already collected 99,700 twits. Her Twitter following will have breached the 100k milestone once another 300 more J-Juice drinkers sign up.
With Instagram, the DAP politikus roll off their photo ops – such as stirring an empty pot in the surau during Ramadan – like sliced bread off the assembly line.
BELOW: Ong Kian Ming the jaguh #sahur was 38 when he made his Parliament debut

Zumba, zumba, zumba!

The digital technology is there, no doubt, but it is still up to how savvy the user is to exploit it.
Khairy Jamaluddin is big on Twitter due to his obsessive, selfie-fuelled pursuit of personal popularity. But the question remains whether the KJ fan club comprises those youngsters who are willing to pangkah Dacing at the end of the day or even to make their way to the polling station.
KJ the Dancing King
KJ zumba 12

Playing smart – strategic and targetted voter registration

Remember that the young Chinese are over-registered in proportion to their population numbers and you can be sure that for GE14, they’re not going to be voting in the DAP urban strongholds where their party has 30,000-vote majority. Instead these first-time voters will be deployed to marginal suburban seats where victory or defeat could be determined by 300 votes or less.
There’s no point in registering more Chinese to vote in Seputeh where Teresa Kok can stroll … blindfolded … to victory (her majority in GE13 was 51,552 votes). It shouldn’t surprise us if some of her diehard supporters were to transfer their voting address to another area.
KJ zumba 6
Zumba is fun and the ICE Bucket Challenge was hip but these do not translate into the sort of ideological moorings that that anchor say, Pembina (Isma Youth).
The DAP use of social media is very efficiently geared towards disseminating propaganda and brainwashing the sheeple. Their Dapster army then proceed to carry out the plan of action with unmatched hysteria and unhinged kiasuness.
Unfortunately we cannot say the same for the effectiveness of Umno Youth’s hashtag #lifestyle in canvassing the Malay ground.
KJ zumbah

Millions of new voters in GE14

There were only 638,000 new Malaysian voters in the 2008 general election (GE12) but the number had increased to 2.6 million by GE13 last year, largely thanks to the hyperactivity of the DAP.
In 2009, more than four in 10 Malaysians above age 21 had not yet registered as voters, according to an NST report that year quoting Election Commission deputy chairman Wan Ahmad Wan Omar.
Taking advantage of the BN tidak apa attitude, the DAP accelerated its voter registration drive, and as a result leaving MCA and the rest of the DAP’s direct political rivals to bite the dust.
voter registration hannahyeoh 2010
voter registration hannahyeoh 2012

Grabbing every chance they get

DAP supporters even took the opportunity of their 21st birthday parties to register their children’s friends and peers as new voters – see @hannahyeoh tweet below.
And then there were the voter registration exercises carried out in the churches, an institution that is a pillar of strength for the evangelical party. Hannah Yeoh’s Personal Assistant, evangelista Rajiv Rishyakaran, personally oversaw some such efforts in the City Harvest Church.
voter registration hannahyeoh birthday
It is no wonder then that the electorate numbers in Hannah’s constituency spiked to 61,688 voters for GE13, up from 44,569 during GE12.
In the span of one term (between 2008 and 2013), Subang Jaya saw an increase of17,119 voters – thanks in large part to the aggressive promotion of and by the DAP incumbent. In comparison, when Subang Jaya was an MCA ward, the constituency only saw an increase of 5,963 voters between 2004 and 2008, and 5,918 votersbetween 1999 and 2004.
The difference in the tremendous effort put in by the DAP is a great contrast to the complacency of coma patient MCA.
Rajiv ialah kaunsilor MPSJ dilantik di bawah kuota DAP

Chinese support for BN will hit rock bottom by GE14

The Election Commission has said that 70 percent of the 4.2 million unregistered voters at end-2011 were aged between 21 to 40. The EC also projected that an average 450,000 Malaysians turn 21 each year.
The irony lies in the headline of the 21 Nov 2011 J-Star article – ‘Barisan eyes support of young voters for polls‘. As we can discern from the tsunami, the young voters had flocked to Pakatan.
It is well nigh impossible for BN to reach the Chinese community anymore. The means of communication is broken due to language barrier. Only one percent ofUtusan Malaysia readers are Chinese and I’m willing to bet many of them are Cina mualaf or “Cina murtad”.
Only two percent of Nanyang Siang Pau readers are Malay, which come to think of it is actually a better ratio than the one percent Chinese Utusan readers as after all, BM is our national language.

Gunting dalam Lipatan backstabbed the BN

What the newspaper circulation data indicates is that Chinese do not touch casual Malay reading material (unless forced to for exam purposes) and Malays generally do not access Chinese media. There is very little cross-ethnic communication between the two communities through the Malay and Chinese languages.
We can extend this finding to other media conduits besides newspapers. Malays would not be commenting in the Chinese chat forums and nor would Chinese be reading the Malay blogosphere.
The only overlap between the races occurs in the English language media. The J-Star – pie chart below – has a quarter of its readership from the Malay community.

Analyse results, not MCA’s fairy claims

Half of The J-Star readers are Chinese. Yet 90 percent of Chinese voters rejected the BN.
Looking at the electoral outcome, i.e. how MCA controls the country’s most influential media empire but the EvangeliSTAR audience scoff at the BN, it becomes most obvious that the MCA-owned media must have been subversively promoting the opposition cause.
How else to explain why the BN message failed to be conveyed when the J-Starconglomerate has its tentacles reaching such a vast audience? There is the main print readership, J-Star online and J-Star magazine readers, J-Star Internet TV viewers and J-Star’s many radio channels listeners.

The StarOnline Rates Card 2013-06-19 09-15-04

J-Star tail wagging the MCA dog

Furthermore, the EvangeliSTAR conducts many and various corporate-social programes and most recently, the paper is taking its anti-racism campaign into the colleges and universities. The MCA-owned media does all of this (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) but the Chinese and youth choose to vote the opposition? It does not compute.
MCA must think Umno is stupid. Could MCA be right?
If the BN had received 10 percent support from the Chinese electorate in GE13, the ruling party should consider itself lucky to get five percent in GE14. This is due to the demographic push.
Below are the typical Chinese BN supporters. They are getting rarer by the day as Malaysia is a young country with a fast-growing youth population.
MCA has irrevocably given up the ghost. Only Umno wants to flog the dead horse.