Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The Morons Around The PM!

The Morons Around The PM

Folks I am NOT alone ok. I am not the only one calling the PM and his henchmen morons or sewel. The rebellion is spreading.  Apanama and Life of Annie have said somethings today.  The following is taken from Apanama's Blog here. My comments follow:



Dear Prime Minister, 

I hope that you take note of the fact that one too many of your ADVISORS have elevated themselves to your level. Some of them think they are the Prime Minister of Malaysia, thus criticizing them and correcting them is tantamount to being anti-Najib or trying to topple the Prime Minister. 

Dear Prime Minister, 

please take note that we know exactly how to ask/demand a sitting Prime Minister  to vacate his seat. Please remind your Advisors of their actual standing. Please also remind them, your Press Secretary Datuk Akmar included, that they are there to serve you, the PRIME MINISTER, and not themselves. 

Dear Prime Minister, 

please take note that we take the trouble to tell you and/or the administration as it is. Black is black and White is white, we tell you that without fear or favour because we want you to remain as the Prime Minister and steer this nation to greater heights again. 

Dear Prime Minister, 

we won't be doing what we are doing now if we think you are not fit to be the Prime Minister. 

Thank you, Mr Prime Minister. 

My comments :  I never thought that I would see the day when Blogger  Apanama would come out so strongly against the morons around the PM. 

I really like the poster bro - Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer give a damn.

But I must beg to disagree bro. Or rather I cannot agree completely with you. 

Not only are the PM's advisors morons and enjoying their season of 'pukul habis'  but it is the PM himself who is sewel.  The PM really does not know anything better.  To the PM these morons and 'buaya' around him do appear smarter and cleverer.

This is the problem. This is bodoh sombong tahap nak mampus dah. Dia bodoh tapi dia sombong. Jadilah bodoh sombong.  They dont know they are stupid bro. This is the problem. Just like the moron who calls you and Rocky all the time. Thank Allah he does not call me anymore.

The rebellion is really building up. Read also Life of Annie here.

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