Tuesday 28 April 2009

The Son also speaks Nik Abduh, Pas Mursyidul AM Nik Aziz's son

The Son also speaks

Nik Abduh, Pas Mursyidul AM Nik Aziz's son is not usually very vocal when it comes to politics, at least not very scathing when he opens his mouth but this time he slashed at those he said were doing 'kerja bodoh' within PAS on his blog

Personally I feel that the name calling was rather inappropriate but then again these characters must have really pissed him off.

In fact he made it clear that these persons were trying to drive a wedge between his father, Nik Aziz and PAS president, Haji Hadi Awang.

The wedge they were hammering in was the idea of the Unity Government.

Apparently Nik Abduh thinks that there is merit in the idea of a Unity Government and said that PAS should consider such an idea if it meant that the Party could make a serious contribution to Government and by that he meant key posts in Government.

Specific posts mentioned were Finance Minister and Education Minister.

Of course, Nik Abduh used the example of the Prophet Joseph who held the post of Finance Minister in the contemporary Egyptian Government.

The difference in opinion is not that great this time but you get the idea. BN can't be as bad as the ancuient Egyptians. Well at least I don't think so.

I, for one am behind the idea of a unity Government because we need to be strong during these difficult times.

Plus I think PAS may be able to instill a different kind of discipline on BN.

After all PAS is the real glue that is holding together Pakatan Rakyat's support even as Anwar Ibrahim would like the world to think that he is the real uniting force.

PS: A friend told me that he thinks I am one-sided in my assessment of the political situation in Malaysia and he therefore refuses to talk politics with me.

Hey that's his right of course, but I think what he said brings int sharp focus what Rocky said at the NPC forum last Friday.- Openness is about getting people from differnet sides together and talking and agreeing to disagree. What hope have we got in forging one Malaysia if we cannot even sit around the same table?

I am one side, I have made it clear before and I will continue to take the side of the underdog. Anwar has enough fanboys/cybertroopers fighting his battles so I though going against them would be far more interesting.

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