Thursday, 31 July 2008
Senjata Akhir Anwar Ibrahim: Bertanding di Permatang Pauh
Presiden Gabungan Pemimpin Mahasiswa Malaysia (GPMM)
3.00 petang, 31 Julai 2008, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (Presiden PKR) telah mengosongkan kerusi parlimen Permatang Pauh untuk membuka laluan kepada suaminya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (Pemimpin De Facto PKR) bertanding dalam pilihanraya kecil. Surat peletakan jawatan tersebut telah dihantar kepada Speaker Dewan Rakyat hari ini. Wan Azizah menang besar dengan majoriti 13,388 dalam PRU12.
Dalam pilihanraya 2004, Wan Azizah menang tipis dengan majoriti 590 undi. Sebelum ini, Anwar sebut nak bertanding di Kulim Bandar Baharu, Bandar Tun Razak, Lembah Pantai dan Kuala Kangsar.
Rupa-rupanya sekali lagi Anwar berdalih dengan mengatakan akan bertanding di Permatang Pauh. Nampaknya Anwar takut untuk bertanding di tempat yang berisiko untuk kalah. Jalan mudah yang diambil ialah meminta isterinya mengosongkan jawatan dan bertanding di tempat asalnya iaitu Permatang Pauh.
Mengumumkan untuk bertanding adalah senjata akhir Anwar untuk ke Parlimen.
Hadi Awang nampaknya lebih selesa berpeluk dengan kafir harbi daripada bersatu demi perpaduan orang Melayu.
Sementara itu, PAS juga menolak pakatan dengan UMNO untuk membentuk kerajaan di Perak dan Selangor. “PAS menolak sebarang kerjasama dengan Umno atau BN bagi membentuk kerajaan campuran sama ada di peringkat negeri atau pusat” Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang (Presiden PAS).
Pertemuan khas hampir lima jam 50 barisan pemimpin tertinggi PAS di ibu pejabat PAS, Kuala Lumpur memutuskan bahawa PAS akan tetap bekerjasama dengan kafir harbi seperti Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Guan Eng dan Teresa Kok. Biarpun Karpal secara terbuka mengecam PAS dan mempertikaikan keahlian PAS dalam Pakatan Rakyat, tetapi PAS nampaknya masih mahu kekal di bawah ketiak Karpal dan Kit Siang. PAS sanggup melihat DAP bermaharajalela di Perak dan Selangor. Sanggup membiarkan Nizar dikotak katik oleh 6 orang Exco DAP. Sampai hati PAS lihat perpaduan Melayu tidak menjadi kenyataan.
PAS lebih rela berpakat dengan Pakatan Rakyat. Sedarkah PAS bahawa mereka rugi dan terus ditipu dalam diam oleh PKR dan DAP?
Tamparan terbesar buat Pakatan Rakyat semalam ialah penafian, Dr. Kamaruddin Ahmad (Pengarah Perubatan Hospital Pusrawi) dalam Buletin Utama TV3 yang memberitahu Dr. Muhamad Osman hanyalah doktor biasa dan beliau hanya menasihatkan pesakit. Malah laporan sodomi dua halaman yang disebarkan juga dinafikan oleh Pusrawi.
Dr. Kamaruddin menjelaskan, dari segi amalan kedoktoran, pemeriksaan mana-mana kes berkaitan liwat perlu dijalankan oleh doktor pakar kerana ia tidak boleh ditentukan melalui kesan luaran saja. Ini bermakna laporan oleh Dr Muhammad Osman kurang kredibiiltinya disebabkan beliau hanyalah doktor biasa sahaja bukan doktor pakar.
kzso - senjata akhir? banyak lagi...
“Kalau tiada kesan pendarahan, koyak atau nanah dan sebagainya pada dubur, bukan semestinya tidak berlaku liwat. Pun begitu, jika terjadi sebaliknya (pendarahan), ia juga tidak bermakna berlaku liwat kerana mungkin disebabkan kanser atau pendarahan dalaman. Kes liwat perlu menjalani pemeriksaan lanjut oleh doktor pakar termasuk ujian asid deoksiribonukleik (DNA) agar ditentusahkan” kata Dr Kamaruddin.
Malah kesediaan Saiful Bukhari untuk bersumpah dalam kes liwat ini merisaukan lagi Pakatan Rakyat.
“Saya menuntut supaya Anwar Ibrahim tidak berdolak-dalik dalam kes ini. Saya juga menyatakan bahawa tiada sebab untuk saya memfitnah dan menganiaya Anwar dalam kes ini.” kata Saiful Bukhari.
Kesimpulannya, bila Pusrawi nafikan laporan dan dedahkan siapa Dr Muhammad Osman yang sebenar, ditambah pula kesediaan Saiful Bukhari untuk bersumpah ianya memberikan goncangan yang hebat kepada Anwar dan Pakatan Rakyat. Jalan keluar kepada semua goncayang itu ialah dengan mengumumkan akan bertanding di Permatang Pauh. Mempercepatkan prosesnya untuk menjadi PM bagi mengelak PAS berubah hati dan masuk sebagai kompenen ke-15 dalam BN. Yang paling rugi ialah PAS.
Sudah tentu, askar askar PAS akan dipergunakan oleh Anwar di Permatang Pauh nanti untuk membela dan memancing undi bagi Anwar. Menang di Permatang Pauh tidak memberi apa apa makna kepada Pakatan Rakyat melainkan hanya menukarkan Ketua Pembangkang daripada isteri kepada suami sahaja.
Tatkala polis sudah selesai melengkapkan siasatan kes liwat untuk diserahkan kepada pejabat Peguam Negara, Anwar sudah pun umukan hendak bertanding. Anwar tidak sabar lagi tunggu kes Kulim Bandar Bharu, jalan mudah ialah minta isteri lepas jawatan di Permatang Pauh. Anwar jadikan Permatang Pauh sebagai senjata akhir?
Liwat Tidak Semestinya Luka atau Berdarah (III)
Liwat Tidak Semestinya Luka atau Berdarah (III)
Contributed by drnovandri on Thursday, July 31 @ 17:58:51 MYT
Dr Novandri Hasan Basri
Hari ini, blog Malaysia Today milik Raja Petra telah di’masuki pencuri’ atau pun hacked.
Siapakah yang mahu hacked blog beliau selain daripada Raja Petra sendiri?
Apakah beliau mahu memadam (erased) artikel-artikel beliau itu?
Itulah anggapan ramai bila blog Raja Petra 'tiba-tiba' di hacked di saat ini, lebih-lebih lagi apabila beliau telah melakukan salah satu kesilapan yang paling besar di dalam karier beliau sebagai blogger.
2 kesilapan yang dimaksudkan itu ialah mengenai artikel beliau tentang laporan @ nota kesihatan Saiful di Hospital Pusrawi:-
1. Beliau menyalahtafsirkan pemeriksaan anus (per rectum) yang dilakukan oleh Dr Mohamed Osman.
2. Beliau menyalahtafsrikan diagnosis (keputusan penyakit) yang ditulis oleh Dr Mohamed Osman.Ini adalah kenyataan Raja Petra di dalam blog beliau,Dr Mohamed Osman examined Saiful but found no evidence that he had been sodomised, either by Anwar Ibrahim or anyone else for that matter. The doctor’s report (which can be viewed below) says that there is zero (0) skin tearing, zero (0) active bleeding, zero (0) traces of pus, etc., which basically means he can’t be suffering from a pain in the anus as what he alleges.
The doctor’s diagnosis is that he rules out or TRO (to rule out) assault (sodomised). In short: Mohd Saiful Bukhari Bin Azlan is not suffering any pain in the anus and neither was he assaulted or sodomised in the anus.
Inilah masaalahnya jika seorang blogger yang tidak mempunyai ilmu perubatan seperti Raja Petra merumuskan sendiri pemeriksaan kesihatan seorang doktor.
Rumusan beliau yang mengatakan bahawa tiada bukti Saiful diliwat hanya berdasarkan kepada tanda-tanda seperti kulit koyak, pendarahan aktif dan nanah, jelas menunjukkan yang beliau tidak tahu langsung mengenai perubatan.
Seperti penulis terangkan sebelum ini (klik sini) , pemeriksaan (PR) yang dilakukan ke atas Saiful tidak menyeluruh dan terlalu ringkas (tidak dibenarkan dilakukan oleh doktor biasa kerana ianya boleh merosakkan bukti).
Untuk pengetahuan semua, apabila seseorang itu diliwat, perbuatan tersebut tidak semestinya menyebabkan kulit anus koyak atau pun pendarahan yang aktif terutamanya jika perbuatan itu telah dilakukan berulang kali.
Tetapi jika berlaku paksaan yang agresif, perasaan takut yang dialami oleh mangsa itu berkemungkinan besar akan menyebabkan anus pesakit tidak relax dan tercedera atau pun berdarah. (seterusnya.....)
kzso - from a doctor point of view
PM warns Anwar against bribing MPs
PUTRAJAYA, July 31 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has warned his rival Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim not to bribe lawmakers to defect to the opposition.
Anwar has repeatedly pledged to topple Abdullah’s administration through parliamentary defections by mid-September.
Abdullah tells The Associated Press in an interview today he has heard many stories about Anwar allegedly tempting government legislators "with monetary offers”.
Abdullah says if this proved true, it would "be the worst form of corruption to buy people to bring down the government that has been established by the will of the people."
Anwar needs 30 lawmakers to defect for the opposition to seize power. But he is fighting a sodomy accusation that could derail his career for the second time in a decade. — AP
kzso - whatever is it both of you got to go.
Wan Azizah quits! ANwar to contest at Permatang Pauh
31.07.2008 3.41pm
Wan Azizah quits as MP to allow Anwar to stand in by-election. She has sent resignation letter to Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia.
kzso - at last...
Saiful Tak Dirogol? Siapa Kata? Konspirasi Sapa Pulak Ni?
Contributed by AMUbaidahS on Thursday, July 31 @ 13:04:46 MYT
Bekas Perdana Menteri Inggeris yang terkemuka, Winston Churchill, pernah menyatakan,"Dusta sudah menjelajah separuh dunia sebelum Kebenaran memakai sepatunya". Ternyata dusta Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) tentang bagaimana Saiful tidak dirogol sudah menjelajah melepasi sempadan Malaysia, sampai akhbar pro-kerajaan pun seolah-olah mempercayainya. Tetapi Alhamdulillah, kebenaran sudah terjumpa sepatu rupa-rupanya.
Seorang doktor yang juga seorang blogger yang berkecuali telah meneliti 'laporan' Dr Osman Hamid seperti diwartakan oleh RPK. Antara lain, Dr Mohamed Rafick Khan Abdul Rahman ini menyatakan bahawa:
Dokumen yang diwartakan tersebut bukanlah laporan pemeriksaan perubatan yang rasmi, tetapi hanya sekadar nota pesakit luar oleh seorang doktor.
Hanya pemeriksaan asas sahaja yang dijalankannya, tanpa menggunakan alatan canggih atau mahupun teknik terperinci yang seharusnya digunakan untuk memastikan tiada kesan yang lebih mendalam.
Menurut cara dan quality nota pemeriksaan, Dr Osman terlihat bukan seorang pakar yang sesuai untuk memberi kata putus dalam hal ini.
Maka, walaupun dokumen yang ditulis Dr Osman ini tidak mengiyakan terjadinya perogolan terhadap Saiful, is juga tidak menidakkan kemungkinan tersebut.
Menarik juga apabila kita melihat sekarang pihak Pusrawi sendiri menjelaskan bahawa Dr. Osman Hamid bukan seorang doktor pakar dan tidak pernah menjalankan pemeriksaan aduan sodomi (liwat) ke atas Mohd. Saiful Bukhari.
Dan kini sudah mula diwartakan pula maklumat yang Dr Osman Hamid mungkin pernah aktif bersama Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di dalam sebuah NGO! Pulak! Makanya, konspirasi siapa sebenarnya ni? Anwar punya ka, RPK punya? Nampak gaya Kebenaran bukan sahaja bersepatu, sudah mula berlari gamaknya!
kzso - the truth will prevail!
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
at July 31, 2008 1:18 PM
1. We had expected the International Court of Justice to declare that Pulau Batu Putih is ours, together with South Ledge and Middle Rocks.
2. But the decision of the Court left me flabbergasted. On the one hand Pulau Batu Putih which is nearer Malaysia and very much farther from Singapore is awarded to Singapore while the two rocks which are part of the same shoal and further away from Malaysia than Pulau Batu Putih are awarded to Malaysia.
3. No decision was made as to the marine boundary. It must be assumed that the shoals are in Malaysian territorial waters, since the decision to give Pulau Batu Putih to Singapore is based on some obscure letter written by a minor Johor official while under British rule to a British official in Singapore. Rightly it should have been sanctioned and written under the authority of the Sultan in Council.
4. In any case the sea between Pulau Batu Putih and the two rocks had not been raised by Singapore at the International Court. Its claim was only on Pulau Batu Putih and the Court had awarded the "Pulau" to Singapore. The sea is a different matter.
5. The claim by Singapore that the sea belongs to Singapore is simply because the present Malaysian Government has always been ready to entertain any claim by Singapore no matter how ridiculous it may be. Thus the Malaysian Government has agreed that it has no right to touch the Causeway even on its side of the Strait of Tebrau unless it obtains the permission of the Singapore Government.
6. The first reaction against Singapore's new claim came from the Malaysian Foreign Minister. There is no certainty that the Prime Minister might not reverse the stand taken by his Foreign Minister.
7. We have seen this before. When the Deputy Prime Minister said publicly that we would go ahead with the scenic bridge, he was made to look silly a few days later when the Prime Minister said we will not build the bridge at all, neither straight nor crooked.
8. To emphasise his ever-willing submission to Singapore, the Prime Minister ordered the Foreign Minister to inform the Minister Mentor of Singapore that Malaysia will not build any bridge. Why we have to inform Singapore about our decision is something I just cannot understand.
9. In the South China Sea we built an island out of Terumbu (reef) Layang Layang. From the picture I see of the two rocks retained by us, it is entirely possible for them to be reclaimed and joined together. We could then have a proper island there just as Singapore had built up Pulau Batu Putih to accommodate security personnel.
10. There is nothing in any agreement with Singapore or in the decision of the International Court to prevent us from doing this. The decision is entirely ours to make.
11. I will not make a guess as to what will happen.
kzso - same here... i too will not make a guess as to what will happen
I have no comment about Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
30 06 2008
On second thought, I actually do have some.
After reading much news for the past 2 days, I sense there is something wrong somewhere.
There is this niggling thought at the back of my mind which I cannot place it.
Is it doubt? Is it some kind of fear of the unknown? Is it anger? It might be confusion. Yes, mostly confusion.
But whatever it is, I just want to comment on a few things that troubles me. But I do understand that some of my concerns here will be answered or even be found unjustified with the latest barrage of news in the media pouring in as we speak (or read).
Nevertheless, here they are;
1] As I see it, Anwar would have easily told everyone immediately after the police report was made that he did not do it. As proof, he should just gave an alibi that he was not there as alleged by Saiful Bukhary in the police report. I’m sure if he did not do it, he could have easily produced a damn good alibi and witnesses about his whereabouts to counter the allegations within that report. Bloody easy. No need to create unnecessary fuss by hiding like an escaped convict in a Turkish embassy and let the Turkey Government along with the country’s name to be dragged in the mud. Naturally, Anwar being the ‘Darling of the Western Media’, is due to get enough publicity and adulation which can even rival George W. Bush and Barack Obama;
2] Datin Seri Wan Azizah told the press that the sodomy accuser, Saiful Bukhary was a volunteer who eventually became a special assistant to Anwar. His background was not checked upon joining as a PKR staff. Why is that so? How could he be easily appointed to a position which many would kill for? (LETTER FROM SAIFUL’S UNCLE IS IN THE COMMENT SECTION - time: 16:00);
3] For a person who allegedly told the whole freaking world that he had received death threats as far back since March 2008, he doesn’t seem to be behaving like his life was in danger. In fact, Anwar moved around the country, busy campaigning and meeting the rakyat openly. Even on 14th April, the so called anniversary of ‘Black 14′, he seemed not afraid of any assassination plot. When police wanted to stop his speech midway, he was adamant to carry on. No police reports were made regarding any death threats. Suddenly, as soon as a police report was made against him on Saturday for an alleged sodomy incident, he told everyone that there is a plot to kill him and he fears for his life. To me, this is just a case of diverting attention. But then again, Anwar was really good in tarnishing the country’s image since 1998;
4] Why would Najib (as insinuated by PKR to be the culprit of this incident) would want to produce another report of sodomy on Anwar when only half of the nation would believed it? It’s counter productive and stupid. Using the same old script? Even Najib would know not to do that. And Anwar wasn’t even strong enough to topple the weakened BN government. All signs that there will be defections from the BN reps fizzled out in disappointment. In early April, Raja Petra predicted that on April 18th, something big will going to happen, insinuating a mass defection. But that did not happen. Even the vote of no confidence mooted by SAPP was not taken up by the lethargic Opposition. Even the crossover date of September 16th was highly debatable;
5] Why would Wan Azizah produced old pictures of the accuser with various ministers to the press? What was her motive other than to give hints that the accuser was a mole in PKR and a stooge of BN. Then again, how could PKR be so stupid to let a mole to pass through their ranks and be so close to Anwar in the first place? And, what if somebody showed the press of Saiful Bukhary pictures with Anwar? Wouldn’t that give hints that Saiful was indeed quite close to Anwar? I do not believe there are no pictures taken of Saiful and Anwar during the campaigning period or even after the election. And, importantly, is showing Saiful in a picture with Mustapa Mohamad, Azalina Othman and Shahrir Samad is proof enough that Anwar did not sodomise the boy? Is that all Wan Azizah can muster in his defense?;
6] Another thing that really confused me was Anwar’s statement in Utusan Malaysia and Bernama:
“…bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu mendakwa wujud konspirasi pihak tertentu disebabkan niatnya untuk bertanding pilihan raya kecil yang akan diumumkan dalam minggu ini.”
Why would he want to contest in a state seat by-election? And in Sanglang, Perlis? He wants to be the opposition leader of Perlis State Assembly? Is that his ambition now? This doesn’t make any sense! Why would the conspirators conspire to make this police report or even assassinate him just to prevent him to contest in Perlis? They can just let him rot in the state assembly and everyone will be happy;
7] I really do not understand why Anwar Ibrahim, upon leaving the Turkish embassy, made self defeating statements such as this (as reported in Bernama);
When asked whether he will cooperate in the police investigation into his aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan’s allegations against him, Anwar’s retort was, “What investigations?”.“I will assist in any inquiries but investigations which are bad in nature like in the past, where there were bad judges, prosecutors, police and witnesses…”
Why did he think so far ahead? It was merely a police report. It’s not even a court case yet. He purposely made himself sounds guilty. But there is a twist; according to him and his supporters, it was a trumped up charge. To me, if you know what you are doing, and you are the one whose telling the truth, you should not be afraid of anything. You should not even be hiding or crying for amnesty from a foreign embassy. Plus, the judiciary now is in good shape these days. You can always count on Zaid Ibrahim to be on your side. And you can get the judges who released you in 2004 to preside over your case. IF there is going to be any case. Why give statements as if you think you are going to be charged at all? You have not been proven guilty yet. Be cool.
8] Days after Pak Lah announced the reforms in the judiciary in April, Wan Azizah was among the first person to say that the judiciary and its independence has been restored. But in her press conference yesterday, she riled and complained that she does not believe the police nor the judiciary and lambasted the government; and
9] Is there now a vacancy in the post of special assistant to Anwar Ibrahim and if yes, can I apply? Do I still be subjected to a background check? How much is the remuneration package and what are the benefits? Is condo Desa Damansara part of the perks?
kzso - for someone who says that he has no comments on anwar...he seems to have many!
The one where Anwar Ibrahim raised more questions
In my last article, I wrote that there is something wrong in this whole incident involving Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his sodomy allegations.
I said there was something wrong because Anwar in all his actions and the reaction of people close to him did not behave like he was on the path of the truthful.
I was anticipating some form of news that would extinguish my doubts about him in this matter. But his press conference at PKR headquarters on Tuesday left me greatly disappointed. I was banking on him to leave no stones unturned but eventually, he created more questions and doubts. But then again, my overly cynical mind may be working overtime here. Maybe because I drank too much coffee today. Or maybe I am just exhausted with all the mind numbing news in cyberspace.
Anyway, as a prelude, I do not fancy this style of writing (seems cluttered) but due to the magnitude of the issue at hand and the article below is rather lengthy, I decided to write a line by line analysis where applicable. Bear in mind that this is a rush job so please pardon any grammatical errors.
Nevertheless, I took the liberty to copy paste the excerpt of his press conference from a website. My opinion is in red.
“DPM, Rosmah behind sodomy allegation, says Anwar”
PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim alleges that the Deputy Prime Minister and his wife are part of a three-person team behind the sodomy allegation he is recently accused of.
He added that all indications thus far pointed to a conspiracy from the office of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor and Najib’s special officer Khairil Anas Yusof.
(This is an accusation by itself. Although the police are still investigating this, he had pre-empted everyone by providing this statement regarding certain ‘indications’).
“I don’t blame the accuser, I blame the conspirators in this game, using people as pawns,” he said Tuesday during a packed press conference at the PKR headquarters here. (God bless Anwar and Saiful)
Apart from the photo PKR recently released showing the accuser Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan with Najib’s aide Khairil, Anwar on Tuesday revealed a second link allegedly connecting Najib’s office to the sodomy accusation.
(I couldn’t believe the audacity of Wan Azizah trying to implicate Najib based only on 1 meaningless photo last Sunday)
Anwar said there was a statutory declaration stating Saiful was closely connected to Khairul Anas, and that he had met secretly with Najib and Rosmah on several occasions.
(Suddenly he revealed there was a statutory declaration made? When was it made? After the original police report made by Saiful or before? If it’s after, then it would certainly be less credible since there would now be a reasonable doubt that the SD was done just to lay credence to his recent accusation on Najib and Rosmah)
“This person, supposed to be my staff, working for me, but having secret meetings with Najib and the wife, aneh sekali … (very strange),” Anwar said.
(So, is this the so called ‘all indications’? How poor was his security checks of people surrounding him? And yet, he did not terminate this ‘treacherous’ Saiful even after he got to know about his betrayal? Plus, how would meetings with Najib absolve him from ever sodomising Saiful?)
He added that the statutory declaration by an unnamed person would be revealed soon.
(This SD should have been revealed during the first press conference by Wan Azizah. Why was it not produced earlier to douse all doubts? A question; can an SD be backdated?)
Anwar also said the sodomy charge should be dropped because it was frivolous and nonsensical. (Yes, of course it should be dropped. But Saiful had accused him and had made a police report. He would not have gone through all the trouble of doing police report, having medical checks etc just to be made light of his current predicament. Anwar in turn, should also deny it vehemently and provide alibis as well)
When asked if he had any alibi on the night of the alleged sodomy, Anwar was silent for several seconds; he answered another question first, and then replied that he had ample proof and that he was with many people at that time.
(Why be silent and divert the attention by answering another question? Why can’t he just reveal where he was last Thursday there and then? Apa yang susah sangat?)
He declined to elaborate, saying he had been advised by his lawyers to refrain from making any statement relating to the case.
(Now this is the mother of all my cynicisms. After accusing Najib and Rosmah without ample proof of any direct involvement with Saiful, he suddenly said, he must not be making any statements relating to this case? What hypocrisy. Conveniently trying to hide under the pretext of some legal context while at the same time failed to provide the ultimate proof of his innocence to the public through an alibi)
Compared to the first time when he was charged with sodomy in 1998, Anwar said this time he was well prepared with facts and documents to clear his name.
“In 1993, the police stole my diary and never returned it. We struggled to think of what happened years ago. This time, events are still fresh in my memory. There is the diary and witnesses.
(Then there shouldn’t be any problem for Anwar or even Wan Azizah to provide his whereabouts during the alleged incident then. Why keeping mum?)
“No way am I going to give them an easy route this time. I will fight them hard and effectively, because it is the second round of dirty conspiracy,” said Anwar. (Logically, he should not even be fighting. Just give the police his alibi, and this thing would be settled once and for all. Why must he drag this matter like a bitter old bully? Why must he create more tension? Is being ‘ganas’ his natural trait?)
To another question, Anwar said he believed the sodomy accusation was re-used 10 years later because “they think this is the best to cause anxiety and disgust among Muslims.”
(Yes it is. And his reluctance to clear his name quickly disgust the Muslims even more)
He called on the police not to spring an arrest surprise, adding his lawyers had written three letters to the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney-General indicating his willingness to co-operate in the investigation.
(Why would he be quick to judge that the police will arrest him? The police might arrest Saiful instead for making a false police report. That is a possibility too. But he is painting himself to be the innocent fall guy. In my books, the fall guy could be Najib while the victim is Saiful. While the winner is Pak Lah and Anwar. When I said Pak Lah, I actually meant KJ)
They have not replied until today. Take my DNA, take my hair. My hair is everywhere, except this part,” said Anwar as he smiled and patted the middle part of his head.
Asked if he would lodge a police report on the death threats he received, Anwar replied, “Let’s see how they investigate my report about the fabrication of evidence lodged against the IGP and the AG.” He also mentioned that a former Chief Justice and a Federal Court Judge had apologised to him for the cases involving him in 1998 and 1999.
(Another statement that confounded me. I nearly shouted out loud, ‘for the love of God, Datuk Seri!’. Why won’t he lodge a police report about the death threats and assassination attempts on his life? Is his life not that important now? It was very important 2 days ago when he hid in the Turkish embassy! The investigation on the fabrication of evidence might take months. He might not survive any assassination attempt in the future if proper precaution deriving from a police report was not implemented. We love him too much. Please make a report now. But I guess all the hired assassins had called in sick today. That was why Anwar was brave enough to be standing in front of a huge crowd in Stadium Melawati in Shah Alam tonight)
(Note: On Sunday, Anwar in his blog stated about this fabrication of evidence by the IGP and AG:
“The report has been organized by interested parties to attack me in retaliation for evidence I have recently obtained implicating IGP Musa Hassan and the AG Gani Patail in misconduct including fabrication of evidence in the cases launched against me in 1998-1999. This vile attack will not prevent me from releasing this dossier to the public.”
At first I thought that the fabrication of evidence would mean that Anwar has evidence that the IGP and AG had fabricated some evidence regarding his sodomy trials in 1998. Right? This will surely land the IGP and AG in hot soup as the past 1998 allegations would certainly be a lie. But alas, he was only highlighting the trials of the then IGP - Tan Sri Rahim Noor over the beatings he received. Now I am not belittling the gravity of that situation. But please do not think that the readers are idiots. He was clearly trying to create doubts and shifting the focus)
Anwar claimed the former Chief Judge had cried and said that “they were under orders.” (Will Tun Eusoff Chin verify this? His name again has been dragged into this issue. Anyway, why is this statement relevant with the current issue? Why is Anwar stalling and misdirecting? Will the current Chief Judge also be ‘under the orders of the PM/DPM’ if this police report be turned into a court trial? Surely with the more credible line of legal fraternity we have now in Malaysia like the Chief Justice, Zaid Ibrahim and Ian Chin, absolute justice can be dispensed to Anwar)
The Federal Court Judge, added Anwar, had passed him a message saying: “You understand la sir, please understand us, circumstances were such and nothing could be done”.
(Again, what is the relevance in this? Please provide the name of this judge so that we can remove any element of hearsay)
To that, he urged them to have the courage to publicly state their case.
(If he has brains and sincere enough in proving his innocence, he should have made, long time ago, a police report about this ‘corrupted Chief Justice and Federal Court judge instead! Why stop at ‘urging’?)
“How do I declare a private conversation between me and a former Chief Judge who told me he had no choice; and in order to save the judiciary he had to do it,” said the PKR de facto leader. (By making an affidavit obviously. Or at least, swear on the Quran - mainly to appease the disillusioned PAS members)
Commenting on his two-day stay at the Turkish Embassy, Anwar lambasted the Government for creating an issue over the invite.
“Anyone in their right mind will know it is not possible for me to enter the Turkish Embassy without permission in this high profile case,” he said.
He thanked the Turkish ambassador, Prime Minister and its people for hosting him.
So there you go. My niggling doubts. In my opinion, this press conference brings more confusion to the readers. It could either be the fault of the reporter, or Anwar himself drank too much Turkish coffee. Thanks and goodnight.
By the way, tonight’s highly recommended good reading material and its near relevance to this article are :
1) ktemoc konsiders
2) future fast forward
kzso - yep more questions that spins my head
A Prime Minister that backstabs the nation
15 07 2008
IT’S GOOD TO BE BACK! (well, sort of)
I was away in another country with very limited news from Malaysia. Was only able to access this blog through my handphone.
Hence, was unable to post any articles for the past week or so. Not that I’m obliged to write on a daily basis anyway. But I’m telling ya, try going away for a few days and you will find yourself swamped by an avalanche of news once you come back.
Need to do some catching up on the blogs of fellow bloggers and reading the nauseating news in the mainstream media. It amazes me that after a few days out of the country, things hadn’t really changed. In fact, it got worse.
For a start, I just learned that we are gonna be stuck with Pak Lah for yet another TWO years! What happened? Did he not read the memo? Did somebody forgot to tell him that we want him out NOW? Were all Umno MT members drugged into submission during the meeting?
All those nights of fantasizing the possibility of getting a new (and clever) Prime Minister come this December just came to naught. I wonder what Pak Lah really felt when his retirement announcement was met with a thunderous applause by the Umno delegates last Thursday. His skin must have been really, really thick.
To me, Pak Lah will be remembered as the Umno President whom had unsystematically destroy Umno and had brought Barisan Nasional to its knees. Since 2003, he had done nothing except to make the country and the rakyat suffer from every flip flop decision he made. The most recent would be the decision on the Thailand rice purchase.
By June 2010, I sure hope Pak Lah will remove the knife (or keris) from Barisan Nasional’s back. What a backstabber. “The Prime Minister who backstabs the nation”. Wow. Now that’s deep. Not unlike the other backstabber whom we love to hate or love to adore, depending on which side you’re on. But I guess birds of a feather do flock together.
A Prime Minister that backstabs the nation. Let’s take a moment and think about that sentence…
By the way, doesn’t it make your blood rushed to the head when you read that Harley Davidson bought MV Agusta for USD109 million recently? The longer Pak Lah at the helm, the more damaging he will be. If you do not believe me, then I really hate to tell you people “I told you so” 6 months down the road.
Anyway, I also came to learn that Anwar Ibrahim was acting up again. This time, he is throwing tantrums like a pre-teen. Is this so called ‘Prime Minister in waiting’ thinks he is above the law? Think about all the things he could do if he really was the Prime Minister. Do we really want a diva as a Prime Minister?
From his actions, I do not think he is interested in clearing his name quickly. Actually, he wants the police to arrest him so that he will regain popularity and become a martyr. Who does he think he is anyway? Jose Rizal?! Don’t make me barf. I barfed the other time reading about Pak Lah and Gorbachev. But that was not as bad as Joceline Tan’s rendition of equating KJ and Che Det though.
The bottomline is, both Pak Lah and Anwar are bankrupt of ideas anyway.
And lastly, Mr. Bung Mokhtar Radin. The troublemaker. He is a scum. For the love all things holy, why on earth did the people in Kinabatangan vote for him? Are they bereft of any common sense? And why are his actions left unchecked? According to Umno’s constitution [fasal 20.8 (f) & (g)], he should be subjected to some disciplinary action.
Oh well, Pak Lah is not known to be a strict disciplinarian anyway.
Is this good for a developing nation?
kzso - well said
Solicitor-General set to lead sodomy prosecution
Exclusive to The Malaysian Insider
KUALA LUMPUR, July 31 — He is unknown, an anonymous name in Malaysian legal circles. But Datuk Idrus Harun has one of the toughest jobs in the country — he is going through the investigation papers prepared by police officers and is slated to lead the prosecution team if Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is charged with sodomy.
The Malaysian Insider has learnt that the investigation papers were sent by the police to the Solicitor-General late yesterday.
Investigators say that they have sufficient evidence to make a prima facie case against the former deputy prime minister but the final call rests with Idrus.
This controversial case landed on Idrus’s lap after Anwar accused Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail and Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan of fabricating evidence against him when he was assaulted while in detention in 1998.
After this, the government decided that both Gani and Musa should not be involved in the probe into the fresh sodomy allegation against Anwar.
Idrus is seen as a straight shooter in the legal service but there are concerns that he is a greenhorn when it comes to criminal prosecution.
Despite this misgiving, government officials believe that those involved in the probe should not have the baggage of 10 years ago when Anwar was accused of corruption and sodomy and spent six years in jail for both convictions. He was freed after the Federal Court overturned the sodomy conviction in 2004.
The fresh sodomy accusation was lodged on June 28 by 23-year-old Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan against the opposition leader. The male aide claimed Anwar committed sexual assault eight times with the last being at a posh Damansara condominium on June 26.
The university dropout lodged a report after going for a medical examination at the Hospital Pusrawi in Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur. The doctor on duty sent him for a further check-up in the Kuala Lumpur Hospital where he duly reported the sexual assault.
The first medical report was leaked on the Internet early this week and has fanned a controversy as it states there was no evidence of sodomy on Saiful. However, the hospital administrators have said it is inconclusive as the doctor is a general medical practitioner.
The Health Ministry is investigating how the report was leaked and made public, adding it will stand by the report made by the Kuala Lujmpur Hospital.
Anwar has seized on the leaked medical report as a vindication of his innocence, calling on the police to drop the investigations as it clearly was meant to implicate him. However, the police are continuing with their probe and have recommended to charge the former deputy prime minister.
Saiful himself stands by his accusations and called on Anwar to swear his innocence by the Quran. Anwar has traded accusations with Saiful by lodging a qazaf or slander report at the Federal Territories Islamic Affairs Department where he gave a statement yesterday.
Anwar has also sued Saiful for defamation.
kzso - we'll wait for the solicitor-general action whether to charge or not to charge? or will anwar lodge any police or aca or jawi report towards datuk idris harun so that he cannot or should not be involved in this case
Pak Lah then answered, “Me, resign? Not in this lifetime!”
26 07 2008
This is what we all get for having an unwise Prime Minister whom nobody respects. Not even from his own team members!
PUTRAJAYA: The Terengganu state government will have to abide by the Cabinet decision not to use its newly purchased Mercedes as the official cars for its executive councillors.
However, the 14 cars would instead be used for visiting foreign dignitaries and guests of the state.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said that while the state government was told to abide by the Cabinet’s earlier decision on the Mercedes E200 Kompressors, losses would be incurred if the cars that were already bought by the state government were to be sold off.
The state government had replaced its fleet of Proton Perdana V6 Executive with the 14 Mercedes cars at RM3.43mil for the use of its state executive councillors and senior officials, citing high maintenance costs of the Proton cars as a reason.
Speaking after attending the National Academic Awards 2007 event at the Putrajaya International Convention Center yesterday, Abdullah said he and his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had discussed the matter with Terengganu Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said on Thursday.
“Yesterday (Thursday) Najib and I in a meeting with the MB discussed the matter and we said that the important thing was that the Cabinet had decided the state government should not use the cars for its excos,” he said.
“I said use the Mercedes cars for guests who are visiting,” he added.
Earlier Friday, Ahmad said, “We (Abdullah and Najib) reached a consensus on the matter during the meeting at Putra World Trade Centre (on Thursday). The matter has been solved.”
Ahmad said both leaders had told him that the matter is solved and should be laid to rest.
Wow! What a clever idea from Dictator Dollah. So he thinks that from now on, many, many foreign dignitaries are going to visit Terengganu on a daily basis? I DOUBT THAT.
Why would foreign dignitaries need to be chauffered in a Mercedes in the first place?
Is the BN government not in the right mind to promote locally made cars?
Were all the past foreign dignitaries that came to Terengganu before this were made to climb taxis all over the state?
What happened to the previous cars used for the visiting dignitaries?
And, to justify the lost opportunity to use these cars, I’m sure the MB of terengganu will now HAVE TO buy the Perdana Executives that will cost the state another RM2 million for their Excos!
The excuse for not selling the cars was that they will incur losses.
Firstly, since when the state is thinking like an profit seeking company?
Of course there will be some losses.
But Mercedes have high resell values do they not?
The quicker they sell it, the smaller the losses. And secondly, it is only good economical sense to depart with the cars anyway.
They do no have to think further about their maintenance costs for the next 4 years, the really high yearly insurance and road tax payments as well as the high petrol guzzling consumption of the Kompressor engines.
But it is all too late now.
This could have been easily avoided if our dear old Pak Lah could have just stayed awake long enough in his meetings with the state governments.
So what do we get in the end? Over RM5 million lost just because nobody respects Pak Lah anymore!
This is just a poor case of face saving exercise which hopefully, the rakyat could overlook.
My dear Dictator, don’t think with all the baloney going on involving Anwar and his pet poodle Raja Petra, I have forgotten about you. No I haven’t. I am still watching you… bila nak resign? Cepat sikit boleh?
And don’t get me started with Zaid Ibrahim! Now he is just in a class of his own. That was not a compliment people!
kzso - ydp pm pl, this terengganu mb was 'appointed' by the sultan of terengganu not by you the umno's president. the only one ahmad said listens is the sultan of terengganu who is currently the agong. whatever you may say pl, this ahmad said will never listen to you. anyway, the people of terengganu is watching closely this ahmad said. 14 mercs to be used for foreign dignitaries/guests? what a joke!
Anwar Ibrahim and the foot in mouth disease
19 07 2008
I know this is tiring to say the least. But I just cannot resist the temptation of posting this one;
Anwar: Buktikan siapa rogol siapa
MELAKA, 18 Julai (Bernama) — Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, yang sedang dalam siasatan polis kerana tuduhan meliwat, meminta polis membuktikan empat fakta yang kukuh sebelum membenarkan DNA beliau diambil.
“Bukti pertama, siapa rogol siapa, saya sakit pinggang, budak universiti (bekas pembantunya Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan) kuat.
“Bukti kedua, di mana (berlakunya kejadian), ketiga tempat mana dan keempat di mana saksi,” katanya ketika menyampaikan ceramah politik yang dihadiri lebih 1,000 orang di Cheng di sini malam ini.
Was it a Freudian slip? Or a mere slip of the tongue?
All I know is, from this exact words that he uttered, he is trying to say that the alleged act did happen but it’s not him who sodomises Saiful but it could be the other way round!
That is why, if any of Anwar loyalists ever read this, please tell him to stop talking too much as it will sometimes cause more damage to his credibility.
I would like to point out another observation I made regarding his political rally.
The purported death threats on his life were just the product of his overactive imagination and an attempt to divert attention and gain sympathy.
Not many people attended his public rally which as I see it, a true reflection of the support by the people. Therefore, I can derive a couple of points out of this;
- that the 50% support Pakatan Rakyat had garnered during the last general election was heavily misconstrued by Anwar as the people’s real support to his cause. True to the many analyses by pundits, the BN’s loss in the last general election was only due to the frustration on Pak Lah’s government, not the overwhelming support for Pakatan Rakyat. Even the leaders in the Pakatan Rakyat did not foresee this kind of turnaround of support to them.
- Seeing he had no huge support from the people from Day 1 of this incident (with the exception of the rally in Kelana Jaya which by the way was a protest against the fuel hike), he cooked up a lot of tactics to disinform and rile up the public’s sentiments through allegations of conspiracy by the government.
On 1 July, Wan Azizah, upon a meeting with Pak Lah even said that:
“Earlier, Dr Wan Azizah said she would hold the prime minister to his word over his assurance of Anwar’s safety.
She said the premier gave his personal guarantee that investigations into a sodomy charge against Anwar would be handled with fairness and professionalism.
She stressed that they were ready and willing to assist in the investigations.
“We have sent letters stating our willingness to assist both the IGP and the A-G, but until now we have yet to receive any reply,” she added.”
See how the chameleonic Anwar and his people had change their stand time and time again just to suit their ever changing run of bad luck? How many times does he want to lie and lie to the public?
Anwar’s lawyer (R. Sivarasa) had also pointed out that they have yet to receive the police report by Saiful although according to the law, the police is not entitled to provide the police report to Anwar and his lawyer.
The law read as follows :
“Section 51A of the CPC, titled Delivery of certain documents, reads as follows;
(1) The prosecution shall before the commencement of the trial deliver to the accused the following documents:
(a) A copy of the information made under Section 107 relating to the commission of the offence to which the accused is charged, if any;
(b) A copy of any document which would be tendered as part of the evidence for the prosecution; and
(c) A written statement of facts favourable to the defence of the accused signed under the hand of the Public Prosecutor or any person conducting the prosecution.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph
(c), the prosecution may not supply any fact favourable to the accused if its supply would be contrary to public interest.”
Was Sivarasa so stupid that he did not know the law?
Actually I know that he is well versed with this law but he chose to play up with public sentiment and create doubts over this whole ordeal. Which is not surprising since Sivarasa is an MP in Subang.
Whatmore, he is an MP and VP of PKR! Naturally, the survival and the integrity of Anwar is the most important factor in Sivarasa’s political career.
To a certain extend, I suspect Sivarasa could not even uphold the code and ethics of the Bar profession throughout this ordeal.
And true to the occasion, Sivarasa is trying hard to plant the seeds of doubt so that Anwar could at least win in the court of public opinion.
Now I am more convinced that Anwar did it.
Thank you and have a good weekend. Jebat Must Die will probably return on Monday.
Anyway, today’s highly recommended good reading material and its near relevance to this article is :
kzso - well said about our pak sheikh anwar
Saiful's lawyer, Zamri Idrus speaking to reporters
"He confirmed that he wrote the report, and that he had examined Saiful," added Dr Kamaruddin.
He also said that the police had taken a statement from Dr Muhammad Osman and they were polite in their investigation.
He explained that Saiful came to the hospital to seek treatment for pain in the anus. "Maybe after the examination, he complained of sodomy," he said when asked why the doctor wrote TRO (to rule out) sodomy in the leaked report.
Meanwhile, Saiful today issued a statement read by his lawyer Zamri Idrus, saying he was eagerly waiting for the police to complete the investigation on his report and to bring the individual involved to justice.
Saiful also said there was no reason for him to falsely accuse Anwar.
When asked further, Zamri declined to comment on any issues including the leaked medical report.
Below is the full handwritten statement by Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan dated on July 30, 2008:
1. I have made a police report that I was sodomised by Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim. I leave it to the police to conduct the investigation on my police report. I am now waiting for the findings from the police to bring the individual to justice
2. I demand that Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim not to waver and give excuses over this case.
3. I also wish to state that there is no reason for me to falsely accuse and victimise Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Dated 30/07/08
Mohd Saiful Azlan Bukhari
kzso - let's wait for the police's findings and investigations
Pusrawi report on Saiful not conclusive
By Adib Zalkapli
KUALA LUMPUR, July 30 ― Pusrawi Hospital today confirmed that a preliminary examination was conducted on 23-year-old Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan who had accused Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of sodomising him, but insisted that it was not a conclusive medical report.
"Dr Muhammad Osman Abdul Hamid is only a general practitioner at the emergency clinic at Pusrawi Hospital and he's not a specialist," said Pusrawi general manager Wan Mahmood Wan Yaacob.
He said the doctor had advised Saiful to seek treatment with a specialist at the government hospital.
"There was no examination done on his sodomy allegation," he told a press conference here this afternoon.
When asked to confirm whether what was stated in the leaked medical report that confirmed Saiful was never been sodomised, Wan Mahmood said, "What is in the report was the doctor's observation. We have yet to verify it; we have already formed an internal investigation committee to confirm whether what was revealed is similar to what we have in possession."
He added that the internal investigation committee would also investigate how the report was leaked.
However he refused to confirm or deny whether the leaked report was authentic. "It looks the same, but maybe, maybe not," he said.
He also said Dr Muhammad Osman who hails from Myanmar was on leave at the moment until the end of this month and the hospital was unable to contact him.
Pusrawi medical director Dr. Kamaruddin Ahmad who was also present at the press conference said that he last met Dr Muhammad Osman, who started working at Pusrawi since January this year, two weeks ago to discuss the medical report on Saiful.
kzso - wait for the police investigation and court case (if any). i wonder whether people are now willing to go for medical check-up at pusrawi
Saiful Akan Bersumpah Guna Al-quran, Kata Peguam
KUALA LUMPUR, 30 Julai (Bernama) -- Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan yang mendakwa diliwat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim akan membuat akuan bersumpah menggunakan Al-Quran dalam masa terdekat, kata peguamnya.
Zamri Idrus berkata sehingga kini Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI) belum menghubungi anak guamnya itu berhubung akuan bersumpah.
"Saiful akan bersumpah dan pihak media akan dimaklumkan mengenainya. Buat masa ini biar polis menjalankan siasatan tanpa sebarang gangguan.
"Beliau tetap dengan pendiriannya untuk membuat akuan bersumpah dan beliau melakukannya dengan sukarela, bukan atas paksaan," katanya pada satu sidang akhbar di sini, Rabu.
Ketika ditanya sama ada Mohd Saiful, 23, diugut oleh pihak tertentu memandangkan keengganannya bersemuka dengan pihak media, Zamri berkata anak guamnya berbuat demikian kerana sebab keselamatan tetapi beliau akan menemui wartawan apabila tiba masanya.
"Saiful bukan takut jumpa media tetapi bimbang akan keselamatannya. Buat pengetahuan pihak media, Saiful masih berada di negara ini dan berada di bawah perlindungan polis," katanya.
Ketika ditanya sama ada Mohd Saiful pernah pergi ke Hospital Pusrawi untuk membuat pemeriksaan doktor berhubung kes liwatnya, Zamri berkata: "Tiada komen mengenai laporan perubatan itu dan biar polis jalankan siasatan mereka. Semua perkara berkaitan kes liwat ini sudah diberitahu kepada pihak polis dan Saiful bersedia memberi kerjasama kepada polis bila-bila masa.
Zamri berkata anak guamnya mempunyai "kes yang kuat" untuk membuktikan dirinya diliwat oleh Anwar.
Pada sidang akhbar itu, peguam itu membacakan kenyataan media tiga perenggan yang ditulis sendiri oleh Mohd Saiful yang menyatakan antara lainnya bahawa beliau tidak mempunyai apa-apa sebab untuk memfitnah dan menganiayai Anwar.
Beliau juga berharap polis akan mempercepatkan siasatan dan meminta agar orang ramai tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi mengenai kes itu.
kzso - be patience.... wait until the police and jawi completed their innvetigation.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Hospital: It wasn't a sodomy examination
Hospital Pusrawi today clarified that its medical officer Dr Muhammad Osman Abdul Hamid did not conduct a sodomy-related examination on Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.
The hospital revealed that Muhammad, a Burmese national, is not a specialist but only a general practitioner stationed at the Emergency Unit.
In a statement distributed to reporters, the hospital's general manager Wan Mahmud Wan Yaakob also said that it has not released any official reports pertaining to the case.
After examining Saiful, he said, the doctor advised the former to undergo an examination by a specialist at a government hospital.
"There were no further examinations carried out (on Saiful at Pusrawi) in relation to the sodomy complaint," he added.
Saiful had gone to the hospital complaining of pain in the stomach and anus.
Hospital Pusrawi was thrust into the limelight following media reports on the findings of the doctor who examined Saiful on June 28, hours before he filed a police report accusing opposition stalwart Anwar Ibrahim of sodomising him.In his report, the doctor stated that he found no evidence of sodomy.
Quizzed on the authenticity of the report leaked to the media, Wan Mahmud replied: "Looks the same, contents are the same."
kzso - we'll wait for the investigation ends.
Saiful tak pernah lakukan pemeriksaan akibat liwat - Pusrawi
baca artikel asal di Utusan online
Saiful tak pernah lakukan pemeriksaan akibat liwat -
KUALA LUMPUR 30 Julai – Hospital Pusrawi Sdn. Bhd. hari ini menafikan bahawa seorang doktor pakarnya telah melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap aduan liwat terhadap Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan pada 28 Jun lalu.
Sebaliknya, pihak hospital itu menegaskan, pegawai perubatannya, Dr. Mohamad Osman Abdul Hamid bukan seorang doktor pakar dan tidak pernah menjalankan pemeriksaan aduan sodomi (liwat) ke atas Mohd. Saiful Bukhari.
Sebaliknya, Pengarah Perubatan Hospital Pusrawi, Dr. Kamarudin Ahmad dalam sidang akhbarnya di sini petang ini memberitahu, Dr. Mohamad Osman hanya pegawai perubatan yang bertugas di Klinik Kemalangan dan Kecemasan pada hari berkenaan.
“Beliau (Dr. Mohamad Osman) bukan seorang doktor pakar... dia menasihatkan pesakit (Mohd. Saiful Bukhari) supaya menjalani pemeriksaan lanjut di hospital kerajaan.“Tiada pemeriksaan lanjut berkaitan aduan sodomi (liwat),” tegasnya. - Utusan
kzso - we'll wait until the investigation ends
Anwar: Saya boleh menang di Kulim
Jimadie Shah Othman
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yakin beliau boleh menang di kerusi parlimen Kulim-Bandar Baharu apabila bertanding di situ jika ia diisytiharkan kosong oleh mahkamah bulan depan.
"Pilihanraya kecil atau besar (umum), kalau (dijalankan secara) bebas, jujur dan adil, itu beres. Di Malaysia ini, kita hanya mahu memastikan ia bebas dan adil.
"Saya yakin, insya Allah. Dan kebetulan Kulim-Bandar Baharu itu berhampiran dengan kampung asal saya yang terkenal itu Cherok To'kun," kata penasihat PKR sambil berseloroh dalam sidang media pagi ini.
Menurut Anwar, beliau "sudah dapat laporan bahawa kawasan itu baik".
Tambahnya, tiga parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat telah memberikan komitmen penuh untuk membantunya dalam pilihanraya kecil nanti.
Beliau bagaimanapun faham bahawa pilihanraya kecil selalunya lebih mencabar bagi seseorang calon pembangkang.
"Saya sedar, seluruh sumber kerajaan, Umno dan parti (BN). Saya ada sebut di Kulim pada malam dulu (Ahad), seluruh traktor dari Semenjanjung kini sedang bergerak ke Kulim," katanya, disambut ketawa kecil kumpulan wartawan yang membuat liputan.
Katanya, beliau sebelum ini menimbang sama ada bertanding di Bandar Tun Razak yang kini dimenangi oleh Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, yang juga menteri besar Selangor, atau Kulim-Bandar Baharu.
"Kita melihat Bandar Tun Razak dan Kulim-Bandar Baharu, tetapi keputusan kita, terus (bertanding) di Kulim," kata Anwar di ibu pejabat PKR di Petaling Jaya.
Beliau enggan mengulas kesediaan bekas pemimpin kanan PKR dan setiausaha politiknya Mohamad Ezam Mohd Noor mencabarnya dalam pilihanraya kecil itu.
Mahkamah akan mendengar petisyen pilihanraya calon BN Datuk Abdul Aziz Sheikh Fadzir bulan depan.
Pada pilihanraya umum 8 Mac, calon PKR Zulkifli Noordin memenangi dengan majoriti 5,583 – beliau memperolehi 22,255, manakala Aziz pula sebanyak 16,672.
Kulim-Bandar Baharu mempunyai 67.93% pemilih Melayu, 21.13% Cina dan 11.48% India daripada jumlah keseluruhan 51,444 orang.
Mengulas tawaran Umno supaya PAS membentuk kerajaan campuran di Perak, Anwar berkata perkara itu sudah dijawab oleh menteri besar Datuk Seri Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin bahawa beliau tetap komited dengan Pakatan.
Mengulas sama ada isu muzakarah antara PAS dan Umno akan menjejaskan gabungan pembangkang yang dikepalainya, Anwar berkata:
"Ia sekarang muqabalah, bukan lagi muzarakah. Ia penting diketahui daripada aspek epistemologi.
"Muzakarah bermaksud diskusi biasa untuk mencari persefahaman. Muqabalah bermaksud, kamu berdiskusi atas pendirian kamu."
kzso - as long as pas and umno are in talking term either muqabalah and muzakarah is ok for the rakyat. on whether anwar can win in kulim. nothing is impossible in this world.
Laporan kesihatan Hospital Pusrawi tidak valid! by dr novandri
Dr Novandri Hasan Basri
Sejak kelmarin, penulis telah menerima banyak e-mel daripada rakan-rakan yang mengepilkan bahan berita mengenai Anwar Ibrahim.
Topiknya ialah mengenai dakwaan Anwar Ibrahim bahawa Saiful Bukhari tidak diliwat berdasarkan kepada satu salinan laporan kesihatan daripada Hospital Pusrawi.
Menurut laporan tersebut, pemeriksaan digital (PR) pada dubur (anal) Saiful, tidak menunjukkan sebarang tanda yang mencurigakan atau force entry disebabkan oleh sesuatu benda seperti pendarahan, nanah dan sebagainya.
Ramai yang keliru. Ramai juga yang mengutuk kerajaan kerana ia kononnya satu konspirasi untuk menjatuhkan Anwar Ibrahim. Tetapi mereka juga menanyakan pandangan penulis sebagai seorang doktor.
Di bawah ini adalah jawapan penulis:-
Di dalam salinan laporan yang ditunjukkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim kepada dunia, simptom utama yang ditulis oleh doktor itu ialah tenesmus x 1/52 (satu minggu)
Dan seperti yang penulis katakan sebelum ini, dakwaan ‘alleged assault’ seperti tidak penting dan ditulis di satu sudut di hujung kertas tersebut.
Sungguh pelik dan mencurigakan!
Tenesmus is the constant feeling of the need to empty the bowel, accompanied by pain, cramping, and involuntary straining efforts. Pain - passing stool; Painful stools; Difficulty passing stool.
Tanya diri sendiri, berapa orangkah di antara anda yang pernah ke klinik atau hospital kerana tenesmus seperti Saiful Bukhari?
Dan berapa orangkah di antara anda pernah disuruh doktor untuk membuka seluar, baring menghadap dinding dan kemudiannya terasa jari di masukkan ke dalam duburnya kerana mengadu sakit di bahagian itu?
Tentu jarang sekali.
Dan apabila doktor hendak melakukan prosedur itu, perkara pertama yang perlu dilakukan ialah menerangkan prosedurnya dan kemudian meminta izin (consent).
Tetapi prosedur itu hanya untuk kes-kes yang biasa.
Dan biasanya, penyakit-penyakit yang disyaki ialah buasir (piles) atau pun luka (fissure) di mana ianya boleh disyaki terlebih dahulu dengan mendapatkan sejarah mengenai simptom tersebut daripada pesakit tersebut sebelum melakukan pemeriksaan fizikal.
Akan tetapi, peranan seorang doktor biasa (yang bukan pakar perubatan) yang bekerja dengan swasta terhenti setakat mendapatkan informasi sahaja apabila pesakit mengatakan bahawa beliau telah di assault atau menjadi mangsa seksual. (kecuali kes-kes yang membahayakan pesakit seperti pendarahan yang banyak.)
Malah, apabila Saiful menerangkan kepada doktor itu bahawa benda tumpul telah dimasukkan ke dalam anus beliau, doktor tersebut sepatutnya telah faham yang beliau tidak berkelayakan untuk meneruskan sebarang pemeriksaan fizikal terutamanya di bahagian-bahagian badan yang paling disyaki seperti dubur (anal).
Tetapi doktor di Hospital Pusrawi dilaporkan masih juga melakukan pemeriksaan ke atas Saiful.
Tidakkah itu merupakan satu tindakan yang mungkin boleh merosakkan bukti, mencurigakan dan tidak masuk akal ? Tentu sekali.
Seperkara lagi, diagnosis yang ditulis oleh doktor itu ialah TRO (to rule out) assault (sodomise).
Maksudnya doktor tersebut tidak sekali-kali telah membuat diagnosis yang tepat (mengatakan bahawa Saiful tidak diliwat), cuma Saiful perlu ke hospital kerajaan untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan yang lebih terperinci dan mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan.
Dan hari ini, yang berlagak pandai seperti seorang doktor ialah Anwar Ibrahim, Raja Petra dan beberapa orang lagi yang membuat rumusan sendiri hanya berdasarkan findings pemeriksaan anal seorang doktor biasa!
Dalam hal ini, penulis tidak sangka yang Anwar Ibrahim sanggup mementaskan drama yang berkualiti rendah dan semurah ini.
Seperkara lagi, kesahihan kesinambungan bentuk tulisan di atas laporan itu juga merupakan satu perkara yang amat mencurigakan.
Penulis mengaku bahawa tulisan doktor biasanya ‘tercantik’ di dalam dunia dan sukar untuk dibaca tetapi jika kita amati, terdapat dua (2) corak tulisan yang jelas berbeza di dalam satu mukasurat yang sama.
Ini juga amat mencurigakan.
kzso - nothing is impossible with anwar, rpk and their gang.anyway if there is or are charges towards anwar, the truth will prevail in the open court.
– Ruhanie Ahmad
Jumlah cawangan UMNO yang mendesak bahagian masing-masing supaya tidak mencalonkan semula Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi ke jawatan Presiden UMNO di seluruh negara kini meningkat daripada 48 kepada 64.
Menurut blogger Zeme, keputusan terbaru majoritinya daripada cawangan UMNO Bahagian Muar, Johor, yang menjalankan persidangan cawangan masing-masing pada hujung minggu lalu.
Keseluruhan cawangan ini telah mendesak Bahagian Muar mencalonkan Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah ke jawatan Presiden UMNO dalam pemilihan pucuk pimpinan parti Disember 2008 ini.
Senarai penuh cawangan ini adalah: Cawangan Muarani (Maharani?), Bandar A, Bandar, Parit Perupuk Laut, Sungai Balang, Kampung Indah Parit Bugis, Seri Kemang, Sungai Kelat, Sungai Pulai, Seri Rahmat, Seri Pantai dan Paya Lebar.
Blogger Zeme juga memberikan khabar bahawa satu cawangan UMNO dalam Bahagian Langkawi, Kedah, telah membawa usul supaya UMNO bahagian berkenaan mencalonkan Razaleigh sebagai calon Presiden UMNO. Satu lagi cawangan dalam bahagian ini pula mengusulkan Datuk Najib Tun Razak diberikan peluang bertanding jawatan Presiden UMNO.
Seterusnya, UMNO Cawangan Parit 4 Timur, Bahagian Sabak Bernam, Selangor, telah mengusulkan kepada bahagiannya untuk mencalonkan Najib ke jawatan Presiden dan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin ke jawaqtan Timbalan Presiden UMNO.
Sementara itu, blogger Anak Jati Melayu, mengirimkan info mengenai amalan politik wang di peringkat cawangan seperti berikut:
Menantu (Abdullah) dah lama dok menyuap-nyuap untuk melobi jadi calon Ketua Pemuda. Banyak bahagian di Johor dah dijelajahi (olehnya). Tataetika yang baru di buat pun tak ada halangan bagi sidia. Sehinggakan pergi mesyuarat cawangan bawa pengawal macam polis. Berapa banyak dia tabur (saya) tak tahu. Ada kawan (yang) kerja di satu kementerian cakap, sekali (menantu Abdullah) tabur (duit), semua putih mata. Satu bahagian di Johor, katanya dah diperuntukkan RM1.00 juta untuk pencalonan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia. UMNO boleh hancur kerana politik wang. - 8:14 AM, 29.7.8
Ini pula maklumat mengenai politik wang daripada seorang yang menggunakan nama Ahli Insaf daripada UMNO Bahagian Parit Sulong, Johor. Menurutnya, kini ada seorang calon bagi satu jawatan dalam bahagian tersebut dikatakan menabur wang berpuluh-puluh ribu ringgit banyaknya. Ada sesetengah pihak dalam bahagian itu telah melaporkan kes ini kepada Biro Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) di Batu Pahat. 2.00 PM, 29.7.8
Saya tidak akan komen mengenai amalan politik wang ini kerana ada pembesar UMNO sudah buat kenyataan baru-baru ini bahawa BPR memang diminta memantau amalan ini di semua peringkat UMNO yang sedang menjalankan persidangan cawangan masing-masing di seluruh negara. Moga-moga kerjasama daripada BPR akan membantu UMNO memansuhkan amalan politik wang. Jika tidak, seperti yang banyak disuarakan menerusi blog ini, UMNO mungkin musnah akibat politik wang.
kzso - will the aca and umno disciplinary committee check on this allegation about kj? will the nos of branches not nominating ydp pm be increased further? time will tell.
Apa hal ni Pak Sheikh…?
Adakah salah soalan atau Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim takut untuk jawab soalan-soalan yang dirasai ‘ boleh bikin rosak program’... itulah persoalan yang tidak dapat jawab setelah dua kali wartawan Agendadaily menghadiri sidang akhbar 'Prime Minister in waiting' ini di ibu pejabat Parti Keadilan dekat Petaling Jaya.
Kali pertama pada 3 Julai lalu semasa sidang akhbar mengenai surat akuan sumpah penyiasat persendirian P.Balasubramanian.
Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat itu nyata tidak senang sekali dengan soalan wartawan Agendadaily kenapa beliau pergi ke kondominium tempat dimana bekas pembantunya Saiful Bukhri Azlan dakwa di liwat.
Sedangkan bagi mana-mana wartawan soalan itu dikira satu soalan natural amat wajar kerana sehari sebelum itu ketika bertemu Menteri Besar Kelantan Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Anwar ada menyatakan bahawa beliau tidak menafikan ada pergi ke kondo berkenaan.
Anwar sepintas jawab yang perkara itu akan dijawab semasa dalam mahkamah dan anggap tidak mahu menganggu proses siasatan.
Bagaimanapun ia tidak terhenti disitu , beliau sempat secara sinis bertanya pada wartawan Agendadaily,"…you wakil mana?"
Wartawan Agendadaily jawab,"wakil Agendadaily Datuk Seri…"
Anwar yang sememangnya mengenali wartawan Agendadaily kerana pernah membuat liputan berita berbagai program dan aktivitinya sejak awal tahun 80an lagi (semasa itu akhbar Watan) tetap dengan sengaja menjawab,"…saya tahu siapa finance you dan siapa tauke you…"
Anih bin ajaib Anwar sebelum ini dikenali dikalangan wartawan sedia menjawab apa jua soalan dan seringkali bercakap soal berapi-api tentang kebebasan akhbar tetapi kali ini beliau seolah-olah mengamalkan 'double standard' .
Malah reaksi Anwar yang buat macam wartawan ‘ tarak akai ’ dibayar untuk tanya sesuatu soalan adalah satu hal yang amat melucukan.
Sidang media pada pukul 11.45 pagi Selasa itu bertujuan untuk Anwar menceritakan bahawa lapuran perubatan dari Pusat Rawatan Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (PUSRAWI) telah memihak padanya.
"Dengan bukti terbaru ini telah memberi kelegaan yang besar pada kita…" kata Anwar merujuk pada lapuran seorang doktor di PUSRAWI yang memeriksa Saiful Bukhari Azlan yang mendakwa diliwat Anwar.
Tidak banyak soalan dari puluhan wartawan dari dalam dan luar negara yang hadir.
Soalan-soalan hanya berkisar soal kertas catatan lapuran Pegawai Perubatan Dr. Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid, hal berkaitan dengan hasratnya bertanding kawasan Parlimen di Kulim Bandar Baru, memberi ulasan tentang perbincangan PAS – UMNO dan menyentuh sedikit pasal perkembangan siasatan Jabatan Syariah Wilayah Persekutuan.
Bagaimanapun bila seorang wartawan bertanya dengan merujuk lapuran akhbar Utusan Malaysia tentang hasrat bekas Ketua Pemuda Keadilan Mohd Ezam Md Noor untuk menentang beliau dalam pilihan raya kecil, Anwar terus jawab,"… let him speak to Utusan Malaysia and Straits Times .."
"… let Utusan and Strait Times respond …"
Ketika wartawan Agendadaily turut meminta Anwar mengulas tentang kenyataan Ezam yang hendak dedahkan pelbagai perkara yang ada hubungkait dengan beliau, Anwar terus menjawab,"…Agendadaily boleh cari cerita lain…saya tak perlu respon".
Pada soalan Agendadaily seterusnya berhubung kesediaannya berdepan dengan Ezam, Anwar berkata,"…you wakil UMNO…"
Wartawan Agendadaily menjawab,"…saya dari Agendadaily…"
Anwar terus sambung,"…saya tahu (soalan) itu berbayar…cari soalan lain."
Sejurus sidang akhbar selesai kedengaran beberapa orang rakan wartawan lain berbisik sesama sendiri tentang cara Anwar mengelak untuk jawap kenyataan Ezam.
Seorang lagi rakan wartawan ketika ditanya pandangannya tentang hal itu berkata,"dia kata dia orang hebat, takkan soalan macam itu pun tak mahu jawab.
“Tak patut sangatlah tuduh orang macam itu…apakah dia nak soalan-soalan yang boleh dia balun kerajaan je…kalau begitu jangan memekak sana sini kononnya dia begitu prihatin tentang kebebasan akhbar. "
Malah seorang wartawan lain secara sinis menyindir mungkin juga Anwar ‘ada bayar’ kepada sesetengah wartawan untuk tanya soalan-soalan yang memihak padanya hingga beliau jadi syak wasangka dan amat prejudis pada soalan yang dianggap kritikal.
Untuk rekod wartawan Agendadaily pernah tanya soalan-soalan ‘ yang orang hendak tahu jawapannya’ lebih lazer lagi dalam sidang media para pemimpin UMNO termasuk Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri.
Ini termasuk bertanya Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang ketika itu duduk disebelah Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi masa sidang akhbar lepas mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO baru-baru ini apakah pendiriannya jika beliau mendapat pencalonan yang mencukupi kuota untuk bertanding jawatan Presiden UMNO.
Soalan itu dan jawapan Najib kemudianya telah menjadi ulasan hangat dalam media,laman web dan blog.
Sayangnya Timbalan Perdana Menteri tak kata pun, “ ini soalan yang dibayar oleh PKR ke ? ”
Juga kita ingin membawa pada satu insiden lain iaitu sidang akhbar Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail di lobi bangunan Parlimen selepas beliau dan Nurul Izzah menemui Perdana Menteri sejurus isu dakwaan liwat Anwar berbangkit.
Ini berhubung dengan dakwaan adanya ancaman bunuh keatasnya.
Soalan Agendadaily pada Wan Azizah ialah apakah bukti-buktinya wujud ancaman bunuh yang didakwa itu.
Presiden PKR itu nampak tidak begitu senang pada soalan berkenaan dan memberi alasan insiden mata lebam Anwar yang berlaku masa kes 1998 bagaimana keselamatan suaminya tidak terjamin.
Setakat tidak senang satu hal… tetapi entah apa yang dirungutkan oleh Wan Azizah pada Anwar kemudiannya...Wallahualam.
Ini bila mana pada malam itu semasa berucap di satu perhimpunan di Stadium Malawati,Shah Alam Anwar secara terbuka ada kata dua orang wartawan “ kurang ajar” pada isterinya pada sebelah petang tadi dan mengajak mereka berdepan dengannya.
Pada andaian kita kalau ‘sebelah petang’ mana ada lain selain semasa sidang akhbar itu.
Apakah beliau sengaja gembar gembur cakap begitu semata-mata untuk membakar semangat dan kemarahan kira-kira 10,000 orang para hadirin di himpunan itu?
Apakah ini cara beliau ‘mewarnai’ sesuatu hal agar orangramai bersimpati padanya?
“Kurang ajar’’ itu istilah apa Pak Sheikh ? …sedangkan soalan wartawan Agendadaily semasa di ruang lobi parlimen cuma nak tanya apakah bukti ancaman bunuh itu.
Ini kerana semua orang tahu Anwar bebas berceramah ke sesana kemari dan tidak pernah dengar pun ada cerita tentang ancaman bunuh sebelum ini.
Hadir pada sidang akhbar itu ialah Naib Presiden PKR Azmin Ali dan Bendahari PAS Dr Hatta Ramli.
Mungkin mereka boleh buat satu kenyataan akhbar untuk mempertahankan tindak tanduk Anwar dalam soal yang satu ini….apakah sekadar soalan yang semua orang nak tau jawapannya itu…boleh ditakrifkan sebagai ‘ kurang ajar ’ ?
Bagaimana YB Nurul Izzah…? adilkah soalan itu ditakrif sebagai ‘ kurang ajar ’.
Juga untuk rekod wartawan Agendadaily tidak pernah bersikap kurang ajar pada sesiapun tak kira pemimpin kerajaan atau pembangkang dalam mana-mana sidang akhbar sebelum ini.
Kalau benar seorang wartawan bertanya sesuatu soalan yang dikira kurang disenangi...selari dengan istilah dalam kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka satu perbuatan kurang ajar '...maka kita semua surrender ...angkat tangan dan mengakui hakikat bahawa Parti Keadilan Rakyat adalah satu-satunya parti ' yang paling adil ' dalam dunia ini.-
kzso - anwar flip flop? when asked about the condo he said he does not want to jeopadise the police investigation and wants to talk about it in court but on the pusrawi report he wants the police to drop the case. he should be consistent about this. he should give the same answer that this pusrawi report will be presented in court (if there is any case anyway, what's the fuss about?). i wonder why no reporters ask him to mubahalah if he is innocent?
Govt won't ask police to drop probe, says Syed Hamid
KUALA LUMPUR: The Government will not ask the police to drop its investigations into the Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sodomy case just because a medical report said the complainant had not been sodomised, said Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.
The Home Minister said the medical report from Hospital Pusrawi was “just one piece of evidence in a whole chain of evidences” at which the police were looking.
“There is not even a charge preferred on him (Anwar) yet, so what are we to drop? We have to let the police complete their investigations, submit their investigating papers to the prosecutor and let the prosecutor decide if there is a case,” he told reporters Tuesday
He said he was not surprised that Anwar had “gone to town” with the report, declaring himself innocent, as he (Anwar) was adept at playing political games.
Denying the Government was framing Anwar on allegations of sodomy, Syed Hamid said:”It would be very irrational for the Government to create a case of this nature, at this time, against such a person.”
He said the police were taking so long to complete investigations as they had to be “meticulous and look at every aspect”.
“You should not blame the police for being very cautious and careful because this involves such a famous personality, especially since he (Anwar) is treated differently from ordinary mortals,” he added.
Last month, one of Anwar’s political volunteers, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan lodged a police report that Anwar had sodomised him.
However, a medical report from Hospital Pusrawi made just hours before the police report was made ruled out that Saiful had been sodomised as there was “zero tear and scar”, “zero active bleeding” and zero ulcer or pus in his anus.
The medical report was put on an online news portal, following which Anwar called a press conference Tuesday and asked the police to drop its investigations as this proved he was being framed.
Syed Hamid said it was unethical for the medical report to be leaked, as this constituted a breach of trust between the doctor and patient, and urged the medical fraternity to look into this.
He also denied the police was concealing this piece of evidence, adding that they were in no position to disclose the contents of any report.
Syed Hamid said, for the Government, the earlier the investigation was completed and the earlier a decision was made one way or another, the better it would be.
kzso - anwar has not been charged yet but wants the case to be dropped. he should asked the police to wrap up the case/investigation rather than asking them to drop it. i hope he'll dare to accept saiful's challenge of mubahalah if he is really innocent. just go to any mosque, with some ulamas ,and swear upon god that he had not ever sodomised anybody in his life? better still gets agendaily/ntv/tv3/rtm to get his mubahalah telecast live. will he do it or come up with excuses. we just need to wait for the police investigation and ag chambers to decide whether there is a charge or otherwise.
Police Say Blog Article On Sodomy Medical Report Speculative, Based On Hearsay
KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 (Bernama) -- Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said Tuesday an Internet report that a doctor had found no medical evidence of sodomy on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's accuser was intended solely to skew public perception and undermine the police.
He said the article, "Doctor on the Run: Police Want Him to Fabricate Evidence Against Anwar", published in the "Malaysia Today" news portal Monday was based on hearsay, speculative and ascribed imputations which were totally unfair.
"The police want to state categorically that there is no iota of truth in the allegations made in the aforementioned article. At no time during the course of this investigation did the police detain a doctor or force him to fabricate evidence against the suspect," he said in a statement.
He also advised the public not to jump to conclusions without validating the truth of the allegation.Ismail said police shall not in any way be influenced or intimidated by any party to avert investigation of this case and that police were conducting the investigation professionally and expeditiously.
He said all kinds of allegations were floating around on the case in the blogsphere and it would not be in the best interest of the police to respond to all those accusations as the case was still under investigation.
"The police are conscious of the fact that this case has to be handled fairly and impartially so that the public has confidence in the way in which it is handled," he said.
He said that upon completion of the investigation, the police would present its case to the Attorney General's Chambers.
"The decision on whether to charge a suspect lies entirely with the Attorney General's Chambers, and the police will respect the decision that is made," he said.
kzso - yep, do your job fairly and impartially.let the ag chambers (not office?) decide whether there is a case or otherwise.
Tips Untuk Laporan Kesihatan Yang Sah Dan Kukuh Untuk Kes Sodomi
Dr Novandri Hasan Basri
Pada pandangan penulis sebagai seorang doktor, laporan kesihatan Saiful Bukhari yang ter'bocor' di Hospital Pusrawi, tidak boleh dijadikan bahan bukti terhadap kes liwat Anwar Ibrahim.
1. Ianya terlalu ringkas, tidak lengkap dan tidak mengikut prosedur seperti yang ditetapkan oleh pemeriksaan forensik.
2. Malah pemeriksaan ke atas Saiful Bukhari juga tidak lengkap. Hanya PR (per rectum) dilakukan iaitu menggunakan jari untuk memeriksa anal (dubur) pemuda tersebut. Prosedur sebenarnya lebih daripada itu iaitu termasuk memeriksa anal itu dengan alat proktoskop dan sebagainya.
3. Dan biasanya, apabila seorang mangsa seksual datang ke klinik atau hospital swasta di mana kes-kes yang bakal dirujuk kepada pihak polis, akan dirujuk segera kepada pihak hospital kerajaan.
4. Ini adalah kerana hospital kerajaan mempunyai kepakaran forensik serta lengkap dengan peralatan yang diperlukan.
5. Referral itu dimestikan kerana jika pemeriksaan tidak dilakukan dengan betul dan tidak mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan, peliwat itu boleh dibebaskan di atas sebab bukti-bukti yang tidak kukuh atau pun technical fault.
6. Yang menimbulkan tandatanya kepada penulis ialah tulisan doktor itu yang hanya menulis bahawa Saiful di assault di satu sudut di hujung laporan itu selepas simptom-simptom yang lain. Dan jika penulis adalah doktornya, penulis tidak akan menulis 'tenesmus x 1/52 ' sahaja sebagai simptom yang utama seperti tertulis di dalam laporan tersebut. Penulis pasti akan menulis 'alleged assault' sebagai perkara pertama dan kemudian merujuk terus ke hospital kerajaan tanpa berlengah-lengah lagi.
7. Apakah kenyataan 'alleged assault' itu ditambah hanya selepas doktor tersebut melakukan pemeriksaan anal menggunakan jari (PR)?
8.Jika benar, penulis pasti PR yang dilakukan itu hanya dengan ringkas sahaja. Atau pun ianya sengaja ditokok tambah ?
9.Satu persoalan lagi ialah, setahu penulis, doktor itu tidak akan membuat sebarang prosedur, sentuhan atau pemeriksaan fizikal yang boleh menjejaskan sebarang bukti yang ada KECUALI jika doktor itu tidak diberitahu daripada awal oleh Saiful, mungkin kerana Saiful malu, takut atau tidak berterus terang .
10. Tetapi andainya doktor itu tahu tetapi meneruskan juga pemeriksaan anal (dubur) ke atas Saiful, ianya menunjukkan doktor tersebut telah melakukan kesalahan yang besar dan tidak boleh dimaafkan KECUALI jika doktor tersebut mempunyai niat yang lain seperti untuk mengada-adakan cerita atau pun menidakkan cerita!
11.Dalam konteks ini, doktor tersebut telah tersalah langkah.
12.Memeriksa anal (dubur) pesakit tetapi doktor telah diberitahu yang pesakit mengatakan dia diliwat adalah satu tindakan yang tidak profesional dan memalukan para doktor sekalian!
13.Cuma yang betul ialah doktor tersebut menasihatkan Saiful ke hospital kerajaan untuk pemeriksaan selanjutnya. Itu sahaja yang betul!
14. Dan yang menimbulkan satu persoalan lagi, hampir semua media termasuk media antarabangsa begitu cepat melaporkan isu ini TANPA mendapatkan kesahihan mengenai validity laporan kesihatan daripada Hospital Pusrawi.
15. Padahal, laporan tersebut tidak sekali-kali boleh dijadikan bukti untuk memaksa kerajaan menggugurkan kes liwat terhadap Anwar Ibrahim.
16. Dan yang menjadi mangsa sebenarnya ialah rakyat Malaysia kerana telah dikelirukan dan tidak mendapat gambaran yang sebenarnya mengenai isu ini.
17. Memang benar, jika sekali imbas, isu ini pasti nampak meyebelahi Anwar Ibrahim dan rakyat akan marah.
18. Padahal penulis pasti, Anwar Ibrahim sendiri tahu bahawa laporan tersebut amat mencurigakan dan tidak bermakna apa-apa pun jika di bawa ke mahkamah.
19. Seperti kata penulis, laporan kesihatan daripada Hospitak Pusrawi tidak valid sama sekali
General Information
1. All patients should receive a complete head to toe physical examination
2. It is the patient’s right to consent or refuse any aspect of the exam and evidence collection3. The patient may have a support person (relative, friend, or advocate) present during the exam4. If suspected or known oral sodomy, it is preferable that the patient does not eat or drink before the exam, but the patient’s comfort should not be compromised to achieve this· Oral swabs, for example, should be obtained immediately if patientis thirsty or wishes to rinse mouth5. Use powder free gloves and change gloves frequently during exam and evidence collection
Examination Technique
Perianal bruising, petechiae, edema, discharge, bleeding, tenderness, abrasions, lacerations, erythema, inflammation, and visible anal laxity
1. Use good light source
2. Use magnification with otoscope, visor, or colposcope
3. Separate anal folds to visualize injuries
4. Digital exam is not indicated, except if concern for foreign body retention
5. Anoscopy is indicated only if there is active rectal bleeding or rectal pain
6. Lubricant should be used for anoscopy. To avoid contamination by lubricant, perform anoscopy only AFTER FORENSIC SWAB COLLECTION
7. Apply Toluidine blue to identify abrasions on skin surface only AFTER FORENSIC SWAB COLLECTION
kzso - any comment from anwar's doctor and lawyers?
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Anwar to be charged for sodomy as police wrap up probe
Exclusive to The Malaysian Insider
Anwar is going to be charged for sodomy.
KUALA LUMPUR, July 29 — The police have completed their investigations into sodomy allegations against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and are going to charge the opposition icon soon for sodomising his accuser Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.
Sources told The Malaysian Insider that investigators are "crossing the t's and dotting the i's" and will be relying on Anwar's DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) samples from 1998 when he faced similar charges which cost him the chance to be prime minister.
"Nobody wants a repeat of 1998 when the prosecution had to amend the charges. Anwar has alleged that he had an alibi for the 24 hours on the day the offence took place. So the authorities have to check everything out," said an official who is familiar with the investigations.
"We understand that there is an attempt to quash credibility of the case even before the matter goes to court. The police cannot say too much because then they will be accused of trial by media and ministers cannot say much because they will be accused to interference.
"This case is built on strong scientific evidence," the official added.
Anwar has claimed that he is a victim of a political conspiracy and has refused to give a blood sample for DNA tests, saying that it could be used to fabricate evidence against him.
Waving the leaked medical report today, Anwar called on the police to drop the case, saying it was proof there was a plot to implicate him in a repeat of the 1998 case.
"How else can we fathom why the police during the last four weeks of their 'thorough and professional investigations' have overlooked such a critical piece of evidence?
"I condemn in the strongest terms their negligence, dishonesty and recklessness in humiliating the nation by dragging us all through this vile and filthy charade," Anwar said.
Police arrested him on July 16 an hour before he was due to be questioned, causing a furore as it was similar to the chain of events a decade ago when he was charged with corruption and sodomy. Anwar was convicted on both charges and spent six years in jail before being freed in 2004 when his sodomy appeal was upheld.
Earlier today. Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said police will not cease investigations into the allegations against the former deputy prime minister despite a leaked medical report that states Saiful has no medical evidence of sodomy. The former male aide to Anwar lodged a police report on June 28, alleging that he had been sodomised by Anwar in a condominium on June 26.
"This is just one aspect of the investigations. The police are piecing together evidence, let them do their job and complete their investigations," Syed Hamid said. "As it is, they haven't charged Anwar with anything yet," he added.
The Malaysia Today news portal yesterday revealed a medical report dated June 28 that indicated the lack of evidence of anal intercourse, with its editor Raja Petra Kamarudin also claiming that the examining doctor, Dr Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid, had gone into hiding because the police had attempted to have him change his medical report to implicate Anwar.
The police have denied the allegation.
"We interviewed the doctor in the early stages of our investigations following the police report lodged by Mohd Saiful," said Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar.
"But we did not arrest the doctor or detain him for three days as alleged by the Malaysia Today report. We don't have any plans to do so either," he said
kzso - to charge or not to charge? we the rakyat also know and understand that there are attempts by anwar to quash credibility of the case even before the matter goes to court. We also know and aware that the police cannot say too much because then they will be accused of trial by media and ministers cannot say much because they will be accused to interference. it is good to know that this case is built on strong scientific evidence, not hearsay and manipulation. the police needs to be thorough and please take your time to investigate. anwar is feeling uneasy right now 'cos the police is tight lipped in this case. anwar is provoking the police for more informations but the more anwar say, it's good for the police since they know which angle is anwar zooming to. the more anwar talk the more it'll backfire him.