Wednesday, 2 April 2014

DEAR MALAYSIAN ! Here are the top 5 clowns you need to know. Presenting the top 5 clowns of March:

Here are the top 5 clowns you need to know.
Presenting the top 5 clowns of March:

Number 5: Tian Chua 

Tian Chua
Tian Chua sitting quietly by himself, is already a bona fide clown. But when his beloved leader Anwar Ibrahim was sentenced to a 5 year jail after being found guilty for sodomy, he immediately tweeted that Pakatan Rakyat will bring down the government within the next 5 months.
Our brains then took a backflip from reality. Maybe he was nudged in the ribs playfully by his boss to tweet that? Because you see, all these threats are getting old. Remember September 16th 2008? Remember Bersih II? Remember Black 505? How many times have the government changed hands since then?
Tian Chua  tianchua  on Twitter
Which people that will bring down Najib? Will these people go up against our security forces and die or jailed for the sake of Anwar Ibrahim? Hands up to those who are willing to do that. A word of caution though, Tian Chua will be the first person to claim innocence and cry buckets if he were to be sent to jail for it.

Number 4: Mahfuz Omar 

www.themalaysianinsider.com_images_uploads_mugshots_mahfuz-omar-aug2Mahfuz Omar is one wily politician, but for a human being he failed at it miserably for, a pre-requisite to be a human is the existence of a brain.
And when he said he is willing to exchange places with the passengers and become a hostage in return, there was a loud silence from his fellow Pakatan Rakyat leaders and a roar of laughter from the rest of Malaysians.
“Our concern now is the safety of the passengers. I am willing to exchange places with the passengers and become a hostage if the need arises,” he said.
To whom is he directing this offer? To the non-existent terrorists and hijackers? To CNN? Hoping that the non-existent hijackers can call him up and arrange for a flight to take him instead?
All this one-upmanship just to score some political mileage which contradict common sense must have made the average IQ of unthinking Malaysians dropped even further. But as March was such a terrible month for some Malaysians, what Mahfuz Omar said was a welcomed respite. Teruskan lagi, badut!

Number 3: Lim Lip Eng

LIMLIPENGLim Lip Eng possibly is not very bright to begin with. Otherwise how could an intelligent person, who knowingly have zero knowledge and experience in the navy or the air force, could tell the government to appoint his political peers in DAP as the navy or air force chief? 
As if that wasn’t enough, he genuinely believes that that is the only way for the rest of the world to find the missing flight MH370!
Well, since he is not an intelligent person, he definitely wouldn’t know that his suggestion would be a historical landmark because there was never a time, in any country in the modern world where a politician is promoted to be the commander in chief of an air force or a navy.
Unless maybe, Lim Lip Eng secretly has over 30 years in military service. We do not know. Playing video games do not count YB. If you want to become a civil servant that much, you shouldn’t be in politics. There’s Camp Wardieburn somewhere in Setapak and Camp Batu Kentonmen in Jalan Ipoh. Perhaps you should walk in and enrol yourself.
Thankfully Lim Lip Eng regretted and retracted his statement but stopped short of an apology.

Number 2: Rafizi Ramli 

rafizi ramli 1The problem with Rafizi Ramli is, he thinks he is right all the time and do not take criticisms gracefully. These are the signs of arrogance and conceit.
Rafizi Ramli is known for trolling other people in cyberspace but when critics trolled him, he could not accept the lashing he received and blocked almost everyone who had expressed different views.
Hounded by charges in breaching the BAFIA Act, Rafizi has not shied away from entertaining us with his comedic schemes to divert Malaysians’ attention from the rotten morass that dwells in his Pakatan Rakyat coalition.
As it turned out, the by election that he proudly claimed to have engineered was just a ploy to divert attention of Anwar’s court ruling. All those excuse (to fortify Selangor, Umno is using racial and religious politics, Khalid Ibrahim failed to change Selangor into a model state of Pakatan, crying crocodile tears etc), are just to help Anwar Ibrahim gain public sympathy (again? How much more sympathy Anwar wants?).
His boss’ political mileage is fast reaching its end. The credibility among most Malaysians has gone. Rafizi Ramli is fast approaching a level where whatever he speaks will be scoffed at. He has made his bed and now he has to lie on it. With all the make-up of a clown.

Number 1: Anwar Ibrahim and Wan Azizah 

This is a tie. Never has been since the movie Titanic have we seen a lover made not for each other doing foolish things together.
But when Anwar Ibrahim announces his candidacy to challenge his wife for the Presidency post of Pakatan, there was a gasp of disbelief not only within Malaysia but within the vacuous head of Rafizi Ramli too.
How on earth can Rafizi Ramli spin this laughable turn of event?!
So let’s get this straight..
Anwar Ibrahim is challenging Wan Azizah because he sees Wan Azizah as his political rival? Or he does not believe Wan Azizah is the right material as the President of PKR?
Anwar Ibrahim is trying to portray that PKR is a democratic party where just about anyone can challenge the President and he is that only person who can challenge the President?
Or during the eve of nomination day just before they sleep, Anwar whispers to Wan Azizah to let her know that he will be fighting her for the top post? This happened because two minutes earlier, she declined to step down in order to give way for her husband? And then both fell asleep in each other’s arms. And all this decision was made without any input from the rest of the party members of PKR. Even the nosy court jester, Tian Chua was in the dark.
Or is this just another harebrained scheme to checkmate Azmin Ali and/or Khalid Ibrahim? Who cares. This is a family business and PKR, as Anwar Ibrahim’s private vehicle does not care what outsiders think.
We are surprised that Nurul Izzah did not enter the presidency post foray. Now that will be an awesome threesome. Incestuous nepotism and cronyism is synonymous to Pakatan Rakyat. And it is being led by an army of clowns.
source : jebatmustdie

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