Thursday, 22 May 2014

MUST READ ARTICLE !! Top 10 Reasons Why Pakatan Rakyat Is Lowering Your Standards !

Top 10 Reasons Why Pakatan Rakyat Is Lowering Your Standards

The standards we are talking about is the standard of being you set yourself as a citizen of this country. Your standard as part of the larger society. And this standard of yours is quickly being eroded by Pakatan Rakyat. Here’s how:
10. When it comes to corruption, all Barisan Nasional MPs and leaders must be seen as corrupt free. But when the leaders of Pakatan Rakyat do it, all of you turned around and say – look Barisan Nasional is even worse. Yes, Pakatan Rakyat had successfully lowered your standards in terms of corruption. In your minds, Pakatan Rakyat can be corrupt because Barisan Nasional is corrupt too. In the end, it is okay for YOU to be corrupt because everyone else is corrupt too.
9. When it comes to Barisan Nasional leaders, the Pakatan Rakyat politicians are telling you that you need better leaders than Bung Mokhtar or Hassan Malek or G. Palanivel or most of the current crop of MPs from Barisan Nasional. But when it comes to their own leaders it does not matter who they are and what quality they possess; the lower the better. That’s why you are okay when Loh Gwo Burne became MP (your lowered standards voted him in), when Anwar Ibrahim was caught in a video with a China doll, all of you still voted for him. Let’s just cut the nonsense and admit that he is that fella in the video and on top of that, he is also guilty of sodomising someone against his will (a homosexual rapist is another term for that). Why can’t you people admit that? Standards too low already? Should we even delve and talk about Mahfuz Omar and even Hew Kuan Yau?
8. When it comes to the education qualifications of Barisan Nasional leaders, Pakatan Rakyat wants you to scrutinise their intelligence and education background. The standards they set for you is that you deserve Barisan Nasional leaders with at least a doctorate level education. But when it comes to their own leaders, anyone will do. Even the intelligence level of Mat Sabu will get him your votes. Recently, a  26 year old UiTM graduate with only one year working experience as a trainee in a law firm is being put as an MP candidate to serve a constituency of 60,000 people. The selling point to the people in Teluk Intan? A promise of hope for things to get better. Yes, we all know the value of a promise in Pakatan Rakyat’s election manifesto. But who cares, your standards are quite low so that is okay. God forbid if Barisan Nasional fielded a candidate with the same amount of education qualifications to what say, Mahfuz Omar acquired. All hell will break lose.
7. Pakatan Rakyat wants you to hound Barisan Nasional leaders for shoddy services and below average performance by the ruling government. You only deserve the best and above all, must not thank Barisan Nasional because it is their duty to provide these to you in the first place. But when it comes to the services by Pakatan Rakyat state government, they want you to lower your standards and forgive them for any poor performance. Because it is not their job to give you top notch services. Even promises can be broken. But don’t stop there, they want you to be angry at Barisan Nasional for any third-rate, poor quality services rendered by Pakatan Rakyat state governments. The JAIS raid on Bible Society as well as Selangor water fiasco are two such examples.
Lying and giving poor services are Pakatan Rakyat's standards which are acceptable by you.
6. Normally, hypocrisy is a trait which is shunned by most people. But since the arrival of Pakatan Rakyat, they have successfully  ingrained this attitude into you as an acceptable characteristic. You have been downgraded as a walking hypocrite. Take for instance, the call of cronyism and nepotism by Pakatan Rakyat to Barisan Nasional. You people echoed the same sentiment and propaganda against Barisan Nasional. But when it comes to Pakatan Rakyat, they can take all these nepotism and cronyism to another level yet you are okay with it. Not only that you embrace it lovingly and say it is okay for them to have father-son, husband-wife, father-daughter intra-party relationship with a whole gamut of feudalistic family oriented parties. It is all nice and dandy. Right? So sad.
5. When it comes to Barisan Nasional, double standards is a big no on your part. You are bred by Pakatan Rakyat to believe that Barisan Nasional must never resort to double standards. Say one thing, but do the other. That is unforgivable. But for Pakatan Rakyat, you are blinded or worse, brainwashed to see that practising double standards is acceptable on your part. Want to have a multi racial country but support segregated vernacular schools; want to have an equitable and just society, but want to impose hudud only for muslims; want to have a free and fair elections, but their party elections are very autocratic and riddled with corruption and strife.
4. The freedom of speech within Pakatan Rakyat is near non-existent. You must not criticise the leaders in Pakatan Rakyat, especially if you are a member, and especially if you have a valid reason to criticise. All that will be swept under the carpet and the complainers will be issued gag orders. Worse, they will be kicked out. But God forbid if the freedom of speech against Barisan Nasional is slightly curtailed. When it comes to Barisan Nasional, there must be a no holds barred attitude against them. The Prime Minister must not stifle any unfair defamatory speech against him. But Lim Guan Eng, Anwar Ibrahim and their ilk can sue anyone who says something which they do not like. In other words, there are practising totalitarian leadership right under your nose. Yet, you bask in it pretending it to be a liberal democracy.
3. For years Barisan Nasional has been ridiculed by you when you say it is an old party, filled with political has beens and dinosaurs. You laugh at Barisan Nasional without being cognisant of Pakatan Rakyat’s own pack of grizzled old men. Leading the charge is of course DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, who will be 77 come next general election. Your ‘prime minister in waiting’, Anwar Ibrahim will be 71 in 2018. Abdul Hadi Awang, your future DPM, will also be 71 in 2018. There are many more oldies in Pakatan Rakyat. So why are you people lowering your standards in accepting dinosaurs as your leaders? Because Pakatan Rakyat asked you to.
2. As your intelligence is being lowered even more, you still find enough time to believe what Pakatan Rakyat told you; that Barisan Nasional treats non-malays as second citizens and that only malay cronies could reap all the benefits this country has to offer. But at the same time you believe another propaganda that says non-malays pay more tax than the malays. And so, those who are ‘oppressed’ by Barisan Nasional suddenly get a lot more income that’s why they are taxed! This contradicting logic would be so preposterous to an intelligent mind, but alas, Pakatan Rakyat has stupefied you to the point of no return. You can’t even step back and take stock on any messages Pakatan Rakyat throws at you. You can’t even perform logical and critical thinking anymore. You just gobble everything up as the truth.
1. When it comes to Barisan Nasional, you are made to believe that the current state of perceived despair and worsening fate of the country has always been the case since Independence. You were made to believe that only Pakatan Rakyat is the saviour of this country. Judging from 9 points mentioned above, it will take only the stupid to believe that Pakatan Rakyat will make this country better. Fact of the matter is, the country under Barisan Nasional has made this country one of the best place to live on this earth and to say that things have always been terrible would be a great disservice to your standard of intelligence. Yes sure, things have not always been perfect. But remember the great 90s and the decades before that? Remember the great country prior to 2008? One of the things that made this country worse is the birth of Pakatan Rakyat. Where were you in the 90s? Perhaps living a happy life at that time with few complaints. Even Lim Kit Siang was a happy, tolerable fellow at that time.
source : jebat must die

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