Thursday, 30 October 2008


Desakan YB Liow Tiong Lai salah seorang menteri kabinet Pak Lah yang mahukan ekuiti 30% milik bumiputera dalam ertikata lain melayu dihapuskan memerlukan satu tindakan susulan berani dari Perdana Menteri sendiri iaitu Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Apabila salah seorang ahli kabinet Perdana Menteri yang begitu berani dan secara terang mempertikaikan AMARAN dan NOTA serta KENYATAAN Raja-Raja Melayu yang mahukan rakyat Malaysia jangan mempersoalkan Kontrak Sosial, Perlembagaan Artikel 153 dan Keistimewaan Hak-hak Orang Melayu serta hak Orang-orang Melayu; dan tiada ulasan dan bangkangan dari jemaah menteri kabinet yang lain, jelas menunjukkan bahawa kabinet Perdana Menteri juga bersetuju dengan kenyataan YB Liow Tiong Lai (salah seorang menteri kabinet).

Oleh yang demikian, sekiranya jemaah Menteri (termasuk Timbalan Menteri), Timbalan Menteri dan Perdana Menteri sendiri terus mendiamkan perkara ini, jelas sekali kabinet kerajaan Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi MENDERHAKA kepada Raja-Raja Melayu!

Kerajaan Perdana Menteri Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad BAdawi patut mengambil tindakan berani sepeerti memberi surat AMARAN kepada YB Liow Tiong Lai salah seorang Menteri Kabinet (sekurang-kurangnya). Jika tidak ini akan menampakkan kelemahan dan mengesahkan kelembikan Perdana Menteri dan jemaah serta kabinet Menteri.

Tapi yang jelas dan pasti, bekas Perdana Menteri dan bekas Presiden dan bekas ahli UMNO sahaja yang berani 'take the lead' (dengan izin) iaitu Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mengeluarkan kenyataan ketidaksetujuan Tun bahawa hak ekuiti 30% bumiputera/Melayu itu patut dihapuskan ketika ini.

Mana dia jemaah Menteri dari UMNO? Mana dia Wanita UMNO? Mana dia PEMUDA UMNO? Mana dia Puteri UMNO? Kenapa senyap aja apabila hak orang Melayu mahu dihapuskan? Mana dia calun Pemuda UMNO iaitu YB Khairi yang berdegar-degar mahu berdebat (dengan ahli UMNO sendiri) tapi menikus apabila isu ini dibangkitkan (oleh orang luar UMNO) yang jelas menidakkan hak dan kepentingan Melayu?

Adakah parti-pari komponen BN ini dengan jelas mahu menjolok sarang tebuan atau mahu 'test power' (dengan izin) atau mahu lihat 'kecabulan' dan 'kebetinaan' UMNO?

Jikalau UMNO sendiri tidak mahu dilihat tidak mampu mempertahankan hak orang Melayu,jangan haraplah orang Melayu akan mengundi mereka di masa yang akan datang. Nak harapkan PAS? hmmmm tak tahulah... nak harapkan PKR? jauh sekali yang mana bak kata YB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, jikalau PR menang, hak-hak orang Melayu ini akan terhapus. Nak harapkan DAP? jangan buat lawak boso dan jangan haraplah...

Komen saya ini bukanlah bersifat rasis mahupun perkauman tapi luahan dan mempertahankan hak dan kebenaran sahaja. Saya tidak mempertikaikan hak orang lain kerana itu adalah hak mereka seperti yang dijamin dalam perlembagaan tapi hanya mempertahankan hak saya, hak anak saya, hak cucu saya, hak cicit saya, hak piut saya dan hak keturunan saya dimasa akan datang di Tanah Melayu ini!

Kepada YB Liow Tiong Low, jika anda berasal dan tinggal di salah satu negeri Kesultanan Melayu, harap mohon kemaafan kepada Raja Melayu. Jikau anda masih berdegil, keluar dan nyahlah dari negeri Baginda Sultan.Jangan sesekali berani menderhaka kepada Kebawah Duli Sultan.

Daulat Islam! Daulat Melayu! dan Daulat Tuanku!

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Debat Pemuda UMNO. Perlukah diadakan?

Pada pendapat saya yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai golongan 'silent majoriti'...............

[yang mempunyai hak sebagai rakyat Malaysia dan seorang Islam dan Melayu yang lahir di Tanah MElayu ini dan ada hak untuk mengundi pada setiap pilihanraya [samada saya mengundi ataupun tidak, samada saya mengundi parti kerajaan ataupn sebaliknya - itu perkara lain; yalah.... di mana kawasan saya (kelana jaya) yang dimasa dahulu diserahkankan kepada mic selepas menjadi milik umno , dan kemudian diserahkan kepada mca pulak yang mana pada pilihanraya march 2008 lepas, pengundi kelana jaya yang telalu bijaksana telah memilih seorang jurugambar video amatur (yang tidak fasih bercakap melayu mahupun bahasa malaysia walaupun mangaku rakyat malaysia..) sebagai wakil rakyat mereka di dalam parlimen (parlimen bro.. parlimen) yang tinggi 'darjat' dan kedudukannya ataupun pemilihan jurugambar video amatur itu disebabkan terlalu marah kepada 4'k' dan tingkat 4 dan hp6 cabinet minister, wakil(parti) mca dan pm... ataupun alasan-alasan yang lain bak kata raja lawak nabil "lu fikirlah sendiri"]

.........berpendapat saya mempunyai hak untuk memberi komen dalam hal ini. Bukannya apa,kot-kot Presiden UMNO berkata siapalah saya untuk memberi komen dalam hal ini

Pada pendapat saya, tak perlulah untuk diadakan debat ini. Buangkan masa dan beras aja. Kita dah banyak dengar debat, ceramah sejak setahun yang lepas dimana dijuarai oleh saudara juara debat kita itu Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim tapi hasilnya..habuk pun tadak! pi mai pi mai tang tu saja. Sekarang masa buat kerja...bukan masa untuk polemik dan retorik saja (lainlah KJ nak ikut jejak idola dia Dato' Seri Awnar Ibrahim)

Apakah tujuan debat itu sebenarnya? adakah untuk menunjukkan kita terrer dalam berdebat tapi akibatnya nanti ialah "menang sorak kampung tergadai"? Saudara KJ memanglah boleh dikategorikan seorang yang boleh dinampakkan (be seen) sebagai seorang yang banyak ilmu tapi pada hakikatnya masih 'muda dan beremosi' dalam memberi pendapat dan idea (yang boleh dipersoalkan dan dipertikaikan sebenarnya).

KJ memerlukan debat ini untuk memberi imej yang baik kepada ramai orang (memang ramai yang terpedaya tapi ramai jugak yang tahu siapakah dia sebenarnya) dan mengharapkan mendapat undi yang lebih dalam PAT UMNO yang akan datang (yalah daripada 'menabur' dan 'melabur' pada orang yang tertentu tapi pulangannya tak berbaloi sangat...nyaris-nyaris tak cukup pencalunan - terbukti dalam pencalunan pemuda setakat ini) sementara Dato' Seri Khir Toyo pula mengharapkan debat ini akan memberikan political mileage yang tidak diperolehi oleh beliau selama ini (beliau belajar dari Dato' Seri Anwar) dimana daripada debat ini akan memberi peluang keemasan kepada beliau.

Adakah debat ini perlu? Jawapan saya ialah TAK PERLU!...

Wahai KJ dan ahli UMNO, dalam politik kepartian.. ada yang perlu didedahkan dan ada yang perlu dirahsiakan. Banyak buruk dari baiknya! Kalau hendak berdebat dengan pihak pembangkang seperti PAS, DAP dan KEADILAN silakanlah wahai KJ. Jangan melarikan diri dan kecut diri bila dicabar oleh pembangkang tapi tunjuk GAH mencabar ahli) parti sendiri!

Adakah KJ nak mendedahkan pekung di dada (UMNO) untuk mencapai matlamat peribadi beliau untuk menjadi Ketua Pemuda....Jikalau beginilah sikap beliau yang lebih mementingkan diri sendiri dari parti; harapan dan nasihat saya kepada semua ahli UMNO ialah "wahai ahli umno, singkirkan kudis ini sebelum ia menjadi barah kepada UMNO".


Saturday, 25 October 2008

An open letter to all bloggers! Please don't be too harsh to our Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim!! (part 2)

Oh yes.... may I add further...he is also busy :

i. being the motivator and supporter to the illegal hindraf movement
ii. FNF
iii. FCA
iv. being the middleman and opportunist for dap in pr dispute with pas
v. being the middleman and opportunist for pas in pr dispute with dap
vi. two tongue person when meeting the malays
vii. two tongue person when meeting the chinese
viii.two tongue person when meeting the indians
ix. multi tongue person when meeting with ethnics sabahan
x. still in shock when PL did not seek nomination for umno presidential. there goes his planned against the weakling pm
xi. he wants najib to resolve the current global economic crisis that is also effecting malaysia. if he is to be in-charge, he knows that he is unable to handle the crisis

more to come....

so, please be understandinglah when our esteem and distinguished salman rushdie oops sorry, dato' seri anwar ibrahim says that he is not in hurry to change the current government

Friday, 24 October 2008

An open letter to all bloggers! Please don't be too harsh to our Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim!!

Dear Bloggers,

I would really appreciate if all of us bloggers not to pressure and be too harsh to our Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Please bear, be understanding and compassionate to him when he says that he is not in hurry to take over government.

As we are all know and very much aware, our ex-Finance Minister and ex-Deputy PM, Dato' Seri Anwar was :-
i. the advisor of World Bank,
ii. an esteem Finance Minister (where the then British PM - Margaret Thatcher did say that she would like to appoint Dato' Seri Anwar for their Finance Mininster),
iii. a very distinguished visiting lecturer in the USA varsities;
iv. advisor for IMF;
and he needs to concentrate, focus and put in more effort, time and putting his thinking cap on how to resolve the current financial turmoil.

I am very sure currently, the Bush administrator (and maybe the next US President too), Europeans government, IMF, World Bank etc are busy seeking his advise on how to resolve the USA and world economic crisis.

Please let our distinguised and the above par excellence Dato' Seri Anwar to help the world economy to stabilise again and do not
i.pressure him to give new dateslah, or
ii.when he wants to take over the governmentlah, or
iii. pressuring him to give the 40 BN representative names who wants to cross overlah...

his hands and time are very tight right now. He don't even have time to poke fun to PL, TDM, visits his constituency Permatang Pauh, to prepare his speeches in this Parliament session bla-bla-bla...

So, please don't be too harsh towards DSAI. The outgoing US President Bush, British government, IMF, US economic advisors and the World Bank are burning the telephone/hp line/internet/video conferencing with our Dato' Seri on how to resolve this economic crisis.

Please give and provide him some compassion and understand the pressure he is having right now... he needs to resolve this world financial crisis! :P

All your understanding and attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Sunday, 19 October 2008

My answer and reply to PL's lashes towards Tun Dr. M

Dear President of UMNO,

This is my reply to Pak Lah's lashes towards Tun Dr. Mahathir ie PL asked what's Dr. Mahathir's right to critic the current leadership of UMNO!

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Opps...Anwar did it again?! Please the real Anwar please stand up!

A crisis of credibility

by : Raja Petra Kamarudin

Let there be no misunderstanding about this. Politics is about the attainment of power, plain and simple. If anyone tells you otherwise, then he or she is either a bad politician (in that he or she does not understand politics) or a good politician (in that he or she is lying through his or her teeth).

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that lying is wrong. Okay, as far as religion and morals are concerned it is wrong. But lying, or what I would call ‘telling your version of the truth’, is very much part and parcel of the political game. A good politician, meaning Machiavellian politician, must master the art of ‘lying’, or spin doctoring (that is giving the masses your version of the truth).

But then you must know how to lie. ‘Zam’ is hopeless. He is such a novice that he trips over his own lies and digs a deeper hole than the one he is trying to cover up. President Clinton is however superb. He denied all along he told Monica to lie. When cornered, he said, it is true he did not tell her to lie. Okay, maybe he told her to bend a little, but never to lie (baring in Malay). Alright, maybe it did not quite happen like that. But then you must always have a fallback when your lies are discovered.

Anyway, back to the issue of the day. Firstly, politics is about the attainment of power. It is not as many politicians will tell you: to serve the people. But this is what politicians will tell you: “I want to serve the people”. Sure, that’s what they all say. And that is what I meant by ‘lying’. Secondly, politics is about perception. It is not what you are that is important. It is how people perceive you that counts (Of course, as far as religion and morality are concerned this is not honest. And that is why religious or moral people should not become politicians; because they have to mislead and fool the people with false perceptions).

You can be the biggest slime-ball, but if people perceive you as a saint, then that is all that matters. On the other hand, if you are a saint but people perceive you as a nut, then you would not go far in politics.

Anwar is perceived as an Islamic leader. In fact, until today, many non-Muslims still fear Anwar because of his fiery Islamic past. Many still refer to him as an ‘Islamic firebrand’. Whether this is true or not is not the issue. This is not important in politics. What is important is that he carries the image of an ‘Islamic leader’, and some view him as a radical Islamic leader.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad is Machiavellian. He recognised Anwar’s strong Islamic image and he knew that if Anwar had gone to PAS and eventually took over the leadership of the party, as the late Fadzil Nor had planned, this would be bad news for Umno. So he agreed, at Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s prodding, to allow Anwar into Umno.

Mahathir’s strategy was two-pronged.

Firstly, he would deny PAS Anwar’s leadership.

Next, he would assist Anwar to climb the Umno ladder, first as the Youth Leader and later as one of the Vice Presidents, so that he could use or ride on Anwar (‘kudakan Anwar’, as the Malays would say) for his own political gain.

But by the time Anwar became the Deputy President -- again with Mahathir’s help who instructed Shahidan Kassim to lead a revolt of Umno Parliamentarians to pass an unofficial ‘vote of no confidence’ against Ghafar Baba in Parliament -- he became too big for his shoes. He thought that his meteoric rise up the Umno ladder was because of his ‘strength’ and he decided to pitch this strength against his ‘creator’. As they say, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

And Mahathir took back what he gave Anwar, his political career, and Anwar fell flat on his face.

For his ‘service’, Shahidan was rewarded with the appointment as the Perlis Menteri Besar and the takeover of the privatised Bernas, an extremely lucrative cash cow by virtue of the rice monopoly and rice import permits it holds (now you know why rice in Malaysia costs more than in Thailand).

No one had any reservations that Mahathir made Anwar. Anwar was not a self-made man as he visualised himself to be. Somehow, only Anwar did not seem to realise this. Or maybe he thought that that was all in the past and now he is already his own man -- like the Space Shuttle that scuttles its ‘mother ship’ and moves forward on its own steam once it reaches outer space. Mahathir gave one tug of the carpet below Anwar’s feet and that was the end of him. He never saw it coming. He never even felt it coming. It is like when a Samurai warrior’s sword lands on your neck. You can actually walk a few more steps before you fall down and die. You may have lost your head but your body takes a few seconds to realise you are dead before it plays the role of the deceased.

Everyone is clear what Mahathir is. Either you love him or you hate him. Either you perceive him as the most corrupted Prime Minister in Malaysian history or you perceive him as a giant amongst men who gave pride to this nation and placed Malaysia onto the world map. No longer is Malaysia ‘near Singapore’ or ‘south of Thailand’ like how one would have to explain where Malaysia is to the uninformed westerner in the days before Mahathir took over as Prime Minister. Whether for the right or wrong reasons, Mahathir made Malaysia famous.

But what is Anwar? Is he an Islamic firebrand? Is he a moderate Muslim? Is he a liberal ‘lover of the West’? Is he an educationist? Is he a capitalist? Is he the champion of farmers, fishermen and the homeless? Is he opposed to corruption, nepotism and cronyism? Is he the biggest benefactor of cronies and in his time many became filthy rich? Is he all the above? Or is he none of the above? Yes, which is the real Anwar? Will the real Anwar please stand up!

You can hate Mahathir or you can love him. One thing you are sure though, you know what he is. The problem with Anwar is; it is very difficult to decide whether to love him or hate him because you don’t really know what he is to be able to love him or hate him.

Anwar, for all intents and purposes, is suffering a crisis of credibility. He lacks credibility. In fact, he never did have any and he became popular and achieved great heights merely because he was Mahathir’s blue-eyed boy -- no different from the Khairy Jamaluddin situation today. Many do not actually love Khairy. But they know that he is the Prime Minister’s son-in-law and the most trusted adviser, so they all want to hang onto his coattails -- though they don’t like him.

Anwar has been released from prison almost 20 months now. But he is yet to make his move. And this is affecting his credibility. What in heaven’s name is holding him back? Simple! Money! You need money to play politics in Malaysia, or anywhere in the world for that matter. But money is something Anwar does not have yet. And the reason for this is because of the crisis of credibility that he and his party, Party Keadilan Rakyat, are suffering from.

It is not that they never had money in the beginning. They did. But the sources have all dried up. Generous donors who once used to give no longer want to do so. And this is because they no longer know whether the money is being put to good use and for the intended reason or whether the money ‘leaked’ along the way and has been ‘hijacked’.

This is not a new problem or something that cropped up only recently. It has been an inherent problem since the party was formed in 1999. Much money has flowed into the pockets of the party leaders. But it stayed in their pockets and never filtered down to the ground. In the meantime, those on the ground have had to sell off their assets to finance party activities. Some had to borrow from loan sharks (ah long) to finance the last election. Many went into debt and until today are still hocked up to the eyeballs. Some are facing bankruptcy. Some used up all their life savings and pension fund (EPF) and now have to face the remaining years of their life with no guarantee of how they are going to feed their families.

The horror stories are endless. Suffice to say, many sacrificed and suffered financial ruin because of their commitment to the cause and to ensure that the party moves forward.

As Hanafiah Man, one-time keADILan Youth executive secretary and chief editor of the party newspaper, said, “I don’t mind if we are all poor and suffering. But when we at the bottom suffer while those at the top live a life of luxury, then this hurts.”

Hanafiah and the acting youth leader (during the time Ezam Mohd Nor was in the Kajang Prison), Zahid Md Arip, took the party to task on this matter during the party’s annual general meeting in Sungai Petani. They took the floor to slam the leaders for not being sincere to those at the bottom who are struggling and sacrificing for the party. They pointed at the leaders assembled onstage and warned them that the party’s youth movement will not tolerate leaders who receive money in the name of the party but use it for personal purposes. If the money was collected in the name of the party and for party purposes, then the money should be filtered down to the ground to finance party activities.

Many donors were shocked when they learnt that the party was broke. Millions had been donated to the party, they said. How can the party be broke? The telephone bill went unpaid and the telephone line got cut numerous times. The water connection also got cut because of years of unpaid bills and for about two years those working in the party headquarters had to visit the public toilet in the car park to answer the call of nature. Suppliers’ bills were not paid and some even threatened to bankrupt the party if they did not receive their payments. No printers would take party jobs unless one of the leaders personally guaranteed the debt. Invariably, the guarantor would end up paying off the debt the party could not service.

Whenever the party president, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, was confronted with this and when it was pointed out that it is public knowledge that many had donated generous sums to the party, she replied that one must differentiate between ‘personal’ donations and party donations. No doubt some people had donated some money, but this was meant for the family and not for the party.

Eventually, Hanafiah, Zahid and ten other youth leaders got so exasperated they decided to resign from the party en bloc, as did the party information chief, Ruslan Kassim. Even publicly chiding the party leaders during the annual general assembly about the mismanagement of party funds did not seem to work. They wrote off the party entirely and called it a day. Of course, the official spin is that these are traitors who were bought over by Umno. But they -- and many others who shared their view but decided to still remain in the party nevertheless -- did not see it that way. If there was any betrayal, it was the party leaders who had betrayed the members in the way they mismanaged the money donated to the party.

One day, around August 2004, one of Anwar’s lawyers called me aside and asked me, “How much money has the Free Anwar Campaign (FAC) received from donors?” Not one cent, I replied. Okay, Wan Azizah did donate RM1,000 at the launch of the FAC in August 2000 and Anwar’s brother gave RM2,000 once in the five years that the FAC was in operation. Another supporter donated a notebook computer to replace the one that was confiscated by the police in March 2001. But that was about it.

“But there are those who claim to be directors of the FAC who have received a lot of donations from all over the world. Don’t tell me they did not give you anything.”

“With God as my witness, not a cent,” I replied.

“What the hell!” the lawyer said. “They are using FAC’s name to collect money. If they are not passing you any, then you might as well just close the FAC. Why let them use the FAC to make money?”

“I will close it the day Anwar walks free and not a day earlier,” I told the lawyer.

“What if Anwar remains in jail 15 years? Are you going to keep going for 15 years and allow these people to use you to make money?”

“I suppose so,” I replied.

“You are so stupid. People are using you. They are making money while you are suffering.”

I in fact already knew this even before the lawyer informed me about it. Earlier, one of the PAS leaders told me he met one of the FAC directors in the UK. He was with a Malaysian millionaire who now lives there -- a man who became a millionaire during the time Anwar was in power. The PAS leader mentioned the name of the FAC ‘director’ and the Malaysian millionaire, both whom I knew.

The so-called FAC ‘director’ is a member of Anwar’s inner circle and the man who runs Anwar’s propaganda unit plus his personal website,

“What were they talking about?” I asked the PAS leader without hinting that the FAC director was in no way representing FAC in that meeting with the Malaysian millionaire. “About some funding for FAC,” said the PAS leader. “That was what I managed to pick up as they did not speak openly in front of me.”

So I knew even before Anwar’s lawyer informed me about it that ‘certain people’ were collecting funds in the name of FAC. And I even knew who they and the donors were.

One day, I received a phone call from the United States asking me to confirm whether it is true that keADILan would need a lot of money to be able to win the next general election (which was held in 2004). “Of course,” I replied, quite surprised at this sudden question. “That goes without saying. But who told you this?” I asked the American chap at the other end of the line.

The American then informed me he just had a meeting with four keADILan party leaders to discuss funding for the party to face the next election. And he told me who the four were.

I was not upset about the party soliciting election funds. But the man who phoned me was a FAC contact, not a party contact (and I never asked for or received one cent from him in all the time I knew him). So clearly they were using the FAC network to collect funds for the party and I was being kept in the dark. But my FAC contact in the US would not consider any funding unless I confirmed that the four were legitimate and not fakes. I informed the American that the four are actually members of Anwar’s inner circle (not the one who met the Malaysian millionaire in the UK) and therefore extremely legitimate.

I knew only one man could have introduced these four to our US contact. And this would be my fellow FAC director in Australia. I immediately phoned Australia and asked the chap there whether he knew about the four party leaders who were now in the US to negotiate funding for the party. “Four?” he replied. “I know about the three. Who is the fourth?” I ran through the names of the four but did not question him any further on what was going on. From his reaction it was apparent that he was the one who had arranged the meeting.

These two incidences were those that were personally brought to my attention. There were of course many more such cases which were related to me through third party sources. And most know who these people are -- both donors and recipients -- but no one wants to rock the boat by talking about them. Those who know and could no longer tolerate the shenanigans quietly left the party without revealing the real reason for their resignations. And the party lost many of its leaders over the years from 1999 till recently when Datin Saidatul Badru Said Keruak also resigned.

At the last public rally (ceramah) Anwar addressed in Sungai Buloh recently, he lambasted those he said who expect money or payment before they would do any work. If you are not prepared to sacrifice but want to be paid before you will work, then we might as well all just go home and forget everything and allow the present government to rule till doomsday, argued Anwar.

Anwar just does not get it. It is not that people want to be paid before they will work for the party. They are quite prepared to struggle and sacrifice, even spend their own money for the good of the cause. What they do not want is to be made suckers. They hear about the money flowing into the party leaders’ pockets and remaining there. This is what they are fighting against, corruption. And then they find their own leaders no better than those they wish to replace. Why bother to replace them then? Might as well, as Anwar says, let them rule forever.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s future lies in it getting sufficient funding. As it stands now, that would be most difficult. Many who once gave now know that the money has been mismanaged and they no longer want to be suckers. This is the huge crisis of credibility that Anwar and his party are facing. How Anwar is going to overcome this is not known yet at this stage. Anwar is heading international agencies whose job is to ensure transparency and good governance. Charity, as they say, starts at home. Back at home, in Anwar’s own party, there is a need for transparency and good governance. How does one preach honesty when one’s own honesty is being questioned?

As what one of the party leaders said, Mao had his Gang of Four who brought about his downfall. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has his Gang of Four as well, also known as the Four-Ks (Khairy, Kamaluddin, Kalimullah and Kak Endon, now deceased), who may also bring about his downfall. And Anwar too has his own Gang of Four. And it is this Gang of Four which is causing much unhappiness and an exodus from the party. Anwar will have to choose between his Gang of Four and the future of the party. As it stands now, the Gang of Four seems to be Anwar’s favoured lot. And this could mean sayonara for Parti Keadilan Rakyat.


John Anwar Bercakap Pasal Bible Di Parlimen!

Contributed by belantan

1. Hari ke-2 di Parlimen, Anwar sekali-sekala merujuk teks ucapannya, kadang membaca saja catatannya, kadang-kadang nada Anwar bergetar-getar, terketar-ketar, wajahnya menjadi bengis seperti hendak makan orang, tetapi bahasanya menyindir MP BN supaya bercakap cara sopan & beradab, bukan biadap ( penulis rasa Anwar mengata dirinya sendiri ).

2. Anwar memberi contoh Nabi Allah Yusuf yang dikurniakan 7 tahun subur dengan hasil pertanian kemudian Anwar menyamakan kisah nabi Joseph dalam Bible 7 tahun yang senang dan 7 tahun yang sukar. Adakah Islam serupa dengan Kristian? Anwar memberi Intrepetasi Islam sama saja dengan Bible. Kata Anwar lagi perbelanjaan negara harus merujuk kisah ini. Apabila YB Non Muslim PKR kata semua agama sama saja,..Anwar diam tidak membantah.

3. Anwar menuduh kerajaan masih melaksanakan dasar kontrak untuk keluarga dan kenalan, tidak telus tidak melalui tender. Namun apabila Dr Puad Zarkashi bertanya apa yg dia lakukan semasa menjadi TPM dengan memberi kontrak2 kepada kroninya seperti Syarikat Abrar,MRCP dll Anwar diam tidak menjawab!

4. YB Bintulu persoal siapa Menteri Pendidikan tahun 1980an kerana semasa itu orang Cina sgt susah dapat peruntukan membina sekolah Cina walaupun diminta beberapa kali. Semasa jadi Menteri Kewangan juga sgt susah memohon projek untuk pembangunan di Sarawak, tetapi hari ini menjadi Ketua Pembangkang Kerajaan semuanya salah belaka. Anwar terduduk diam menundukkan mukanya apabila MP Bintulu membalas hujah-hujah Anwar.

5. Kemudian MP Bintulu menempelak lagi Anwar kerana Anwar hari ini mengambil contoh konon perbelanjaan mengurus Taiwan lebih rendah berbanding Malaysia,MP Bintulu bertanya kenapa dulu sewaktu menjadi Menteri Pelajaran, Anwar tidak iktiraf pun lulusan Taiwan, tapi hari ini Anwar suruh pula contohi Taiwan/China konon sgt canggih.

Wajah Anwar kemerah-merahan!

6. Anwar menghujah konon Malaysia ini negara bertamadun dan ISA perlu dihapuskan tetapi,apabila Dr Puad Zarkashi mengingatkan satu forum mengenai ISA yg dihadiri oleh Ustaz Hadi Awang, ketika itu Anwar menyatakan ISA mesti dipertahankan kerana ISA penting untuk keselamatan negara. Anwar membela Teresa yg ditahan 7 8 hari di Kamunting, tetapi tidak membela Datuk Ibrahim Ali yg ditahan ISA dahulu, malah Anwar menentang penghapusan ISA.

7. Penulis dapati Anwar memang tidak boleh berhujah dengan konkrit,bahasa Anwar penuh dengan bunga2. Anwar bijak bercakap pasal rasuah, ketirisan, kronisma, salahguna kuasa, suruhanjaya itu suruhanjaya ini...malangnya Anwar tidak menghuraikan intipati semua itu.Yang Anwar huraikan ialah kerajaan rasuah, kerajaan tiris,kerajaan kroni, kerajaan salahguna kuasa...Anwar tak huraikan siapa dia? Bila? Dimana? Berapa jumlah?Siapa penerima siapa pemberi? Anwar hanya cakap Menteri pemberi kroni keluarga penerima!( Anwar seolah-olah bercakap pasal dirinya sendiri semasa menjadi TPM merangkap Menteri Kewangan suatu ketika dahulu ).

Sebab itulah penulis tidak hairan kenapa sebelah petangnya dewan hampir tak cukup korum, bisik punya bisik rupanya MP PR pun bosan dengan celoteh Anwar? Siapa MP PR itu adalah Rahsia penulis! YB Zulkifli pun tiada di tempat duduknya sejak sebelum Ramadan lagi.

by : Al-Azharri Siddiq



Contributed by PakCuNawi

Pak Cu ada terbaca ucapan Anwar dalam Dewan Rakyat berhubung pembelian Eurocopter Cougar EC725 dari Perancis. Macam biasa, Anwar dengan sikap kononnya amat prihatin tuduh ada penyelewengan. Pak Cu dah kenai sangat dah dengan perangai Anwar nie, orang lain semua jahat, dia sorang saja baguih. Yang best tu, dia cuba kaburi rakyat Malaysia yang bagi Pak Cu kebanyakkannya tak berapa biasa dengan cara pemberian tender dilakukan.

Dia kata “Persoalan yang berbangkit adalah, syarikat Eurocopter adalah pembida tertinggi, berbanding pembida Rusia yang menawarkan RM1.4 bilion jauh lebih murah. Mungkin ini adalah dasar kerajaan memilih pembida paling tinggi, supaya komisyen yang mereka dapat pun tinggi”. Nie yang silap nie.

Pak Cu bukan la kata nak eksen ka apa ka. Dulu sebelum pencen, Pak Cu pernah jugak terlibat dengan proses pemberian kontrak nie. Tapi tak la sampai billion-bilion. Walau bagaimana pun, proses dia hampir sama saja. Untuk makluman, tak semestinya kontrak hanya diberi kepada yang paling murah dan tak semestinya jugak yang paling tinggi tu ditolak. Kualiti dan mutu kerja jugak harus diberi keutamaan selain servis selepas jual beli. Latar belakang syarikat yang membida juga harus diselidiki.

Dalam dok tapis tu pun, masih ada jugak projek yang bermasalah sebab kontraktor tak dapat nak teruskan kerja berpunca dari berbagai masalah seperti kenaikan harga bahan mentah, masalah kewangan dan macam-macam. Yang sakit kepala, orang yang bagi kelulusan tu.

Bebalik kepada cerita nak beli helikopter ni, Pak Cu tak setuju sama sekali kalau kita buat keputusan untuk membuat pembelian atas faktor harga. Ini kerana helikopter yang nak dibeli tu akan mengangkut nyawa orang. Kita tak mau baru pakai setengah tahun dah keluaq cerita askar kita mati sebab helicopter terhempas. Pak Cu yakin, pihak Kementerian Pertahan dah kaji sedalam-dalamnya sebelum membuat keputusan. Sebab yang buat keputusan tu bukan Najib sorang. Mesti ada penal yang dipilih. Lagi pun secara logik akal adalah sesuatu yang bodoh bagi Najib membuat sesuatu perkara yang boleh menjejaskan kredibiliti beliau ketika semua mata tertumpu kepada beliau disebabkan pelbagai isu hangat. Tapi kalau peliwat, dia tak akan peduli mata orang yang dok tengok. Yang penting napsu dia saja. Sebab tu ada peliwat yang sanggup mengulangi perbuatan dia walaupun pernah dikaitkan dengan perkara tersebut.

Jadi kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia jangan mudah tepengaruh dengan orang yang suka putaq belit dan suka mengambil kesempatan.

kzso - alahai...dah gaharu cendana pula, dah tahu ...

Friday, 17 October 2008

Peringatan Raja Melayu!

Peringatan Raja Melayu

KUALA TERENGGANU 16 Okt. — Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja ke-215 yang berlangsung di Istana Maziah di sini hari ini mengeluarkan satu kenyataan akhbar khas berhubung beberapa perkara yang terkandung dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin berangkat menghadiri mesyuarat itu dengan diiringi Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Mesyuarat dua hari itu yang berakhir hari ini dipengerusikan Sultan Kedah, Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah.

Berikut adalah salinan penuh kenyataan akhbar khas berkenaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja, Engku Tan Sri Ibrahim Engku Ngah hari ini.


“Kenyataan Akhbar Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Mengenai Peranan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong dan Duli-duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-raja Melayu berhubung dengan hak-hak keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan atau kebesaran Raja-raja Melayu, agama Islam, Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan, kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain mengikut Perlembagan Persekutuan.

“Raja-raja Melayu yang menghadiri Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja telah berunding mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar khas bersama pada hari ini.

“Raja-raja Melayu mempunyai peranan perlembagaan untuk melindungi keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan dan kebesaran Raja-raja Melayu, melindungi Agama Islam, bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain di Malaysia.

“Tindakan pihak-pihak tertentu mempertikai dan mempersoalkan perkara-perkara tersebut yang menjadi asas utama pembentukan negara Malaysia dan termasuk dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan telah menimbulkan kegusaran dan keresahan di kalangan rakyat.

Sebagai tindakbalas, beberapa pihak terutama pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu sama ada yang berada dalam kerajaan atau pertubuhan bukan kerajaan dan orang perseorangan telah menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati dan marah terhadap pihak yang membuat kenyataan dan laporan dan menganjurkan forum-forum berkenaan.

“Antara sebab-sebab yang dikenalpasti berlakunya perkara ini ialah kedangkalan pengetahuan pihak berkenaan terhadap latar belakang sejarah mengapa peruntukan-peruntukan tersebut dimaktubkan dalam Perlembangaan Persekutuan dan pengaruh prinsip-prinsip kesaksamaan dan keadilan yang cuba diimplikasikan di negara ini tanpa berjunjungkan latar belakang sejarah dan keadaan sosial negara ini. Kepentingan politik sempit juga merupakan penyebab berlakunya perkara ini.

“Gejala ini jika tidak ditangani dengan segera boleh menyebabkan negara terjebak dalam kancah perpecahan dan persengketaan antara kaum yang boleh menjejaskan keharmonian dan keamanan yang selama ini telah membawa kemajuan, pembangunan dan kejayaan kepada negara.

“Justeru, adalah perlu Majlis Raja-Raja menegaskan dan memperingatkan semua pihak tentang peruntukan-peruntukan perlembagaan tersebut di samping memberi penekanan tentang jaminan perlindungan hak-hak sah kaum lain. Perlu ditegaskan bahawa setiap peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan telah melalui proses perbincangan, pertimbangan, konsultansi, pengorbanan dan sifat tolak ansur yang sangat tinggi nilainya bagi apa yang telah diperjuangkan, diperbincangkan, dipertimbangkan, dimanfaatkan serta dipersetujui oleh semua pihak yang terlibat, sehingga wujudnya peruntukan-peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang dikenali sebagai Kontrak Sosial.

Kontrak Sosial ini tidak wajar dipertikai dan dipersoalkan lebih-lebih lagi disemak semula atau diubah kerana ia adalah merupakan asas utama pembentukan negara Malaysia. Untuk itu Raja-raja Melayu wajar memperingatkan supaya isu berkaitan Kontrak Sosial tidak sekali-kali cuba diuji dan dicabar.


“Sesungguhnya, angkatan pemimpin di era prakemerdekaan, berfikiran dalam - berpandangan jauh. Raja-raja Melayu telah dibawa bersama semasa rundingan menuntut kemerdekaan. Institusi raja dikekalkan dan dimaktubkan secara perundangan dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia Merdeka. Institusi raja diberikan kemuliaan, ditempatkan di puncak kerajaan, sebagai Ketua Negara dan Ketua Negeri, laksana payung pelindung, menjamin berlakunya kesaksamaan di kalangan warga. Institusi raja berperanan sebagai faktor penyemak dan pengimbang, untuk merungkai sebarang kekusutan, sekiranya berlaku.

“Raja-raja Melayu juga membuat seruan kepada orang Melayu supaya bersatu-padu untuk mempertahankan keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan dan kebesaran Raja-raja Melayu, melindungi agama Islam, bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain di Malaysia seperti yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Penekanan juga perlu dibuat bahawa agenda ini adalah lebih penting dan utama dari kepentingan politik atau kelompok.

“Kaum bukan Melayu tidak perlu merasa khuatir dan bimbang tentang hak-hak sah mereka kerana hak-hak tersebut telah dijamin mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan peruntukan-peruntukan yang terkandung dalam Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri-negeri di Malaysia yang termaktub dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

“Adalah diharapkan dengan penegasan tersebut, segala kekeliruan berhubung dengan perkara ini di kalangan rakyat jelata dapat dibendung dan suatu suasana yang harmoni, aman dan sikap saling hormat menghormati di kalangan rakyat dapat terus diwujudkan demi menjaga ketenteraman negara.”


Kesemua Sultan dan Yang Dipertua Negeri menghadiri mesyuarat itu kecuali Pahang, Johor, Terengganu, Perlis dan Negeri Sembilan.

Sultan Pahang diwakili Pemangku Raja Pahang Tengku Mahkota Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, Sultan Johor diwakili Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ibrahim Ismail Sultan Iskandar dan Sultan Terengganu diwakili Yang Dipertua Majlis Penasihat Pemangku Raja Tengku Sri Panglima Raja Tengku Baderulzaman Sultan Mahmud.

Negeri Sembilan diwakili Pemangku Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan Tunku Naquiyuddin Ibni Tuanku Jaafar dan Perlis diwakili Raja Muda Perlis Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Jamalullail.

Turut hadir menteri-menteri besar dan ketua-ketua menteri kecuali Sarawak yang diwakili Menteri II Perancangan dan Pengurusan Sumber, Datuk Seri Awang Tengah Ali Hasan.

Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja, Tan Sri Engku Ibrahim Engku Ngah berkata, perkara-perkara berkaitan pertahanan, keselamatan, kedudukan ekonomi negara, Biasiswa Yang di-Pertuan Agong termasuk cadangan pelantikan Ketua Hakim Negara Persekutuan, Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan dan Hakim Besar Malaya telah dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat itu.

sumber : Bernama
kzso - Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku!

Monday, 13 October 2008


Oleh : Al-Azharri Siddiq Haji Kamunri

1. PERKEMBANGAN di dalam UMNO telah menjejaskan sokongan MP-MP Pakatan Rakyat dan di 3 buah negeri PR iaitu Selangor, Kedah dan Perak. Beberapa MP PR dijangka akan menyertai DS Najib Tun Tazak terutama MP PKR yang pernah bekerja dengan DS Najib semasa mereka di dalam BN dahulu. Penulis diberitahu Penasihat PKR telah memanggil mesuarat khas untuk menghalang YB-YB PKR menyertai kerajaan di bawah pimpinan DS Najib.

2. Di Selangor, mereka yang bersedia untuk menyertai BN dikatakan terdiri daripada YB Melayu dan YB Bukan Melayu daripada parti PKR. Terdapat kekecewaan di kalangan YB Bukan Melayu terhadap cara kerajaan negeri memusnahkan kuil di Ampang. Jika dahulu, Dr. Khir Toyo dilanyak kerana kerajaan negeri meruntuhkan kuil , kali ini MB Selangor pula tidak dapat menghalang kuil diruntuhkan oleh kerajaan PR.

3. Di Perak dan Kedah, beberapa YB PKR yang sudah bersedia menyeberang kepada Bn pada Ogos lepas kini sudah bersedia untuk menyertai BN. Mereka dikatakan sudah melihat permainan politik Anwar sehinggakan Azmin Alim pun hendak meletak jawatan dalam semua jawatan PKR, termasuk kes YB Zulkifli yang dianiaya double standard. 5 YB PAS/PKR di Kedah, dan 4 YB PKR di Perak dikatakan terlibat dalam isu ini.

4. Untuk menyakinkan penyokongnya, Anwar dikatakan berusaha untuk membawa undi tidak percaya ke atas Perdana Menteri di parlimen Isnin ini, namun kem PAS dikatakan sekurang-kuragnya 15 MP PAS tidak akan menyokong usul itu ( dikatakan MP yang menyokong Kepimpinan Ulama ). MP PAS yang berpihak kepada Kumpulan Erdogan di bawah Husam akan terus memberi sokongan kepada Anwar.

5. Di Sabah, SAPP dikatakan berhajat untuk memohon menyertai semula BN di bawah DS Najib. Penulis berharap perkara ini tidak berlaku kerana SAPP bukan parti yang besar ( keahlian hanya sekitar 30,000 orang ), lagipun ia hanya bersikap pengacau yang tidak setia. Semua YB SAPP masih memberi sokongan kepada kerajaan BN walaupun SAPP sudah keluar dari BN. Yang hanya menjadi mangsa Anwar dalam permainan ini ialah Yong Teck Lee.

6. Dengan perkembangan ini, penulis yakin setelah semua Pemilihan parti dibuat dalam parti MCA, MIC, UMNO dan komponen yang lain, kerajaan BN akan kembali pulih dan mendapat sokongan rakyat. Rasionalnya, PAS , PKR, DAP memiliki penyokong masing-masing, rakyat yang tidak mempunyai parti yang mengundi atas dasar isu, sudah pasti akan memikirkan semula keadaan semasa politik negara.

7. Bagi kita rakyat biasa, marilah kita memberi sumbangan idea untuk memajukan negara kita, merapatkan semula perpaduan, membuat aduan dengan betul, tidak perlu mengganggu rumah terbuka orang lain, zaman sekarang bukan zaman menjerit-jerit, itu zaman Anwar yang dia belajar dalam kursus IIIT, NED, dll pertubuhan pro-Amerika. Teresa saman Utusan Melayu RM30 Juta, apa kata sesiapa umat Islam dan orang Melayu yang rasa Terhina dengan perbuatan Teresa Kok dalam isu Babi, Tulisan Jawi, Makanan Anjing, Azan dsbnya mengambil tindakan yang sama ke atasnya. Dia nak tunjuk Hero konon dia benar orang lain salah, apa kata orang Islam dan Melayu juga tunjuk Hero! Dia fikir umat Islam dan orang Melayu tidak Terasa dan Tidak Tersinggung dengan kata-katanya yang menghina bangsa Melayu dan umat
Islam .

Sumber :


Dr M: Najib must keep cronies and family at bay

MELBOURNE, Oct 12 — Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak should not be surrounded by cronies and family members when he is prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said here today.

"There are several former members of parliament and experts whose advice he should seek to run the country," the former prime minister told Bernama after addressing a Malaysian youth seminar at the University of Melbourne.

"There is a lot of work to be done to restore the confidence of the people in the government," Dr Mahathir said.

"But Najib must not try to do everything himself. He must get proper advice from the right people.

"He should not be surrounded by cronies and family members as this will not be good for the country." Dr Mahathir, however, did not identify them.

He said Najib, his deputy, Umno and its partner component parties must work hard as a team to win public support for the government which suffered a setback at the last elections.

"The votes we lost were protest votes. Malaysians were not happy and this was reflected at the ballot box," he said.

Dr Mahathir said sections of the public felt that the government had become arrogant and out of touch with their needs.

"Some MPs felt, that once elected and given a ministerial position, there was no need for them to go back to their electorate to talk to the people, to discuss issues and find out what needed to be done and to explain government policies," he said.

Dr Mahathir said he hoped that this would change under the leadership of Najib.

source : bernama


Masih Berbisakah Tangan Anwar Dalam PAS?

Contributed by belantan

Zaman kegemilangan dan kejatuhan Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) seperti diikat oleh Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu (UMNO). Sekarang krisis terburuk UMNO berakhir dengan tamatnya kisah Anwar Ibrahim, segala petunjuk bahawa sokongan terhadap PAS semakin merosot, dengan pada masa yang sama pemimpin parti menjadi lebih bersikap mempertahankan diri apabila cuba menjawab kepada tuduhan- tuduhan bahawa parti tersebut sudah hilang arah.

Sekiranya perbualan bersama dengan penyokong PAS dan maklum balas dihantar ke internet sebagai petunjuk, kemerosotan ini memang jelas. Asas kewujudan PAS - untuk mendirikan sebuah negara Islam di Malaysia - berada dalam ancaman kerana memandangkan PAS bersedia untuk memperolehi semula sokongan dengan kisah Anwar Ibrahim.

Permergian kisah Anwar Ibrahim dan ketua pemain, Mahathir Mohamad, daripada perhatian politik telah meletakkan PAS kembali kepada asal : di pinggiran sistem, hanya sebagai sebuah parti politik pembangkang bersama pemimpin dan pandangan tersendiri.

Sekarang Mahathir telah pergi, soalannya apakah yang boleh dilakukan oleh PAS untuk membawanya kembali ke arus utama politik. Pada masa sekarang tiada sebarang tanda bahawa perkara ini akan terjadi, kecuali pemimpinnya dilihat sedang menguatkan ikatan takdir parti politik itu dengan Anwar Ibrahim, lelaki yang tidak dipercayai oleh kebanyakan penganalisis politik walaupun sebagai bakal Perdana Menteri, sama ada melalui pembangkang atau melalui pemerintah UMNO, parti yang yang telah memulaukannya.

Dengan memberikan ingatan ringkas dalam politik, mana-mana senario adalah mungkin.

Anwar perlu berpuas hati dengan kem pembangkang buat masa ini. Berada di sebelah bahagian yang lain setelah sekian lama berada dalam kerajaan adalah sesuatu yang amat berat untuk dilakukannya, mempercayai bahawa pembangkang tidak boleh memegang kuasa, sekurang-kurangnya dalam tempoh hayatnya.

Dengan idea yang kurang tentang apa yang perlu beliau lakukan, Anwar sedang menangguhkan perancangannya yang segera dengan menumpukan lebih perhatian terhadap topik-topik seperti "dialog antara ketamadunan" dan syarahan "demokrasi" dan "kebebasan" dalam masyarakat Islam.

Secara jelas, bayangannya sebagai seseorang yang mengambil berat mengenai isu global telah dibayangi dengan cita-citanya dalam negara, dan kebanyakan pendengarnya ingin mengetahui mengenai perancangannya di Malaysia berbanding minatnya yang terbaru dalam "menghubungkan Barat-Islam yang terpisah".

Suka atau tidak, Anwar dan parti yang beliau menjadi penasihat sekarang telah mengadakan hubungan dengan PAS, sebagai apa yang dikenali sebagai Barisan Alternatif. Ini memberikan banyak masalah kepadanya secara peribadi, terutamanya kerana beliau merasakan beliau perlu terlibat dalam kepentingan dunia, sebagai contoh bertemu dengan pemimpin berhaluan kanan dari Washington dan kumpulan pemikir dari Barat, yang kesemuanya akan membentuknya sebagai seorang "pemimpin Muslim yang sederhana".

Lawatan Anwar ke seluruh dunia untuk bertemu dengan pemimpin politik dan rakan-rakannya yang memegang jawatan penting di Washington dan Eropah mempunyai dua matlamat dan objektif menang-menang : Peranan Barat dalam membentuknya sebagai seorang agen perubahan sebelum beliau memegang kuasa; dan untuk menjelaskan bahawa PAS bukan sebuah parti ‘pengganas’ Islam, seperti yang ditakuti oleh pemimpin Barat, tetapi sebuah parti yang bebas dan demokratik yang mana Barat mampu "bekerjasama bersama" untuk memegang kuasa.

Ikatannya dengan PAS adalah salah satu daripada halangan yang perlu dilepasi untuk kepentingannya atau jika tidak lebih daripada hubungan mesranya dengan pemimpin Barat.

Sementara Anwar mungkin menggambarkan PAS sebagai liabiliti memandangkan beliau sentiasa berkunjung ke Washington dan Eropah, kerana beliau mampu " dipanaskan " di atas hubungannya dengan kumpulan pengganas, parti anti-Barat seperti PAS, di Malaysia.

Beliau dilihat seperti berada di kem yang sama dengan PAS kerana parti tersebut menjuarai isu berkaitan Anwar semasa dipenjarakan selama 6 tahun, semasa parti tersebut bergerak di atas simpati orang ramai dengan Anwar melalui akhbar PAS yang terkenal satu ketika dahulu iaitu Harakah.

Itu suatu ketika dahulu, sekarang keadaan sudah berubah. Dengan krisis yang sudah hampir berlalu daripada masyarakat, PAS sekali lagi dipinggirkan untuk menjaga diri sendiri.

Setelah memegang kuasa politik apabila mengambil alih dua negeri dan hampir membentuk kerajaan negeri di dua negeri yang lain, PAS telah mengalami kekalahan teruk pada pilihanraya tahun lepas (2004). Sekarang, dengan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KeADILan, yang dipimpin oleh isteri Anwar dan penyokong setia dari pelbagai latarbelakang ), PAS merasakan berada di bawah tekanan yang semakin meningkat untuk memformulasikan semula agendanya, dan pada masa yang sama menimbangkan kembali penubuhan sebuah Negara Islam.

Ramai yang menyifatkan dokongan politik PAS terhadap sebuah Negara Islam (terutamanya ketika Pilihanraya Umum) sebagai punca utama kenapa parti pembangkang tidak dapat disatukan sebagai sebuah pakatan memerintah, dan sebab kenapa pakatan pembangkang sentiasa berpecah dalam masa yang singkat selepas pilihanraya.

Ahli politik bukan Islam, Muslim sekular dan bekas pemimpin UMNO, yang tidak berpuashati dengan kepimpinan pada masa ini, sekarang berkempen kepada PAS untuk menukar pendiriannya dalam aspirasi untuk sebuah Negara Islam; dalam kata lain, untuk berfikir mengenai undi dengan serius.

Sesetengah pemimpin keADILan, termasuk ANwar, telah mengambil tanggungjawab tersebut untuk bercakap mewakili PAS, cuba untuk mempertahankan agenda negara Islam PAS, terutamanya semasa temuramah dengan media Barat dan dalam ceramah di negara Barat, dan di majlis perhimpunan tempatan yang dihadiri oleh "Muslim yang sederhana" dan bukan Muslim.

Pada 10 Mei, Anwar Ibrahim telah ditemuramah oleh BBC dalam program Hardtalk. Perubahan Anwar yang disifatkan sebagai "pemimpin Islam yang hebat" kepada "Muslim yang sederhana" menggalakkan "dialog di antara Muslim dan Barat" yang diadakan secara terbuka buat pertama kalinya mencabar.

Hubungannya dengan sayap kanan Pentadbiran Bush (terutamanya Paul Wolwofitz), dan bagaimana beliau menerangkannya kepada penyokongnya yang berada di Malaysia, antara perkara yang dipersoalkan kepadanya.

Apabila ditanya sama ada beliau bersetuju dengan usaha PAS untuk sebuah Negara Islam, dalam kebanyakan soalan disebutkan bahawa Negara Islam bermaksud penafian terhadap kebebasan kepada bukan Islam untuk mengamalkan kepercayaan mereka, jawapan Anwar hanya menekankan kepada persepsi seperti : Beliau berkata PAS perlu bekerja dalam lingkungan sebuah "jaminan perlembagaan" dalam kebebasan beragama kepada bukan Muslim, memandangkan sekiranya tiada terdapat jaminan seperti itu dalam Islam.

Ketika semua ini sedang berlaku, kepimpinan PAS telah berdiam diri. Kebanyakan penganalisis dan penyokong telah beranggapan sikap ini sama seperti kekosongan kepemimpinan, khususnya selepas ketiadaan arwah Fadzil Noor, Presiden PAS sebelum ini, pada 2002, tetapi terdapat beberapa sebab lagi : Di kalangan mereka adalah sikap obsesi PAS dengan mengambil alih kuasa daripada UMNO, yang telah memerintah Malaysia semenjak negara ini dibentuk. Di puncak populariti PAS, kesemuanya disebabkan oleh kemarahan masyarakat awam terhadap Mahathir berhubung layanannya terhadapa Anwar, soal kepimpinan PAS bukan satu isu.

Memandangkan pilihanraya dalaman parti semakin hampir, ahli-ahli akan memilih pemimpin mereka, peringkat bahagian terlantar bukan disebabkan oleh perbezaan umur tetapi disebabkan oleh jurang kematangan politik.

Sesiapa yang telah dicalonkan untuk jawatan tertinggi termasuk pemimpin muda, tugas mereka hanya penting ketika pilihanraya disebabkan oleh cara berkempen mereka yang agresif.

Pemimpin ‘tradisional’ seperti Abdul Hadi Awang dan Nik Abdul Aziz terkecuali, ramai di dalam PAS bersetuju bahawa pemimpin mereka tidak berada benar-benar di dalam rentak yang sama dengan perspektif politik parti.

Hadi dan Nik Aziz, seperti allahyarham Fadzil Noor, telah memainkan peranan dengan baik sebagai kuasa penyatu dan mampu terlibat berbahas dengan pemimpin kerajaan.

Pemimpin yang baru muncul, sesetengahnya dipanggil ulama disebabkan latarbelakang pendidikan Islam mereka di bumi Arab, mengambil risiko dengan memaksa PAS menimbang semula agendanya dengan memujuk "Muslim sekular " yang enggan untuk mengundi PAS berbanding musuh mereka iaitu UMNO.

Khabar angin sudah merebak bahawa sekumpulan "ulama" dan "profesional" baru, yang menyertai PAS disebabkan layanan buruk terhadap Anwar, akan mengambil alih kepimpinan parti ; terdapat juga perbicangan mengenai kerjasama yang lebih rapat dengan Anwar, atau pada masa yang sama membawa Anwar masuk ke dalam PAS dengan diberikan jawatan.

Bagaimana PAS akan berhadapan dengan naungan Anwar dan tokoh yang tidak jujur dari Washington serta kepentingan politik Barat terhadap Anwar.

Sesetengahnya dijawab dengan fakta bahawa sesetengah pemimpin PAS telah mula bercakap mengenai ‘image’ (satu obsesi di kalangan sesetengah Muslim semenjak September 2001), daripada peranan PAS sebagai sebuah gerakan yang menekan kerajaan dalam sebuah negara majoriti Islam.

Sesetengah pemimpin PAS sedang mengadakan perbincangan secara tertutup dengan diplomat Amerika Syarikat dan Australia, dan terdapat seperti keengganan pemimpin utama dalam demonstrasi anti-AS untuk hadir bersama.

Tekanan terhadap PAS dalam menggugurkan cita-cita Negara Islam akan atau tidak akan mengubah landskap politik Malaysia, isu Islam dan Bangsa telah memastikan pakatan memerintah masih berada di tampuk pemerintahan walaupun cabaran daripada yang menentangnya.

Soalan sama ada pemimpin sekarang dan aktivis dalam PAS, sama seperti "darah muda", akan mampu untuk menyelesaikan cabaran tersebut dalam ruang lingkup intelektual Islam, daripada politik kasar dan pertikaian kosong.

Negara Islam tidak boleh dikeluarkan daripada agenda oleh mana-mana pergerakan Islam; apa yang berbeza adalah cara dan apa yang membentuk Negara Islam dijangka perlu diambil kira.

Adalah lebih bijak untuk PAS berhati-hati dengan tekanan, dan menilai semula aspirasinya dengan tidak bersikap apologetic tetapi dengan satu pandangan terhadap asas Negara Islam untuk muncul dalam realiti yang kompleks seperti yang berlaku di Malaysia.

Dalam demokrasi seperti Malaysia, jumlah kerusi Parlimen dan kelompok peserta dalam ceramah umum boleh digunakan untuk mengukur sokongan sesebuah parti. Walaupun kesemua ini adalah rendah buat masa ini untuk PAS, kepimpinannya perlu sedar bahawa kedua-dua perkara tersebut tidak boleh digunakan sebagai kayu ukur sejauh mana parti itu bergerak berdasarkan hasil kerja yang sebenar.

Hanya keupayaannya untuk bergerak di atas landasan intelektual yang tinggi yang dapat membawa PAS ke satu ruang yang dihormati di mata umat Islam di Malaysia dan seluruh dunia.

Suara Politik

kzso - kita tunggu persidangan parlimen oktober 2008 ini dan kita lihat perkembangan seterusnya.

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Alahai...orang Melayu terkena dan tertipu lagi...


Contributed by belantan

1. LAKONAN Lee Kuan Yew yang paling hebat ialah semasa dia menangis teresak-esak sehari sebelum YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman mengeluarkan Singapura dari Malaysia. Lee Kuan Yew menulis dalam Bibliografinya bahawa dia cuba berusaha menyelamatkan Singapura supaya terus berada dalam Malaysia, namun YTM Tunku tetap dengan keputusannya.

2. Bagi penulis, Lee Kuan Yew menangis bukan kerana Singapura dikeluarkan dari Malaysia. Dia Menangis kerana impiannya untuk menawan negeri-negeri di Pantai Barat Malaysia melalui PAP dan konsep Malaysian Malaysia itu telah gagal berkecai. Lee Kuan Yew sebenarnya bercita-cita untuk menawan Johor Bahru, Seremban, Melaka, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang di mana penduduk Cina majoriti atau hampir sama dengan orang Melayu. Itu cerita 40 tahun dulu, hari ini konsep Malaysian Malaysia yang disambung oleh DAP (adik PAP sebenarnya ) telah dihidupkan kembali dan sudah menguasai KL, Selangor, Ipoh dan 100% Penang. Lim Guan Eng hari pertama dilantik Ketua Menteri, tidak lagi menyebut Pulau Pinang sebaliknya menyebut Penang.

3. Sepanjang Tun Dr. Mahathir menjadi PM, Lee Kuan Yew seingat penulis menyebut 3 kali keinginannya untuk bergabung semula dengan Malaysia. Lee Kuan Yuew sedar, Singapura sudah tepu, sebab itu apabila Singapura memenangi kes Pulau Batu Puteh, mereka masih tak puashati, sebab itu mereka menuntut lagi kawasan perairan di situ ( EEZ ). Kerajaan Thailand sangat bijak apabila membatalkan pembelian saham Telekom Thai oleh Temasek Singapura. Alasan Thai sangat tepat iaitu faktor keselamatan. Memang benar kerana jika Temasek berjaya membeli saham satelit Thai, maka intipan Singapura ke atas Thai semakin mudah.

4. Orang Melayu di Malaysia tidak sedar, Singapura adalah diam berisi. Singapura dijaga oleh Amerika dan Israel. Semua komponen tentera Singapura dibeli dan diselenggara sama ada oleh Amerika atau Israel. Mossad sendiri berpangkalan di Singapura. Maka tidaklah hairan Malaysia Today server dia dah relocated di Singapore-based.

5. Orang Melayu juga tidak sedar, Amerika tidak mahu dalam sesebuah negara itu ada kaum yg Dominan dan memiliki hak istimewa. Sebab itu Amerika Tidak menandatangani Konvensyen Hak-Hak Orang Asal PBB. Amat malang Anwar mahu menghapuskan Ketuanan Melayu dan digantikan dengan Ketuanan Rakyat ( Malaysian Malaysia). Mudah difahami Malaysian Malaysia adalah Klon Malayan Union. Malah Persatuan Gereja Sabah juga sudah menghantar surat terima kasih kepada Anwar kerana sokongan Anwar menggunakan nama Allah oleh Gereja, malah MP PAS ( Khalid Samad) pun bersetuju Allah digunakan merujuk kepada God. Peliknya Hj Hadi dan Tuan Guru Nik Aziz mendiamkan sahaja.

6. Hari ini apabila kuasa politik bangsa Melayu yang selama ini dijaga oleh UMNO semakin terhakis, DAP terutamanya dan NonMalay dalam PKR sudah berani mempersoalkan kesucian agama Islam, sudah berani bercakap ya dan tidak kepada Raja-Raja Melayu, sudah berani berkata boleh dan tidak boleh dalam soal hak istimewa orang Melayu. sudah berani meletakkan syarat kepada bangsa Melayu.

7. Penulis percaya sasaran DAP seterusnya ialah menguasai Kerajaan Persekutuan. Kempen mereka pada PRU12 dahulu...Undi MCA=Undi Melayu semakin berjaya. Pilihanraya Kecil Permatang Pauh jelas menunjukkan DAP sudah kontrol minda bangsa mereka untuk menolak Melayu sebagai kuasa utama di negera ini. Mereka memaksa Pemimpin dan Bangsa Melayu menerima konsep Malaysian Malaysia, tetapi adakah Pemimpin dan Bangsa mereka mengamalkan konsep Malaysian Malaysia. Contoh yg paling terdekat...apakah Bahasa Utama dalam Konsep Malaysian Malaysia...Bahasa Mandarin atau Bahasa Melayu(Bahasa Malaysia). Terbukti di kalangan mereka , komuniti mereka tidak ada satupun yang menggunakan bahasa Melayu(bahasa Malaysia) apabila berkomunikasi!

Mereka mahu menjadikan Bahasa Melayu(Bahasa Malaysia) sebagai bahasa sejarah sahaja sebagaimana lagu Majulah Singapura di Singapura! Kalaulah Hang Tuah, Zaaba, Panglima Bukit Gantang, Syed Albar, Datuk Harun Idris masih hidup...Mereka mahu menjadikan Bahasa Melayu(Bahasa Malaysia) sebagai bahasa sejarah sahaja sebagaimana lagu Majulah Singapura di Singapura!

Kalaulah Hang Tuah, Zaaba, Panglima Bukit Gantang, Syed Albar, Datuk Harun Idris masih hidup...

Al-Azharri Siddiq
Jentayu Baka

kzso - iya... kalaulah Dato' Hang Tuah, Dato' Hang Jebat, Dato' Hang Kasturi, Dato'Hang Lekir, Dato' Hang Lekiu, Dato' Tun Perak, Dato' Tok Tepok, Dato' Mat Kilau, Dato' Bahaman, Dato' Maharajalela, Tok Gajah, Tok Janggut, To' Ku Paloh, Mat Lela, Awang Nong, Teh Ibrahim, Dato' Haji Abdur Rahman Limbong, Dato' Salleh, Dol Said, Dato' Wan Lela, Dato' Panglima Kiri, Orang Kaya Pahlawan of Semantan, Dato' Harun Idris, Dato' Syed Albar, Dato' Panglima Bukit Gantang, Tok Kenali, Leftenan Adnan, Dato' Onn... (sekadar menyebut beberapa nama) masih hidup, apakah yang akan diperkatakan oleh mereka kepada kita? apakah tindakan mereka kepada kita melihat keadaan, cara serta tingkah-laku dan kelakuan anak-cucu-cicit mereka di Tanah Melayu sekarang dan ketika ini?

Friday, 10 October 2008

Pak Lah, don't forget to do these five things before you leave, please?

Pak Lah, could you take the garbage out as you leave, please?

source : rocky
The FIVE things the PM must do before he goes. After 5 years and zilch, the PM is suddenly talking to the Press h e r e about wanting to resolve so many things in the short time that he still has before he says goodbye.

I didn't want to say it but it's really pathetic.

He should not try and achieve these things given such a short period because he would likely leave a mess that others would later have to clean up.

Pak Lah should read the rubbish his creation published in the NST today.

Kalimullah Masheerul Hassan blames others for why the PM did not succeed in making the reforms.

If he could not do it in the 5 years that he had, how the hell could he expect to do it in the six months or so he has left? Isn't that what Mr Kali is, in effect, telling his friend and master?But at a time when his friends and advisers would abandon him, I am confident that there is still some fire left in the Prime Minister to do 5 things before March.

If he succeeds in achieving these 5 things, he would be remembered as a savior of sorts.

1. Get the cronies and advisers out. Retire Kalimullah Masheerul Hassan from the NSTP. He has done nothing to endear Pak Lah to the people, especially to his party and in particular to the PM's predecessor. There are his other adviisers and hangers-on; they know who they are and should not wait for the axe to make them go. Abdullah's failures are due to the people who advised him and advised him wrongly. They have failed the PM and have no reason to stay.

2. Clean up the scandals of his time. There is time to at least initiate probes into the various business deals that have raised questions and doubts, starting with the Pantai Holdings and the purchase of ECM-Libra shares by his son-in-law. The latest deal involving Maybank's purchase of BII shares also involved the Finance Ministry. In between, we saw the ECM-Avenue Asset merger, the plantation merger that was supposed have given birth to a Synergy Drive but never did, the Scomi questions, the fuel price increase, and Oil-for-Food controversy. It is best for Pak Lah to explain these to us while he is still Prime Minister. Learn from Dr Mahathir: when you're down, they won't listen to you.

3. Put a closure to Islam Hadhari. Pak Lah started this idea; Pak Lah must find a good way to end it.

4. Order his son-in-law to leave the Umno Youth race. This is the biggest favour Pak Lah can do for Umno and Barisan Nasional at this very late stage. It will be a big favour he'll be doing for his beloved son-in-law. Khairy Jamaluddin has been blamed for much of Pak Lah's unpopularity and that's not a fantastic claim. Conduct a survey if Pak Lah does not want to take my word for it.

5. Apologize to the people of Johor for not being able to be with them during the Big Floods of 2006.

Other reactions to Kalimullah's outburst in NST today:

Take your advice and shove it by Ashraf Abdullah
Defence Counsel, Kalimullah by Sakmongkol AK47
Desperate Idiot by Apanama

It doesn't pay to have advisers like Kalimullah

source : jejak pujangga

For Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who in March will become the shortest serving Prime Minister in Malaysia's history, five years and four months is good enough.

The fact that he has to step down because he has lost support, is a different matter.

Whatever it is, his name is going down the annals of history as Malaysia's fifth Prime Minister.

And that is quite an achievement.

Unlike his predecessor, Abdullah was dependent on his advisers. And these advisers, all with their own agenda to make money or advance their own political interests, were the actual cause of his downfall.

One of Abdullah's closest adviser is Datuk Seri Kalimullah Maseerul Hassan, the Deputy Chairman of The New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd. I first came to know Kalimullah when I joined the PETS Training in NST in 1987.

I was then just 20 years old.

Having quit from The Star, he had just joined NST as a senior reporter, but wasn't much of a journalist.

Lagged far behind the likes of Sabri Sharif, Fabian Dawson, R Nadeswaran, etc. He never made it to an editor in any of the Malaysian newspapers.I now believe that Kalimullah had no interest in journalism at all.

Journalism was just a stepping stone to bigger things. His interest is only in making money, huge profits, like he is making now.

Abdullah's advisers, including Kalimullah, only told him what he wanted to hear.

They hid the truth.

They deliberately did not tell him about his dwindling support.

They wanted him to remain in power so they can "make hay while the sun shines".

They had no qualms about Abdullah being ridiculed and laughed at.

They just wanted him to stay in power for as long as he could.

They knew that it wouldn't be long.

So in the last five years, they did what they could to amass wealth and push their political careers to dizzying heights.

It will be impossible for me to list all the projects that Abdullah's relatives and friends, including Kalimullah had secured over the last five years.

My aging computer. I think, does not have enough capacity to carry such a long list.

And yet, Kalimullah, in his column in the NST today (10 October 2008), had the audacity to tell Prime Minister-in-waiting Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak not to give projects to his cronies.

I know Najib. And I know he is not as gullible as his "soon-to-be" predecessor. Najib deserves a chance to undo all the wrongs that Abdullah and his cronies did.

Najib needs time to rehabilitate Barisan Nasional in time for the 13th general election in or before 2013.

The people should refrain from making wild accusations against him because someone somewhere started it for his own interest.

I can't speak on behalf of Najib. If I could, I would have this to say to Kalimullah: TAKE YOUR ADVICE AND SHOVE IT!


source : apanama

Kalimullah Maseerul Hassan is a DESPERATE man, and an IDIOT on top of that.

p/s I, as a Malaysian citizen who is deeply offended by what Kalimullah says about Dr.Mahathir in his NST column today, am warning Kalimullah to shut-up and leave or face having rotten eggs on your not so pleasant face!

His nasty words against Muhyiddin is also uncalled for.Jejak Pujangga says here that the Badly-Brought Up-Moron has tendered his resignation as Deputy Chairman of the NSTP group.

So, is Kalimullah's outburst in his column today not a desperate and shameless act of a running dog that has been dumped into the septic tank?

A more diplomatic Rockybru is politely requesting the SOON-TO-RETIRE PM : "Pak Lah, could you take the GARBAGE out as you leave, pleaseDefence Counsel- Kalimullah

They Were Ambitious Sons, in Their Father's Image; Now Lyle and Erik Menendez Stand Accused of Their Parents' Murder

Two brothers, Erik and Lyle Menendez were convicted for the murder of their parents. A team of defense lawyers defended them. The defense team used a strategy that seeks to exonerate the brothers by laying blame instead on the murdered parents. The defense team argued that the brothers were driven to murderous rage by the parents themselves who subjected the brothers to prolonged abuse and tyranny.

Sakmongkol wishes Kalimullah Masheerul Hassan is a lawyer. Best of all, if he defends the notorious RPK. Kali would be the equal to Leslie Abramson who defended the Menendez brothers for killing their parents.

Today he has written a piece. Defending and justifying Uncle Lah’s inability to carry out changes. Uncle lah has had 5 years but is till not able to make changes. Kali should also lay blame on the menagerie of anarchic cabinet members for failing to do manly tasks of prodding and debating with the PM. Or perhaps they too can carry out a class action against Tun Mahathir for being turned into half past six leaders? .

What was uncle’s lah main bugbear of carrying out reforms? Commissar Kali puts it as the legacy of Tun Mahathir.

Lay blame on others for your own incapacity and lacking. Uncle Lah was driven to incompetence and haplessness by a lifetime abuse by Tun Mahathir. Tun Mahathir was the parent or surrogate parent to the cabinet. Sakmongkol is surprised that Kali has not included sexual abuse from Tun Mahathir to explain uncle lah’s incompetence.

The defense would try to prove to the jurors that it was Jose and Kitty and not Lyle and Erik who should be held accountable for why the murders were committed. Abramson and Lansing would argue that the brothers had been instilled with feelings of fear over a long period of time, going back many years. The athletic, spoiled rich sons who had each at one time in their lives considered becoming professional tennis players; were going to be portrayed as victims of child abuse.

Therefore just like the defense team in the Menendez brothers case, Kali uses the same defense strategy. That Uncle Lah has been instilled with feelings of fear over a long period of time, going back many years.

The pure and more Islamic Uncle Lah is going to be portrayed as victim of Tun Mahathir’s abuse.

Wow, Kali, you are better than Shafee Abdullah. ?

kzso - well kali... you've done it again! As for najib, 5 month is a very-very-very loooooong time (especially in politics) where anything can happen in a second but if najib is fated to be the next pm of malaysia,he needs to control rosmah in a very tight lash because his downfall and chink in his armour is rosmah and his /her so called cronies.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

To ALL American : Your solution to US economy - Appoint Anwar to be your US economic advisor!

Fret not! Anwar Ibrahim will help the US economy

source : jebat

People had asked me how the United States can overcome the sub prime crisis they are in right now. As speculated, the sub prime crisis has transformed itself into a major economic crisis in the US.

It’s tentacles have reached many other areas in economic superstructures around the world. In my humble opinion and also the opinion of all Pakatan Rakyat’s supporters, there is only one way to overcome the economic crisis in the United States.

Get Anwar Ibrahim to be the US economic adviser.

Due to his brilliant economic background, he will shorten the NPL criterium to 3 months, increase the interest rates to 20% or more so that the dollar can appreciate, and of course, he will stop the US government from bailing out companies.

His austerity measures and creative destruction approach will surely rejuvenate the world’s economy and bring back the bull into the stock markets worldwide.

Not only that, he will get the US to stop giving subsidies to the wheat farmers in the US and other forms of subisidies in that country. This will definitely kick start the economy on the right track.

I’m sure if he has not already been appointed as their economic adviser, Anwar Ibrahim is working really hard and cracking his head on how to save the world from this potential economic disaster never been seen since the Great Depression of the late 20’s.

How else could you explain his silence and absence for the past week or so? Maybe he is in Washington D.C. right now!

Since the US will be in the good hands of the Darling of the Western Media, their economy will rebound in no time. Take this excerpt in an article by the International Crisis Group for example;

In the midst of Asian Financial Crises of 1997, Anwar was hailed for guiding Malaysia through this period of instability.

He backed free market principles and called for “creative destruction”, highlighting the need to reconsider the proximity of business and politics in Malaysia.

He advocated for greater accountability and refused to offer government bail-outs to companies facing bankruptcy.

He also instituted widespread spending cuts and cut government expenditure on mega projects.

These prescriptions saved the Malaysian economy and earned Anwar many accolades, including the title “Asian of the Year” by Newsweek International in 1998.

Thank God we have Anwar Ibrahim at that time to save our economy and propelled Malaysia into greater heights after 1997!

Without him, we may have found ourselves deeply indebted to the IMF and our strategic local businesses and industries may be pried open for corporate raiders to feast upon.

His uncanny ability to articulate his economic credentials is a breath of fresh air when comparing to other economic expert wannabes like Dr Mahathir or Paul Krugman or even Henry Paulson.

Anwar, as the adviser will definitely tell the American government why waste USD700 billion just to bail out their banking industry?

In Malaysia back in 1998, Anwar was against any government bailouts.

Citing creative destruction, the prospect of letting huge banks like Maybank and Hong Leong Group etc with thousands of workers go bust was vital in the pursuit of good governance and being market friendly.

Unfortunately, Malaysia went ahead with the setting up of special vehicles such as Danamodal and Danaharta.

These SPVs were responsible in buying all the NPLs and help free the banking industry from the credit crunch and pumped the much needed liquidity in the market. How irresponsible the government was!

Coming back to the matter at hand, Anwar will also tell the US SEC (equivalent to Malaysian SC) to not impose capital control ala Malaysia or China.

There are plans that the SEC are going to extend the ban on short selling in the share market.

This is a big no-no in the free market economies.

Why penalise the fund managers in doing their jobs? After all, they are selling the shares and only making small gains from their own selfless deeds.

Anwar, with his credentials as the economic adviser for the Republic of Turkey will definitely prove a boon for the US economy.

Turkey, with him as the adviser since 2005, had progressed to greater heights economically.

Their borrowing rate is currently 16.75%! This will not last long as due to high inflation (over 10%), the Central Bank of Turkey will increase it by 50 basis points to 17.25% soon.

Thank God Anwar was there!

With his help as a bridge between Turkey and the IMF, the country managed to secure new loans from IMF totalling USD10 billion (RM34 Billion). This is on top of the outstanding loan of USD16 billion they received much earlier.

As the result, their budget deficit increases from 0.6% in 2006 to about 2.5% - 3% in 2008-09.

A job well done for Turkey’s brilliant economic adviser.

So you see, the solution is simple.

Anwar Ibrahim, the greatest saviour of Malaysia will use his expertise in economics and help save the world from the worse economic crisis since the Great Depression.

We should definitely elect him as our Prime Minister (or better still, get him to be the next US President- kzso)

Bush and Lee Kuan Yew will be so proud.

another good article for all Malaysian to read

There's something about Anwar alright (updated 30/04/2008) from jebat

We shall start off with this pantun;

“Angkut angkut terbang ke langit,
sampai di langit dimakan merbah,
biar bertangkup bumi dan langit,
setia hamba tidak berubah.”

Those were the words of an Umno Deputy President during an Umno General Assembly in the not too distant past. During the good old days some would have reckoned. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim verbalized his undivided loyalty towards his mentor, Datuk Seri (now Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad by reciting this pantun at the end of the Umno General Assembly in 1996. The affection being shown at that time by the PM towards his successor was for all to see. Only the most clairvoyant among us can predict what could have been unfold in the next two years after the pantun was recited and immortalized in the annals of Umno history.

“The prodigal son and the father figure”
This fiery pantun, which embodied an absolute and undying loyalty of a man towards his President no matter what may come, had been truly forgotten by Anwar Ibrahim as he became the fiercest critic to the very same person he held in very high regard several years ago.
In 1996, Anwar was seen as Umno’s heir apparent to Dr Mahathir. Now, in 2008, Anwar is still perceived as heir apparent and prime minister in waiting to the current PM albeit from another political party.

Who is Anwar Ibrahim? How did he came about to be what he is today? A political reformer? The people’s saviour? An opportunist? A power hungry extremist?

In order to know a person, we need to know his character, his current idealogy, his belief system, his principles or as some may say it, his ‘centre of being’. We study this, and then we reflect on all his actions through the years we’ve known him during the height of his power, and only then we can gauge what kind of a man he is. As what Abraham Lincoln once said - “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power”.

Read the above pantun again. Has the earth and the sky flipped over each other?

From his May 2007 interview in BBC’s Hardtalk, we delve into the man which some touted as the next best thing in Malaysia.

The Anwar Ibrahim interview in BBC HardTalk

The issue which was relentlessly hammered on to Anwar towards the end of the interview was his integrity and credibility in leading the fight against the blatant corruption within the Malaysian Government. As the interviewer pointed out, he was in the system itself for nearly 2 decades and did not do anything about it. Although Anwar insisted he fought against the tide, it were only in the forms of words. No actions were done by him. In fact, his tenure as the Finance Minister from 1991 to 1998 was best remembered by his subtle manouevring in forcing Dr Mahathir to resign as Prime Minister in the Umno General Assembly in 1998.

His message was conveyed in the form of his trusted lieutenant, Datuk Zahid Hamidi, the Umno Youth Chief at the time. Alleging that cronyism and nepotism were prevalent within the Umno top hierarchy, and insinuating to the Umno members that Dr Mahathir had too many cronies, it was time Dr Mahathir to pass on the mantle of power to a cleaner leader. However, the plan backfired.

We can read to remember about this revelation in Business Times ( 23 June 1998 );

DATUK Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the Umno Youth chief, caused more than a bit of a stir when he spoke of `nepotisma and kronisma’ at the Youth assembly last Thursday, forcing the ensuing three-day Umno general assembly to debate issues associated with these alien terms openly.

The party found itself on the defensive because, as a member of the Umno supreme council, there were questions as to whether Zahid had raised the issues at its meetings chaired by the party president. It led to several significant things happening during the assembly.
It prompted the Government to issue several lists of names of so-called “Government cronies” who had been awarded shares or privatization projects. They included the Prime Minister’s son, the Deputy Prime Minister’s father and brother, Cabinet ministers and members of parliament, aside from hundreds of other names of “ordinary” Malays and Bumiputeras. Even Zahid’s name was in one of the lists.
The finality of the findings destroyed Anwar’s reputation as the leading reformer of clean governance as more evidence of his excesses were exposed that year. One such excesses was the purported loss of billions of ringgit in currency hedging by Bank Negara Malaysia. In January 2008, Dr Mahathir had already toying with the idea of capital controls but was shot down by Anwar. He favours the more risky currency trading. As the result, when the ringgit devalued further that month, he directed BNM to intervene;

KUALA LUMPUR 5 Jan. - Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkata, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) dibenarkan untuk campur tangan dalam pasaran tukaran wang asing bagi memastikan nilai ringgit dapat distabilkan.

Anwar yang mengulas mengenai kejatuhan ringgit hari ini yang mencapai paras terendahnya 4.0550/50 berbanding dolar Amerika, menegaskan BNM boleh campur tangan sekiranya keadaan itu sangat diperlukan.

Dalam hubungan ini Anwar menegaskan, kejatuhan ringgit sebenarnya disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor serantau seperti nilai baht, peso, rupiah dan won (Korea Selatan).

Please note that he stated the ringgit value fell due to external factors. Not due to Dr Mahathir’s fault as he had always screamed after he was sacked from the cabinet.

Two days after making the statement above, the BNM used billions of ringgit to stop the further slide as stated in the report below;

KUALA LUMPUR 7 Jan. - Ringgit menjunam ke paras paling rendah terbaru pada 4.8800 berbanding dolar Amerika sehingga terpaksa dipulihkan hari ini melalui campur tangan Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, dalam satu kenyataan petang ini berkata, ”operasi-operasi campur tangan” telah dijalankan untuk memastikan keadaan stabil bagi membolehkan pasaran tukaran asing berjalan dengan cekap.

In the end, BNM lost billions as the ringgit sank further. Some speculated the loss reached up to RM30 billion ringgit, similar to the loss he was accountable in 1993.

Obviously, Dr Mahathir was furious. Anwar’s mistake was intolerable.

But his next action in the coming weeks was even more unforgivable by Dr Mahathir. Anwar had invited the IMF to ‘help’ Malaysia’s ailing economy and the recent loss of wealth.

KUALA LUMPUR 9 Jan. - Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah mengundang Pengarah Urusan Dana Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF), Michel Camdessus melawat negara ini minggu depan bagi membincangkan masalah ekonomi yang sedang melanda rantau ini.

”Dari situ kita dapat melihat pandangannya serta langkah-langkah proaktif yang sesuai untuk kita ambil,” kata beliau pada sidang akhbar selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis Kewangan Negara 1998 di Kementerian Kewangan hari ini.

As the result of IMF’s prescription, the economy and people’s purchasing power broke down. The IMF encouraged the Minister of Finance to lift the prices of controlled food items and increase the banking interest rates. Dr Mahathir was wary with the IMF’s prescription. The people in our neighbouring countries Indonesia and Thailand were already rioting due to the expensive cost of living.

KUALA LUMPUR 19 Jan. - Malaysia akan mengkaji cadangan Dana Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) supaya kadar faedah tempatan dinaikkan, kata Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad hari ini.

Cadangan itu dikemukakan oleh Pengarah Urusan IMF, Michel Camdessus selepas menemui Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim serta pegawai-pegawai Perbendaharaan dan Bank Negara di sini minggu lepas.

But Anwar was adamant. He needed the people to riot on the streets. President Soehatro was already shaky. A new leader was needed to take over this country. He was going to blackmail Malaysia to become the next prime minister through the use of the destructive IMF treatment.In the end, the interest rates were increased. Some was as high as 18%. The non performing loan criteria was shortened from 6 months to 3 months. As the result, the credit crunch in the country was inevitable. By May 1998, President Soeharto resigned. But Indonesia sank further in oblivion for many years after that.

“The leader whom had unified Indonesia as the biggest Muslim country in the world, was brought down by new type of colonialism”

Seeing Anwar was unable to lift Malaysia from the currency crisis, Dr Mahathir appointed the more able Tun Daim Zainuddin as the Minister of Special Functions to help alleviate the Malaysian economy. Anwar was sidelined due to his culpability in managing the country finances. To illustrate this point into perspective, a CFO of a company must surely be sacked if he runs the company to the ground with his reckless methods. That was what happened to Anwar Ibrahim. But Dr Mahathir was still magnanimous in his actions. He was willing to forgive and forget if Anwar would simply lay low for a little while. But matters were not easily understood by Anwar.

Compounded further was the allegations in a DAP convention by Karpal Singh and poison pen letters in the Umno General Assembly that Anwar Ibrahim was a homosexual. Karpal had even asked Dr Mahathir why is he keeping such minister in the cabinet. Dr Mahathir brushed aside these allegations initially.

As a desperate act, Anwar employed a machiavellian tactic by using Zahid Hamidi as a tool to incite hatred towards Dr Mahathir in the Umno General Assembly in June 1998. The rest as they say, is history.

In the recent interview with BBC HardTalk, Dr Mahathir mentioned that Anwar was blackmailing VK Lingam via the secret recordings made in 2001. The allegations of fixing the appointment of top judges in the country is not relevant to me. What is more telling was the act of blackmailing VK Lingam itself. The one that was taking the recording was non other than Loh Gwo Burne.

This political greenhorn, who is still learning to speak proper Bahasa Malaysia, became the MP of Kelana Jaya under the PKR ticket in 2008 general election. Although Gwo Burne stated that he recorded the conversation out of boredom, it was a full 14 minutes recording nevertheless. He could test his new found camera at the time to record everything else, but he chose to record VK Lingam’s conversation non stop for the whole 14 minutes. Furthermore, what astonished me was the fact that Anwar kept the original copy all this while. How did he get the copy? From Gwo Burne himself no doubt.

Now, Gwo Burne is offering his seat for Anwar to contest in the possible by-election. That whole event was suspiciously conspired by Anwar. If blackmailing is Anwar’s modus operandi in obtaining power and gaining political mileage, we will see another round of surrendering our sovereignty to foreign powers.

“Picture says a thousand words”

When he was inside the government, this was what he had to say;

BUKIT MERTAJAM 1 Feb. - Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menolak tanggapan sesetengah pemerhati Barat bahawa kemelut ekonomi dan krisis mata wang di negara-negara Asia disebabkan oleh pengurusan yang lembap, rasuah dan pelbagai gejala negatif lain.

Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, mereka memberi gambaran seolah-olah ekonomi terjejas kerana pengurusan yang lembap, gejala rasuah dan pertimbangan semata-mata untuk suku sakat serta kepentingan sahabat handai dan keluarga.

Anwar yang juga Menteri Kewangan berkata, kepincangan dan ketidakadilan juga berlaku di Barat dan salah satunya ialah ketidakadilan sistem perdagangan dunia.

”Sistem perdagangan dunia memberi kepentingan kepada negara-negara kaya dan negara-negara industri dan pada masa yang sama menggunakan institusi antarabangsa mempertahankan kepentingan mereka,” katanya lagi yang menganggap dakwaan yang dibuat amat kritikal.

But he changed his tune when he was booted out from the government. The man whom everyone in the Pakatan Rakyat idolizes as the only clean and liberally democratic politician, has always been the main protagonist of anti cronyism and nepotisme slogans after his sacking. But people forget that underneath the seemingly clean image lies several issues contradicting and plaguing his reputation.

As per the news in Berita Harian ( 8 December 1998 );

Bapa Anwar miliki saham 20 syarikat
KUALA LUMPUR, Isnin - Ketika Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan pengikutnya menuduh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, mengamalkan kronisme, nepotisme dan kolusi, bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu membisu terhadap kepentingan perniagaan keluarga dan rakan rapatnya.

Senarai Pendaftar Syarikat menunjukkan anggota keluarga Anwar dan rakan rapatnya adalah peneraju korporat yang penting.

And another speech he made in 1995 which greatly mirrored the situation in Pakatan Rakyat now;

Anwar seru rakyat tolak Pas
HULU TERENGGANU, Selasa - Rakyat diminta menolak Pas kerana bersandiwara kononnya memperjuangkan kepentingan umat dan syiar Islam sedangkan pada masa sama membantu DAP melenyapkan kepentingan serta masa depan orang Melayu di Pulau Pinang, kata Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Timbalan Perdana Menteri menegaskan, sebagai contoh beliau mempunyai bukti bahawa calon DAP yang bertanding menentangnya bagi kerusi Parlimen Permatang Pauh, Abdul Raman Manap, adalah Timbalan Yang Dipertua Pas Bukit Mertajam.

Credibility and integrity throughout a political career is paramount in becoming a great and respected leader. Inconsistency in political principles tantamounts to losing both credibility and integrity. Anwar Ibrahim has not properly addressed this. Changing his stand without proper explanation and not supplementing any evidence towards any doubts about his own inconsistent character will prove to be a bane in gaining confidence from the rest of the nation.

As Stephen Covey once said - “In the last analysis, what we are communicates far more eloquently than anything we say or do”.

A political reformer? The people’s saviour? An opportunist? A power hungry extremist?

You be the judge.

kzso - the american especially bush and wolfowitz should take heed of jebat's advice. anwar will definately bring US economy to new height! for malaysian... you be the judhe........