Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Legasi Tun Razak dan Prowaris

Legasi Tun Razak dan Prowaris


Penganalisis Perjuangan Melayu & Islam

Para jemputan Legasi Tun Razak yang dianjurkan oleh Akademi Pemuda UMNO pada 15 dan 16 Jun 2007 terperanjat apabila Feriz Omar, Presiden ProWaris menggemparkan dewan dengan lantang dengan mengeluarkan hujah-hujah mengkritik YABhg Tun Musa Hitam berkaitan dengan isu WPI.

Pada 15-16 Jun 2007 menyaksikan suatu acara yang mengundang pelbagai reaksi dan emosi rakyat terhadap kenangan serta jasa yang dicurahkan oleh Allahyarmam Tun Abdul Razak, Perdana Malaysia yang Kedua.

Sekalipun ia adalah acara yang dikendalikan oleh Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, ia berjaya menarik kehadiran pelbagai parti politik, ahli-ahli koperat serta badan-badan bukan kerajaan, NGO seperti ProWaris Malaysia.

Dalam sesi-sesi yang disertai oleh para hadirin, ramai tokoh kepimpinan muda yang menampilkan pandangan radikal yang berani mempelbagaikan pendekatan kepimpinan organisasi-organisasi Melayu yang kepada sesetengah penganalisis seperti, sudah hambar, tidak relevan dengan suasana hari ini dan perlu diberi nafas baru.

Kehadiran ProWaris dalam sesi soal jawab dalam forum bersama 2 tokoh politik yang disegani UMNO iaitu Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dan Tun Musa Hitam sudah diramalkan akan berlaku pertembungan hangat.

Menyedari falsafah perjuangan ProWaris yang “apolical” iaitu sanggup menegenepikan perbezaan falsafah politik demi mencapai Agenda Melayu dan Islam, ramai yang menantikan isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh Presiden ProWaris sendiri iaitu Saudara Feriz Omar.

Sekalipun ucapan Tengku Razaliegh Hamzah, bekas Menteri Kewangan Malaysia disingkatkan oleh Datuk Mohd Annuar Zaini selaku moderator untuk sesi tersebut, Presiden Prowaris itu telah berjaya mengupas isu sebenar Bangsa Melayu hari ini berbanding dengan Bangsa Melayu ketika pentadbiran Allahyarham Tun Abd Razak sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

Katanya “Sesungguhnya cabaran Allahyarham Tun Razak untuk menyatu-padukan bangsa Melayu, Cina dan India adalah TIDAK BEGITU MENCABAR kerana rakyat Malaysia pada ketika itu rata-rata bermentalitikan “HERD SOCIETY” yang bermakna sentiasa mengikut arahan pemimpin”.

Fakta yang dibangkitkan oleh Presiden ProWaris itu adalah benar kerana rakyat Malaysia hari ini adalah ternyata jauh lebih berbeza kerana hari ini golongan cerdik -pandai semakin ramai dan tidak putus-putus mengkritik mempersoalkan dasar kerajaan.

Feriz dengan lantang menyatakan bahawa “Ini jelas dan nyata kerana Melayu hari telah berpecah tiga iaitu UMNO, PAS dan Keadilan”.

Beliau kemudiannya merujuk kepada Perkara 43 halaman 19 dalam ucapan Tengku Razaleigh yang tidak sempat habis sampaikan oleh Tengku, “Kaum Cina nampaknya tidak berpecah. Walaupun mereka mempunyai tiga atau lebih parti politik, mereka bersatu apabila menghadapi kepentingan bahasa, pendidikan, ekonomi dan kepentingan politik mereka.

Apa-apa desakan atau tuntutan yang tidak dapat disuarakan secara terus terang oleh parti Cina dalam Barisan Nasional, tuntutan itu akan dilancarkan oleh parti Cina yang lain, misalnya Parti DAP, atau oleh Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) cina, iaitu Dong Ziao Jong atau Shiu Qiu yang cukup besar dan berpengaruh, disegani atau digeruni oleh pari MCA, Gerakan dan DAP.

Tidak ada parti politik Cina yang berani menggertak atau mencegah kedua NGO Cina daripada bersuara menentang atau mengkritik kerajaan atau menuntut itu dan ini daripada kerajaan.”

Feriz lantas melaungkan “Sesungguhnya hak perjuangan Agenda Melayu adalah bukan 100% hak mutlak UMNO; perjuangan Agenda Islam adalah bukan 100% hak mutlak PAS; dan perjuangan menuntut keadilan adalah bukan hak mutlak Parti Keadilan Rakyat. “

Laungannya yang lantang mendapat tepukan gemuruh dari seluruh ruang dewan.

YBM Tengku Razaleigh mengakui bahawa itu adalah kenyataan yang tepat dan sesungguhnya kita perlu menggerakkan NGO-NGO Melayu untuk lebih berani tampil dan pada masa yang sama, Bangsa Melayu perlu memberi sokongan penuh ke atas NGO-NGO Melayu demi Agenda Melayu dan Islam.

Tidak habis dengan isu pertama, Presiden ProWaris itu menerjah dengan soalan mengenai Isu Wilayah Pembagunan Iskandar, suatu persoalan yang ditujukan khas kepada YABhg Tun Musa Hitam.

Katanya “ .... Sir, in the past few months you have been aggressively promoting Iskandar Development Region (IDR). If today we are celebrating Tun Razak, a leader who is claimed to be a democratic leader who would seek people’s opinion before making decision, what would he say to you if he were still alive today?”

Tun Musa yang mungkin tidak sangka akan isu WPI dibangkitkan dalam acara menghargai Allahyarham Tun Razak terpaksa membuka bicara dengan satu lawak jenaka kononnya untuk menenangkan suasana dewan “Pasal soalan kedua tu, kita kurang faham kerana Feriz bercakap orang putih ....” dengan harapan mengalihkan pandangan ramai.

Tanpa dijangka, Presiden ProWaris itu menuju ke mikrofon lantas berkata “... Tun kalau tak faham, saya boleh terjemahkan satu persatu, atau Tun saja buat-buat tak faham ...” untuk mengelakkan Tun Musa dari menepis isu sebenar WPI.

Pada ketika itu, suasana dewan menjadi sepi seketika.

Seluruh dewan terperanjat dengan kenyataan Tun Musa setelah itu. Katanya “ . . . . Sorry, Feriz I am not trying to expose you here, but mungkin tuan-tuan dan puan-puan tidak tahu bahawa Feriz Omar adalah ahli keluarga saya sendiri .... dan oleh itu saya terpaksa menjawab isu WPI ini”.

Katanya dengan ringkas, “WPI adalah sebenarnya suatu projek terancang untuk mengantarabangsakan Malaysia. Pendekatan cara sebegini diiktiraf oleh Tun Ismail sendiri berpuluh tahun dahulu bahawa ia adalah pendekatan terbaik untuk kita membuka ruang dengan negara-negara jiran agar “berunding-niaga” secara diplomatik dengan tujuan memposisikan ekonomi negara berdasarkan kemudahan infrastruktur seperti lapangan kapal terbang, lebuhraya dan pelabuhan yang terbina dengan pelaburan kerajaan yang berbilion ringgit”.

Dalam suatu sesi saya bersama Feriz selepas forum tersebut, beliau menyatakan bahawa “Isu yang ditujukan sebenarnya bukan kerana Melayu menolak mana-mana pembangunan negara tetapi hari ini, Rakyat Malaysia terutamanya Bangsa Melayu masih tidak puas hati dengan kerajaan yang sentiasa lari daripada berdiskusi dengan Rakyat. Terimalah hakikat bahawa Bangsa Melayu tidak mahu kerajaan melakukan kesilapan yang sama dalam membangunkan Georgetown dan Kuala Lumpur”.

“Tidak kira sama ada saya adalah cucu kepada Tun Musa atau tidak, ini persoalan kerisauan Bangsa Melayu terhadap sebuah pembangunan di tanah nenek moyang Melayu Johor yang asal-usul tertubuhnya Malaysia dan menjadi kubu terkuat kepimpinan Melayu pada hari ini !!” tegasnya.

Pada pandangan saya, ini adalah suatu insiden yang perlu dirakamkan kerana ia adalah realiti sebenar evolusi politik Melayu yang bercanggah dengan “trend” kepimpinan Melayu Muda yang lain. Dalam pertembungan Feriz-Tun Musa itu, kita tidak lihat situasi yang boleh dikatakan biadap atau bersikap kurang ajar tetapi suatu tindakan tegas Melayu Muda dan dibuat untuk memastikan masej itu sampai kepada Tun Musa.

Hari ini, kita lihat bahawa kepimpinan Melayu Muda terlalu terikut sangat dengan tradisi lama, kepimpinan Melayu yang takut menegur kepimpinan tertinggi Melayu apatah lagi daripada keluarga sendiri. Mungkin kerana takut “KEHILANGAN BANTUAN TANGAN GHAIB” atau “KEHILANGAN KEDUDUKAN DALAM PARTI”.

Kita nanti saja bila KJ berani membidas Pak Lah; atau pandangan Mukhriz tidak lagi sealiran dengan Tun Mahathir.

Itu pun kalau mereka berani . . . atau takut tak dapat mencium kerusi Perdana Menteri.

Upstairs, downstairs, in her lady’s chamber

Upstairs, downstairs, in her lady’s chamber


Raja Petra Kamarudin

It started as the ‘Four Ks’ -- Kak Endon, Kamal, Khairy and Kalimullah. These were the four people who actually ran Putrajaya, of course aided by the ‘wiz kids’ on the ‘Fourth Floor’, all handpicked and planted there by Khairy himself. Then Kak Endon died and the family became even more close-knitted than ever. After the loss of his wife, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi grew more dependent on his family. Eventually, the ‘Four-Ks’ got replaced by the Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost -- the Father being Abdullah, the Son Kamal, and certainly the Holy Ghost none other than Khairy.

It was all honky-dory and peachy-rosy for awhile until Abdullah’s hormones started acting up again. Even before the grass on Endon’s grave could reach a decent height Abdullah went on the prowl for a wife again. Various options were bandied about. One such candidate was Rosebud from Kepala Batas who brought a Tupperware of Abdullah’s favourite cake over to Putrajaya, as revealed in one of the episodes of The Khairy Chronicles. Then we had the one-time Permaisuri Agong, consort of the late Agong. But Abdullah wisely steered clear of this Joan Collins wannabe after being warned by a close member of the late Agong’s family that she will bring about his doom. Finally, in storybook fashion, Abdullah chose the much-bullied ‘Maid from Putrajaya’. Now, if that is not stuff Hollywood movies are made of then I don’t know what is.

I used to love reading fiction and classics. In my even younger days, children’s bedtime stories would delight me. That’s what life should be all about, living happily ever after. What nicer ending than Prince Charming kissing Sleeping Beauty to free her from the evil charm of the wicked witch and then sweeping her off her feet to ride off into the sunset where they would both live happily ever after in a lavish castle overlooking Putrajaya Lake? Or maybe the forlorn, down-trodden and mentally-tortured, plus once in awhile verbally abused, step-daughter who later snares her Prince Charming and gets her revenge on her wicked step-sisters and step-mother -- who now have to slave in the kitchen to pander to her needs. Later on I migrated to adventure stories that filled my head with suspense, mystery and intrigue. But now that is all in the past. Today, I delight in researching facts that have proven to be even stranger and more exciting than fiction. Yes, in Malaysia no amount of fiction can outdo reality. You will just not believe how strange real life can be compared to the make-belief world of storybooks.

Take the almost storybook romance of the ‘First Family’ as an example. By the way, I am using the term ‘First Family’ only because that appears to be what the mainstream media refers to the Prime Minister and his consort as. Actually they are not the First Family at all. The First Family would be the Agong or King. That would make the Permaisuri Agong or the King’s Consort the ‘First Lady’. Then we have the nine Rulers; the seven Sultans, one Raja of Perlis, and one Yam Tuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan. This is followed by another eight Rulers and Chieftains; the four Governors and the four Undangs. This comes to a total of 18. The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister would therefore be number 19 and 20 respectively. This means the Prime Minister’s consort is the Nineteenth Lady and the Deputy Prime Minister’s consort the Twentieth.

Therefore, referring to Rosmah before this as the First Lady and now Jeanne as the new First Lady is seriously in error. The media does not seem to know its proper protocol. And neither do Malaysians in general. I suppose when they call me ‘Mister Raja’, which is really very stupid, shows how much they know or care about protocol. Niceties and proper protocol mean nothing anymore to Malaysians. Nevertheless, at least the media should know better even if the common man in the street does not. The layman can be excused for its ignorance but the media certainly can’t. I mean, would you call Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad ‘Mister Tun’ or Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing ‘Mister Tan’ or Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ‘Mister Datuk’? Get what I mean?

Anyway, whatever it may be, the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, unlike the Constitution of the United States of America, does not have any provision for a First Lady. In the US, the First Lady is an official position and comes with the perks that the position allows. In Malaysia, the Prime Minister’s wife is merely ‘the wife of the Prime Minister’ and not the First Lady as the media has erroneously been referring her to these so many years since the previous Prime Minister. Do we ever remember Tunku Abdul Rahman’s, Tun Razak’s or Tun Hussein’s wives ever being referred to as ‘First Lady’? Many of you do not even know their names because they have stayed so quietly in the background and did not capture the limelight like the present ‘First Ladies’.

Okay, back to the issue of the day. Malaysia now has a new ‘First Lady’, if you can permit me to refer to her as such since this is what everyone insists on calling them -- though I will qualify that by inserting the term ‘First Lady’ in quotation marks. But do you know it almost never happened? As I said earlier, there were actually a couple of candidates and Malaysia Today was sent helter-skelter in trying to pin down who that eventual ‘First Lady’ would be. There was one who tried her damnest to snare the top man who walks in the corridors of power but Abdullah was given a stern warning by her ex-step-son-in-law that it would spell doom for him if he allowed her to get her tentacles on him. I will of course not embarrass all and sundry by revealing her name so I will just call her the Joan Collins of Malaysia. I hope that is enough of a clue to point everyone in the right direction. I mean, even one who is on full alert would become a victim of this ‘wonder woman’, let alone one who walks around in a blur all day long. She would have consumed Abdullah for breakfast and spit him out by lunchtime. Luckily for Abdullah and the nation he was warned early in the day before any romance could blossom and before our good Prime Minister could fall head-over-heels in love with her.

Whether by sheer luck, grand design or divine intervention, Jeanne was finally it and we can all now breathe a sigh of relief that Malaysia’s ‘First Lady’ is level-headed enough to keep Abdullah out of trouble. I mean, things were beginning to get very frightening in Putrajaya what with Abdullah snoozing off most parts of the day and with this country being allowed to run on autopilot. If it was really on autopilot that would have been consolation enough but this was a case where the pilot was absent and the cabin crew were flying the aircraft. Can you imagine the stewards and stewardesses in charge of the flight while the pilot is God knows where? Sure, we do have a co-pilot, but the co-pilot too has his hands full sorting out various matters -- not quite matters of state but crisis galore brought about by his difficulty in keeping his hormones in check. Phew, talk about the lunatics running the asylum.

Nevertheless, Jeanne sort of almost did not make it because there were many hands at play in trying to prevent her from becoming the First Lady. And that was why the announcement of the marriage was postponed three months. Since the death of Endon, Abdullah depended a lot on his family both for moral support as well as for advice on matters of state. It became so bad that at one stage the ‘Fourth Floor’ was running this country with Abdullah sitting back and maintaining an ‘elegant silence’ (as Musa Hitam said) while playing the role of observer. Hey, running a country is no spectator sport. You can’t just delegate to immediate members of your family the task of charting the future of 26 million Malaysians. But this is what Malaysia had been reduced to. I am not saying that this is still not going on but with Abdullah walking around in daze this was how the country was being managed. We hope Jeanne will now be a tonic for Abdullah so that he can become recharged with vigour and vitality once again. If Jeanne can be Abdullah’s tonic then what my good doctor advised when he said a peg of Gin and Tonic a day would help the brain cells work overtime would certainly hold true.

It is quite understandable that Abdullah would depend a lot on his children and children-in-law in the aftermath of Endon’s death. They were his crutches and emotional support so to speak. But it is alright if your children have your interest at heart. But when they are out to make a fast buck for themselves, then every bit of advise they churn out is steeped in personal interest and is aimed at reaping as much for themselves as possible. Many perceive Abdullah as too dense in the brain to realise that his children and children-in-law have been pulling the wool over his eyes. This is certainly very far from the truth. Abdullah is fully aware of what is going on. He just does not want to stop them and pretends that they are taking advantage of him whereas he is very much in the know and is merely holding his tongue.

How much of an influence will Jeanne have on Abdullah? Will Jeanne dare speak up and point out to Abdullah the damage to his reputation his children and children-in-law are doing him? Will Jeanne want to risk crossing swords with Abdullah’s family by laying it out to Abdullah that his entire political career and future are in jeopardy if he does not rein in his children and their spouses? How strong-minded and iron-willed is Jeanne in facing a most hostile family that views her intrusion into Abdullah’s bedroom as an act of war?

One thing most may have noticed is that the ‘Second Lady’ was absent from the wedding on Saturday, 9 June 2007. She was in the UK and did not make it back in time. Rosmah would of course have found it very uncomfortable if she had attended so maybe the best thing for her was to stay away. When Endon died she became the de facto ‘First Lady’ and therefore the new Chairman of Bakti, the association for the wives of those who walk in the corridors of power. Now that Jeanne is the ‘First Lady’, Rosmah would have to relinquish her post and hand the job over to Jeanne.

This would of course not be that big a deal if she had treated Jeanne better when she was the top female in the land and Jeanne was a mere housekeeper. But when you scold the housekeeper and treat her like Cinderella, then this would make the situation most dicey indeed. How Rosmah now wishes she had said nicer things to Jeanne instead of scolding her for opening the door a bit too slowly and shouting ‘hoi’ when she wanted that drink of water.

The now world-famous son-in-law, Khairy, too must be wishing he had not chewed Jeanne’s head off when he found her in his father-in-law’s bedroom. There is certainly nothing scandalous in this at all and I am not suggesting that there is. Abdullah had just instructed Jeanne to pack his bags and being the obedient servant that she is she complied. But then how does one pack the boss’ bag unless one goes into the bedroom where the bag and clothes would be?

Khairy of course resented what he perceived as an intrusion into his domain and he made sure that Jeanne knew his feelings on the matter. Jeanne is not one to lash out so she just took all the crap in her stride as anyone who is a salaried employee would. When offered congratulations, Khairi growled, “For what?” And when told for his father-in-law’s marriage, he lashed back, “What marriage? Am I getting married?” He then silenced all talk about the marriage of his father-in-law to Jeanne which he viewed as a mother of a mitigated disaster. Khairy was not about to allow anyone to congratulate him on a marriage that he considered a threat to his very position.

Jeanne is no longer the hired help who the Deputy Prime Minister’s wife and the children and children-in-law of the Prime Minister can scream at and push around. When asked how she is going to adjust to the new ‘First Lady’, Rosmah shot back that it will be Jeanne who will have to adjust, not her. Jeanne will certainly have to walk quietly and carry a big stick. My bet is that before we can shout “Merry Christmas Jeanne”, Rosmah would have found out the hard way that it is she who will have to adjust -- and adjust she will if she knows what’s good for her.

Jeanne’s marriage to Abdullah is not just a marriage. It is going to be a civil war that will see no prisoners. Jeanne is now the mistress of the house and everything that comes with it. And all those who used to treat her as the mere hired help will have to adjust themselves to this fact. When Rosmah comes a visiting she can no longer scream at Jeanne to open the door faster and fetch her drink. Rosmah will now have to kiss Jeanne’s hand like how a good ‘Second Lady’ should when paying homage to the ‘First Lady’. Not the easiest thing to do, I know, but that is how the game is played.

Jeanne must hold her ground. The dog must wag the tail, not the tail wag the dog. Jeanne has come a long way from the time I first knew her 35 years or so ago. Then, she was an unassuming, quiet, shy girl. Why she married Osman, Endon’s brother is beyond me. He was a Casanova that would attack anything that walks. All you had to do was put a skirt around a lamppost and see how he would go for it. Osman and Jeanne are poles apart. Jeanne is a homemaker and Osman a predator. I always thought that Jeanne was made for better things instead of wasting her life on a rogue like Osman. There are other siblings in the Endon family of course and all have a passion for the finer things in life. Who does not know the Endon family and what mischief they get up to? And these genes appear to have been inherited by the next generation, the children of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Nori is not too bad though. Sure, she went into a rage when she discovered that her father was about to take a wife and that Jeanne was going to be it. But it was more out of love for her deceased mother than hatred for Jeanne that prompted her to oppose the marriage. Nori herself is not enjoying a marriage made in heaven and she leans on her father for solace. Many times she met up with her cousin to pour her heart out. In between the sobbing, she related how unhappy she is. Her cousin is the closest she has whom she can confide in. Nori felt that her mother’s place is sacred and can never be filled by anyone else. It was sacrilegious to even imagine that another ‘mother’ can inherit that vacant slot. There is no animosity between Nori and Jeanne. Nori loves Jeanne as just Jeanne, but can never love her as a mother. One can certainly not hold this against Nori.

In time, it is hoped, Nori can accept the fact that her mother is no longer with us and Jeanne is this new mother filling that empty slot. Endon was a strong woman and, for sure, Nori has inherited this quality from her. But Jeanne is not Endon and can never be Endon. She is not made of the same stuff that Endon was. Jeanne is gentler and it is this gentleness which will be the strength that will help her ride over all the resistance and opposition that lies ahead of her.

Once the nation sees the role of Khairy and Kamal plus that of the Fourth Floor getting diluted, Jeanne would be given the credit even if it is not her doing but mere coincidental. The hatred many harbour for Abdullah may also get reduced if Jeanne is seen, as the Malays would say, as the penawar or antidote. That may happen then again it may not. It will all depend on how the nation perceives Jeanne’s role in moulding Abdullah into a changed man.

Jeanne is dangerous. She is dangerous to those who want to be the hidden hands to those who walk in the corridors of power. Jeanne will have to be neutralised. And if she can’t be neutralised then she has to be compromised. Jeanne must be very wary of strangers bearing gifts. Never accept any apples because apples have a tendency of hiding the poison in it. And there will be many with arms outstretched holding the poisoned chalice in the hope that Jeanne will take that proverbial drink that will send her into oblivion. Even as you read this hands are at play in digging up Jeanne’s past, with photographs and all, to prove to the world that she is not what she appears to be.

Yes, Jeanne has entered the vipers’ pit and they plan to see that she takes a fast fall. Beware, Jeanne, for you never know who your real friends are.

In the next episode we shall reveal the hidden hand behind the ‘Four Ks’; the man who plans the corporate moves of the business empire controlled by the ‘First Family’. So stay tuned as we unravel the international network of the handful of men who rule this world and how Putrajaya is but one cog in the wheel of the machinery that makes the world go round.

Anwar Diktator, Azmin Macam KJ - EZAM

Anwar Diktator, Azmin Macam KJ - EZAM

Bekas Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK), Ezam Mohd Noor keluar dari Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) kerana hilang kepercayaan kepada pucuk pimpinannya, termasuk mentornya dan ketua PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Ezam yang telah bersama parti pembangkang itu sejak penubuhannya pada 1999, juga tidak menolak kemungkinan menyertai PAS atau kembali semula ke pangkuan Umno.

Ezam, 40 - bekas setiausaha politik Anwar sebelum bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri dipecat dari Umno dan kerajaan, juga memberitahu yang beliau sedang mengadakan perbincangan dengan kedua-dua parti tersebut.

Ezam telah meletakkan jawatan ketua AMK dan ketua PKR Shah Alam, empat bulan ago.

Sebelum beberapa pemimpin PKR, termasuk Datuk KS Nallakarupan dan bekas bendahari agungnya, Abdul Rahman Othman, telah meninggalkan parti tersebut.

Menurut Ezam, beliau telah memaklumkan keputusannya itu kepada ibupejabat PKR Shah Alam melalui surat bertarikh 4 April.

“Saya tidak nampak keikhlasan di kalangan pucuk pimpinan parti itu untuk menyelesai krisis dalam PKR. Saya sudah hilang kepercayaan terhadap keikhlasannya (Anwar) untuk memperkukuhkan parti," katanya ketika dihubungi.

Ezam juga menuduh Anwar bersikap seperti seorang “diktator” tetapi menganggapnya sebagai seorang pemimpin yang "lemah". Beliau juga mendakwa, Anwar berada "di bawah telunjuk" Naib Presiden PKR, Azmin Ali.

Ezam turut memberi beberapa insiden yang berkaitan dengan pemilihan parti itu bulan lalu, di mana beliau mendakwa, Anwar memberi sokongan kuat kepada Azmin.

Ezam dan Azmin - kedua-duanya bekas setiausaha sulit Anwar - memang diketahui umum tidak lagi sehaluan apabila Azmin sebelum ini mahu bertanding jawatan timbalan presiden, sedang Ezam mahu status quo dikekalkan.

Mengikut Ezam, beliau sudah tidak tahan lagi dengan apa yang berlaku apabila Anwar dikatakan telah mengarah bahagian Permatang Pauh supaya tidak membuat sebarang pencalonan bagi jawatan timbalan presiden.

“Bagi saya, (Dr) Syed Husin (Ali) adalah penyandangnya (timbalan presiden), jika dia (Anwar) meminta bahagian tersebut supaya jangan mencalonkan Syed Husin, itu bermakna Anwar menyokong Azmin.

“Mengapa Anwar tidak boleh bertindak tegas dan kata 'tidak' kepada Azmin?” soalnya.

Ezam mendakwa, arahan Anwar itu juga merupakan salah satu sebab ketua PKR Permatang Pauh, Anuar Shaari keluar parti.

Azmin kemudiannya menarik balik hasratnya untuk bertanding jawatan nombor dua parti itu dan mempertahankan jawatan naib presiden. Dia dikatakan mengambil keputusan itu selepas Anwar menasihatkannya supaya berbuat demikian selepas Syed Husin mahu mempertahankan jawatannya itu dan bertanding dalam pilihanraya umum.

“Memandangkan Anwar telah menghalang Azmin daripada bertanding jawatan timbalan presiden, maka dia (Azmin) kemudiannya menghalang Anwar daripada bertanding jawatan tertinggi parti itu," dakwa Ezam.

Beliau merujuk kepada keputusan Anwar menarik diri daripada bertanding jawatan presiden pada saat-saat akhir.

Anwar pada mulanya bertegas mahu bertanding jawatan tersebut walaupun dia dilarang aktif dalam politik sehingga April tahun depan, selepas disabitkan dengan kesalahan salahguna kuasa. Bagaimanapun beliau menarik diri selepas Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi (MPT) tidak mahu parti itu berdepan dengan risiko pendaftarannya dibatalkan oleh Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS).

“Tiada sebarang usaha dibuat untuk berbincang dengan Abdul Rahman Othman (calon jawatan presiden) sejak dari mula lagi. Tetapi Abdul Rahman menarik diri (pada hari pemilihan) selepas Anwar berbincang dengannya sehari sebelumnya.

“Ini bermakna Abdul Rahman telah menarik diri (lebih awal) sekiranya mereka telah menemuinya (lebih awal) dan Anwar sudahpun menjadi presiden sekarang.

“Kita boleh mencabar peraturan ROS itu...adalah penting bagi Anwar menjadi pemimpin yang dipilih, beliau kini seperti seorang dictator apabila menjadikan dirinya pemimpin de facto," tambahnya.

Ezam juga menuduh Azmin menghalang Anwar daripada menemui Abdul Rahman.

Mengenai masa depannya, ezam berkata, beliau merahsiakan keputusannya meninggalkan PKR selama dua bulan kerana pilihanraya kecil Ijok dan kongres nasional parti.

Menurutnya, Anwar mahu menemuinya beberapa sebelum kongres itu diadakan tetapi beliau menolaknya.

Buat masa ini, katanya, beliau tidak bercadang untuk menyertai mana-mana parti atau bertanding dalam pilihanraya umum.

Bagaimanapun, beliau tidak menafikan mengadakan perbincangan dengan PAS dan Umno.

“Saya telah menemui beberapa pemimpin mereka di peringkat negeri dan bahagian," katanya.

Sementara itu, Ezam berkata, beliau akan membuat temujanji dengan Perdana Menteri Jumaat ini untuk menyerahkan bukti rasuah terhadap seorang menteri kanan.

Ditanya sama ada ianya ada kaitan dengan masa depan politiknya, Ezam berkata: "Jika setiausaha (Abdullah) mahu bercakap tentang poltik, saya tiada masalah."


Ezam vs Anwar, UMNO wins

Ezam vs Anwar, UMNO wins

June 25th, 2007

All is not well with PKR. The situation just got worse. In politic, anything can happen. Enemies can become friends and friends can become enemies. Worse still, ‘brothers’ can also become enemies.

That’s what had happened to Ezam, Anwar and Azmin. Malaysiakini had just reported about Ezam’s quitting the party he had been so involved and committed, all for one cause.. Anwar Ibrahim. And today, Ezam decided that he has had enough and quit the same party, also for the same reason, Anwar Ibrahim.

The following quotes are courtesy of Malaysiakini.

Ezam told malaysiakini today that he had lost faith in the leadership, including in his mentor and the party’s de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

“I don’t see any sincerity among the party leadership to resolve the crisis in PKR. I no longer have trust in his (Anwar) sincerity to consolidate the party,” he said when contacted.

Ezam also accused Anwar of behaving like a “dictator” but described him as a “weak” leader. He also claimed that Anwar was being “controlled” by PKR vice-president Azmin Ali.

He also cited several incidents linked to the PKR’s party elections last month, where he claimed that Anwar had lent strong backing to Azmin at the expense of others.

Ezam and Azmin - who was Anwar’s former private secretary - had openly locked horns when Azmin had vied for deputy presidency while Ezam wanted the status quo to remain.

According to Ezam, the final blow for him was when Anwar allegedly instructed the Permatang Pauh division not to nominate any candidate for the No 2 post.

“Anwar is not firm. Why does he allow Azmin to behave in the same way as the prime minister (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) allows KJ (his son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin) to (allegedly) control him?”

While the drama within PKR is unfolding, there is no telling that the real beneficiary of these internal bickering within PKR is none other than BN and UMNO. Just perfect for the coming general election that many believe will be called anytime…. some even said as early as August. BN and UMNO will be having field days.

Anwar factor: All is not well with PKR

Anwar factor: All is not well with PKR

Anwar was the reason Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) was born. Will the same Anwar be the reason for the reformists party to fall apart? It depends on who you talk to. The ongoing PKR Congress reveals there are several cracks within the party.

The unhappiness over Anwar was made public when a PKR Youth leader SD Johari, had decided not to contest for the wing deputy chief post as a mark of protest against the alleged interference by Anwar.

Ex-Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Youth Chief Ezam Mohd Nor, who had labelled the inteference as very unbecoming, however still cautious when asked about SD Johari’s claim:

“I have no hard evidence that Anwar is involved but I know for a fact that there are other party leaders behind this. We should ask them about their motive and reason for doing this,” he claimed, but declined to name those concerned.

Source: Malaysiakini

PKR Youth Acting Head Shamsul Iskandar however has different opinion:

“The issue of Anwar interfering with the wing does not arise. We are an independent entity. Any views expressed by Anwar would be a guidelines for the youth wing,”

Source : Malaysiakini

That was Johari’s story.

In another twist of fate for PKR, Datuk Nallakaruppan, Anwar’s close friend, also decided to leave the party citing unhappiness over Anwar’s interference in several issue, Ijok by-election is one of them. Nalla also claimed Anwar and PKR are not doing enough for Indians.

Nallakaruppan also expressed his disappointment over the role played by his good friend and party adviser Anwar Ibrahim in getting him (Nalla) to withdraw from contesting for the vice president’s post.

“He (Anwar) said he’s not interfering (in party matters). But he called and asked me to withdraw from the (vice-presidency) race. That is called interference.”

Anwar got himself into another controversial move yesterday. Despite saying he would defy the ruling by Registrar of Society (ROS) and would stand for party election, Anwar announced at the last minutes to withdraw from contesting for the party’s top post, a move seen by many as trying to avoid the risk of PKR being de-registered by ROS.

How much the decision by Anwar could cause the party to break further? Tian Chua’s statement can perhaps give you some clue:

“My argument is the election on the top post should be allowed to go on, those who want to take the risk can vote for Anwar, those who are not can go for Wan Azizah and for those who think Anwar shouldn’t has even started all this havoc can go for Rahman,”

Source : Malaysiakini

While PKR party leaders and members are struggling to resolve these internal issues, the real beneficiaries for all these happenings within PKR are none other the Barisan Nasional coalitions.

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Altantuya's Cousin Denies Saying Razak Baginda Husband Of Victim

Friday, June 22, 2007
Altantuya Murder Case 22/7/07

Altantuya's Cousin Denies Saying Razak Baginda Husband Of Victim

SHAH ALAM, June 22 (Bernama) -- Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu's second cousin today denied she had stated that Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda was Altantuya's husband when making a police report about Altantuya's missing on Oct 20.
Namiraa Gerelmaa, 23, also said she did not say anything about Altantuya having gone to Abdul Razak's house on Oct 19 but only stated that she (Altantuya) was missing as she had not returned to her hotel until the next day.
Abdul Razak, 46, is charged with abetting Chief Insp Azilah Hadri, 30, and Cpl Sirul Azhar Umar, 35, in murdering Altantuya, 28, at a location between lots 12843 and 16735 in Mukim Bukit Raja between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am on Oct 20 last year.
They face the gallows if convicted.
Namiraa said this when questioned about the police report she had made at the Dang Wangi Police station in Kuala Lumpur that day by Deputy Public Prosecutor Manoj Kurup on Day Five of the high profile murder trial at the High Court here.
The contents of the report were read out inch-by-inch by Mongolian interpreter Enkhjargal Tsetsgee after it had been translated from Bahasa Malaysia to English by the court interpreter.
Enkhjargal: (In Mongolian ) On Oct 6, 2006, I and my friend Altantuya, aged 28 years, came to Malaysia and stayed at room number 821 of Hotel Malaya in Jalan Lekir, Kuala Lumpur.
Namiraa: The date is Oct 8 and I referred to her as sister, not friend.
Enkhjargal: The rest of the first sentence, is it ok?
Namiraa: Yes.
Enkhjargal: Second sentence. On 19.10.06 at 7pm while at Hotel Malaya, my friend Altantuya received a telephone call from an Indian man saying her husband had asked him to bring her (Altantuya) to No. 22 Jalan Setiajaya, Damansara Heights.
Namiraa: I never said those words.
Enkhjargal: Third sentence. Then at 8pm my friend called me to say she had arrived at the house of her husband by the name of Abdul Razak Baginda at address No. 22 Jalan Setia Jaya, Damansara Heights.
Namiraa: These are not my words. She only told me she had reached there.
Enkhjargal: Fourth sentence. For your information my friend had married Abdul Razak bin Abdullah.
Namiraa: No, these are not my words.
Enkhjargal: Fifth sentence. Until now I have been trying to contact my friend but her telephone cannot be reached.
Namiraa: Those are my words.
Enkhjargal: Sixth sentence. The reason I am making this report is because I fear something might have happened to my friend.
Namiraa: Yes, I said those words. But not the word friend. It is sister.
Following the discrepancies in the report, the court did not mark it as an exhibit until the officer who took it down was called to testify.
When Manoj asked Namiraa if the report was read back to her at the police station, she said: "Even if read back to me I would not have understood. Nobody told me."
Manoj: Did you find out what happened to Altantuya?
Namiraa: No.
Manoj: Until today?
Namiraa: I know today she had been murdered brutally, shot twice, and body blown up.
Manoj: When were you told?
Namiraa: I saw on TV in Mongolia.

Altantuya Left List Of Contacts Should Anything Happen - Cousin

SHAH ALAM, June 22 (Bernama) -- Altantuya Shaariibuu made out a list of names and telephone numbers of those who should be contacted if anything happen to her, her cousin told the High Court here today.
Namiraa Gerelmaa, 23, said Altantuya gave the list to her and their friend, Uuriintuya Gal Ochir. Both of them accompanied Altantuya to Malaysia to look for political analyst Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda.
Namiraa said that of the names in the list, she contacted Altantuya's friend, Burmaa Oyunchimeg, and told her about Altantuya's disappearance on Oct 19, 2006 after she (Altantuya) went to Abdul Razak's house.
She called Burmaa, who was in Hong Kong, using a phone belonging to Altantuya's private investigator, Ang Chong Beng. "I explained to her in Mongolian," she said.
Burmaa than telephoned Ang. "Burmaa spoke to Ang in English," Namiraa said in reply to Deputy Public Prosecutor Manoj Kurup.
The next day, on Oct 20, 2006, Ang accompanied her to lodge a police report about Altantuya's disappearance, she said.
She also said that she and Uuriintuya had before this accompanied Altantuya to Abdul Razak's house in a taxi.
Namiraa: "I remember the place -- Jalan Setiajaya. I think it was Razak Baginda's house. I didn't know the reason."
Manoj: "Which of you three wanted to go to Razak Baginda's house?"
Namiraa: "It was Altantuya."
Manoj: "What happened when you reached Razak Baginda's house?"
Namiraa: "When we reached there, Bala was waiting there. So, Altantuya asked Bala whether Razak was inside or not. His answer was no. So we left the place."
Manoj: "Where was Bala at that time?"
Namiraa: "He was outside the gate."
Manoj: "Bala was outside the gate. Did Altantuya come out of the taxi to speak to him?"
Namiraa: "No, she did not."
Manoj: "So, when Bala said Razak was not in, you all left?"
Namiraa: "Yes."
Manoj: "You went back to the hotel?"
Namiraa: "Yes."
Manoj: "Once the three of you reached the hotel, what happened?"
Namiraa: "Once we reached the hotel, Altantuya told us may be Razak was in the house now. She said 'I'll go back there to wish him Happy Deepavali'. She asked me and Uuriintuya to stay back at the hotel. Altantuya told us that if she goes alone, may be she can meet him."
Namiraa said Altantuya left the hotel at about 9pm to go to Abdul Razak's house alone in the same taxi.
Manoj: "After Altantuya left, did you or Uuriintuya hear from her again?"
Namiraa: "Once we entered our hotel room, Altantuya called the hotel telephone saying she was outside Razak's house".
Manoj: "Did she say when she was coming back?"
Namiraa: "She only told us she was outside Razak's house. Then the phone line was cut-off."
Manoj: "When the phone line got cut-off, did you try to call Altantuya?"
Namiraa: "I think after an hour later, I tried to call her but couldn't get through."
Manoj: "When Altantuya was going alone after she dropped you and Uuriintuya at the hotel, did either of you try to stop her?"
Namiraa: "Uuriintuya told her may be the three of us go together, but Altantuya said if she goes alone, she can manage to see Razak."
Manoj: "After the phone call, did you hear further from Altantuya?"
Namiraa: "No."
Manoj: "What did you and Uuriintuya do?"
Namiraa: "We tried to make calls to Altantuya many times. We couldn't get her. Finally at 1am, we told the hotel manager, a lady. She advised us to go to the police the next morning. I also called Ang to ask for his help."
She said she also tried to contact Balasubramaniam and K. Suras Kumar to know where Altantuya was. Balasubramaniam told her that he did not know while Suras Kumar could not be reached.
The next day, she and Ang lodged a police report at the Dang Wangi police station.
Namiraa also told the court that she, Altantuya and Uuriintuya arrived in Malaysia on Oct 8, 2006 and stayed at Room No. 821, Hotel Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
She said she had followed Altantuya twice to an office building because Altantuya wanted to see someone. She said she and Altantuya went to the 10th floor of the building.
When asked who was Altantuya looking for there, Namiraa replied: "Razak Baginda. Razak Baginda."
In the building, she said, Ang was also there but she did not speak to him.
She said that after Altantuya failed to see Abdul Razak in there, they went back to Hotel Malaya.
The trial before Justice Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin resumes on Monday.

DPP, Karpal At Each Others' Throat In Altantuya Murder Trial

SHAH ALAM, June 22 (Bernama) -- The trial for the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu became tense momentarily today after Karpal Singh insisted on posing more questions to the woman's father than he was allowed to.
Karpal, who holds a watching brief for the victim's family, does not have the right to participate actively in questioning witnesses and making submissions in the trial.
Today, he told the High Court that he wanted to pose only two questions to Dr Shaariibuu Setev who was in the witness' stand, and Judge Datuk Mohd Zaki Yasin allowed him to do so.
When the veteran lawyer pursued further with the questioning, Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah stood up and said the court had ruled in previous proceedings that Karpal could ask questions to the witnesses through the court or through the DPP.
Tun Abdul Majid said that he had asked Karpal whether he had any questions for Shaariibuu to answer but then, Karpal told the court that the prosecution was "unfriendly" and that he would rather pose the questions through the court.
At one point when both men were at each others' throat, Karpal, who is wheelchair-bound, pointed at Tun Abdul Majid and told him to sit down.
Tun Abdul Majid raised his voice and responded angrily: "What about you? You cannot tell me to sit down."
"You're very arrogant Tun Majid. You're showing your arrogance right now," Karpal replied.
Mohd Zaki then stepped in to end the quarrel by telling Karpal to respect Tun Abdul Majid and that he should not have told Tun Abdul Majid to sit down.
Let there be no more heated exchanges between the DPPs and counsel in the future, he said.

Altantuya's Father Weeps When Shown Her Photo

SHAH ALAM, June 22 (Bernama) -- Altantuya's father, Shaariibuu Setev, wept upon being shown his daughter's photo while testifying in the high Court here Friday in the trial of three men charged with her murder and abetment.
Upon seeing this, Justice Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin allowed a 30-minute recess to enable Shaariibuu to calm down before cross-examination by the defence.
Earlier, when asked by deputy public prosecutor Manoj Kurup who the woman in the photo was, Shaariibuu said that many people had reported and called her a Mongolian woman "but if you want me to mention her name, I will.
"She is Altantuya", he said in the Mongolian language and immediately took off his spectacles to wipe his tears before his words were interpreted into English.
Shaariibuu was the prosecution's second witness at the trial of Chief Insp Azilah Hadri, 30, and Cpl Sirul Azhar Umar, 35, charged with murdering Altantuya, 28, at a location between lots 12843 and 16735 in Mukim Bukit Raja here between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am on Oct 20 last year.
Political analyst Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda, 46, is charged with abetting them the previous day.

Altantuya murder trial: Judge orders Altantuya, Razak families be kept apart
Justice Mohd Zaki Md Yasin has ordered that the families of Abdul Razak Baginda and Shaariibuu Setev be kept apart after the Mongolian complained of being harassed by the wife of the political analyst.
Shaariibuu said Mazlina Makhzan had been harassing him since the beginning of the murder trial of his daughter, Altantuya.
He claimed that she had kicked him and, during a break this morning, had punched him in the stomach as she passed by him.
Abdul Razak is accused of abetting two cops of murdering Altantuya in October last year.

Friday, 22 June 2007

Altantuya Murder Case-21/7/07

Thursday, June 21, 2007
Altantuya Murder Case-21/7/07

Altantuya Admitted She Had Someone Called Baginda In M'sia, Court Told

SHAH ALAM, June 21 (Bernama) -- Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu admitted to her father that she travelled frequently to Malaysia because "she had somebody there whose name is Baginda", the High Court here heard Thursday.
This was related to the court by Altantuya's father, Shaariibuu Setev, who was called as the second prosecution witness in the trial of political analyst Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda and two policemen charged with abetment and the murder of Altantuya.
Shaariibuu, who gave his address as 18 Khor Flat No 56, Ulanbator, Mongolia, said his daughter told him that she had "somebody" there before she made her third trip to Malaysia last year, when he asked why she liked going to Malaysia so much.
Shaariibuu, in a striped shirt, gave his evidence in the Mongolian language with a Mongolian national acting as interpreter. Enkhjargal is married to a Malaysian and possesses permanent residence status.
Crossed-examined by deputy public prosecutor Manoj Kurup, he said Altantuya, who was not married and was living on her own with her two children, had called to inform him that she was making another trip to Malaysia.
At his request, Altantuya went to see him on Oct 7 or 8 last year before she left for Malaysia, he said.
Manoj: When she came to see you on Oct 7 or 8, what did she say?
Shaariibuu: She didnt say, I asked.
Manoj: What did you ask?
Shaariibuu: I asked why do you like Malaysia so much? Why do you want to go there?
Manoj: Did she give you an answer?
Shaariibuu: Yes
Manoj: What did she say?
Shaariibuu: First I asked her, you already went twice. Why are you going again. I also asked do you have anybody as a reason to go there. She said yes.
Manoj: Did you ask anything further?
Shaariibuu: I asked what is the relationship
Manoj: Did she give you a reply?
Shaariibuu: Yes. She said she met a guy whose name is Baginda. She has somebody in Malaysia whose name is Baginda.
At this juncture, the court ended the proceedings for the day as it was already 4.55pm and the prosecution will continue with Shaariibuu's evidence tomorrow.
Earlier, the 57-year-old doctor and professor in psychology said he was married to Altensetseg Sanjaa, 52, and they had two daughters, Altantuya and Altanzul.
He said his younger daughter, Altanzul, had just given birth to a baby and lived with them in Mongolia. He said Altanzul used to work for a Russian company.
Shaariibuu said Altantuya, who was working as a translator and travelled overseas including to Malaysia, Singapore and China, visited Malaysia about two years ago, which could be her first trip but he could not remember the month.
Asked when was Altantuya's second trip to Malaysia, he said it was in August last year and his daughter phoned him to say that she was going to Malaysia again.
The two policemen, Chief Insp Azilah Hadri, 30, and Cpl Sirul Azhar Umar, 35, are charged with murdering Altantuya, 28, at a location between lots 12843 and 16735, Mukim Bukit Raja, here between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am on Oct 20 last year while Abdul Razak, 46, is charged with abetting them.
Before the court adjourned, Sirul Azhar's counsel Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin applied to the court for a half-day trial from next Friday onwards but Justice Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin said: "We decide later".

Assistant PI Fired For Having 'Close' Relationship With Mongolian Women

SHAH ALAM, June 21 (Bernama) -- P. Balasubramaniam, the lead private eye hired by Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda, heated up further the Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial Thursday when he told the High Court here that he had to fire his assistant for being too close to her and three other Mongolian women.
Balasubramaniam, 47, who continued with his testimony on the fourth day of the trial, said Razak, the third accused, had instructed him to terminate the services of his assistant K. Suras Kumar on the grounds that he (Suras) "was too close to the four Mongolian women, including Altantuya."
"I had explained to him (Razak) how Suras had come to be in contact with Altantuya at the Lembaga Getah Asli Malaysia Building (where Razak's office is located ) on Oct 9, 2006.
"Before Oct 18, 2006, I had also been asked by Razak whether Suras and the Mongolian women were still in contact. On Oct 18, Razak told me to fire Suras and also two other of my assistants," Balasubramaniam told the court.
The first prosecution witness, however, said he had no knowledge that Suras had booked a room at the Hotel Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, where the women were staying and that he (Suras) had an affair with one of them.
To a question by defence counsel Wong Kian Kheong, representing Razak, Balasubramaniam said he did not agree with a suggestion by Wong that Suras was having affairs with them.
Balasubramaniam, however, could not answer Wong's question as to what "close relationship" between Suras and the Mongolian women meant.
Judge Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin then interrupted and asked Balasubramaniam to answer the question while saying "You don't agree there was an affair or affairs, if not, then what is meant by "close relationship" here?
Balasubramaniam again did not respond and maintained his earlier answer, "I had terminated Suras on the instruction of Razak."
He also said Suras did not take any legal action against him for doing so.
Balasubramaniam also said that he never told Razak that Altantuya stayed at Hotel Malaya.
"It was he (Razak) who told me that (Altantuya stayed there)," he said.
"Oh, now it is the third accused who has become the private investigator!," Wong remarked sarcastically, causing those in court to break out in laughter.
Balasubramaniam further said that it was not he who had told Razak about Room 823 at the hotel (Altantuya's room at it), as he himself did not know about it.
In the proceedings this afternoon, Balasubramaniam appeared fidgety and dour when bombarded with questions on his statement in court on Monday (the opening day of the trial) that Razak was smiling when asked about the status of Altantuya at his office on Oct 20.
"I put it to you, something as serious as involving the life of a woman, the third accused could not have been smiling?" said Wong
Balasubramaniam replied:" His face is a smiling one."
"Smiling face and smiling are two different things," Mohd Zaki interrupted.
When the question was repeated to him by Wong, Balasubramaniam answered "agree" while shaking his head and stroking his temple.
"Stop smiling and laughing. This is a serious case, you are under oath and must tell the truth," the judge reminded Balasubramaniam when he (Balasubramaniam) too began smiling away.
Balasubramaniam then continued, saying, "He (Razak) smiled and asked me to guess where Altantuya was being held."
Mohd Zaki then put down his pen and stopped recording notes and asked," Now what?"
"The witness is taking us for a spin. One moment smiling, then smiling face, then agreeing and now smiling and asking to guess," said Wong, who seemed confused at what the witness was trying to get at.
Mohd Zaki then asked Balasubramaniam again what is his answer to Wong's question about Razak's demeanour at the time.
Balasubramaniam finally answered, "Yes, he was smiling and asked me to guess (where Altantuya was)."
During the cross examination, Balasubramaniam also agreed that he had never stated in his cautioned statement (to the Police) of Oct 24, that Altantuya had demanded money from Razak but instead had written "asked for".
He further said that he had not mentioned of any threats by Altantuya if she did not get US$500,000 (RM1.7 million) and plane tickets to return home to Razak until he met the latter at noon on Oct 18.
He also admitted that despite the risks involved in taking up the case, he himself was willing to serve Razak until Oct 26.

Balasubramaniam Admits Lying To Altantuya

SHAH ALAM, June 21 (Bernama) -- Private investigator P. Balasubramaniam admitted in the murder trial of a Mongolian model here Thursday that he lied to Altantuya Shaariibuu that the driver of the red Proton Wira car that came to Abdul Razak Baginda's house was a relative of the political analyst.
Balasubramaniam, 47, made the confession when cross-examined by lawyer Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin, representing Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, who is jointly charged with Chief Insp Azilah Hadri with mudering Altantuya, 28.
Kamarul Hisham: "We are placing our hopes on you to testify truthfully. Can you do that?
Balasubramaniam: "Yes".
Kamarul Hisham: "On Oct 19 2006 when Altantuya asked you to tell the truth, you lied to her, didn't you? You told her that the people in the red Proton Wira car were relatives of Abdul Razak when they were actually police officers."
Balasubramaniam: "Yes."
Balasubramaniam also said he did not divulge anything about Altantuya to the police although he had often contacted the police when he was working for Abdul Razak.
He also told the court that Abdul Razak paid him the balance of his RM2,000 fee on Oct 20 2006.
"The total fee was RM7,000 and not RM4,000 as was agreed to as per our discussions initially and an additional RM3,000 for the extra men I had to engage," he added.
Azilah, 30, and Sirul Azhar, 35, both attached to the police Special Action Squad, are charged with murdering Altantuya, 28, at a location between lots 12843 and 16735 in Mukim Bukit Raja here between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am on Oct 20 last year.
Abdul Razak Baginda, 46, is charged with abetting them.

PI says he was not asked to kill Mongolian woman

SHAH ALAM: Private eye P. Balasubramaniam told a High Court here that accused Abdul Razak Baginda had never asked him to murder a Mongolian woman named Altantuya.
He was testifying on the fourth day of the trial in which two policemen are alleged to have killed the Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Razak Baginda is alleged to have abetted the two policemen.
Testifying as the first prosecution witness, he said the political analyst had never instructed him to hurt anyone before.
"I would have lodged a police report if anyone asked me to kill someone else," he said.
To a suggestion by Wong Kian Kheong, counsel for Abdul Razak, Balasubramaniam, said there was no necessity for the political analyst to lodge a police report against Altantuya for just being outside his office on Oct 9 last year.
Balasubramaniam agreed that Abdul Razak did not have to lodge a police report because of several reasons.
Among others, the analyst did not want anything untoward to happen to Altantuya and did not want any publicity.
He was prepared to wait for Altantuya's return to Mongolia on her own once she ran out of money here.

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Razak Did Not Ask Me To Kill Altantuya, Says Private Eye

June 21, 2007 20:03 PM

Razak Did Not Ask Me To Kill Altantuya, Says Private Eye

SHAH ALAM, June 21 (Bernama) -- Private investigator P. Balasubramaniam told the High Court here Thursday that throughout his service with Abdul Razak Baginda, the political analyst had never asked him to kill or injure Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu but to wait until she runs out of money and returns to her country.

Balasubramaniam, 47, said Abdul Razak also told him not to injure Altantuya and he did not want anything untoward happen to her.

To a question from Abdul Razak's lawyer Wong Kian Kheong on what he would have done if he had been asked to kill someone, Balasubramaniam said he would have reported to the police.

He also agreed with five suggestions put to him by Wong on why Abdul Razak did not want to lodge a police report against Altantuya who was said to be harassing him at his office and home.

The suggestions were that Abdul Razak did not want publicity, did not want anything untoward happen to Altantuya and that Abdul Razak's lawyer had told Balasubramaniam to wait for Altantuya to run out of money and return to Mongolia without any incident.

The other suggestions were;

* Abdul Razak would be going to Hong Kong on Oct 24, 2006, on the first day of Hari Raya Puasa;

* Abdul Razak's wife Mazlinda Makhzan and their daughter Roweena would leaving for London on Oct 25 2006, the second day of Hari Raya;

* Balasumbraniam had deployed his men at the hotel where Altantuya and her two friends were staying and also at Abdul Razak's office and;

* Abdul Razak had agreed to engage two more men who were working at Hotel Malaya (where Altantuya was staying).

Balasubramaniam, who was paid RM7,000 by Abdul Razak for his services, was testifying on the fourth day of the high-profile murder trial.

Abdul Razak, 46, is charged with abetting Chief Insp Azilah Hadri, 30, and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, 35, of the police Special Action Squad, to murder Altantuya, 28, at a location between lots 12843 and 16735 in Mukim Bukit Raja here between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am on Oct 20 last year.

Khairy and the 'perception' of power

Thursday, June 21, 2007
Khairy and the 'perception' of power

In politics, the term ‘perception’ is important.
In the case of Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin, he is perceived to be ‘powerful’ in the government and Umno as he is the son-in-law of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
And this ‘perception’ appears to hold water.
It is said that after the 2004 general elections, Khairy managed to convince Abdullah, who is also Umno president, to permit younger leaders to hold important posts in the central and state leadership.
Following this, several younger leaders moved up the ladder. For example in Kedah, Umno Youth information chief Azmi Daim was appointed as a state exco.
Whereas former Umno Youth exco Dr Zamry Abd Kadir was appointed as Perak exco and Dr Adham Baba was made deputy higher education minister.
The ‘perception’ among the public, and especially within the Umno circle, is that Khairy was behind the appointments. As far as they are concerned, the 31-year-old Oxford graduate can influence the prime minister.
The younger generation in Umno considers this as a meaningful victory for Khairy, particularly for the future leadership of the Youth wing.
In view of this, Khairy will not face any obstacles in winning the Umno Youth chief post uncontested. Even the incumbent, Hishammuddin Hussein, has promised this to his deputy in the coming party polls.
The old guards in Umno and the government consider Khairy a ‘threat’ but the younger generation see him as someone capable of ‘opening doors’ for them to tread along the corridors of power.
The old guards are also concerned about the existence of ‘advisers and strategists’ spearheaded by Khairy on the fourth floor of the Prime Minister’s Office. This group is said to be responsible for all the decisions made by the government.
According to a source close to Umno, these ‘perceptions’ are helping Khairy move up the party hierarchy with ease.
The latest ‘perception’ is that he is preparing a list of young leaders to be named as Umno candidates for the coming general elections.
“Some of the things happened because of Khairy’s efforts, but there are also those that happened coincidentally, but Khairy gets the name,” said the source.
Furthermore, he said, as Abdullah’s son-in-law, Khairy is in the prime minister’s ‘family circle’ and therefore privy to much information unknown to outsiders.
“It is because of this, that Khairy is perceived to be more in the know and more matured than the rest, including in administrating the country.
“Whatever Khairy says becomes reality eventually. This has led certain quarters to believe that it is his idea and the prime minister accepted it,” he added.
The source said such ‘perceptions’ are not fair to Abdullah or his son-in-law himself, but this is what makes Khairy attractive to the younger generation.
He believes that Khairy’s actions are more towards helping his father-in-law, who does not have a strong support base in Umno compared to Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Najib has successfully built a solid support network among the elites and the grassroots because of his applaudable political career since becoming Umno Youth chief in the early 90s.
He was never contested against until he became vice-president, for which he secured the highest number of votes. He is now the party’s deputy president.
As a Youth leader, Najib netted the support of the younger generation and by being the son of the late Umno president and prime minister Tun Abdul Razak, he also won over the hearts of the veterans.
On the other hand, Abdullah’s political career appeared to be in a state of limbo until former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad appointed him as deputy prime minister after the sacking of Anwar Ibrahim.
“It is certain that Khairy does not want Abdullah to suffer the same fate as the late Ghafar Baba who was appointed deputy prime minister after Musa Hitam had resigned,” said the source.
In the absence of strong grassroots support and the lack of any effort to achieve this, Ghafar was defeated by Anwar, he added.
“Therefore, it is vital for Khairy to establish a formidable support network in order for Abdullah to continue administering the party and country,” he pointed out.
It is because of this, the source said, that some have likened Khairy to a candle “which burns itself to provide light for others.”
He said Khairy has also been likened to the fable hero Hang Nadim who saved Singapore from being destroyed by a swordfish.
“The people were told to form a human wall to defend the island from the attacks of the swordfish but they all perished. Ten-year-old Hang Nadim then suggested to the king to use a banana tree trunk to stop the swordfish.
“The king, who was impressed with the boy’s intelligence, invited him to the palace in order to receive an award. But many of the noblemen did not like Hang Nadim as they were worried that when the boy grows older, he would seize power from the king,” he added.
The king, when informed of this, became enraged, and ordered the boy to be killed.
“For certain quarters, this is only a fable, but this is a tale rich in hidden meanings. So Khairy must be cautious. One wrong move and he may suffer the fate of Hang Nadim,” warned the source.
On the same note, there are also those who feel that Khairy is doing all this to realise his own political ambitions. They claim that he has great goals, including becoming prime minister some day.
The coming general election will provide a clue as to which ‘perception’ is true.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Azilah Was Driver Of Car That Took Altantuya, Says Witness

June 20, 2007 15:45 PM

Azilah Was Driver Of Car That Took Altantuya, Says Witness

SHAH ALAM, June 20 (Bernama) -- Chief Insp Azilah Hadri was identified in the High Court here today as the driver of the red Proton Wira car that took Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu away from the house of political analyst Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda last Oct 19.

Pointing to Azilah in the dock as the driver, Abdul Razak's private investigator P. Balasubramaniam said he also saw another woman seated in the back of the car with Altantuya.

(Yesterday Balasubramaniam, the first prosecution witness, told the court that he saw Altantuya being detained and taken away by three police personnel on the night the Mongolian was killed.)

Azila, 30, and Cpl Sirul Azhar Umar, 35, of the Bukit Aman Special Action Unit, are charged with murdering Altantuya, 28, at a location between lots 12843 and 16735, Mukim Bukit Raja here between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am on Oct 20 last year.

Abdul Razak, 46, is charged with abetting them in the Federal Territory between 9.54am on Oct 18 and 9.45pm on Oct 19 last year.

Balasundram, 47, said that he called Abdul Razak to inform him as Altantuya was being taken away.

He said that the following day he met Abdul Razak at the latter's office at Bangunan Lembaga Getah Asli in Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, between 2pm and 3pm.

He said that although his service as Abdul Razak's private investigator ended on Oct 26 last year, Abdul Razak still kept in touch with him and had forwarded him an SMS containing a threat from Altantuya's sister, Amy.

Between Oct 26 and Nov 7 last year he had contacted Abdul Razak several times to enquire about Altantuya's murder and what had really happened but Abdul Razak said that he himself did not know, he added.

Balasubramaniam said he learnt about the murder when he was called to make an identification at the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters on Nov 1 2006.

He called Abdul Razak to inform him and the latter said that he would contact senior police officers.

The hearing continues in the afternoon.

KZSO : detail...detail...

Hishamuddin Umno's Future Vice President

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Hishamuddin Umno's Future Vice President

Hishammuddin gunning for vice-presidency?

Hishammuddin Hussein is expected to step down as Umno Youth chief and allow his deputy Khairy Jamaluddin to take over the post during the coming party elections.
This is not a shocking development as Hishammuddin had never contested for the post, it was handed to him.
The question now is what will be his next move?
Malaysiakini has learnt that efforts are underway to ensure that Hishammuddin contests and wins a vice-president’s post. But observers are asking whether he has the support and the strength to do this.
At present, two of the three elected vice-presidents are Malacca Chief Minister Mohd Ali Rustam as well as Agriculture and Agro-Based Industries Minister Muhyiddin Yasin. The third, Isa Samad, had his victory nullified after being found guilty of practicing money politics.
Efforts to garner support for Hishammuddin will begin at the coming general elections, where he is expected to contest for a state seat. He will then be appointed as Johor menteri besar as the incumbent Abdul Ghani Othman will not be contesting.
As menteri besar, Hishammuddin will also be appointed as the state Umno liaison chairperson. Johor has 26 Umno divisions, the largest number in Malaysia. This will allow Hishammuddin to secure support from other states as well.
His focus will be on the states expected to get new menteris besar after the general elections and with a large number of Umno divisions such as Perak (24), Selangor (22), Pahang (14) and Kedah (15). Sabah (25) and Kelantan (14) can also help.
Apart from getting support from Umno Youth, which will be headed by Khairy by then, Hishammuddin can also obtain the backing of the ‘Menteris Besar Club’.
Although the ‘club’ does not exist officially, it is an open secret that it is used by menteris besar to garner support, to at least win Umno supreme council seats in the face of challenges from Umno ministers.
Each division will send 13 delegates to the Umno general assembly. This is made up of six office bearers known as G6 and seven others, known as G7, who are elected during the division meeting.
The G6 are known to be ardent supporters of the ‘menteris besar’ club.
With the support from the G6 and with the help of Khairy, Hishammuddin will also be able to win votes from the G7 delegates.
This will be a ‘win-win’ situation for both Hishammuddin and Khairy. Not only will Hishammuddin become menteri besar, he will also become a party vice-president.
Khairy, on the other hand, will get to head Umno Youth and by virtue of that post, also become a vice-president.
Khairy, the 31-year-old son-in-law of Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, may have learnt this move from Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Najib was once the number two in Umno Youth under former deputy premier and current opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.
Anwar won the post after defeating incumbent Suhaimi Kamaruddin. Following this, Anwar’s policy to ‘Islamisise’ the movement had ruffled the feathers of many Youth excos.
Najib and his followers then struck upon the idea to oust Anwar from Umno Youth by campaigning for him contest for vice-presidency.
It is certain that Anwar knew of the real motive but at the same time, the moved served in the former’s interest as well.

tunku : it will be a disaster in umno if kj will be the youth head.i guess there are many others who are more seniors than him should be given the chance, but believe he will get the post without challenge, or they will ask someone to challenge kj just to show that he won by contesting it.if this prediction happens, then it will be 95% for sure he'll be the prime minister very soon.and should hishamudin let this happen then he too should be blame.
Posted by tunku at 1:07:00 AM 0 comments

KZSO : nope.. i don't agree with tunku that kj will be a disaster to umno. it will be a MAJOR DISASTER to umno, not disaster to umno. for kj to be the pm, i don't think so. as long as the ulama's, muftis, imams doa to ALLAH to safeguard our land, insyaALLAH KJ or others who is not suitable to be the pm won't be the pm....

Kisah malam Altantuya dibawa oleh tiga anggota polis dari rumah Razak Baginda

Kisah malam Altantuya dibawa oleh tiga anggota polis dari rumah Razak Baginda

Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam Selasa diberitahu oleh seorang penyiasat persendirian yang diupah oleh Abdul Razak Baginda,P. Balasubramaniam, 47, bahawa dia melihat Altantuya Shaariibuu masuk secara sukarela ke dalam sebuah kereta yang dinaiki oleh tiga anggota polis di depan rumah penganalisis politik itu di Damansara pada malam, 19 Oktober 2006,iaitu pada malam wanita Monglolia itu dibunuh.

Katanya kereta Proton Wira berwarna merah itu tiba tidak lama setelah dia memberitahu Razak mengenai kedatangan Altantuya seorang diri ke situ.

“Saya diminta (oleh Razak) berbual-bual dengan Altantuya sehingga polis sampai untuk menangkapnya," katanya pada hari kedua perbicaraan kes yang menarik perhatian ramai itu.

Balasubramanian memberitahu demikian semasa menyambung keterangan dalam prosiding sebelah petang perbicaraan kes Cif Inspektor Azilah Hadri, 30, dan Koperal Sirul Azhar Umar, 35, dari Unit Tindakan Khas (UTK) Bukit Aman didakwa membunuh Altantuya, 28, di lokasi antara lot 12843 dan lot 16735, Mukim Bukit Raja,Shah Alam antara pukul 10 malam 19 Oktober dan 1 pagi 20 Oktober 2006.

Razak, 46, pula didakwa bersubahat dengan Azilah dan Sirul Azhar di Wilayah Persekutuan di antara 9.54 pagi, 18 Oktober 2006 dan 9.45 malam pada 19 Oktober 2006.

Balasubramanian juga memberitahu mahkamah bahawa beberapa hari sebelum itu Altantuya telah menuntut wang sebanyak USD$500,000 (RM1.7 juta) dan tiga tiket penerbangan ke Mongolia, daripada Razak.

Katanya tuntutan itu dibuat dalam pertemuannya dengan Altantuya dan penyiasat persendirian yang diupah Altantuya bernama Ang Chong Beng di luar kawasan Balai Polis Brickfields pada 17 Oktober 2006 antara pukul 11 hingga pukul 12 malam.

Katanya Altantuya membuat tuntutan itu selepas Ang memujuk beliau supaya tidak membuat laporan polis mengenai Razak.

Altantuya dibawa ke balai polis itu selepas membuat kecoh di luar rumah bapa Razak dengan menjerit dan mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat mendesak Razak keluar untuk bercakap dengannya.

Katanya Altantuya menjerit :‘‘Razak bastard, you come out. I want to speak to you.”

Menurut Balasubramanian Altantuya tidak membuat laporan polis setelah dia berbincang dengannya.

Katanya dia memberitahu mereka bahawa dia akan berbincang dengan Razak mengenai perkara itu pada keesokan harinya dan memaklumkan melalui telefon kepada Ang.

Keesokan harinya, saksi itu berkata, dia telah pergi berjumpa Razak di pejabatnya dan memberitahu mengenai kejadian dan tuntutan yang dibuat oleh Altantuya.

Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah bertanya, “Apa yang kamu beritahu?’’

Jawab Balasubramaniam: “Saya beritahu apa yang berlaku di balai polis dan berkenaan tuntutan Amina (Altantuya) .’’

Tun Abdul Majid bertanya lagi: “Apa responsnya?’’

Kata Balasubramaniam: “Dia beritahu saya yang dia akan bincang dengan pegawai polis atasan yang dia kenali dan akan mengambil tindakan selepas itu.’’

Balasubramanian memberitahu pada malam 19 Oktober itu ketika itu dia sedang menjalankan tugas mengawasi rumah Razak pada jam 7.20 malam sebuah teksi yang membawa Altantuya dan dua lagi wanita dilihat melintasi rumah tersebut.

Namun begitu teksi berkenaan tidak berhenti.

Katanya dia terus menghubungi Razak yang memintanya SMS kepadanya jika Altantuya datang semula.

Setengah jam kemudian, Altantuya datang semula, seorang diri, dengan teksi yang sama.

"Saya hubungi tertuduh memberitahu kehadiran Altantuya, saya diminta berbual-bual dengan Altantuya sehingga polis sampai untuk menangkapnya," katanya ketika menjawab soalan Tun Abdul Majid

Katanya Altantuya keluar dari teksi itu kemudian mendekatinya dan berbual-bual dengannya sebelum menceritakan kisah sedih yang dihadapinya termasuk tidak mempunyai wang untuk membayar bil penginapan di Hotel Malaya.

"Altantuya memberitahu ibunya sedang dirawat di hospital dan ayahnya telah meninggal dunia. Dia mempunyai seorang abang dan abangnya itu telah mengugut Altantuya untuk datang ke Malaysia dan meminta wang daripada tertuduh kerana dia (abangnya) telah mempertaruhkan apartmen mereka di Mongolia dan kalah dalam permainan judi."

Sejurus kemudian pihak polis yang menaiki sebuah kereta Wira berwarna merah tiba di situ, dan pemandunya bertanya bertanya "inikah perempuan itu?" sambil menunjuk ke arah Altantuya.

"Polis itu balik ke keretanya dan membuat panggilan telefon, saya tak dengar perbualan itu. Altantuya pula bertanya pada saya siapakah dia, saya jawab mungkin lelaki itu saudara Abdul Razak, saya tak beritahu itu polis kerana takut dia lari.

"Anggota polis tadi beritahu saya dia akan bawa Altantuya bersamanya. Saya beritahu Altantuya polis hendak tangkap dia, dan dia sendiri pergi ke kereta Wira itu dan duduk di bahagian belakang," jelasnya.

Katanya dia kemudian melihat seorang wanita yang duduk di bahagian depan kereta Wira itu kereta itu turun dan duduk di belakang bersama Altantuya, sementara seorang lelaki yang berada di tempat duduk belakang pula bertukar tempat ke bahagian depan.

Balasubramaniam berkata dia dapat melihat dengan jelas wanita dan lelaki tersebut kerana terdapat lampu jalan yang menerangi kawasan itu, bagaimanapun dia mengakui tidak dapat mengecam wajah mereka.

Razak hanya berkata "okay" semasa dia menghubunginya melalui telefon bimbit untuk memberitahu bahawa Altantuya telah dibawa pergi oleh pihak polis, katanya.

Katanya selepas kereta Wira itu beredar, pemandu teksi yang membawa Altantuya datang mengadu kepadanya mengenai tambang teksi sebanyak RM150 yang dijanjikan oleh Altantuya.

Pemandu teksi itu memberitahunya pihak polis yang menaiki kereta Wira itu hanya membayar sebanyak RM50 sahaja kepadanya dan memintanya menjelaskan selebihnya.

Balasubramaniam membayar baki tambang itu keesokan harinya.

Balasubramaniam berkata dia pergi menemui Razak pada 20 Okt 2006, antara pukul 2 hingga 3 petang di pejabatnya untuk mendapatkan baki bayaran perkhidmatannya sebanyak RM2,000 lagi.

"Saya tanya tertuduh di mana Altantuya ditahan, tertuduh tanya saya balik dan minta meneka di mana Altantuya ditahan. Saya sebut mungkin ditahan di Balai Polis Travers atau penjara Cawangan Khas di Jalan Ipoh.

"Tertuduh hanya tersenyum dan berkata dia sendiri tak tahu di mana Altantuya ditahan kerana tidak diberitahu oleh pihak polis yang menangkapnya," katanya.

Katanya selepas pukul 11 malam hari yang sama, Razak telah menghubunginya dan memintanya pergi ke rumahnya kerana terdapat seorang lelaki Cina (penyiasat persendirian Altantuya) bersama dua wanita Mongolia sedang membuat bising di depan rumahnya.

Setibanya di rumah itu, dia melihat Ang bersama-sama dua wanita itu, dikenal pasti sebagai Uuriintuya Gal Ochir dan Namiiraa Gerelmaa, sedang membuat bising dengan menyatakan "Altantuya dikurung dalam rumah, bebaskan Altantuya".

Kemudiannya, seorang inspektor polis tiba di rumah itu ekoran menerima laporan daripada Ang mengenai kehilangan Altantuya dan katanya kesemua mereka meninggalkan rumah itu setelah inspektor polis itu bercakap sesuatu dengan Ang.

Katanya pada 21 atau 22 Okt 2006, Razak menghubungi dan memintanya pergi bersamanya membuat laporan di Balai Polis Bricfkfields.

Dalam prosiding Selasa, Tun Abdul Majid turut mengemukakan log khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) dan panggilan telefon yang dibuat antara Razak dan Balasubramaniam antara 17 sehingga 21 Okt 2006.

Perbicaraan di hadapan Hakim Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin disambung esok.- 19/6/2007


Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Altantuya Murder Trial 19/6/07

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Altantuya Murder Trial 19/6/07

Altantuya Demanded US$$500,000 From Abdul Razak, Says Witness

SHAH ALAM, June 19 (Bernama) -- Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu demanded USD$500,000 cash and three air tickets to Mongolia from political analyst Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda just a few days day before her murder, the High Court here was told Tuesday.
Abdul Razak's private investigator P. Balasubramaniam, 47, said the demand was made in a meeting between him, Altantuya and her private investigator, Ang Chong Bend, outside the Brickfields police station between 11pm and midnight on Oct 17 last year.
Altantuya made the demand after Ang persuaded her not to lodge a police report against Abdul Razak.
She was taken to the police station after creating a scene outside the house of Abdul Razak's father by screaming abuses and demanding that Abdul Razak come out and speak to her, Balasubramaniam said on the second day of the trial before Justice Mohd Zaki Md Yasin.
Chief Insp Azilah Hadri, 30, and Cpl Sirul Azhar Umar, 35, of the police Special Action Unit are charged with murdering Altantuya, 28, at a location between lots 12843 and 16735, Mukim Bukit Raja here between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am on Oct 20 last year.
Abdul Razak, 46, is alleged to have abetted them in the Federal Territory between 9.54am on Oct 18 last year and 9.45pm the following day.
Balasubramaniam said he conveyed the demand to Abdul Razak's family lawyer the same night and Abdul Razak the following day.
Questioned by deputy public prosecutor Raya Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah on his meeting with Abdul Razak at the latter's office in Bangunan Getah Asli, Jalan Ampang to inform him of the demand, he said: "Abdul Razak said he would discuss it with senior police officers whom he knew and would take action after that."
The hearing continues in the afternoon.

KZSO Comment: The plot getting thicker and interesting...

Dr Mahathir legasi memanggil kembali?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Dr Mahathir legasi memanggil kembali?
Mungkin agak menghairankan tetapi mungkin juga ini kerenah politik. Teringat akan kata- kata Prof Hamka dalam bukunya Falsafah Hidup,

.......hendaklah insaf bahawa orang yang diakui berakal hanyalah kerana budinya, bukan pangkatnya. Celaka orang yang disegani kerana zalimi....

Namun kezaliman itu perlu kita definisikan semula. Mungkin kezaliman sudah berubah. Mungkin zalim pada waktu dan pada masa tertentu tetapi tidak pada waktu-waktu lain. Mungkin politik ada jawapannya. Kezaliman itu mungkin dalam kepompong politik perlu agar semua teratur, jalan teratur, jalan berbaris dan lurus berdiri. Tidak kiralah cara pelaksanaannya asalkan lurus mengikut dan sujud menunduk pada kuasa – kuasa pada waktu itu. Mungkin zalim hanya satu cara untuk mendisiplinkan yang ada semua.

Mungkin hakikat kezaliman itu berubah dan tidak celaka kalau kita berasa segan pada yang memperlakukan kezaliman atau mungkin definisi kezaliman yang diberi itu menurut percanggahan hasrat kita. Mungkin Prof Hamka tersilap dalam menghukum situasi lantas falsafah yang diberi sedikit lari dari apa yang beliau katakan.

Apa kena mengena semua ini dengan Dr Mahathir? Bagi yang lupa, mudah lupa dan terlupa Dr Mahathir adalah legasi kezaliman. Ya, zaman 1998, zaman reformasi, zaman gerakan membebaskan Anwar Ibrahim adalah zaman yang paling mencabar untuk UMNO. Waktu itu wujud segala panggilan terhadap Tun Dr Mahathir – Mahazalim, Mahafiraun dan berbagai-bagai maha lagi. Namun Mahathir berdiri juga, teguh dan mengambil keputusan untuk berundur – bukan dipecat tetapi memecat diri sendiri.

Hari pula nampak berbeza. Mungkin zaman-zaman itu tuduhan zalim itu tidak dihalusi dan di kupas secara mendalam. Mungkin definisi atau tuduhan zalim itu adalah kerana ada percanggahan hasrat. Lantas seorang di label zalim oleh orang yang mempunyai percanggahan hasrat dan seorang lagi menuntut dilabel pejuang dari penyokongnya. Namun yang pasti erti kezaliman tergugat dan perlu pengertian semula dalam isu ini.

Hari ini kenyataan-kenyataan yang mengatakan kita merindui kepimpinan Dr Mahathir wujud. Ini sungguh – sungguh kedengaran dan ini bukan satu kenyataan politik hampas membicarakan kain dalam UMNO itu sendiri. Legasi Dr Mahathir menuntut dirinya kembali. Kalau dahulu penentang jalanan 1998 mengharap Dr Mahathir cepat mati, hari ini mereka berdoa agar beliau dipanjangkan usia dan dikurniakan kesihatan kerana ada perjuangan yang belum selesai atau sudah tersimpul dan perlu dileraikan.

Mungkin legasi Mahathir mampu mengubah, mampu membawa balik UMNO kepada jalan yang tepat – memperjuangkan rakyat, memperjuangkan kedaulatan negara dan mempertahankan hak. Hari ini tuntutan menolak Pak Lah sudah kedengaran. Bukan sahaja di luar UMNO tetapi di dalam UMNO. Tuntutan ini tidak kedengaran oleh Pak Lah kerana dalam UMNO masih sedang berbisik atau tidak berani berdepan mengatakan perkara itu tetapi hakikat itu wujud.. Setelah Pak Lah, ada nama lain yang ditentang dalam UMNO. Nama lain itu bukan kepimpinan Timbalan Presiden atau Naib Presiden tetapi satu lagi jawatan penting yang sebelum ini kurang bermakna. Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO, itu jawatan yang kini hampir pada Pak Lah. Penjawat jawatan inilah yang di tentang oleh beberapa Pemuda yang ada. Namun siapa yang boleh mengatur tentangan ini. Siapa yang boleh menyusun agar secara sistematik kuasa yang kini ada dapat dikendurkan dari terus menjual kedaulatan negara.

Dalam itu nama Mahathir muncul semula. Kritikan beliau semakin pedas dan semakin bersungguh. Mungkin beliau yang boleh menyusun kembali UMNO? Mungkin hari ini beliau sudah tidak zalim lagi atau sebenarnya belum pernah zalim? Ini tidak dapat kita jawab kerana kita ada percanggahan hasrat. Mungkin kali ini Mahathir sahaja yang diharapkan untuk membersihkan semula UMNO atau sebenarnya Mahathir juga ada percanggahan hasrat.

Namun kritikan pedas Mahathir semakin hari semakin diterima. Kritikan beliau semakin hari dikira justifikasi untuk menolak Pak Lah. Adakah kita setuju? Adakah orang – orang Parti Keadilan Rakyat setuju? Adakah PAS dengan pendirian Islam mereka memaafkan Mahathir dan mahu menyertai beliau dalam memastikan keadaan bersih lagi terkawal?

Apa pula kita, rakyat biasa negara Malaysia ini mahukan Mahathir kembali kerana pada Mahathir ada kekuatan untuk menamatkan kuasa politik, kemungkaran yang dikatakan lebih besar- bukan pada individu tetapi pada rakyat terbanyak. Apa kata kita?
posted by Anuar Mohd Nor at 12:41 AM 21 comments links to this post

Gugurkan perkataan Melayu

Monday, June 11, 2007
Gugurkan perkataan Melayu

Menteri Penerangan berkata "Melayu harus bersikap terbuka dengan keputusan kerajaan untuk menukar terminologi Bahasa Melayu kepada Bahasa Malaysia" Persoalannya kenapa, kerana politik, kerana integrasi kaum atau kerana mahu mengaut undi bangsa lain yang kini ditakuti sudah menampakkan peralihan arah daripada Barisan Nasional kepada pembangkang khususnya DAP dan Keadilan.

Yang paling kita risau adalah penukaran ini kononnya atas nama asimilasi dan integrasi tetapi akhirnya hanya untuk mengembalikan sokongan bangsa lain kepada Barisan Nasional dengan nama Melayu dikorbankan oleh orang - orang Melayu. Ini bukan soal berfikiran terbuka. Kenapa, apa kena mengena berfikiran terbuka dengan perubahan Bahasa Melayu kepada Bahasa Malaysia.

Soalnya adakah keputusan sebegini dibuat kerana politik? Mungkin dengan penukaran ini maka integrasi antara kaum dapat dipupuk? Apakah dengan menukar nama – nama Melayu maka kita akan lebih harmonis kehidupan kita.

Kalau kaum lain semakin cenderung kepada memilih pembangkang, kita cermin diri kita dahulu dalam Barisan Nasional. Adakah kita sudah melaksanakan tindakan- tindakan yang sepatutnya untuk menarik kembali sokongan kaum lain kepada kita. Kenapa Menteri UMNO perlu mengorbankan nama Melayu sedangkan rakan lain dalam Barisan Nasional tidak nampak berusaha untuk menentukan bangsa mereka menyokong Barisan Nasional.

Banyak keputusan lain, tindakan lain perlu dibuat untuk memperbaiki atau meningkatkan keharmonian antara kita sesama bangsa tetapi kenapa dipilih menggugurkan nama Melayu. Apa signifikan utama yang dapat dengan menggugurkan nama Melayu.

Adakah kita dalam UMNO masih tidak lagi nampak bahawa ada antara menteri – menteri kita ini sudah tidak relevan lagi dengan perjuangan bangsa.
posted by Anuar Mohd Nor at 8:32 PM 18 comments links to this post

Altantuya Muder Case Trial Report

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Altantuya Muder Case Trial Report

Razak plotted murder: DPP

The high-profile Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial opened in the High Court today with the prosecution saying that police special unit Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Cpl Sirul Azhar Umar killed the Mongolian on instructions of her lover, political analyst Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda.
DPP Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah said the prosecution will prove:
* Abdul Razak planned and ordered the killing of Altantuya, and that two officers of the police elite unit executed the order.
* He had ignored a senior police officer's advice to lodge a police report regarding Altantuya's harassment, instead telling him to keep secret what he had been told.
* Abdul Razak had met Azilah and a few hours later, Azilah and Sirul Azhar were seen at Hotel Malaya, where Altantuya stayed.
* Altantuya's blood was found on a pair of slippers in Sirul Azhar's car. Some of her belongings were also found in his possession. Sirul Azhar had also confessed his crime to his superior officer.
First prosecution witness, private investigator P. Balasubramaniam, testified:
* He was hired by Abdul Razak to stop a Mongolian woman from meeting him. Also told to follow his daughter as a threat had been made against her.
* On Oct 9, he got a call the Mongolian was in front of Bangunan Lembaga Getah Asli in Ampang where Abdul Razak's office is located.
* He called the police and two policemen turned up. One of them spoke to a woman named "Aminah" (Altantuya).
* He was told by the policemen that the woman wanted to meet her husband who works in the building. He called Abdul Razak but he had left.

'Altantunya's blood found on accused's slippers'

SHAH ALAM (June 18, 2007): Police found the blood of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu on the slippers of Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar of the police special action unit, the prosecution told the High Court when outlining its case on day one of the high-profile trial.
Prosecution team leader Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah said police also found several items belonging to Altantuya in Sirul Azhar's possession and Sirul Azhar had also made a confession to his superior officer.
He said they also have evidence to show that Chief Insp Azilah Hadri and political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda had met at Razaks office, and that a few hours later, Azilah and Sirul Azhar were seen at Hotel Malaya, where Altantuya stayed.
Tun Abdul Majid told trial judge Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin the prosecution will prove beyond reasonable doubt that Sirul Azhar, 35, and Azilah, 30, murdered the 28-year-old Mongolian and Abdul Razak, 47, who was her lover, had abetted them by planning and ordering the killing.

To do this, he said, they will rely on direct and circumstantial evidence.
"Our case will also depend on expert, scientific, documentary testimony and also Sirul Azhar's confession to the crime to his superiors," he said.
At the outset, the prosecution got the court's approval to amend the charge against Abdul Razak, regarding the time he allegedly committed the abetment.
The amendment stated the offence was committed between 9.54am on Oct 18, 2006 and 9.45pm on Oct 19, 2006. (The original charge had put it at between 9.45am and 11.05am on Oct 18, 2006)
Tun Abdul Majid laid out the facts of the case, saying Abdul Razak had known Altantuya from 2004 until August 2005, when their relationship ended.
He said during the time, Abdul Razak had given money to Altantuya but decided to stop doing so in 2006, after which the woman came here from Mongolia to demand for more money.
He said evidence will be adduced to show the following:
* Altantuya had arrived in Kuala Lumpur with two friends on Oct 8, 2006 to meet Abdul Razak.
* Altantuya had left notes to Abdul Razak in an effort to meet him and demand money and she had made threats that if her demands were not met, his daughter's life would be in danger.
* To avoid being harassed, Abdul Razak had hired a private investigator to tail the victim and provide security for his home to prevent the victim from harassing or meeting him.
* Despite the private investigator being hired, Abdul Razak continued to be harassed and threatened by the Mongolian woman.
* Abdul Razak had related the threats and problem faced by him to a friend, a senior police officer, and sought his advice.
* The friend had advised Abdul Razak to lodge a police report because of the seriousness of the threat but the political analyst had refused to. Abdul Razak had instead asked the senior police officer to keep secret what he had told him.
* He instead asked the friend to introduce a police officer from the Brickfields police station to help him overcome his problem.
* That officer had said he knew an officer from the Special Action Unit, the officer being the first accused Azilah.
* The Brickfields officer had given Azilah's contact number to Abdul Razak.
* Azilah had met Abdul Razak at Razak's office between 9.54am and 11.05am on Oct 18, 2006.
* Altantuya caused a ruckus at Abdul Razak's home on Oct 19, as a result of which she was taken to the police station to lodge a report, but Abdul Razak, through a private investigator, had asked her not to do so for fear it would be publicised in the newspapers.
* Evidence from witnesses shows Altantuya was taken from Abdul Razak's house on the fateful day, based on CCTV recordings, and telephone communication transactions would reveal the connection and planning among the three accused in committing the murder.
* The private investigator hired by Abdul Razak had suggested to him to get the Immigration Department's help to send Altantuya home, but the advice was ignored.
* Azilah and Sirul Azhar were the last persons seen with Altantuya before her killing.
Tun Abdul Majid said Altantuya was taken to the scene of the killing and Azilah and Sirul Azhar had blown up the victim with explosives.
"Evidence will be forwarded to show 'probable blast-related injuries' was the cause of death, based on the pathologist's report," he said.

Private eye: Razak hired me to stop woman from meeting him

SHAH ALAM (June 18, 2007): The prosecution's first witness - a private investigator - told the High Court he was hired by Abdul Razak Abdullah to stop a Mongolian woman from meeting him as she was threatening him for money.
P. Balasubramaniam, 47, said he met Abdul Razak after getting a call from a person called "Magen".

He said he went to Abdul Razak's office on the 10th floor of Bangunan Lembaga Getah Asli and met him, either on Oct 6 or 7.
Abdul Razak told him he had received a threatening call from a man, believed to be a policeman, and that he sounded like a Chinese. He said Abdul Razak told him he recorded the call on his handphone.
Balasubramaniam said he told Abdul Razak to lodge a police report but was told he had a family lawyer, whom he later met to discuss his payment.
He said Abdul Razak also gave him the following instructions:
* A Mongolian woman would come to his office and that he was to stop her from meeting him. He was to follow Abdul Razak from office to his home.
* The next day, Abdul Razak told him to follow his daughter to and from her school in Damansara.
Asked by DPP Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah during examination why he was ordered to follow the daughter, he said the threat was made against Abdul Razak's daughter.
He said he was also asked to "stand by" at Abdul Razak's office, and to call him should the woman appear there.
Balasubramaniam said that on Oct 9, 2006, he received a call saying the woman was in front of the building.
He said he was at Plaza Pekeliling between 9am and 10.30am and he told his assistant, K. Suras Kumar, to go to the building first. He arrived five minutes later and went up to the 10th floor.
There, receptionist Siti Aishah Mohd Azlan told him three women and a man had gone down to the lower ground floor.
He said he was also told by Siti Aishah one of the women had slipped a letter on the floor in an office.
Balasubramaniam said he went down and saw the women outside a gate and looking at the office. He said he was with Suras at the lobby.
Later, when the Mongolian women were standing near the stairs, Suras borrowed a lighter from one of the woman and struck up a conservation with them while the man was waiting in the car.
Balasubramaniam then called Razak and told him to leave the building from the back entrance.
He said he then called the police and two policemen turned up. One of them, V. Palaniandy, spoke to a woman named "Aminah" (Altantuya).
The policeman later told him that Aminah's "husband" worked as an executive director in the building and that they were waiting to meet him.
He said he called Abdul Razak again and was told he had left the building.
He continues his testimony today.
Posted by tunku at 12:00:00 AM

Act if allegations untrue, says Hanif

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Act if allegations untrue, says Hanif

KUALA LUMPUR (June 18, 2007): Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan should take action if the allegations that police are not taking action against organised crime are not true.
Former IGP Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar said today Musa should be concerned about recent allegations highlighted in a political website(Malaysia Today) as the credibility of the police force will be damaged by such allegations.
"Police work requires credibility and public perception of the police's ability and willingness to function is extremely important," Hanif told reporters at a press conference following his induction as an honorary member of the Pudu Rotary Club.
"Thus, the management of public perception of the police force is very important."
Two weeks ago, it was alleged in a political website that gambling, loan-sharking, drugs and human trafficking in the peninsula was rampant as the authorities have been corrupt and turning a blind eye to such activities.
Asked whether Musa should come out to clarify the allegations, Hanif, who was IGP for 20 years, said:
"I will leave that to him and what he considers important or not. That is a question of perception.
"The IGP, surely, must be concerned if it is being damaged by something like this openly and if the allegations are not true, action should be taken," he told reporters
Hanif said inaction might cause people to take these allegations as being true and they might believe that the extent of corruption is the root of the problem.
"We may keep on tightening the laws but effective enforcement of the laws is the key (to solve the problems)," he said.
In his column in an English newspaper on Sunday, Hanif who had described the allegations as "exceptionally defamatory" and that " it won't not do for the maligned authorities to merely wish them away".
Earlier, during his talk on "The Malaysian Journey" at the Pudu Rotary Club luncheon, Hanif said when he was the IGP, the Rukun Tetangga neighbourhood watch patrols was introduced and people were keen to take part in it to safeguard their neighbourhoods.
However, when the crime rate had gone down, he said people stopped the patrols and that caused the crime rate to rise again.
"If you also have an efficient police force that is dedicated and cannot be bought (crime can be controlled). Otherwise, they (police) can allow crimes to grow if they are corrupt," he said.

tunku : i had read the allegation at malaysia today( and it is a very very serious allegation that the police force particularly the IGP should act on this report if it's not true. if the police force follows abdullah's elegant silence style than the public will definitely says that the allegation are true and it will be the end of pdrm's reputation.although i don't believe the allegation but still i would like the police to act fast on this before thing gets worst.