Thursday 18 July 2013

OH NO!!! Another Flip Flop By Gomen

Another Flip Flop By Gomen

Here is today's news from The Star about the PM :
  • Govt will discuss if replacement to EO is needed, says Najib
  • Government will discuss view that new law similar to EO needed
  • Najib stressed Govt was not backtracking decision to repeal EO
  • “we want to maintain that fight against crime will be effective ..”
  • views of stakeholders such as Suhakam and Bar taken into account !!
  • Home Ministry would hold forum to discuss new law on Aug 24
  • Since repeal of EO two years ago, concern over rise in violent crime 
  • IGP Khalid Abu Bakar said some kind of preventive law was needed 
  • PM also said National Harmony Act to replace Sedition Act 1948 
  • Najib said new Act would maintain three major principles.
  1. hatred of or insult or disloyalty to Rulers.
  2. enmity among various ethnic groups in the country
  3. special privileges, sovereignty, articles 153, 151 and 181 
In my previous post, there were these two comments. Thank you for the comments.

1. Tuan syed, mohon izin :  THE SILENT PRIME MINISTER aka Ah Jib Gorrrr amat bangga dengan transpansi, konsultansi dan inklusive atas perbahasan dasar yang tak mampu mem-popular kan nya.   Dalam isu undang baru yang hendak di konsultasis kan :  Soal nya mengapa untuk tarik dan buang undang EO 2 tahun dulu tak cakap pun macam ni ?

2.  Anonymous said...I dont understand why najib wants to repeal Sedition Act and replace it by a new act but maintaining the 3 key principles of Sedition act?

Why not just add new provisions to the present without repealing it? 

Why repeal a law that has been proven effective to control the many interracial problems faced by our country? 

Improve upon it ..dont kill it. I dont really understand what his advisers are doing to najib. Mula2 ISA, EO , and now Sedition Act , next TPPA.. even his banker bro is asking to walk away from TPPA if there are negative aspect in it..

Thanks folks. These are relevant comments and ideas. And I am sure the both of you are not 'con'-sultans either.  

The first commenter points out that two years ago the ISA and the EO were repealed in haste without any consultation with anyone. Now the Gomen wants to create a new law to replace the old EO. Isnt this a 'half past six' job? 

And as the second commenter says, dont abolish the old laws. If needed just amend them or make them more up to date. 

Listening to his rather lame brained advisor Omar Ong the PM repealed both the ISA and the EO. Now crime is getting out of control. People have been killed in shootings and murders. The Police say that many of these most recent murders and shootings involve the gangsters released after the EO was abolished.  So how many people have died as a result of the PM wanting to be popular and listening to his lame brained advisors?

And after doing all that the PM almost lost the PRU 13 elections. Down by another seven seats to 133 now. Why not repeal more laws and lose the PRU 14 completely? 

And since when did the Bar Council become a stakeholder in anything? I did not ask them to be my stakeholder. Did you?  So why does the PM want to engage with the bar Council? Better for the PM to engage with us the people. We have something the Bar Council does not have - votes. 
All over the world the Western countries are tightening up their preventive detention laws. 

The US has its Patriot Act which is a hundred times more repressive than the ISA. The UK has the Terrorism Act which is just as bad. 

By the way what are Suhakam and the Bar Council doing about those two Malaysian guys who are still locked up in Guantanamo Prison by the Americans under the Patriot Act? It has been almost 10 years since the two guys were locked up. That is worse than the ISA. 

"Mohamad Nazir Lep, who went by the aliases, “Bashir Lap” and “Lilie”, and Mohd Farik Amin, also known as “Yazid Zubair”, have been linked to al-Qaeda, and also Southeast Asia’s militant organisation, Jemaah Islamiyah (JI). 

Both were detained on suspicion of terrorism in 2003, where Mohamad Nazir was picked up in Thailand and Mohd Farik, in Cambodia. They were transferred to Guantanamo on Sept 4, 2006."  

Has the Bar Council taken any trouble to find out what they can do to assist those two Malaysians? Or is it because these two guys are Malays and Muslims?  Who cares? Right? 

Finally as stupid as Vivian Lee and Alvin Tan are I dont think they should be charged in Court for anything.  We too should mature as a nation.  If we charge them in Court we are only making heroes of their stupidity.  

Since we are living by Twitter and Facebook, it is not wrong to follow the rules set by Facebook and Twitter. If there are sufficient complaints Facebook will (and has) shut down their Facebook page. Or our MCMC can do the same. That should be enough.

This is what FB and Blogspot make available to people all over the world. If a site is obnoxious they just shut it down.

Unless someone calls for violence or physical harm against anyone. Threatening to cause bodily harm to anyone is a crime in most countries in the world - whether by phone, mail, Twitter, Facebook or sms.  But this obnoxious couple have just been obnoxious.  They have only invited anger against themselves.   

Plus they are too young and dumb.  Kasi chan lah sikit.  I dont think their stupid antics warrants a statement by the PM. We have much bigger things to worry about.

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