Wednesday 10 September 2008

Malays 'have ruled the region from 7th Century'

Malays 'have ruled the region from 7th Century'
source : OpEd
Warning: the notes below may offend you.

Especially if you believe that all Malaysians are born equal, as some people, like the unknown blogger below argues.

In all that twist and shout of pendatang and penumpang, argues that Malays have been the perfect Tuan Rumah.(Nice stamp, magpie! Chinese junk arrives in Malacca - Cheng Ho also is pendatang).

The Malays and people of Nusantara have ruled, according to this unknown 'historian-blogger', during these times:

1) Kerajaan Srivijaya in Palembang, from 7th to 12th centuries.

2) Kerajaan Melayu-Islam Samudera-Pasai from 13th century in Acheh and the rest of the Malay Peninsular.

3) Kerajaan Melayu-Melaka around 15th century.

4) Kerajaan Johor-Riau later.

The blogger says:"The Malays must not fall to trap into believing that the Malay government is only 50 years old, the assumption when the British gave us our "freedom" after colonising us for a while."

No sir! I do not and cannot accept that they, the Malays, have been an entity only after 50 years, I as a person cannot accept 31st of August as the day of Independence for the Malays!

"In the final analysis, this is a Malay country and we are sharing it with the rest but they must abide to a majority rule."

If the non-Malays feel that they have been treated as a second class citizen they must have their heads checked."

This is of course, the 21st century and such history eludes most of us.Anyway, good to know our history, bro! (or sis!).

My main worry is that if you push this argument too far and too often, talent, skills and capital will walk away to another country rather than having to argue back over 'this is my plot' scenario.

kzso - that's why it is called tanah melayu.period.

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