Wednesday 10 September 2008

The difference between a guest and the to speak!Yes this is about Malaysia!

The difference between a guest and the to speak!Yes this is about Malaysia!

source : BarkingMagpie
Posted by Pasquale

Malay Kingdom have been trading with others since time immemorial!

Let me quote Datuk Dr Hassan Ahmad, chief executive of Yayasan Karyawan, he was also the former Malaysia permanent representative at the UNESCO and former director-general of DBP.

He said in an issue of a Malay magazine Dewan Masyarakat, that "Bangsa Melayu has always been the "tuan" in Tanah Melayu since centuries ago. "Just as the Chinese, Indian, Japanese and the Germans, in theirs," he added.

Actually the issue of Malay sovereignty and Malay supremacy in the country has never been an issue or being questioned in the past. The problem lies when some one or a group of people who try to equate the Malay sovereignty and supremacy, in a political context, as a a pro-Malay policy.

It must be reminded that a major race, that is the owner of the country or the "host", has two distinctive characters: one, is that they are the owner or a host of that particular country, and second, as a majority they have the right to determine their fate or future based on what they want for themselves, without interference or having to listen to the whims and fancies of other races who came and decided to make the country home, or having to listen to what other countries have to dictate to tell us what to do.

"Tuan rumah" the host, in this case the Malays, are not of the same status as the "orang pendatang", or those who came from other region or plain, or country to settle here.

It must be remembered by everyone that the Malay supremacy int his country is related very closely with the concept of Malay sovereignty.

One must remember that one of the most important character of that particular race is that it is a sovereign race it has a country and a government of its own.

The Malays have their own governance since the beginning of the Kerajaan Melayu-Srivijaya in Palembang, from 7th to 12th century. Then the Malay government of Melayu-Islam Samudera-Pasai from 13th century in Acheh and the rest of the Malay Peninsular until the 15th century in Malacca. Followed by the government of Johor-Riau that later on to inherit the Melayu-Malacca government.

The Malays must not fall to trap into believing that the Malay government is only 50 years old, the assumption when the British gave us our "freedom" after colonising us for a while. No sir! I do not and cannot accept that they, the Malays, have been an entity only after 50 years, I as a person cannot accept 31st of August as the day of Independence for the Malays!

In the final analysis, this is a Malay country and we are sharing it with the rest but they must abide to a majority rule. If the non-Malays feel that they have been treated as a second class citizen they must have their heads check.

P.S. I can also be as racist as the next racist and this is my point. This is very important for all the bleeding heart liberal Malaysians out there to remember, Malays included, not to stir up a hornet's nest we can get stung!

kzso - the problem is that most of the malays (and also malaysians) especially the young generations are also history blind...

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