Sunday 24 January 2016

[wondering why th has not declared any dividend until now? record breaking dividen?] ...Tan Sri Zeti - Bank Negara's Silence Is Deafening

[wondering why th has not declared any dividend until now? record breaking dividen?] ...Tan Sri Zeti - Bank Negara's Silence Is Deafening

Someone sent me this link :

It is obviously some insider blog (or Deep Throat) from Tabung Haji who wish to expose the goings on in Tabung Haji.

These are screenshots from tabunginsider.  My comments follow.

My comments : First of all to the guys behind tabunginsider it is better if you just upload what you have. Because I think the MCMC will most likely block off your blog as well.

Secondly I hope Bank Negara and Tan Sri Zeti will make some public statements about Tabung Haji.

This part of the revelation above is to be noted:

Tan Sri Zeti, they say that last year Tabung Haki made 'untung' of RM2.98 billion but they paid out dividends of RM3.3 Billion.  How can you pay out dividends more than your untung? By dipping into your reserves. 

Can Bank Negara - as the Regulator - assure the public that this is NOT like a pyramid scheme or a Ponzi scheme? 

This is why in that letter that Bank Negara is said to have written (dated 23 December 2015) to the Minister in Charge of Tabung Haji you say that Tabung Haji has paid dividends at 107% of their untung.

Furthermore it is said that you have advised  the Minister that since Tabung Haji's assets position is LESS THAN their liabilities, then by Law, under the Tabung Haji Act they CANNOT declare any dividends.

That is why the says thus far (January 22, 2016 the time of their writing) no dividend has been declared by Tabung Haji.

Bank Negara Malaysia as the Regulator has a duty to advise the public, which has invested RM57.9 Billion in cash money with Tabung Haji, about the real situation inside Tabung Haji.  

Also since all moneys deposited with Tabung Haji are guaranteed by the government, it means that all Malaysian taxpayers (Muslims as well as non Muslim) are ultimately burdened with any financial miscarriages that may happen in Tabung Haji.

So elegant silence is not an option for Bank Negara Malaysia.

I hope all Malaysians will start raising our concerns on this matter.

It is said that just 5% of depositors control 75% of that RM57.9 Billion funds in Tabung Haji.  This means just 5% of depositors control RM 43.4 Billion of Tabung Haji's deposits.

These are big time investors, institutional investors, who are NOT saving money to perform the pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia. These institutional investors are looking for financial returns on their investments.

So if Tabung Haji cannot declare dividends or Tabung Haji has NO MONEY to pay dividends, then logically these institutional investors should withdraw their RM43.4 Billion from Tabung Haji. That means the deposited funds will shrink to only RM14.5 Billion.

If Tabung Haji does not have money to pay dividends this year, then will Tabung Haji have enough cash to refund RM43.4 Billion of the depositors money? (If they decide to take out their money).

And how will TH convince the remaining 95% of makciks and pakciks not to withdraw their balance RM14.5 Billion?  If Tabung Haji has to liquidate assets (including selling shares)  will it also not cause a panic across the Stock Market?

Plus many of the shares in which TH has invested are also held by other GLC funds like ASB, ASN, KWAP, EPF, LTAT etc. 

So if TH sells its shareholdings in a hurry and prices plunge, then all the other GLC funds will also suffer loss in value of their assets.

This is a real mess that is happening.

Bank Negara has to say something. Please do not tai chi this to that same mamak. Ultimately he is also behind this problem.

Even if the new Governor of Bank Negara is going to be someone from Tabung Haji, it still does not solve this problem.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

TH Belum Terlewat Umum Dividen, Tapi...

A Kadir Jasin

EKORAN pertanyaan pembahas Ummu Aiman mengenai pengumuman dividen (bonus) Tabung Haji (TH) yang saya ulas ringkas dalam perkara 18 posting yang lalu, saya telah membuat beberapa pertanyaan dan penyelidikan ringkas.

[PERINGATAN: Komen guna “Anonymous” tidak akan disiarkan. Sila guna Google Account atau Name/URL. Boleh pakai nama samaran.]

Daripada maklumat yang saya peroleh dan apa yang saya fahami mengenai urus tadbir TH, hal-hal berikut perlu dipertimbangkan.

1. Tanda tanya dan kerisauan timbul kerana batas waktu (deadline) pengumuman dividen (bonus) bagi tahun kewangan 2015 dijangkakan pada 22 Januari 2016.

2. Ini adalah kerana tahun lalu, dividen (2014) diumumkan pada 22 Januari 2015. Kadar dividen (bonus) tahun lalu adalah lapan peratus.

3. Tapi TH belumlah terlewat mengumumkan dividen sebab sebelum ini ia pernah membuat pengumuman pada 30 Januari (bagi tahun kewangan 2013) dan 7 Februari (bagi tahun kewangan 2012).

Menabung dan ke Makkah melalui TH
4. Dalam beberapa tahun sebelum dan selepas PRU 2013, TH membayar dividen dan memberi bonus melebihi tahap keuntungannya, mungkin dengan menggunakan rizab.

5. Yang lebih menjadi kemusykilan adalah kesan kelembapan ekonomi, kejatuhan teruk pasaran ekuiti dan keterdedahan (exposure) TH kepada skandal hutang 1MDB ke atas prestasi kewangannya.

6. Selain kontroversi pembelian tanah 1MDB di projek Tun Razak Exchange (TRX), TH juga memberi hutang yang besar kepada 1MDB melalui pembelian bon 1MDB.

7. Apa-apa yang tidak baik, sekiranya berlaku, akan mengancam kepentingan penyimpan TH dan keyakinan terhadapnya.

7. Seandainya hal ini terjadi, ia adalah sabotaj ekonomi dan akidah kerana majoriti yang menabung dengan TH adalah orang miskin dan mereka berbuat demikian semata-mata untuk menunaikan ibadat haji.

7. Orang seperti Perdana Menteri, (Datuk Seri Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone) Mohd Najib bin Abdul Razak, Menteri Agama (Datuk Seri) Jamil Khir Baharom, Pengerusi TH, (Datuk Seri Panglima) Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) TH, (Tan Sri) Ismee Ismail akan dipertanggungjawabkan jika TH mengalami musibah.

Jamil Khir (kanan) dan Abdul Azeez bertanggungjawab
8. Adalah mustahil mereka tidak tahu atau tidak diberi amaran kerana TH, sebagai Institusi Kewangan Bukan Bank (non-bank financial institution), turut dikawal selia oleh Bank Negara. Atau apakah Bank Negara juga bersubahat?

9. Perkara 22 Akta TH 1995 tidak membenarkannya mengisytiharkan pengagihan dividen dan bonus kepada pendeposit sekiranya nilai aset kurang daripada nilai kesemua tanggungan (obligations).

10. Buat masa ini kita hanya boleh berkata: “Kami berlindung dengan Allah daripada perkara-perkara buruk menimpa kami.”


source : outsyedthebox

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