Sunday 9 August 2015

#najibiscrackingup ... the ships singking and here comes the opportunist!] are just an apprentice, learn and absorb, (if you can that is!!)

#najibiscrackingup ... the ships singking and here comes the opportunist!] are just an apprentice, learn and absorb, (if you can that is!!)

Has he got what it takes?

He was a politically hungry young man then and he still is today.
The only difference is, he now believes he got what it takes to be the next prime minister in waiting.
Making political waves when the time is right is one thing, but making them at the wrong time show your true opportunist.
I am not sure if I like this guy or not. I know I did not like him when he was a member of the fourth floor boys when his father in law was the PM.
One of the main reasons why I will and can never support him as the next Malay leader is because of his ongoing association with the infamous KH, the most vile person that this country has ever produced.
As the prime minister, I am sure Najib can, or not control him, but somebody must tell him things happen for a reason.
For example, two MACC senior personnel had to be transferred I am sure for a reason.  May be, I am just saying, it has to do with leakages that occur while important investigation is ongoing.
But voicing his displeasure over the transfer, KJ shows disrespect  to his boss the prime minister, and frankly I do not get where he is going to for making such a comment.
I just wish the beast for Najib while he is trying to pull this country together.
Now he has Zahid, his former political as his deputy prime minster, and may be Zahid can be the Cabinet party whip and tell cabinet ministers like KJ to suppress his hunger, if the prime minister is too nice a person to tell people to lay off that is.
I am just thinking out loud that is.  Like everyone, if they disagree with decision made at the top most level....quit. The same applies to you KJ.
As asked by MIC communications and public relations bureau head Datuk Seri S Vell Paari, MACC is not a sacred cow and most definitely not above the law.
He advised KJ to shut-up, well not in those specific words but close.
Read more what KJ said  here.....

Source : barkingmagpie

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