Monday 6 July 2015

[najibiscrackingup!] Why the public do not believe the Prime Minister’s denial

[najibiscrackingup!] Why the public do not believe the Prime Minister’s denial

Should have resigned from hisFINANCEportfolio few months ago. Now he has to take leave from all his posts.
In the previous article we have shown why people are finding it hard to believe the Prime Minister. Too many flip flopping and lies he made in the past proved that the trust deficit is already as huge and as deep as the Grand Canyon.
This can all be seen in the response he received in his Facebook page.
In the morning of previous Friday, Wall Street Journal published an explosive story detailing how huge sums ofMONEY had been transferred into the personalACCOUNT of the Prime Minister via multi level transactions. The money originated from 1MDB or to be precise, money from debts issued.
Only on late Friday night the Prime Minister issued a denial which most people believe are actually not denying anything, but just an attempt to divert the issue altogether.
He said:
“In recent months, various allegations – all unsubstantiated, and many simply outrageous – have been directed against me and my family.‎ These attacks began when I refused to implement Tun Mahathir’s personalDEMANDS. I refused, because I do not believe it is right for Malaysia to be ruled by proxy.
If his personal demands are only regarding the crooked bridge (you stated this in your TV interview back in April) which you yourself promised to build back in 2009, then the rakyat will only be too happy if you had really built the bridge which will signify our sovereign right to build whatever we want to within our own territory. Rule by proxy doesn’t come to play. This is just a red herring. Furthermore, the various allegations did not arise only in recent months, it has been around for years – 1MDB wrongdoings, PM’s wealth, stupid policies etc., did not start by Tun Dr Mahathir.
Tun then created a crisis when he recklessly claimed that RM42 billion was missing from 1MDB, when in fact these are audited debts backed by RM51 billion auditedASSETS.
The crisis was actually created by you when 1MDB failed to meet its debt obligations without the help of outsiders and public money. Last year 1MDB even asked for few extensions on the debt repayment deadline. If that is not a sure indication of a troubled company, then surely the lovers of 1MDB are living in a deluded fantasy world. Plus, if the RM51 billionASSETS were acquired by the RM42 billion loans and currently in order to pay those loans, 1MDB now had to sell those RM51 billion assets back, it is safe to say that 1MDB business model is just reckless and stupid. 
The latest allegation is that I have taken state-linkedFUNDS for personal gain. I believe Tun, working hand in glove with foreign nationals, including the now discredited political attack blog Sarawak Report, is behind this latest lie.
In the first paragraph you lamented the fact that all allegations are unsubstantiated, yet without any qualms you accused (without any proof) that Tun Dr Mahathir is working with foreigners. A picture of Tun with Clare Rewcastle does not constitute a proof. When Tun Mahathir met Mahfuz Omar early this year, it does not mean he is working with PAS now. Tun is a statesman, not a politician. He meets whoever requested to meet him. Moreover, WSJ did not allege you have taken the money for personal gain. It just said the money flowed into your personal bankACCOUNT. What you did with the money is unclear. It was your own PMO who initially stated “the prime minister has not taken anyFUNDS for personal use”. What you should have said is to deny money ever credited into those personal bankACCOUNTS. What you used it for; for personal gain or otherwise is a moot point. 
Let me be very clear: I have never taken funds for personal gain as alleged by my political opponents – whether from 1MDB, SRC International or other entities, as these companies haveCONFIRMED.
You reinforced the public’s perception that funds were never used for personal gain. But there could be funds indeed. You did not deny this.
It is now clear that false allegations such as these are part of a concerted campaign of political sabotage to topple a democratically elected Prime Minister.
It does not clear anything. In fact, a democratically elected Prime Minister is not immune to criticisms and questions by the people, to think otherwise is clearly a pompous and arrogant remark coming from you. It is also hypocritical. Hypocritical because it was you who led the rebellion to topple the previous democratically elected Prime Minister. Or at least, you gained the most benefit out of it.
At no point have those making these allegations offered any evidence. All we have heard is that these allegations are based on leaked documents and unnamed investigators. Not once has the source of these documents ever been shown, neither have the documents themselves been provided for verification by lawful authorities.
With the admission from the Attorney General that he too had sighted the documents mentioned by WSJ, the public can then conclude that the evidence really do exist. The AG did not expose WSJ as liars (which would be logical if the whole allegations were untrue), but proceeded to set up a task force to investigate it further.
As we now know, a number of the documents on which recent allegations have been based were reportedly doctored. The person who was leaking these documents is under investigation by authorities overseas for attempting to extort and blackmail his former employer. This says a lot about the reliability of the documents, and those who are using them to damage our government and our country.
This is another red herring. The documents did not come from Sarawak Report, it came from a government probe. Justo did not give the documents to the AG. It was the investigators in a government probe who had found them and gave it to the AG. The documents are reliable enough for the AG to startINVESTIGATIONS, instead of issuing statement to debunk WSJ. Justo had nothing to do with this exposé. The PM now is grasping at straws over unrelated issue.
Those who continue to mount these attacks should be prepared to face the consequences of their actions. These gutterTACTICS – in some cases criminal tactics – to overthrow the government will fail. Where appropriate, they will be met with the full force of the law.
Another blatant arrogance by the PM, issuing statements befitting a dictator. Instead of facing the public’s criticisms and questions, he is now threatening them with government apparatus. He did not realise that it is him who are verging on criminality.
It’s a shame that these false attacks motivated by self interest come at a time of uniqueOPPORTUNITY for Malaysia – with our Chairmanship of ASEAN this year, and the prize of developed nation status around the corner. I will stay focused on the work of nation building for the people.”
Unrelated gibberish to the matter at hand. Note that not once the PM has mentioned WSJ in this press release.
All the above had shown that the Prime Minister have not taken any real step to allay the people suspicions over what has been reported by WSJ. The people preparing the press release above should have done a betterJOB. But they have the IQ of a wombat. 
In fact, in his press conference made right before a break fasting even yesterday, the befuddled PM even made absurd steps in trying to project himself as innocent. First, relying on Haron Din’s word as the truth that WSJ could be wrong. The PM is so desperate that even Haron Din has become the authority in what is the truth and what is not.
And secondly, cryptically saying that if he was a thief, he wouldn’t steal the money and parked it locally. This freudian slip is normal when people are backed against the wall with nothing to show but trying to give a clever wordplay.
And still the press conference did not bring any confidence to the people. In fact his dithering and floundering action to sue or not to sue WSJCOMPOUNDED the matter even more.
Only time will tell on his fate. He could have resigned gracefully and respectfully last May. But now he is following closely the playbook of Ferdinand Marcos, the Filipino president renowned for kleptocracy.  If that happens, it would be really sad.
source : jebat must die

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