Monday 26 April 2010

HULU SELANGOR ANALYSIS / YB Kamalanathan, don't forget Ijok ... / Nik Aziz & Azmin Menambah Derita PKR


Zaid Ibraim is a rich man so spending 10 millions or so of his own personal fortune on a by election is not going to really hurt his children's inheritance but he probably left Hulu Selangor with a badly bruised ego and an even more irreparably damaged reputation. In fact, if he is not careful, this could be the end of his political career.

The open airing of his drinking habits and love for horse racing and everything attached to the sport has made him an undesirable candidate for Malays, he is definitely not top leadership material for many Malays who are conservative when it comes to morals and morality.

Zaid made it worse when, upon losing, began praising former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for his openness...

My Question is simple, if Tun is such a great man why on earth did Zaid Ibrahim quit his cabinet in a huff...

Let us not forget that Tun Abdullah was much maligned by Pakatan towards the end of his tenure....

The fact is, Zaid is a childlike politician who thinks that tantrum will get him somewhere.

He threw many tantrums within Umno, from his unwillingness to hand back an Umno division building in Kelantan to his well documented resignation from cabinet.

In PKR some say the self-declared sabbatical was such an incident with PKR...

Tantrums are the traits of someone who is spoilt, who is used to getting his way all the time, regardless of the demand...

Zaid Ibrahim has to accept that in a multicultural Malaysia a politician has to be acceptable to all three races...

The Chinese will not hate him for not drinking or gambling,

The Chinese could not care less if he is a teetotaler and takes a dim view of horse racing

but the Malays will always be suspicious of a drinker and gambler... these are two things are considered major sins and this is taught to them from early on...

OK now that we have dealt with the petty issue of personality, let us look at the issues that simmered on the back burner in Hulu Selangor...

The YBK issue ran deep and ran very hot in the hearts of many Serendah folk. They resent that the State Government denied them the oportunity to enjoy economic growth. The number of abandoned projects in Hulu Selangor is a clear reminder that Tan Sri Muhammad Muhamamd Taib had a visionary long term plan for his hometown.

However the combination of economic downturn and his own departure from office meant that many of his dreams floundered and failed to take off...

These housing projects shows that Hulu Selangor is not left behind for lack of trying... Mat Taib and his BN Government did try but things did not work out...

If you want to see lack of trying you must look to a place where there is nearly no abandoned projects not because they are all successful but because there are no projects to fail...

You must look to Nik Aziz's Kelantan... there are no abandoned projects on a large scale there because there are no large scale development plans because the state Government does not have any long term physical development plan for the state...

So the people of Hulu Selangor is right to be frustrated with the number of abandoned projects in Hulu Selangor but they must also realise that such failures indicate strong will to try and develop the constituency...

I think in the end, when Tun Mahathir came to visit the constituency and told them plainly that BN is aparty of pragmatists who promise simple things like tarred roads, piped water, electricity and better and more comfortable homes and higher living standards.

We have to face one simple fact: Malaysia is still a developing nation and by this we mean that the potential of its human capital is only fractionally realised, the physical development of the country leaves a lot to be desired and the standard of living is still not very far from subsistence... the only difference is that our kais pagi is in the office and our makan pagi at the stalls....think about it

As a developing nation, we need a strong, stable government with unusually firm political will.

We need a Government who is willing to carry out unpopular plans and projects for the benefit of the people even if the people are against it.

For example let us take a look at the DUKE Highway or Damansara-Ulu Kelang Expressway.

I think many city dwellers hail this as one of the best infrastructure idea to be implemented in Kuala Lumpur because it saves so much time and costs only RM3 to find more than an hour of lost time...

This project came under such heavy fire from residents who were affected by it and also by the Opposition politicians who saw opportunity for cheap publicity...

They latched on to the complaints of the people of Kampung Chubadak and made it look like it could cause the collapse of civilisation as we know it if the people are evicted to make room for the Highway... well I bet they are happily using the highway now....

The BN Government in typical fashion, did what it had to do by relocating the people and offering them reasonable compensation for the greater good of the people,

Sure people hated them but we now have a highway that saves thousands, if not millions of man hours every year, millions of man hours which are now spent productively, contributing to the Gross Domestic Product...

This is the business of Government because Government is about long term planning despite the people's myopia of wanting everything now... responsible Governments throughout the world understands this job and take on the responsibility of being an unpopular but responsible Government in their stride

They don't blame the people for not understanding, they just do what needs to be done and persuade the people to share their vision and if the people cannot see the vision now, perhaps they would see it later

The problem with Pakatan is that they play the three-for-one game. some call it the blame game but I call it three-for-one because when you point three fingers at others three comes back at you....

The perpetual blame game that PKR plays is successful in working up the sentiments of the people but if they take time to sit back and reflect, they will realise that Pakatan has not offered a single shred of a plan for future development, no roadmap for advancement has ever been presented to the people by these Opposition politicians...

One can feed on anger and dissatisfaction but that will only lead to more anger and dissatisfaction.

Responsible Governments live on dreams and aspirations of the people because dreams and aspirations are both light on the soul and cheer to the hearts of the people

If Pakatan really want to offer a superior Malaysia to the people, they have to stop playing the blame game but I suspect this is a lot harder to do than they expect because for the last 50 years that is the only game they have ever played...and Anwar can do nothing but encourage them further down this corrupted path because all he has is anger and vengeance in his heart and that blackness will forever stop him from seeing the right path...

This is why I believe that even though thousands flock to listen to Anwar, more and more are growing tired of his broken record and they are now looking for his raison d'etre.

Because Pakatan has invested heavily on Anwar and Nik Aziz, this odd couple will also become the ruin of them, especially when you turn it into a hideous love triangle with greasy haired Lim Kit Siang as the other protagonist...

source : marahku

YB Kamalanathan, don't forget Ijok ...

Barisan Nasional takes back Hulu Selangor. P. Kamalanathan's star is burning bright tonight. The new kid on the block has just slaughtered a big-wig of Pakatan Rakyat at the Hulu Selangor by-election. The "future" of MIC-Barisan has beaten the "future" of PKR-Pakatan.

Congrats, Kamal!

But do remember Ijok, YB. Almost exactly 3 years ago (28 April, 2007 to be exact), another political kiddo MIC's K. Parthiban defeated big name Khalid Ibrahim of PKR at the Ijok by-election in Selangor. Much like your win against Zaid Ibrahim tonight. Less than a year later at the 12th General Election of March 2008, what happened? The whole state fell to Pakatan, Cikgu Parthiban went into oblivion, and Khalid became the chief minister of Selangor.

Moral of the story, YB? Don't get drunk on the glory of victory. The people have put you there to serve them, so be a workhorse and do a good job, or the next stop may be political oblivion for you.

We'll be watching closely now.
source : rockybru

Nik Aziz & Azmin Menambah Derita PKR

Filed Under ( ) by

Hulu Selangor menyaksikan kembalinya sokongan rakyat kepada BN.Sebelum pengumuman nama calon PKR, sudah terserlah betapa parti ini berbalah antara satu sama lain .

AMK bergaduh sesama sendiri apabila berpecah kepada 2 puak iaitu pro Syamsul Iskandar dan CheguBard.Malah ada kalangan mereka bertumbuk satu sama lain kerana melobi untuk meletakkan calon masing masing.

Kemudian nama Dr Halili turut sama dibangkitkan sebagai salah seorang calon,tetapi malangnya Anwar Ibrahim lebih mendengar pendapat Azmin Ali yang mencadangkan Zaid Ibrahim.Walhal pada masa yang sama Azmin punyai perancangan untuk menjatuhkan Zaid kerana berasa terancam jika Zaid memenangi kerusi parlimen bakal merencat cita cita beliau untuk menjadi naib presiden dalam pemilihan parti pada masa depan.

Zaid dilihat punyai terlalu banyak isu yang boleh dieksploitasi oleh Azmin,peluang ini diambil sebaik mungkin apabila beliau sendiri mencabar BN agar mendedahkan bukti jika benar benar Zaid seorang peminum arak tegar.

Walaupun Zahid mengakui beliau sebelum ini adalah bekas pengemar arak tegar,namun beliau dilihat gagal menyakinkan rakyat mengenai isu memiliki kuda lumba yang secara langsung terbabit dan syubahat didalam perjudian.

Masaalah moral Zaid menjadi salah satu liabiliti yang amat besar dalam tempoh berkempen di Hulu Selangor. Setelah di dedah betapa beliau punyai masaalah moral,pihak pakatan berharap dengan tibanya Nik Aziz wali selipar PAS,kononnya akan dapat memperolehi semangat tambahan agar dapat menyakinkan rakyat jika seorang mursyidul politik mengendorsekan Zaid yang layak menjadi wakil rakyat di sana.

Seperti biasa wali selipar pemegang kunci syurga PAS berasakan beliau punyai kelebihan dengan mengunakan agama sebagai tiket untuk menaikkan imej Zaid,hinggakan didalam kempen kali ini nama Zaid di tambah Haji menjadi Hj Zaid Ibrahim,walhal sebelum ini pemimpin liberal yang menyokong Lina Joy murtad ini terlalu kebaratan tiba tiba membawa imej yang moderate dan agak Islamik.

Kesilapan besar pakatan ialah menjemput tua nyanyok ini untuk berkempen,kita sedia maklum Nik Aziz wali selipar punyai mulut yang celupar,bercakap tidak mengunakan akal,lebih kepada mengunakan sifar amarah hinggakan sanggup mempertikaikan titah Sultan Selangor agar tidak mengunakan masjid sebagai platform politik.

Tindakan beliau cukup jelas membangkit kemarahan rakyat Selangor hingga beliau melanggar arahan yang ditetapkan oleh JAIS.

Hari ini Nik Aziz mengeluarkan kenyataan meremehkan minda rakyat apabila menyamakan azan dan surah al-fatihah sebagai tuhan turut sama berpolitik sebagaimana Nik Aziz dan PAS menjadikan masjid sebagai pentas politik mereka.Kenyataan beliau amat jelas satu cubaan untuk melepaskan diri dengan mengunakan hujah dangkal setelah memperlekehkan titah Sultan.

2 individu ini telah menggagalkan usaha kempen pakatan haprak,walhal pada masa yang sama puluhan juta telah ditabur kepada bakal pengundi,tetap masih gagal menterjermahkan kemenangan kepada PKR.

Zaid habis duit poket 10 juta di tambah 21 juta pemberian suruhanjaya Singapura,jumlah 41juta di tabur,tetapi tetap kalah, cuba perhatikan dalam jumlah yang banyak itu,kemanakah wang itu pergi,sedangkan ketika berkempen Pisau bersama seorang penyelaras pemasang poster merungut wang tidak cukup untuk membayar upah.

Nampak gaya selepas prk Hulu Selangor ada orang PKR yang kaya raya hasil duit haram.

2 minggu Pisau telah berkampung di Hulu Selangor,akan pulang ke Pulau Pinang tidak lama lagi dan akan pastikan Khalifah Sosialis Ultrakiasu Guan Eng kesayangan PAS tidak tidor lena.

Penamaan Calon 17hb, tarikh mengundi 25hb,menang dengan majoriti 1725. LUCKY NUMBER!

Pisau kata
" hulu selangor menyaksikan puluhan ribu penyokong pakatan haprak menjilat kembali ludah mereka,SEDAP?"

source : pisaunet

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