Sunday 27 July 2008

Ezam Trying to Deliver Perak to BN/Ezam Hendak Memberi Perak Kepada BN

by Tulang Besi

Pakatan Rakyat must beware of the situation in Perak.

My source within Ezam’s team is telling me that Ezam Mat Now is wooing the Malay ADUN from PKR in Perak. From the current tally of seats, Pakatan Rakyat :31 and Barisan Nasional:28. In other words, Barisan Nasional only require 2 ADUN to cross over from Pakatan Rakyat to topple the government and install a Barisan Nasional government.

My source in Ezam team says that in order to show his worth, Ezam is now actively seeing and wooing the Malay PKR ADUN in Perak State Assembly. There are 3 Malay Perak PKR ADUN: Kuala Kurau, Changkat Jering and Behrang. All Ezam need to do is to deliver 2 out of the 3 ADUN and Ezam Mat Nor will be rewarded handsomely.

BN’s first attempt was through UMNO just about 2 days after the GE. They met Ahmad Awang, the Perak PAS commissioner and offered MB plus 6 excos. But, Ahmad Awang being a man with integrity, rejected the UMNO proposal. I think Ustaz Ahmad Awang’s argument was simply “UMNO is wicked and DAP are non-Muslims. Islam despises wickedness. Therefore, I cannot cooperate with UMNO”

The next attempt was trying to buy a DAP ADUN. They made an offer to a DAP ADUN, and the DAP ADUN then filed a police report. So, that stopped them from pushing in that avenue.

Now, it’s PKR’s turn and seeing that Ezam Mat Nor had joined UMNO, they decided to use Ezam as their #1 tool. Many of PKR’s Malay members and supporters have been with the party ever since Ezam was Ketua Pemuda. They, therefore, have some sort of relationship with Ezam Mat Nor.

UMNO feels that they need to leverage on Ezam Mat Nor and use Ezam to woo PKR Malay ADUN. However, I am not sure if any contact have been made by Ezam or not with the Malay PKR ADUN. But their plan to woo them is already made and will be materialized before August 31st

So, my intention of writing this article is to warn PKR about such attempt. PAS had organized a Solat Hajat Perdana asking help from Allah AlMighty to foil such attempt by UMNO. God’s willing, UMNO’s attempt will be foiled.

Please also remember that Dr Zambery Kadir (the Wakil Pos, not Wakil Rakyat for Pangkor)has been Ezam’s accomplice and friend even while Ezam was at his height of popularity. Therefore, Ezam was promised a king’s ransom by the Wakil Pos Dr Zambery himself should this plan be materialized. This is because, should the government falls, the Wakil Pos Dr Zambery will be the BN’s Menteri Besar instead of Tajol Rosli.

Right now, UMNO Perak is trying to solidify their hold on the Malay electorate. They are actively spreading stories about how Malay power has been diluted and that PAS had signed a second Pangkor Agreement (yet UMNO lost Pulau Batu Putih) and Malay interest in Perak has now been severly compromised. They’re also telling the Malays that Islam in Perak is also being subjugated to the whims of “Kuffar”.

Their entire intention is to make opposition Malay ADUN to be pressured by their electorate into taking drastic steps to rescue the Malays, i.e. joining Barisan Nasional.

The tactic is smart: Step 1, create the right atmosphere, Step 2: Create a big issue albeit a lie, i.e. Pangkor Agreement 2 Step 3: Get Malay ADUN to jump to BN.

That’s why Tajol Rosli had announced the change of guards to happen on the 31 August 2008. They are very confident.

Pakatan Rakyat needs to neutralize the lies they have been spreading to Malays. The best way to do that now is to expose UMNO’s past excesses and corruption and show that UMNO has never help the Perak Malays. They were busy for 50 years helping themselves to the State’s riches.

Pakatan Rakyat, please beware of UMNO/Ezam Mat Nor latest move.

(Versi Bahasa Malaysia)

Saya mendapat maklumat dari kawan saya dalam kem Ezam Mat Nor bahawa mereka akan cuba untuk menarik ADUN PKR yang berbangsa Melayu untuk masuk ke Barisan Nasional, seterusnya, menguling Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Perak.

Barang diningat bahawa pecahan kerusi di Perak adalah PR: 31 dan BN: 28. Ini bererti Barisan Nasional hanya memerlukan 2 ADUN Pakatan Rakyat untuk melompat ke Barisan Nasional dan ianya mencukupi untuk menumbang kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Perak.

Percubaan pertama mereka adalah untuk menarik PAS. Ianya berlaku 2 hari selepas keputusan pilihanraya diumumkan. UMNO/BN telah menawarkan kerusi Menteri Besar serta 5 exco kepada Ustaz Ahmad Awang, yakni Pesuruhjaya PAS Negeri Perak.

Tetapi tawaran UMNO/BN telah ditolak mentah-mentah oleh Ustaz Ahmad Awang. Ustaz Ahmad Awang berkata “Antara DAP yang bukan Islam dan UMNO yang zalim, lebih aula bekerjasama dengan DAP yang bukan Islam berbanding UMNO yang zalim”.

Percubaan kedua adalah untuk menarik ADUN DAP. Malangnya di dalam percubaan pertama mereka, ADUN DAP tersebut telah membuat laporan polis dan ianya telah memberhentikan segala usaha mereka.

Untuk percubaan ketiga mreka, kebetulan pula Ezam Mat Nor masuk UMNO dan Ezam Mat Nor adalah sahabat karib Dr Zambery Kadeer, wakil Pos DUN Pangkor. UMNO membuat keputusan untuk tidak bertindak tergesa-gesa seperti yang mereka buat dengan wakil DAP tempohari.
Mereka bercadang untuk menyediakan suasana yang sesuai dahulu sebelum mereka menarik ADUN2 Melayu dari PKR. Suasana yang dimaksudkan itu adalah suasana ketakutan hilangnya kuasa dan pengaruh Melayu dalam kerajaan Perak.

Samada kita sedar atau tidak, mereka telah mulakan perang saraf ini. Kemuncak dari Perang Saraf ini adalah berjayanya mereka membeli abang Menteri Besar Perak untuk menimbulkan cerita fitnah Perjanjian Pangkor 2.

Diharapkan apabila tahap ketakutan di kalangan pengundi Melayu di Perak berada di tahap yang tinggi, maka pengundi2 melayu di kawasan ADUN MElayu PKR akan memaksa ADUN mereka menyertai Barisan Nasional.

Ditambah pula dengan pujuk rayu yang dijalankan secara senyap oleh Ezam Mat Nor yang mengenali ramai ahli2 PKR di Perak, ianya menjadikan tugas menarik ADUN ini lebih mudah.

Si saat sekarang pengundi Melayu di Perak rata2 sedang resah dan racun mereka sedang berjalan secara aktif. Ezam Mat Nor pun sudah mula memasukkan jarum-jarum mereka.

Saya tidak pasti samada barua2 Ezam sudah mula bercakap dengan ADUN Melayu PKR atau belum tetapi mereka adalah target Ezam dan UMNO. Sumber saya dalam kem Ezam memberitahu, kesilapan Ezam adalah beliau masuk UMNO dahulu. Sepatutnya Ezam memujuk mereka dahulu dan masuk UMNO bersama mereka. Ingat PKR ada 3 ADUN Melayu dan BN hanya perlu dua. BArulah ada kesan besar terhadap imej Ezam.

Tetapi kita tidak tahu berapa lama lagi suasana ini akan berterusan dan berapa lama lagi mereka ini dapat bertahan. DI harap pimpinan2 PKR Pusat dapat mengambil tindakan yang proaktif bagi mengelakkan kejatuhan kerajaan PR di Perak.

Tetapi puak2 ni cukup konfiden. Bila ditanya, boleh berjaya tak, dengan takda segan silu dan perasaan cuak mereka berkata "Mike jangan takutla, benda ni dah garantee".

Dr Zambery Kadeer, wakil POS DUN Pangkor telah menjanjikan Ezam ganjaran yang lumayan sekiranya Ezam berjaya dalam tindakan kotor beliau. Ezam pun tengah resah kerana sambutan terhadap beliau, baik dari orang umum mahupun ahli UMNO semakin dingin, yakni sedingin salju. Jadi, Ezam amat memerlukan benda ini untuk menaikkan saham beliau dalam UMNO yang semakin merudum.

Dr Zambery pula yakin beliau akan menjadi MB Perak kerana beliau adalah kroni rapat dengan budak2 tingkat 4 dan yakin beliau akan menggantikan Tajol Rosli kelak.

kzso - more of hearsay from this "tulang besi" guy whether this is true or otherwise, he should give substantial evidences on how much was offered to ezam, when it was offered, any 4 witnesses? etc. knowing perakians, they will look, sit down, talk with at the warung with a glass of teh tarik and see how things go. perakians are not that stupid you know. if umno has done wrong they won't support umno (proven in last ge), likewise if dap (pr partner) is mocking islam, the sultan , and malays; pas is seen to kowtowing to dap and pkr has not done anything to protect islam, the sultan and malays, they'll vote back umno/bn. you don't need ezam to get the votes or for pkr or pas to join umno; they want to see how and whether their (pas) mb working for the malays, islam and sultan of perak. anyway the turth will prevail

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