Boon Hwa and Wye Wing life in danger now!?

UNSPIN: Boon Hwa and Wye Wing life in danger now!

The Police must arrest Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing for their own safety. Boon Hwa and Wye Wing now major suspect in the death of Teoh Beng Hock - they are murder suspect.

After murdering Teoh Beng Hock on 16th July 2009, Lee Wye Wing who is a technical advisor of WSK Services, a crony company of Ronni Liu which is involved in corruption of Selangor ADUN money, ran away to China also on 16th July. So the Police cannot contact him until he came back from China.

Police have found DNA from two men on Teoh Beng Hock's belt and jacket. Maybe this is the DNA of the forensic and ambulance worker when they carry Teoh's body from the roof to the ambulance. But Forensic and ambulance worker always wear gloves - so maybe the DNA is not from them.

Now the Court evidences that other than Tan Boon Hwa the other person there was Lee Wye Wing. Both Lee Wye Wing and Tan Boon Hwa have refused to give their DNA sample to Police. Why they are not cooperating with POlice when the Pakatan want the Police to speed up the Inquest?

Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing are now murder suspect No. 1. This also means that Ronni Liu and his Chinese underworld kongsi gelap will want to see Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing dead. Because if Tan and Lee are found guilty of murder, it will mean the end of DAP.

The stake is very high because Lim Kit Siang must resign, Theresa Kok must resign, Lim Guan Eng must resign, Ronni Liu go to jail, DAP must deregistered from Registrar of Society. DAP cannot allow for this to happen - so they will send Chinese underworld to kill Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing.

Police must arrest both Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing for their safety so that Rooni Liu does not kill them.

Thursday 30 July 2009



Utusan Malaysia memberitakan, pada 29hb Julai 2009 kelmarin, bahawa Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo mendakwa terdapat lebih 4,000 buah pusat judi, hiburan dan Spa di Selangor, terutama di lambah Klang beroperasi sejak Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat yang diterajui PKR memerintah negeri tersebut. Datuk Khir yakin, oleh kerana tiada lagi lesen-lesen diluluskan, berkemungkinan besar pusat ini beroperasi secara haram dan dengan menggunakan bantuan samseng dan kongsi gelap. Saya tak hairan sangat jikalau DAP yang mentadbir negeri tersebut. tetapi PKR yang berketuakan DSAI dan Khalid Ibrahim yang menjadi ketua besarnya.
Disamping pemimpin PAS negeri itu juga memiliki taring yang tajam berbanding dengan taring PAS di Pulau Pinang. Saya terpanggil untuk bertanya kepada pemimpin utama PAS, mana dia yang dikata sejak dulu memperjuangkan syiar dan syariat islam? Mana maruah kepimpinan PAS dan Parti PAS yang berobjektifkan islam dalam perjuangan mereka? Bagaimana nak menegakkan hukum hudud jika perkara-perkara haram berleluasa semasa dibawah kepimpinan PAS dan rakan pakatannya? Sepatutnya pemimpin PAS hendaklah nyaringkan suaranya bila menyentuh soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan hukum hakam agama seperti ini. Apakah alasan PAS kerana negara ini terdiri dari berbilang kaum dan agama? hehehehehe. Itu namanya meludah kelangit.

Nampak gayanya malulah penulis blog ahli/penyokong PAS yang saban waktu mempertahankan parti tersebut. Sarjanawan dan Profesor Melayu yang kebelakangan ini menunjukkan simpati kepada perjuangan PAS, nampaknya kenalah memikirkan semula pendirian masing-masing.

Bahawa yang tertulis dalam perlembagaan parti PAS itu tidak semestinya yang terbentang dalam bentuk tindakan pemimpinnya. Pemimpin PAS tidak hendak kepada demokrasi, tetapi "demo nak Krusi". Kalau kita masih yakin PAS mengutamakan perjuangan islamnya, tentu sekali laungan perpaduan yang selalu berkumandang itu akan mereka sambut dengan hati yang ikhlas. Tetapi Nik Aziz berdolak dalih dan tambah mengharukan beliau "menjahanamkan UMNO" seentengnya. Pak Hadi sendiri, setelah menyarankan perpaduan antara PAS dengan UMNO, tiba-tiba menarik balik kenyataan tersebut dengan menuduh UMNO berusaha untuk memecahkan hubungan baiknya dengan PKR dan DAP. Saya dah agak, bahawa tentu sekali Pemimpin PAS menyedari perbuatan liwat DSAI itu benar dan benar belaka, namun kenapa mereka masih berbaik dan menyokong kepimpinan DSAI? Apakah mereka bersedia berbahagi dosa dengan perbuatan DSAI itu? Sekarang ini dosa dan pahala bukan lagi ukuran pendirian PAS. Yang menjadi ukuran utama ialah ikut serta, kalau-kalau ada, peluang untuk memerintah negara. Hanyut dan mimpi disiang hari dengan janji dan jampi jampah DSAI. Mereka khayal dengan mimpi indah kerajaan bayangan ciptaan DSAI dan Lim Kit Siang.

Anak-anak remaja sekalian, anda sebenarnya tahu bahawa pakaian yang kita pakai, meskipun mungkin ia melambangkan keperibadian seseorang itu, tetapi dalam hal politik, ianya boleh juga digunakan untuk mengabui mata rakyat teramai. Bila kita menggunakan jubah, seperti yang dipakai oleh Pak Hadi Awang dan Nik Aziz, kita mengharapkan orang akan memandangkan kita warak. Saya percaya kewarakkannya jikalau ia dipakai oleh Tok Kenali atau Imam-imam masjid. Tetapi jikalau ia di pakai oleh Nik Aziz atau Pak Hadi, itu sebenarnya adalah pakaian politik orang PAS yang tidak mengambarkan kealimannya dan kewarakkannya. Mereka sebenarnya tidak berbeza dengan Barrak Obama atau Netanyahu di Israel atau Pope Besar Kristian di Rom. Pakaian yang mereka pakai tidak berbeda dengan Kot yang Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pakai. Bahkan dalam setengah keadaan, orang yang memakai Kot itu lebih warak dari mereka yang memakai Jubah. Pahala yang diterima dengan memakai jubah, habis tertimbus dengan dosa kerana berdiam diri dalam hal perkara haram di Selangor yang pada masa ini sangat berleluasa.

Pusat-Pusat Judi, Pusat Hiburan dan Spa yang tumbuh bagai cendawan selepas hujan di Selangor itu hendaklah dijelaskan dengan terang oleh PAS/PIS/PUS. Jika tidak jangan lah mengharapkan mimpi untuk menjadi pemerintah Kerajaan Persekutuan menjelang pru ke 13 kelak, akan menjadi kenyataan. Siapapun tidak akan mengundi anda, kerana anda bunyinya islam, sebenarnya lebih jahat dari Israel dan Abu Jahal Laknatullah itu. Pada setiap masa kerajaan Persekutuan berusaha keras membendung gejala samseng, kongsi gelap, perjudian haram, pelacuran dan gejala sosial lain dalam negara ini. Malang sekali Pakatan Rakyat, dimana PAS didalamnya, seolah memberikan galakkan kepada gejala-gejala tersebut. Saya dah agak lama dah, bahawa PAS tidak mampu menghalang kekemarukkan DAP dan PKR untuk menggali sebanyak mungkin harta karun dalam negara ini. Jika mereka memerintah, Malaysia akan menjadi muflis kerana semua harta dan hasil mahsulnya masuk kekocek pemimpin Pakatan rakyat.

Oleh itu berhati-hati membuat pilihan!!!!!!!!!

Suspect Lee Wye Wing's WSK Services recepient of ADUN allocation

Suspect Lee Wye Wing's WSK Services recepient of ADUN allocation

Suspected murderur, Lee Wye Wing is crony for Ronnie Liu. His company WSK Services is recepients under State Assemblyman allocation. See in documents (no. 3 & 4 for October 2008 and no. 3 for December 2008) below:

Also see earlier posting here.




A. Ahli Syurga Dari Awal.
B. Ahli Neraka Dari Awal.
C. Ahli Neraka Sementara Kemudian Akan Dilantik Jadi Ahli Syurga.

EMPAT GANJARAN LUMAYAN (khas untuk jawatan A):
1. Nikmat kubur.
2. Perlindungan di Padang Mahsyar.
3. Keselamatan Meniti Titian Sirat.
4. Syurga yang kekal abadi.

Bila-bila masa secara adhoc bermula dari saat membaca iklan ini.

Di dalam kubur (alam barzakh).

Anda tidak perlu bawa siji-sijil,termasuk sijil saham termasuk saham Internet.
Anda tidak perlu bawa pingat , Mercedes mata belalang atau kad kredit.
Anda tidak perlu bawa wang atau harta serta emas yang anda kumpul.
Anda tidak perlu berparas rupa yg cantik, hensem atau berbadan tegap atau seksi.
Sila bawa dokumen asal iaitu : Iman dan Amal serta sedekah jariah sebagai sokongan.

Mungkar dan Nakir.

1. Siapa Tuhan anda?
2. Apa Agama anda?
3. Siapa Nabi anda?
4. Apa Kitab anda?
5. Di mana Kiblat anda?
6. Siapa Saudara anda?

Anda cuma perlu menunggu penjemput yang berkaliber untuk menjemput anda. Ia akan menjemput anda pada bila-bila masa saja (mungkin sekejap lagi). Ia akan berlembut kepada orang-orang tertentu dan akan bengis kepada orang-orang tertentu.

Ia diberi nama Izrail.

Hadis Hasan yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad Hanbal, yang bermaksud begini:

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W:
'Sesungguhnya apabila jenazah seseorang itu diletakkan di dalam kuburnya, sesungguhnya jenazah itu mendengar suara (terompah kasut) orang-orang yang menghantarnya ke kubur pada saat mereka meninggalkan tempat itu. Jika mayat itu seorang muslim, maka solat yang dilakukannya ketika beliau masih hidup di dunia akan diletakkan di kepalanya, puasanya diletakkan disebelah kanannya, zakatnya diletakkan di sebelah kirinya dan amalan kebajikan daripada sedekahjariah, silaturrahim, perkara kebajikan dan ihsan diletakkan dihujung dua kakinya.' Ia akan didatangi malaikat dari aras kepala, maka solat itu berkata kepada malaikat : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk. Kemudian malaikat berpindah ke sebelah kanan, maka puasa berkata kepadanya : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk. Kemudian malaikat berpindah kesebelah kiri, maka zakat berkata kepadanya : dari arasku tidak ada jalan masuk.

Kemudian di datangi dari arah kedua hujung kakinya dan berkatalah amal-kebajikan : di bahagianku tidak ada jalan masuk. Maka malaikat berkata kepadanya : Duduklah kamu. Kepadanya (mayat) memperlihatkan matahari yang sudah mula terbenam, lalu malaikat bertanya kepada mayat itu : Apakah pandangan kamu tentang seorang laki-laki (Muhammad) yang kamu dahulu sentiasa bercakap tentangnya; dan bagaimana penyaksian kamu kepadanya? Maka berkata mayat itu : Tinggalkan aku sebentar, aku hendak sembahyang. Maka berkata malaikat : Sesungguhnya engkau akan mengerjakan solat (boleh saja solat) tetapi jawab dahulu apa yang kami tanya ini. Apakah pandangan kamu tentang seorang laki -laki (Muhammad) yang kamu dahulu sentiasa bercakap tentangnya; dan bagaimana penyaksian kamu kepada nya? Maka berkata mayat itu: Laki-laki itu ialah! Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan aku naik saksi bahawa nabi Muhammad saw itu ialah pesuruh Allah yang membawa kebenaran daripada Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Maka malaikat berkata kepada mayat itu : Demikianlah kamu dihidupkan dan begitu juga kamu dimatikan dan dengan demikian juga kamu dibangkitkan semula diakhirat insya'Allah. Kemudian dibuka baginya satu pintu syurga, maka dikata padanya itulah tempat kamu dan itulah janji Allah bagi kamu dan kamu akan berada di dalamnya. Maka bertambahlah gembira mayat itu. Kemudian dilapangkan kuburnya seluas 70 hasta dan disinari cahaya baginya'.

Sila war-warkan tawaran jawatan kosong ini kepada semua sahabat.
Wallahu-a'lam. Semoga berjaya dalam temuduga ini...

Kiriman: 11hb Jun 2009
Foward Email daripada Wak Jaman


Beng Hock's suspected murderers identified

Beng Hock's suspected murderers identified

Today the Inquest in Shah Alam heard from lawyer Tan Hock Chuan that Police have 102 DNA samples from MACC officers, Police officers and others involved from investigating into the Teoh Beng Hock death. Tan told the Court that different people's DNA was found on Teoh Beng Hock's belt and jacket.

On his jacket there was DNA from two people, one of which is Teoh himself and the other is from an unknown male. On Teoh's belt, Police found DNA from three people, only one is from Teoh. This means two other people touched Teoh's belt also.

Police have asked for DNA sample from Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing. Both these people have refused to give their DNA sample.

Kajang councillor Tan Boon Hwa is a contractor and DAP member who is close to Ronnie Liu. Lee Wye Wing is a technician with WSK Services. WSK Services is a crony company of Ronnie Liu which has been given many contracts by Ronnie Liu. The company name WSK Services has already been spoken about in our earlier posting, this company name was found in Teoh Beng Hock's computer disk dan copies of documents. It is one of many companies run by the Chinese underworld which has links to Ronnie Liu.

The MACC and Police officers have given their DNA samples to Forensic but Tan Boon Wah and Lee Wye Wing have refused. Both Tan and Lee have been advised by Gobind Singh Deo and Karpal Singh not to give their DNA sample to the Police.

This means that Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing are the suspected murderers of Teoh Beng Hock. And Karpal Singh and Gobind Singh Deo are helping them cover up the murder. Lim Kit Siang is also helping to cover up the murder and blame it on MACC.

The DNA of strange people found on Teoh's belt and the back of his jacket shows that Teoh was pulled up by his jacket and trousers / belt and pushed out the window.

This means that Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing grabbed Teoh by his jacket and trousers/belt and threw him out the window.

The Police must arrest Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing for the murder of Teoh Beng Hock. Ronnie Liu and the DAP is also involved in the death of Teoh Beng Hock. This is a case of Chinese underworld society killing Chinese.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Ean Yong making own invoices for claim to State govt? Why keep the invoice inside Teoh's computer?? Very strange. ???

Ean Yong making own invoices for claim to State govt

Wong Chun How has said that many of the projects listed are not existing. This means Ean Yong have simply used Wong's name for claiming money without even telling him. There are so many projects that even Wong don't know from where it comes. That is why Wong said some of the projects are false. Wong is correct. Even Wong has been played out.

Then there is the case where Ean Yong Hian Wah just asked Teoh Beng Hock to make the invoices. This is illegal. Working with the contractors who want the job, Ean Yong just asked Teoh to make invoices with agreed amounts. So Teoh make the invoice, Ean Yong approve the project and the money is paid. Sometimes the project is not existent (like Wong has said) or just a portion is finished.

Here are four invoices manufactured by Teoh Beng Hock for Ean Yong Hian Wah:

1. MKMN Enterprise (Projek memasang tiang besi untuk pagar di Taman Serdang) for RM11,940.00
2. Syarikat Aris (Membina lantai konkrit untuk tempat tong sampah Kampung Air Panas, Kerling) for RM9,095.00
3. Fizami Construction (pagar dan longkang Pasar Rasa) for RM12,190.00
4. MA Bina Melor Enterprise (pagar di Taman Serdang Perdana) for RM19,513.00

Note that these invoices don't have signature. This is because they are from Teoh's computer disk. This is illegal. Why does Teoh have unsigned invoices stored in his computer memory? There are names and telephone numbers provided, in this case bumi contractors. For sure handphone sudah mati, cannot be located or address do not exist.

Please note that two contracts are given for 'projek memasang tiang besi untuk pagar di Taman Serdang' - one to MKMN Ent. ($11,940) and another one to MA Bina Melor Ent. ($19,513). Two different projects or just two different invoices but for the same Taman? Just make the invoice to siphon out the money.

Why keep the invoice inside Teoh's computer? Very strange.

Tuesday 28 July 2009

LATEST EXPOSURE FROM T4TBH!!! 9,990 Ronnie Liu's feng shui number

9,990 Ronnie Liu's feng shui number

We continuing with how Ronnie Liu steal the rakyat money from Selangor govt and put it into private acount for DAP benefits.

The election was March 08. From July 08 the Pakatan govt already in charge of the Selangor govt fully. So from July 08 Ronnie Liu start giving many of the contracts to his cronies. The money come back to DAP.

DAP steal money from the rakyat but never share with Pas and PKR. So DAP get all the money but Pas and PKR carry all the risk also, because if this corruption exposed in the public, PKR and Pas will suffer also.

From July 2008 Ronnie Liu give out 83 contracts for more than $200,000 to one crony Wong Chun How in Sungai Pelek only - just one kawasan. Sungei Pelek is BN seat in Selangor but just like UMNO, the Pakatan never give any money to the BN ADUN in Sungei Pelek. They pass the money only for Pakatan cronies through Ronnie Liu. Ronnie Liu is ADUN for Pandamaran but he also is in charge of Sg Pelek (which is BN ADUN).

Ronnie Liu has admitted that Wong Chun How works for him. But Ronnie Liu's explaination that Wong deals with the Pejabat Daerah in Sungai Pelek to ensure the allocations for the rakyat go to the people is lying. Eg in Bil 162, there is payment $1000 for cenderahati for JKKK visitors from Seberang Perai, Penang on 8.11.08. Also in Bil 166 there is $2000 spent on pertandingan karaoke. Ronnie Liu is now saying the Sungei Pelek Pejabat Daerah use rakyat money to buy cenderahati for visitors and for pertandingan karaoke. Can the Pejabat Daerah confirm?

The money does not go for the rakyat. The DAP steal the money. They pretend only to spend the money for silly small projects. Sometimes they just dont care and simply put a figure just to steal the money out. One example figure is $9.990. This is Ronnie Liu feng shui lucky number. Here is a list of projects that cost exactly RM9,990. One of the Ronnie Liu crony company is Oligon Solution Enterprise. The document is also scanned:

These are some of the projects which are used to steal the money. All fake projects given to crony to steal money. Tebang pokok in Bandar Damai Perdana is $9,990. Dialog sama penduduk in Balakong also $9,990. Gotong Royong in Taman Tun Perak also $9,990. How come exactly the same figure for tebang pokok, gotong royong or dialog?

And why so many times give just to the same company Oligon Solution Enterprise or AOL Management Consultancy. These are all crony companis. What happened to Open Tender for all contract? The Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim said Selangor state govt will open tender for all contracts. So how come Oligon Solution Enterprise get so many contracts?

We already explained how Ronnie Liu and DAP have formula with crony company to share all the rakyat money they steal. Please refer the earlier stories. First 10% goes to the DAP ADUN there. Then DAP headoffice also gets a big portion.

DAP is stealing the rakyat's money. Under Pakatan there is not enough money from the BN federal govt to Selangor state govt. Selangor state govt need all the money for development of Selangor. But the DAP is stealing this little money so how to develop Selangor? And they dont share with Pas or PKR who dont know the DAP is stealing the money.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Example of Breakdown in Contracts/Projects for Community Programs

The example of breakdown for all parties concerned mentioned here was found in copies of scribblings below:

The Companies involved in this example is WSK Enterprise/Services and Hong Chae Enterprise.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Selected documents containing list of projects for Sg Pelek constituency

Documents containing 83 projects (item 89 to 172) in Sg Pelek constituency given to one Wong Chuan Chow. The constituency is under the purview of Ronnie Liu.

The DAP's corruption modus operandi in Selangor

Teoh Beng Hock is dead. Let not his death be forgotten and for nothing. The reason why Teoh died is because of the massive scale of corruption by the DAP since they took over the running of the Selangor state government in March 2008.

For the first time we have documents evidence, names, cheque nos, vouchers and projects which the MACC, the Police, the Royal Commission of Inquiry, the Magistrate Court Inquest, the NGOs, the DAP itself and any member of the public can verify themselves.

The DAP (not the PAS or PKR) has been stealing the rakyat's money in Selangor. They have been doing this without the knowledge of the other Pakatan partners like PKR and PAS. They have cheated not only the rakyat but also their own Pakatan partners from enjoying some of the stolen money.

This is actually not corruption. Corruption means you get money illegally from someone else. In the UMNO style, someone gets a project. Then they pay through a runner 10% or 20%, usually in cash inside a bag. Very simple and also quite smart.

But the DAP are quite stupid. They set up their own dummy companies, create fake invoice, fake projects and then take the money out. This is stealing, not corruption. But because they abuse their power it is also involving corruption. In the process they leave behind a very long trail of documents and evidence.

The late Teoh Beng Hock was involved in this scandal also but he was forced by Ean Yong and Ronnie Liu. He did not really like what was happening. To protect himself, Teoh made copies of all the false documents and dummy companies that was set up by the DAP. Teoh left behind a hard disk with someone which contains a stack of information detailing the corruption by the DAP in Selangor.

They followed a simple but silly method. Each Kawasan DUN (like Kajang, Teratai, Balakong) is given RM500,000 funds which the Pakatan ADUN can spend on projects. The DAP has been stealing this money - a little at a time. Few thousand ringgit at a time. But there are more than 300 small projects - Teoh gave us a long list.

The Selangor govt has said that they will tender every single project. This is their lying. In the list provided by Teoh, some people and some companies sapu many of the projects.

Among the biggest players are WONG CHUAN HOW (in the Kawasan DUN Sungai Pelek) under YB Ronnie Liu who was given 84 projects totalling over RM200,000 (Tarian Cina Persatuan Bahasa, Perayaan Persatuan Buddha Huan Chian Chuen, Kejohanan Bola Keranjang). Other names include Perniagaan Seri Makmur, Era Terbilang Enterprise, Era Gemilang Enterprise and many more. Teoh gave a full list. We have scanned some of the documents (from about 100 pages of documents)

How can one person get 84 different contracts?

The amounts are small but the method they use is very big. This is just in one year. Imagine if the DAP take over the federal govt? Here are some examples how DAP do it. The names and the projects are all real.

1. Rombongan Lawatan Penduduk 21/10/2008

WSK Enterprise paid RM1,800 by Selangor state govt using rakyat money as the contractor / coordinator. The money is paid out as follows:

Invoiced by WSK Services: RM1,800
Less 10% for DAP ADUN: 180
Net: RM1,620
Pay for 'Books': RM600 (this RM600 goes to DAP Malaysia)
Net: RM1,020
For Invoices / Stationery: 50
Balance RM 970 paid to Lee Sau Lan Public Bank cheque 254059 - cheque not clear)
2. WSK Services

Invoiced amount: RM3,455.00
Less 10% DAP ADUN: RM345.00
Invoices: RM 50.00
To Lee Sau Lan: RM3,059.00
3. Hong Chae Enterprise

Invoiced amount: RM 10,000.00
Less 5% DAP ADUN: RM500.00
Net: RM9,500.00
Cheque paid (no name given) 5,000.00
Net: RM4,500.00
DAP Serdang Aman: RM3,000.00
To DAP Fund: RM1,500.00
4. WSK Services

Invoiced amount: RM 1,665.00
Less 10% DAP ADUN: RM166.50
Net: RM1,498.50
DAP Serdang Aman: RM379.15
To Hong Chae Enterprise: RM1,119.35
Pay to Teoh Beng Hock: RM112.00
Pay to DAP Fund: RM1,007.35
5. WSK Services

Invoice amount: RM4,200.00
Less 10% DAP: RM420.00
Net: RM3,780.00
DAP Serdang Aman: RM3,754.76
For Tahun 2008 (ADUN Sg Pelek) projects under YB Ronnie Liu list there are 172 projects.

Of this number, Items No. 89 to 172 (83 projects in Sg Pelek) have been awarded to Wong Chuan Chow worth RM216,950 in just one year. The list of projects given to Wong Chuan Chow have been scanned here*.

* The documents will be scanned and posted in next posting.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The truth will be revealed

Teoh Beng Hock, the political aide to Selangor State Assemblymen for Seri Kembangan Ean Yong Hian Wah died on July 16th, 2009 after undergoing an 8 hour interrogation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission that supposedly ended at 3:45 am.

This blog is established in his rememberance. A young man with ideals, belief, and values caught in a web of political deceipt. The blog is also set-up to cleanse his name. May he be remembered for the right reasons.

Till today, his death remains a mystery. Why did he stayed back to sleepover at the MACC after the claimed interrogation ended? He is supposed to register his marriage with his fiance that day.

Many questions remains as police are investigating his death. There is no record of Beng Hock leaving the premise. MACC should be held responsibile for his death. They should be thoroughly investigated.

Teoh was forced into some unscrupulous dealings. He did not like what he was doing. To protect himself, Teoh made copies of false documents, fictitous public work, and dummy companies. He copied information from his notebook and the office computers into a hard disk and left it with someone. Inside are stack of information detailing the corruption by the DAP in Selangor.

Teoh Beng Hock shall not die in vain. The truth will be revealed.



We continuing with how Ronnie Liu steal the rakyat money from Selangor govt and put it into private acount for DAP benefits.

The election was March 08. From July 08 the Pakatan govt already in charge of the Selangor govt fully. So from July 08 Ronnie Liu start giving many of the contracts to his cronies. The money come back to DAP.

DAP steal money from the rakyat but never share with Pas and PKR. So DAP get all the money but Pas and PKR carry all the risk also, because if this corruption exposed in the public, PKR and Pas will suffer also.

From July 2008 Ronnie Liu give out 83 contracts for more than $200,000 to one crony Wong Chun How in Sungai Pelek only - just one kawasan. Sungei Pelek is BN seat in Selangor but just like UMNO, the Pakatan never give any money to the BN ADUN in Sungei Pelek. They pass the money only for Pakatan cronies through Ronnie Liu. Ronnie Liu is ADUN for Pandamaran but he also is in charge of Sg Pelek (which is BN ADUN).

Ronnie Liu has admitted that Wong Chun How works for him. But Ronnie Liu's explaination that Wong deals with the Pejabat Daerah in Sungai Pelek to ensure the allocations for the rakyat go to the people is lying. Eg in Bil 162, there is payment $1000 for cenderahati for JKKK visitors from Seberang Perai, Penang on 8.11.08. Also in Bil 166 there is $2000 spent on pertandingan karaoke. Ronnie Liu is now saying the Sungei Pelek Pejabat Daerah use rakyat money to buy cenderahati for visitors and for pertandingan karaoke. Can the Pejabat Daerah confirm?

The money does not go for the rakyat. The DAP steal the money. They pretend only to spend the money for silly small projects. Sometimes they just dont care and simply put a figure just to steal the money out. One example figure is $9.990. This is Ronnie Liu feng shui lucky number. Here is a list of projects that cost exactly RM9,990. One of the Ronnie Liu crony company is Oligon Solution Enterprise. The document is also scanned:

These are some of the projects which are used to steal the money. All fake projects given to crony to steal money. Tebang pokok in Bandar Damai Perdana is $9,990. Dialog sama penduduk in Balakong also $9,990. Gotong Royong in Taman Tun Perak also $9,990. How come exactly the same figure for tebang pokok, gotong royong or dialog?

And why so many times give just to the same company Oligon Solution Enterprise or AOL Management Consultancy. These are all crony companis. What happened to Open Tender for all contract? The Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim said Selangor state govt will open tender for all contracts. So how come Oligon Solution Enterprise get so many contracts?

We already explained how Ronnie Liu and DAP have formula with crony company to share all the rakyat money they steal. Please refer the earlier stories. First 10% goes to the DAP ADUN there. Then DAP headoffice also gets a big portion.

DAP is stealing the rakyat's money. Under Pakatan there is not enough money from the BN federal govt to Selangor state govt. Selangor state govt need all the money for development of Selangor. But the DAP is stealing this little money so how to develop Selangor? And they dont share with Pas or PKR who dont know the DAP is stealing the money.

Dipetik dari blog T4TBH!


Di bawah ini pulak saya petik dari Blog The Unspinners!

Here is some very interesting news. The night before he died, Teoh Beng Hock and the MACC officers who were questioning him ate nasi kandar from Nasi Kandar Pelita. They ate the nasi kandar food about 12 midnite. Teoh was very happy and looked normal. Then after his questioning was over at 3:45 a.m. the MACC officers offered to send him home, although his car was parked in the basement. This was normal procedure. That is when Teoh refused. He said he wanted to sleep over at the MACC.

Three hours earlier, close to 1 a.m. the MACC had also finished questioning Tan Boon Wah. After questioning him, they told him to go home. Tan Boon Wah refused. At one time he even scolded the MACC officers for not letting him stay over.

Tan Boon Wah has said that the MACC forced him to stand for four hours. He said that they forced to him to look straight at something 200m away and even called him Cina bodoh. How can this be possible to stare at something 200m away when the office they were sitting was only 15 feet long? Outside also was dark at night so how to stare at anything out the window?

If the MACC had bully Tan Boon Wah, forced him to stand and called him Cina Bodoh, then why did Tan Boon Wah scold the MACC officer when the MACC asked him to go home at 1 a.m? Why did Tan Boon Wah wanted to spend the night at the MACC? This is very suspicious.

The Police must arrest Tan Boon Wah as a murder suspect immediately. He spent the night at the MACC so that he could kill Teoh Beng Hock. Or he wanted to pressure Teoh and frighten Teoh that if he talk too much, then Ronni Liu's underworld gangsters will kill him.

The answer to Teoh Beng Hock's death is Tan Boon Wah.

PARPUKARI: Anda nilaikanlah sendiri! Bila kita melihat cara DAP yang begitu mengelabah dan melompat tak tentu pasal dan bila kita lihat dokumen di atas semua, apakah yang bermain di benak fikiran anda? Sila kongsi bersama House PK!

Kenapa Ronnie Liu & Ean Yong Takut Dengan Pendedahan Blog ?

++video setakat ini sahaja++

source :

Monday 27 July 2009

dap selangor cacing kepanasan sekarang...!!!!

Pakatan Rakyat Selangor Yang Melampau!

Dr Novandri Hasan Basri

Penulis ingin merujuk kepada berita yang disiarkan di dalam MalaysiaKini yang bertajuk 'Konspirasi Jatuhkan Kerajaan Pakatan Selangor'.

Di antaranya ialah kenyataan bodoh yang dikeluarkan oleh Ng Suee Lin, Naib Pengerusi Kelab Penyokong Kerajaan Selangor. Di antaranya :-

Kelab Penyokong Kerajaan Selangor, menyifatkan kematian Teoh Beng Hock sebahagian episod konspirasi yang dirancang BN bagi merampas kuasa di negeri itu, seperti yang berlaku di Perak.

Naib pengerusinya, Ng Suee Lin berkata, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang juga pengerusi Umno negeri akan sentiasa berusaha merampas kerajaan negeri itu seperti pernah diusahakannya sejak tahun lepas.

“Ini perancangan yang kita dengar sekarang. Di kedai kopi pun kita dengar, Najib sebagai pengerusi perhubungan Umno Selangor, akan cuba dengan apa cara sekalipun untuk merampas kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat supaya kembali ke pangkuan mereka."

Penulis tersenyum sinis tetapi dalam masa yang merasa meluat dengan tuduhan Ng Suee Lin yang ternyata tidak logik, bodoh dan serkap jarang itu. Beliau seperti pemimpin-pemimpin DAP yang lain akan seboleh-bolehnya cuba memutarbelitkan serta mengalih tumpuan rakyat kepada isu negatif dan buruk di dalam DAP itu sendiri! (klik di sini)

Ng Suee Lin mungkin sudah kehilangan modal untuk menipu rakyat dan kenyataan beliau itu begitu senang dibidas dengan pertanyaan :-

Apakah logik SPRM atau BN (seperti yang dituduh oleh Ng) mahu membunuh Teoh Beng Hock sedangkan mendiang merupakan saksi utama di dalam isu yang berpotensi dapat menjatuh dan memalukan DAP/PKR Selangor?

Siapakah yang sebenarnya mendapat keuntungan dek kematian Teoh Beng Hock?

Tentunya parti DAP yang mendapat untungnya kerana pihak yang bertanggungjawab mempunyai kesulitan untuk mendapatkan segala bukti-bukti yang di simpan oleh mendiang Teoh mengenai keburukan yang di lakukan oleh parti DAP!

Penulis melihat komen Ng Suee Lin sebagai satu alasan yang tidak munasabah, cuba menegakkan benang yang basah serta beliau mengganggap bahawa rakyat Malaysia tidak bijak untuk menilai segala informasi mengenai isu yang berlaku di Selangor.

Ng Suee Lin juga mendakwa berlakunya 'konspirasi' untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan PKR Selangor padahal segala 'konspirasi' yang didakwa oleh Ng itu seperti penangkapan Teresa Kok kerana isu azan, kes mahkamah Ronnie Liu dan kes agihan daging korban Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, mempunyai bukti-bukti serta alasan yang kukuh.

Ng juga mendakwa bahawa penyebaran gambar bogel Elizabeth Wong juga merupakan konspirasi BN/UMNO. Penulis tersenyum sinis apabila membaca dakwaan Ng itu. Elizabeth Wong yang berbogel dan diambil oleh teman lelaki beliau, BN pula yang dituduh bersalah! 'Tahniah' Ng Suee Lin kerana memberikan penjelasan yang tidak masuk akal!

Realitinya, segala 'riuh rendah', pelbagai komentar serta penjelasan yang terpaksa dilakukan oleh kepimpinan DAP di Selangor jelas menunjukkan bahawa pemimpin-pemimpin DAP sedang merasai bahang yang paling teruk di dalam tempoh mereka di dalam kerajaan Selangor.

Malangnya, penjelasan mereka kali ini tidak berbisa, meragukan, tidak telus dan cuba menegakkan benang yang basah dengan cara menyalahkan orang lain.

Mereka juga cuba mengalihkan perhatian orang ramai daripada menilai keburukan parti DAP dengan menggunapakai perkataan 'konspirasi', satu perkataan yang seronok digunakan oleh Anwar Ibrahim.

Seperkara lagi, pemimpin seperti Ng Suee Lin patut disaman kerana membuat tuduhan yang membuta tuli serta tidak berasas. Nampaknya mereka semakin 'naik lemak' dan bertambah melampau. Tetapi modus operandi 'menyaman' ini sangat disukai oleh Anwar Ibrahim.

Bacaan seterusnya :- klik di sini

source :

LATEST - Tan Boon Wah angry when MACC told him to go home!

LATEST - Tan Boon Wah angry when MACC told him to go home!

Here is some very interesting news. The night before he died, Teoh Beng Hock and the MACC officers who were questioning him ate nasi kandar from Nasi Kandar Pelita. They ate the nasi kandar food about 12 midnite. Teoh was very happy and looked normal. Then after his questioning was over at 3:45 a.m. the MACC officers offered to send him home, although his car was parked in the basement. This was normal procedure. That is when Teoh refused. He said he wanted to sleep over at the MACC.

Three hours earlier, close to 1 a.m. the MACC had also finished questioning Tan Boon Wah. After questioning him, they told him to go home. Tan Boon Wah refused. At one time he even scolded the MACC officers for not letting him stay over.

Tan Boon Wah has said that the MACC forced him to stand for four hours. He said that they forced to him to look straight at something 200m away and even called him Cina bodoh. How can this be possible to stare at something 200m away when the office they were sitting was only 15 feet long? Outside also was dark at night so how to stare at anything out the window?

If the MACC had bully Tan Boon Wah, forced him to stand and called him Cina Bodoh, then why did Tan Boon Wah scold the MACC officer when the MACC asked him to go home at 1 a.m? Why did Tan Boon Wah wanted to spend the night at the MACC? This is very suspicious.

The Police must arrest Tan Boon Wah as a murder suspect immediately. He spent the night at the MACC so that he could kill Teoh Beng Hock. Or he wanted to pressure Teoh and frighten Teoh that if he talk too much, then Ronni Liu's underworld gangsters will kill him.

The answer to Teoh Beng Hock's death is Tan Boon Wah.


DozzVader said...

Agreed.Bukti waktu dan lokasi semua menjurus ke arah Tan Boon Wah. Kalau CCTV ada video waktu Tan Boon Wah keluar dari MACC,kita boleh congak dengan time waktu mayat mendiang TBH dijumpai dan berapa lama mendiang mati sebelum dijumpai.So waktu mendiang mati dengan waktu Tan Boon Wah keluar adalah bukti paling penting.chewah, macam ejen FBI tak? haha sebenarnya, senang je nak congak, Just kita kena peka dari maklumat yang kita terima dan fikiran kena bebas dari sikap menghakimi sebelum selidik.

MymassaVoice said...

ayuh kawan-kawan! sertai perjuangan suci mempertahankan ISA sabtu ini! dapatkan info lengkap ISA kita di

jamilkucing said...

Gerak dan gembelingkan semua tenaga orang Melayu untuk bersama sama Datuk Ibrahim Ali. Walaupun dalam banyak perkara aku tak setuju dengannya, tapi dalam perkara ini aku sangat terlebih setuju dengan dia, bukan sekadar 100% tetapi melebihi 911%!!!

Semua orang Melayu, dari mana pun mereka, UMNO, PAS, PKR atau seluruh NGO yang berteraskan Melayu supaya bangun untuk sekian kalinya, buktikan kepada negara bahawa Melayu tidak hilang di dunia dan buktikan kesanggupan kita untuk bersatu demi menjaga maruah dan kedaulatan bangsa yang menjadi paksi kekuatan Islam di Malaysia. Orang Melayulah di Malaysia ini yang meneruskan dakwah Rasulullah berbanding dangan bangsa Cina dan India yang memilih kekufuran!!! Islam itu tinggi dan bangsa yang menganut ugama itu mesti dipertahankan.

Islam menyeru kepada keamanan dan ISA sebagai salah satu alat kerajaan untuk menjamin keamanan. Tidak ada orang yang cintakan keamanan yang akan takut dengan ISA kecuali mereka yang mencari kerusuhan dan kehuru-haraan demi kelangsungan kekufuran mereka!!!

Ayuh!!!!!!!! gerakan semua sumber untuk menjayakan perhimpuan ini agar mengerunkan mereka yang kafir!!!

Anonymous said...

Siasat jgn tak siasat. Polis perlu beri perhatian ni. Mmg mencurigakan. Kumpul bukti habis2an jgn sampai dia terlepas. Kalau dah cekup, pastikan tak terlepas. Untuk itu bukti kena betul2 strong dan tak boleh diragukan.

Anonymous said...

berlakun nak saman macc. hahaha ... criminal always return to the scene of the crime.

source :

Example of Breakdown in Contracts/Projects for Community Programs posted by 4tbh

Example of Breakdown in Contracts/Projects for Community Programs

The example of breakdown for all parties concerned mentioned here was found in copies of scribblings below:

The Companies involved in this example is WSK Enterprise/Services and Hong Chae Enterprise.

“Lu pikirlah sendiri…! “ bila Ronnie Liu Pernah Beri Arahan Ini..!

Ronnie Liu Pernah Beri Arahan Ini..!

sila klik pada imej untuk lebih jelas
Ada sesuatu yang menarik boleh dipetik daripada perenggan ketiga surat arahan ini yang ditandatangani oleh salah seorang Exco kerajaan Selangor, Ronnie Liu yang kini panaaas apabila sebuah blog baru baru ini cuba untuk kaitkan beliau dengan kematian misteri Teoh Beng Hock.
petikan perenggan ke 3 surat tersebut adalah seperti berikut, “…. Semua Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan kecuali MBSA adalah diminta untuk menangguhkan sementara dan tindakan keatas premis pusat siber dan kafe siber berlesen yang melanggar had masa menjalankan perniagaan mereka sahaja sehingga arahan terbaru dikeluarkan oleh Kerajaan Negeri…”

Dengan kuasa yang ada pada Ronnie sebagai Exco yang menjaga portfolio Kerajaan Tempatan, beliau secara rasmi dan secara bertulis [written instruction] telah mengarahkan PBT untuk TIDAK bertindak keatas mana mana pusat kafe siber yang melanggar had masa pernaigaan mereka…..

Lazimnya beginilah bila akan terjadi apabila wakil wakil DAP yang selama ini memanaskan kerusi pembangkang mula menjadi seperti Dayak Mendapat Senapang apabila mengambil alih kerajaan BN Selangor yang tumbang pada Pilihanraya ke 12 yang lalu…..

Biarpun apa sahaja alasan yang boleh dihujahkan oleh Ronnie kerana mengeluarkan arahan sebegini, namun pada asasnya sebagai Exco kerajaan negeri adalah tidak wajar untuk beliau MENGARAHKAN pihak PBT agar tidak bertindak keatas mana mana kafe siber yang melanggar had masa perniagaan, maklmumlah hampir kesemua pusat kafe siber dimiliki oleh kaum sebangsa dengan Ronnie Liu!

Dalam erti kata lain, seorang Boss di PBT mengarahkan anak-anak buahnya untuk berdiam diri keatas peniaga-peniaga yang telah melanggar peraturan dan undang undang…

Boleh ataupun tidak untuk disama tarafkan perbuatan Ronnie Liu ini menyerupai “kesalahan” Anwar Ibrahim sewaktu beliau didapati “salah guna kuasa” setelah mengarahkan Pengarah SB Bukit Aman untuk “gempak” saksi saksi kes salah laku seks Anwar pada tahun 1998 dimana keputusannya menyaksikan Anwar merengkok 6 tahun dalam penjara….

“Lu pikirlah sendiri…! “

DR. LO’ LO nak sebat diri dia sendiri, semua kepemimpinan pas selangor, kedah dan kelantan dan semua yang terlibat dengan urusan arak di malaysia?






“ saya terkejut dengan keberanian hakim mahkamah syariah menjatuhkan hukuman sebat kepada seorang model sambilan yang didapati bersalah meminum arak...Apabila Mahkamah Syariah Kuantan menjatuhkan hukuman sebat ke atas model tersebut, ini membuatkan saya terkejut....“Bukan terkejut kerana hukuman tetapi terkejut kerana keberanian Hakim Mahkamah Syariah tersebut... Syabas kepada beliau,”.


...hukuman sebat dalam Islam mestilah dibezakan dengan hukuman sebab dalam kes jenayah.. Ini kerana, sebab dalam Islam lebih kepada pengajaran bukannya untuk menyeksa atau menyakitkan pesalah.



Adakah hukuman sebat di Mahkamah Syariah dilakukan dengan kaedah yang sama? Inilah kebimbangan yang saya sebutkan kepada wartawan tersebut bimbang hukuman sebat ini dianggap sebagai hukuman Mahkamah Sivil sehingga memberi tanggapan buruk kepada Mahkamah Syariah, lebih-lebih lagi yang dihukum seorang wanita..Ini yang perlu diperjelaskan. Inilah maksud saya bila saya mengatakan hukuman sepatutnya untuk tujuan pengajaran, bukan untuk mendatangkan kecederaan,”.



“...Lo’ Lo’ dalam kenyataannya juga berkata, pihak berkuasa Malaysia iaitu BN dan Umno perlu ‘merotan’ Pengurus MAS (Penerbangan Malaysia) yang telah menyebabkan semua yang berada dalam penerbangan MAS itu terlibat secara langsung dengan arak...“iaitu dari pramugara/i yang hidang arak sehinggalah pilot yang mengemudi kapal terbang tersebut... Begitu juga perlu ‘disebat’ pihak yang terbabit berpuluh-puluh tahun membiarkan orang-orang Islam terlibat secara langsung dengan arak di hotel-hotel, 7- Eleven, pasaraya-pasaraya dan pekerja-pekerja Islam di kilang Carlberg,” .